May 2019 / Fire Elemental Reading

Welcome to May, Fire Signs! 🙂 Be Sure to read your Rising and Moon signs when they are posted. Below I have read on your element collectively as well as individually!

Fire signs are transforming in May. Most likely around this Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th. The energy will catapult you! A type of Debt is being paid off. For some of you that have been going through hard experiences, your reward is coming in. So, don’t push away any type of offering, meeting, suggestion (most of these will seem as though they are nothing or aren’t worth your time, but you’ll be surprised.) It could be the starting point of something much larger than you could ever imagine. You don’t have to instantly get excited, Jump at the chance or make a decision quickly. You just need to remain open and neutral… see where it goes.

Many of you will be challenged through an ending of some kind in order to move on to better circumstances. It’s all pretty much Karmic Debts. Say you’ve been in a relationship or a job (specific career) for a very long time and now you will be released from it in some way. It could be in a unpredictable way as well. Especially, with Lillith transiting Pisces for a year (began on May 3rd 2019). Be prepared to leave your comfort zone and definitely try not to “wing it”.  You’re either going to be the alchemist or the student of you situation. You may Sit back and observe or see how you can change your circumstances. If you remain the student… someone else will come in as the teacher. It’s best to take control and to figure out the best way to navigate through your ordeal to gain the best outcome.


A R I E S:  When the deck was cut the 6 of cups was revealed. Definitely working on past issues, old happy memories coming about as well, past life karma. Currently, the Star as we come into the month of May. Carrying over the Justice from April. Last months general theme is the Knight of Pentacles. This month’s general theme is queen of cups. Some of you could be dealing with an over emotional, manipulative loved one. Could be a water sign. They can be smothering. Vindictive. Passive aggressive. There is this energy of unfairness happening that you’re bringing forth from last month… or the past. Keeping in mind that some of this could derive from childhood, past lives or younger years. This individual could be acting out like a bratty child. Someone deranged. Your advice is to take control, don’t allow someone else to dictate to you, put your foot down, direct the situation in a positive manner with respect, but don’t allow them to disrespect you in return. Set the course. Plan ahead. Delegate when needed. Outcome is the 2 of cups. This person is not going to like what you’re doing. There will be miscommunication, a disagreement, not being able to compromise. Now, I see why they will throw a bit of a tantrum and try to deliver guilt trips. You’re done hanging back, you’re done feeling sick, you’re done thinking through your situation and you’re done healing…. You’re ready to take what you’ve learned with great strength and move forward. Mantra for the month… You  may feel like you’re juggling a lot this month… even if it’s your emotions that are on a bit of a roller coaster. Try not to get overwhelmed. Take breaks so that you won’t get drained or become exhausted. Prioritize what you need to do first, then go from there. Allowing someone else to help where they can will be beneficial. You will be able to manage and handle all that is happening as long as you stay present and relax. Your extra insight for May comes from your own Soul. You have had this discussion before, of this lesson that would come about in your life, how it would all go down and what you would have to do and learn from this process. What does your gut say? You may have trouble controlling your own emotions when it comes to this other person. To get counsel or therapy will be helpful at this time to keep you calm and on your path.


S A G I T T A R I U S: When the deck was cut the Ace of Cups revealed itself telling me that you’re at a new beginning in your life, filled with hope. For some of you this may be delayed. I’m seeing you receiving a huge “A ha” moment. AS though looking back on your life and your various experiences has brought forth a new revelation to your current situation. I’m seeing that you’ve been stressing out or stuck in a bit of a mind trap that seemed NEVER ENDING. The energy I’m seeing is of Clouds being dispersed. Confusion being cleared. Clarity has arrived. Carrying over Strength … you’ve been through some very hard and trying times, have persevered and remained as strong as possible. Holding back a lot of what you wanted to say or actions you wanted to take. And if you did say them or take them they were straight forward and full of courage. Very mature. Trying to take the higher road. King of Wands is this month’s general theme… he is looking at the past like “Fuck that! I’m most important!” You are what I call “angry strong”… You refuse to go backwards. Enough is enough Change needs to take place. Your Mantra… “this isn’t over… you haven’t won.” You have been making sacrifices for far too long. It’s like you’re noticing that you’ve been stuck in a dysfunctional situation or relationship. Or you were stuck in one in the past and you’re now seeing that for all it is… seeing the bigger picture. May have felt or seemed cultish to you. For a lot of you this deals with a family situation. For others this is something else that you had to play a part in for a long time and follow the rules that were laid out for you. I’m seeing that for a lot of you by the end of May (Timing is different for everyone) you will still feel stuck in this. You want to get out SO BADLY… and honestly, you can get out, you may not see how yet, or feel that you can. You will be very tempted to go behind the backs of others or do what you want in the meantime without them knowing… I see you doing tricky tactics, but it’s not like you’re trying to hurt the person, you just can’t openly do what you want at this time.


L E O: When the deck was cut the Wheel of fortune revealed itself telling me that karmic destiny plays a massive role in your situation. I am noticing many changes within your cards. If you were a reader I would just rattle the card titles off to you and you would be like “holy shit.” I have you currently walking away from a situation. This is a situation that has held you in place for a very long time. You have felt as though there was nothing that you could possibly do to change it. You just had to hang there and observe it from every angle. You couldn’t make a move. You either decided to hold yourself there or the situation did. But now, you’re able to move on towards something much more gratifying. You hope that it will be anyway. Seeing this king of Wands here as your hovering energy, you want to take direct action about something in particular. You feel quite confident in your ability to get what you want. You have this burning desire to charge forth, but you hold yourself back because you know that the situation could become chaotic if you allowed yourself to do what you fantasize about. You will take the much slower approach, step by step, laying down the foundations towards your goal. Looking at the oracle card that I pulled of extra insight, it is titled Provoker… and I kind of laughed to myself… because I saw this with the King of Wands… Some of you want to provoke another for whatever reason. Maybe they have what you want. Maybe you feel they don’t deserve it. I feel as though just your presence could be intimidating in this situation. I’m not saying that YOU’RE intimidating on a daily basis (though some of you could be), I’m saying that within this situation, you could be intimidating to the one you have your eye on or the one that you’re thinking about confronting… there we go… that’s the other word I was looking for. You will be thinking about your happily ever after in May… this is your main goal and focus. You want everything you’ve ever asked for when it comes to a loving family. You want everything to go well and for all to get along. You want to make this happen so you’re about to journey and find it. Some of you may have to leave an individual or a current location behind. Others will have to leave behind a certain way that you’ve been living for a long time… especially, if you’ve been single. It will be time to share your life with another. You’re advised to take the time needed in order to repair your thoughts and emotions… some of you have to re[air your health. Taking this much needed time will help to gain the courage to move forward. Your outcome shows you needing to make a decision…. One that you may have ignored and put off… it’s scary for some of you. But it must be done. Overall, is Death…. Yes, that wonderful transformation I was speaking about in the collective above. Your life is about to change in a massive way! And it is for the better. Your Mantra for the month validates as you’re told to “go Fish!” It’s a gamble, sure…. But one worth taking.

Hope you have an Amazing month of May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell