May Energy Through the Elements

Welcome to May, Wicked Ones! The Readings begin with the Earth Element, then Air, Water, and Fire. You can read for your Moon and Ascendant as well as Read all 3 Oracle messages within your element. You may also want to go a bit deeper and find out about your Vedic Sun, Moon, and Rising.

Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo)

As I was shuffling your cards tuning into your energy for May the song “We Will Rock You.” came into my head. So this tells me that a lot of you are going to Excel this month. It’s like you’re building up speed and momentum. You are a powerhouse!! No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, you’ll do so with flying colors. When I cut the deck I spotted the Moon. This tells me that your emotions have been on overdrive through whatever situation you’re dealing with. You’ve been trying to tap into your intuition and listen to your gut as you aim to make a decision. It could have been confusing and you may have noticed your decisions bouncing back and forth, as in you think you’ve made up your mind, and then it changes, or the situation changes. Your cards are Page of Cups/ 7 of Pentacles/Page of Pentacles. Overall: 3 of Wands. The Page of Cups is an emotionally immature type of energy. It’s the card of temper tantrums, Crushes, and Far fetching dreams. But it is also an emotional message either received or sent. You could have said or done something childish, or received a message in the same manner. For some of you, this hasn’t even happened yet. Page of Cups astrologically are Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), they can also be Children/ Tweens. If you have a child or a tween, even if they are not a water sign, they could be acting out saying things they don’t mean. The 7 of Pentacles speaks of a long process. The Page of Cups seems like a small hurdle to overcome as you’re looking towards the Page of Pentacles. The Page of Pentacles is Productive, still in its “Infancy” but comes with more of a mature energy. You’ve been working on a project, idea, or solution. You’ve been taking many things into consideration. You may have even tried various different things in the process to see what could work to get what you want. This Page of Pentacles is the OFFER you’ve been looking for. It’s the message of opportunity. Page of Pentacles Astrologically is within your own element. This is what will help you in moving forward toward that much-deserved success. The overall of 3 of Wands is speaking about the waiting period being almost over. I feel like a lot of you already put forth the effort, you have made a decision or taken some kind of action. Results come this month for many of you! Your cards add to 12/3. 12 relates to the Hanged Man, which is the process of being at a standstill while you’re left to think very carefully when you move forward. 3 is the Empress… this is about complete expansion in your life.

Capricorn: Bee. The Bee derives from the Air Element. You could have an Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra involved in your situation. The Bee flies around looking for the perfect spot to harvest honey. This could be you searching for the perfect opportunity, the perfect home, the perfect partner… whatever it could mean for you. It’s of great importance at this time. You no longer want to live your life in the way you have been. You know that there is more out there for you. For some of you, you’re looking for the perfect TIME to do or say something. There’s never the “perfect” time. When we wait for that, we could end up waiting forever. Life continues without you or not. There is a lot of energy surrounding you at this time. It could be energy itself compelling you forward or even preventing you for a moment so that you don’t get hurt. The energy could be people and situations that seem pretty chaotic. It’s like you’re on pause watching the world happen around you. The message of the Bee speaks about working steadily and thoughtfully until the final task is complete. It’s about being sensitive and aware of what is going on around you. If you need a break make sure to take a mini-vacation. The keywords are Earnest, Hardworking, and Democratic.

Taurus: Elephant. The Elephant derives from the Fire Element. You could have an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius involved in some way. This elephant has a heart of gold and works very hard for those they love. I’m noticing that one of the tusks is broken and yet the elephant carries on with fire resting in its trunk. This tells me that you’ve been through hell and back and you still move forward with purpose. You have intense feelings, passion, and drive. It shows you as coming out of a period of darkness. This could be low energy, depression, state of confusion. I’m hearing a brief period of insanity for some of you. You may have absolutely LOST IT on someone or Completely walked out of a job/relationship. The Message of the Elephant contains immense wisdom and brings with it Good Fortune. The Elephant is the destroyer of obstacles. Any state where you’ve been stuck is about to come undone. The Elephant can also create the obstacles themselves in order to steer you in the right direction. Trust in the process. The Keywords are Unstoppable, Auspicious, and Wise.

Virgo: Horse. The Horse derives from your own Element. I see this horse as though they are standing out in the open, minding their own business and they instantly become alert to someone coming up to them. It doesn’t necessarily cause them to become nervous and defensive, they are more so powerful and proud. They have this air about them. They being YOU. You can take what you dish out. The crescent on their forehead tells me about a timeline you have. You could have in mind a certain time period in which you want to achieve your goal or a certain timeline you have given to another to complete a task. Could be an ultimatum you have given someone. You won’t back down. We just had a crescent moon on May 2nd, I am seeing another timeline around May 15-16th. The Message of the Horse provides you with momentum. There is reliability and supportiveness in this horse that “you can ride on its back toward any goal” no matter how difficult things may seem. The Horse represents the most masterful form of Earth Energy in this oracle. The Horse’s personality is fully awakened, fully alive, and cannot be defeated. Exactly!! The Keywords are Momentum, Freedom, Expansive Energy, and Force.

Air Element (Aquarius, Gemini & Libra)

As I began shuffling tuning into your energy I heard the song,” Is There Something I Should Know” by Duran Duran. When I cut the deck I spotted the 2 of Cups. This tells me this is going to be a Relationship reading. I haven’t heard this song in a very long time, but I decided to wait until I complete the reading to listen to the words. I don’t like anything influencing what I’m getting. Your Cards are 9 of Pentacles/ The Magician/ 6 of Cups. Immediately, I am seeing someone from the past either coming back or they cannot let go of your connection. Unfinished business. The Magician is the Major in this reading providing the most power. Major Arcana are lessons that one must go through whether they like it or not. You cannot change the course of a major. There are two ways to read a Magician and I am getting that there’s a bit of manipulation happening here. I turn over the deck to finally look at the overall… 7 of Swords. There we go! 7 of Swords indicates sneaky behavior going on. I’m seeing you like this 9 of Pentacles. You have worked very hard to get to this point in life where you can feel content (even though some of you are not involved in a loving relationship– this is the only thing normally missing). You’re comfortable in your own environment. You look to others or this specific individual as though you have it all. Some of them want a piece of what you have. Others just want you, plain and simple. They want to be back in your life and most likely with you. There are major regrets about this situation. But because the Magician and the 7 of Swords are there, they are not worthy of you. They will basically say and try ANYTHING they can to get your attention or to win you back. OR to Get what they want from you. I look down at the 9 of pentacles and see you tilt your head as you say “Are they serious?!?”. There is no way in hell they are getting a damn thing!! I don’t blame you! Looking at the magician it’s as though they want you to pay attention to one thing as they do something else. Distraction. Kind of like what is going on in the world right now. Everyone is being distracted from something major taking place. They will appear to Ride in unannounced on their “horse” to claim you or to claim what they are after. You’re smarter than they are! You got their number. You know exactly what they are up to and your mission is not to fall for their bullshit. Your cards add to 15/16/7/6/… You have the Devil energy- Obsessive behavior, manipulation, possible blackmail. 16 is the Tower, so that is something happening unexpectedly, or someone unexpectedly coming into your life out of the left field. 7 is challenges brought on by another that will affect your soul growth. In other words, you will become stronger when you overcome. 6 is the Lovers. Choose wisely.

Aquarius: Raccoon. The Raccoon derives from the Earth element. You could have a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo involved in your situation. “Hiding the eyes”. Your individual could wear sunglasses a lot. Or you could be doing this. You could be speaking with someone that can’t keep eye contact or look directly at you when you’re communicating. There is a situation happening here where secrets are being kept. There’s not enough information, yet you feel as though they have something to hide. You’re told to listen to your intuition. The message of the Raccoon speaks about skillfulness. The shadow points to an unresolved issue. The Raccoon is also the artist in the deck. It speaks about self-image, and how one can use a stage name or wear a “mask”. You could be dealing with an artist in your situation…. For others, you’re dealing with a Con artist. The keywords are Talented, Shadowy, and In Hiding.

Gemini: Crocodile. The Crocodile derives from the Water element. You could have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio involved in your situation. The Crocodile waits patiently in the water. They wait for their next prey to come. “Green with Envy”. This could be a person who is Jealous of you for some reason. For some of you, they are jealous of your money or material things. Looking at the Crocodile’s teeth I get the sense that they want to appear threatening, and honestly, they don’t have your best interest at heart, BUT, they aren’t as strong as they would like you to think. It’s their low self-esteem and diminished ego that causes them to be this way. Not your problem! I also feel as though you’re waiting and analyzing someone or a situation. You seem to have a lot going on. There are a few people showing up in this energy and your energy itself is a bit tense…. On edge. The Message of the Crocodile warns that it’s not the time to make decisions, take action, or to discuss a certain issue with someone. You are to observe (some of you are doing this already) and conserve your own energy for the time being. You want your next move to be powerful and wise. The Keywords are: Resting, Submerging, Collecting Energy, Cooling off.

Libra: Mouse. The Mouse derives from the Earth Element. You could have a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo involved in your situation. Disco. Disco lights, Strobe lights. Random message. You could have met someone at a club or you’re going to one soon… Be careful. Main message- I’m seeing you are unaware of what is going on behind your back. You’re attempting to choose between different options that are present in your life. You’re nervous about making the wrong choice. This can hold you in place and prevent forward movement. You aren’t wrong for feeling this way, and you shouldn’t rush into anything. Feel your way completely through. The message of the Mouse centers around Details. It speaks about fixing, preparing, organizing, and scrutinizing. This warns about limiting yourself out of fear, and because of the fear, you may try to control every aspect. You are told to step back, take this time to observe but don’t stay there. The Keywords are Detail-Oriented, Small-Minded, Nit-Picky, and Nervous.

Water Element (Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio)

As I was Shuffling the song, “You Don’t Own me” Came to my mind. Cutting the deck I spotted Strength. This tells me that you need to stand in your power when it comes to another or this situation. You need to put your foot down. You may have already. This could be a relationship or a Job reading. Actually, anywhere within your life that someone or a situation has made you feel as though you were a pawn in their game, to be used or abused whether you liked it or not. They have tried to make you feel as though there was nothing you could do. Your cards are 9 of Swords/6 of Pentacles/ King of Cups. Your overall energy is 4 of Cups. This King of Cups is most likely you, as the King is a Water sign. This 9 of Swords is telling me that most of you are or will be coming out of a period where you have been dragged through the mud and completely stressed out. I’m feeling very exhausted. Some of you have gone through periods of insomnia. The overall shows a bout of depression that you are coming from. You haven’t wanted to do much, you haven’t wanted to socialize or do the things that you normally love to do with your time. This is what the stress of this situation has been doing to you. Basically, pulling you further down. The energy is heavy and weighted so much. It seems like I’m suffocating. I feel like this can happen to water signs often more so than others, as your element is Water… it can feel like you’re drowning when you get sad or when things seem to be going wrong in your life. Also, when your power is taken from you it can cause you to feel like a kid again with no control. As an adult, this is the last thing you want to feel. I’m seeing injustice in your situation. You may have been giving more in your situation than you were giving back, paid unfairly if your situation is about a job, and treated as though you’re a pariah by others. This King tells me that you’re about to take back your control. You’re about to set things right. Either way, you will win in this situation. You’re not going to be manipulative about it, you will be fair with how you win. Props to you!! This will make you much more of a stronger and mature individual. You will end up becoming more respected. Sure, you may have some people still think negatively about you, but that’s their own issue and you don’t need them anyway. Your cards add to: 15/6/19/1/5… (Devil, Lovers, Sun, Magician, Hierophant, Numerology) We have feeling trapped and stuck, A major decision to be made, Open communication and things coming to light, A new beginning after going through a challenge that felt cultish/oppressive.

Pisces: Eagle. Fly Eagle Fly! The Eagle derives from the Air Element. Your situation could involve an Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra. I see this in two different ways. I see you as being this sun and the attacker is trying to bring you down. I also see you like the Eagle getting ready to pounce on another or the situation itself. I’m hearing “Take No Prisoners!!”. It’s a phrase that means you won’t stop until things go your way. Though with the phrase one is aggressive, and I don’t see most of you being this way. It’s like a battle of the wits. Both sides are willing to fight, it’s just how you both go about this that is different. I’m now hearing “strength in reserve”. That tells me during the time you felt down and out you have been building up energy just for this moment. At that point, the other (person or situation) is losing momentum because they have been draining their energy this whole time. It’s time for a battle of the Wits, and you’ll be the more intelligent one. The message of the Eagle speaks about being both physically and spiritually strong. Your downtime energized you and through the challenges that you faced you have grown spiritually, This states that when the eagle appears you’ll soon be thrown into the karmic fire for the sake of your transformation. Most of you have already been “Thrown” into this fire.  The eagle pushes you to be your best self. “Grasp the sun in your talons and hold on for the ride. You are stronger than you think.” The Keywords are: All-pervading Power, Truth Seeker, Transforms karma.

Cancer: Moth. The Mother derives from the Air Element. You could have an Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra involved in your situation. If you read Pisces, as I suggest to read all cards within your element, the Eagle transforms your life just like the moth does. When I see a dark moth I know I will hear of death within a couple weeks. A white moth tells me about a new beginning coming. So, you’re in the middle of a transition in your life. The Moth in this oracle is green and yellow. An artist’s choice, but also telling. Green is about finances, the physical, the material, and Yellow calls for wisdom, happiness, and energy. Though Yellow can also foretell sickness and cowardice. I don’t see the second meaning going into your future. It was your past along with the 4 Cups/9 Swords. I’m seeing you struggle and strive to come up out of a dark hole. Once you get there, you spread your wings with great force and expose your strength. The Meaning of the Moth warns about being attracted to easy solutions or anything new. As in the grass is greener. This only leads to unfinished projects, disappointment, or burnout. The situation you face is complex, just like life. You are told to see things through. The keywords are: Impulsive, Hasty, and Wishful.

Scorpio: Camel. The Camel derives from the Fire Element. You could have a Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius involved in your situation. My eyes were guided to the camel’s neck. I’m seeing your situation and emotions being like a roller coaster that never ends. It’s as though you’ve been stuck on the same ride for a while. It may be frustrating at times, but I see you either being accepting of the process or just acting like you are. You hide your feelings within. I’m not saying that you’re completely alright with what is going on, but You know that acting out would be pointless most of the time. It’s almost like a Hanged Man energy. Where you’re stuck until you can see the situation from a different perspective. Some of you are also “putting your neck out” for another, if not for yourself. This means that you risk angering others by what you say or do. There is also this protective energy. I feel as though you want to protect someone involved in your situation. The message of the camel is about being able to handle any situation that comes your way. You handle challenges with ease. You go internal when things get rough as this helps to keep you calm. The Camel represents the ultimate form of bringing opposites together. The Keywords are: Resourceful, Independent, and Knows One’s Self.

Fire Element (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)

As I was shuffling your cards while tuning in I heard, “Bring me a break!” which in turn could be Give me a break! This tells me that you desperately need a vacation or something to give in your situation. Cutting the deck I spotted Death. This validates that you’re done dealing with your issue and want change to happen. This also tells me that a situation has been going on too long well past its expiration point/date. Your cards are Page of Swords/King of Pentacles/ 3 of Pentacles. Your Overall energy is 7 of Wands. You can get very tired in the 7 of Wands position. 7 brings to you a challenging situation in which you feel as though you have to defend yourself constantly to others. You keep putting your foot down, but are they listening?? It may seem as though they aren’t because you’re living in this state with barely any rest or refuge. Two people show up here…. The Page could be an Air sign (Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra). The Page shows a situation in which there is spying going on. There are definite issues with miscommunication, half-truths being told, omissions, tricks being played upon you, or doing things to throw you off your game. It’s very childish energy…. Almost bratty. Then there is this King who could be a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. This is someone who is normally productive, protective, and in control of their environment, but they have become a bit of a tyrant. They’ve lost control of themselves and will stop at nothing to get their way in order to achieve their goal. With this 3 of Pentacles, A lot of you are in the middle of two people like this. For some of you, it could be your child and your spouse, or your spouse and someone else. It is like you have to play the mediator of the situation to get them to come together and work things out.  This is what you need a break from. You’re tired of all the bullshit and the drama. You’re also tired of defending yourself, your opinions, and your thoughts on the matter. For some of you, this could be a situation at your workplace, as Pentacles represent finances and careers mostly. So, you could have a childish co-worker and a Boss that doesn’t listen to you. It’s like your own personal circus when you go to work. Either way, if you go to therapy this is the main thing that you’ve been discussing. This is what you need a break from and at times you dabble in the fantasy of just leaving it all behind. Do yourself a favor and GO take a vacation away. Even if it’s only for a weekend. If you don’t you may just SNAP. Your cards add to 8/7…. Perseverance through the challenges leaves you to become stronger and to stand in your power.

Aries: Black Egg. The Black Egg derives from Spirit. This egg has a mysterious air about it. A bright white light radiates around it, followed by intuitive purple. You are either being shut out of what is happening in the life/lives of those you interact with (Family, Friends, co-workers), or you’re the target of a surprise (this could be good or bad). The “surprise” itself is what you could be left out of. Looking at the texture of the egg reminds me of snakeskin. You could be on the verge of finding out what is going on. Snakes are transformative, but they can also be Sneaky situations/sneaky people. This isn’t all as bad as it seems. You could hold the key to a mystery in your life, and you’re about to open up. The Message of the Black Egg speaks about Truth. There will be no more confusion, excuses, small talk, noise, or lies. In the past, you may have said things that others wanted to hear, partook in gossip or repeated stories in order to justify behavior. Now is the time for honesty, either your truth or another’s to be revealed to you. The Keywords are: Speaking from an Authentic Voice, The Truth.

Leo: Earthworm. The Earthworm derives from the Earth Element. You could have a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo involved in your situation. I’m seeing a question mark in this worm. You’re trying to figure something out. There’s information that you are looking for. You could be doing this in various ways…. From openly asking another to searching online. “Twisted up in knots”. Either the situation is perplexing and/or causing you to feel as though you’re stuck. In your external life (everything going on around you) things seem black and white. Two-sided. There’s no in-between. No room for error. You could feel forced to choose a side. Internally, You’re pretty much open to following your own path. You may want to communicate your opinions and to bring ideas forward. The message of the Earthworm is about newness. You’re working to establish confidence within yourself. There are people around that have more experience. This causes you to feel a bit intimidated when it comes to sharing your experience. Remember that a “beginner’s mind” offers the most valuable insight. The Keywords are Shy, Hesitant, Reluctant, and To Share Inner Vision.

Sagittarius: Dolphin. The Dolphin derives from the Water Element. You could have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio involved in your situation. The energy of this card is so light, freeing, and playful. It reminds me of playing out in the sun on a Tropical island. Some of you could be vacationing in a place like this soon, or have recently. You could be dreaming about it. I’m hearing Bachata music. Pina Coladas…. Yes, A lot of you are daydreaming about getting away. The dolphin carries a “Come play with me” energy. You’re feeling pulled to go have fun. The message of the Dolphin is that a profound blessing is on its way. It could be in the form of a person who seems very playful and can help you forget issues going on in your life. This will help to heal you. The keywords are: Innately Intelligent, Healer, Light, and Blessings.

Hope You all have a Wonderful May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

April Energy Through the Elements.

Welcome to April! I meant to put this out by the end of March, but I’ve been extremely busy! The Readings begin with the Water Element, then Fire, Air, and Earth. You can read for your Moon and Ascendant as well as Read all 3 Oracle messages within your element. You may also want to go a bit deeper and find out about your Vedic Sun, Moon, and Rising. Though your Western Sun sign does not change for all, it changes for most. I have personally come to find that my Vedic Moon is much more relatable than any of them. Vedic Astrology goes much deeper than Western ever could.

Water Element (Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio)

As I was shuffling the deck I got the feeling that you are still going through a specific issue. The same issue in which you felt you wanted to be heard. You want this issue to move on so that YOU can move on. I flipped the middle card and Judgment is there, along with 4 of Swords and Death. Your overall energy is Knight of Swords. Validation! For some of you, it may have felt as though you had shackles placed upon you. You couldn’t break free due to some sense of obligation, responsibility, or even accountability. The issue has been in a “holding” stage. Nothing has been moving forward. For a lot of you, it hasn’t been able to move forward due to other obstacles. I’m seeing you as though you’ve been in a state of mental turbulence… it’s almost as though you’ve been placed in a metaphorical time out to sort through your own thoughts on the matter. A small portion of you have been physically/emotionally healing from a sickness.  Death in this position is showing you not being able to move on. There are loose ends, a lack of closure or you need to “go back” to a specific place, a specific person, have something re-evaluated. It could be the issue itself that needs to be reconsidered.  The Knight Of Swords if a person is an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra), but I feel for most of you it is the energy of this card that is most important. This Knight brings in the quickest change of all the knights (in my opinion). This Knight has the energy of Fighting, the energy of going off on another individual without thinking about the consequences. I peeked behind him and saw the Tower. A shocking incident, revelation, and explosion. It could be the emotions of the individual that triggered this knight, the issue itself that has the person flipping out. Some of you may shock someone with what you have to say or what you do and it causes them to become instantly on the defensive.  There is Impatience and Impulsiveness happening here. Your cards add to 4/2/4=10/1. The Knight is also a 2, bringing this to 4/2/4/2=12/3. 12 is the holding pattern you’ve been in, whereas the 3 is the growth you’ve been going through spiritually. 2 is the decisions being made, towards creating a balance in your situation (4). 10 calls in change. 1 is your new beginning.

Pisces: Buffalo.  The Buffalo derives from the Earth Element. Your situation could involve a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. I see you sitting in silence sometimes taking deep breaths. You have to take time to be alone in order to sort out and work through your emotions and thoughts. You need to take deep breaths so that you won’t argue and fight. It’s almost as though you find yourself biting your tongue often. The lightning bolts behind the buffalo correlate with the problems that you’re facing. Buffalo’s message is about seeing challenges, hardship, or a bump in the road as an opportunity. The Buffalo does not fear death, illness, or misfortune. You are asked to trust that the situation will work out in the end. Keywords: Grounded yet Heavenly, Practical yet spiritual.

Cancer: Cosmic Egg. The Cosmic Egg derives from Spirit. I love this card as it pictures a Snake protecting its egg. Snakes are about Transformation in your life. You are protected at this time during a transition in your own life. You may also be protecting yourself in some way during this time. There may be a secret you are keeping close to your chest in order to get what you want. The number 3 could be important to you. It could be 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, or even 3 years. The message of the Cosmic Egg speaks about the unfolding of cosmic consciousness. This is the last card in the deck. This is your finale for the specific situation that you’ve been working through or waiting on. You have been through a period in your life where you may have felt alone, felt as though you’d “never get there”, as though any effort you have made has fallen upon deaf ears. This specific part of your journey has been a lesson, and it has helped to make you stronger. Keywords: Completion, Harmony, The Infinite within the finite.

Otter. The Otter derives from the Water Element. Your situation could involve another Water Sign. At first glance, it seems as though this Otter is either “Under a microscope” or being watched through a telescope or binoculars. This tells me that some of you have been under scrutiny. Being watched very closely in case you “mess up” or someone is attempting to find out information about you. You may feel as though you stand out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd. As though you don’t fit in. The message of the otter speaks about imagining your life without the presence of doubt, worry, or skepticism. Otters are playful like a child. They remind me of the Fool energy. Remind yourself of what it was like to see everything from the view of a child. Everything was new, with no prior experience, with no fear to be had. You were in a phase of discovery, and your curiousness ruled more than fear. Keywords: Unobstructed Joy, Playfulness, Contentment.

Fire Element (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)

As I began shuffling the cards the song, “Don’t you want me” by human league came into my head. Cutting the Deck I caught the 5 of cups. The 5 of cups is speaking about regrets and focusing only on what went wrong. That is changing as you will begin to be able to move on. Flipping the middle card of the 3, I see the 8 of cups. Which again, is about moving on. Validation! 🙂 All 3 of your cards here are CUPS…. You’ve been completely stuck within the emotional realm. Your cards are: 4 of Cups/ 8 of Cups/ 7 of Cups. Overall energy is 2 of Pentacles. Some of you may feel as though you haven’t been accepted by another/others in your life. Possibly thrown to the side like you don’t matter. You’ve been slowly working through this pain. Focusing on what certain people or a person in your life haven’t been showing you or doing for you. You may feel as though you haven’t been given the same treatment as others. This has caused you to not look at /care about the nice things someone else has done for you or the good connections that you DO have in your life. For some of you, this is in regards to a specific relationship in your life that has or will end. I’m seeing you picking up the pieces of your life/situation, and heading towards positivity. I’m seeing that you went through a period of extremely low energy. Possibly depression. Any attention given to you at this time was met with apathy. You were unmoved most of the time. You couldn’t see the good in what they (Friends, Family, a New person) were presented to you. You’ve been hurt very badly. When you do begin to move on you will see and be open to the many options that you have before you. I feel as though you will have SO many options that it can be confusing to pick just one. In other words, if your situation involved a friend, you will have many offers to hang out with new people. If it involved a romantic relationship, you will have more than one person who wants to date you. I don’t think this relates to a Job, but if yours does, then you will have a few job offers coming up for you. These people DO see what you’re worth and want to build with you. You will no longer be taken for granted. The overall energy of the 2 of pentacles speaks about juggling a couple options in your life. This is also a decision-making process. Your cards add to 19/10=1 and 2. It’s time to begin again.

Aries: Dragonfly. The Dragonfly derives from the Air Element. Aquarius Gemini and Libra. The dragonfly waits patiently. It looks as though it is trying to protect something, or it has its eyes on a certain situation or someone specific. It rests upon the color blue which tells me that your emotions are involved. You don’t know whether to say something or to keep silent. You just watch and wait for your moment, if it ever arrives. The message of the dragonfly is a symbol of the mind. It speaks about how your mind is moving, shifting, and changing continually through this process. You are asked to consider whether your perception is correct or if it’s a false narrative causing more of an issue. Sometimes our emotions can cloud our judgment, so it’s best to take a moment before speaking. It is within the calm mind that the light of wisdom can shine through. Keywords: master of light, illusion, and the mind.

Leo: Stingray. The Stingray derives from the water element. Your situation could involve a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. My eyes were instantly guided to the Chakras on the Stingray. A small portion of you could be learning this system at this time. I believe you are asked to balance them. You can balance them with meditation and calming music. You need to take time to get away from your situation and/or others in order to bring about this balance. This is not you being selfish, this is you attempting to bring yourself up and out of this heaviness in order to be the best version of yourself. This is when you will take back your own power and be of better service to others. YOU need to put yourself first in order to do this. The message of the Stingray represents a pivotal point in personal growth. This is the moment when you must decide between the old (easy, comfortable, and familiar), and the new (challenging. Uncomfortable. and unfamiliar). Pressure from family and friends makes the decision even more complicated. No matter what choice is made now, it’s inevitable that this dilemma will surface again and again until you do what needs to be done. Keywords: developing confidence, sense of self, or “Spine”. Put your foot down.

Sagittarius: Frog. The Frog derives from the Water element. Your situation could involve a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio. This frog is unwavering, with its eyes wide open. As raindrops pour upon them. It is reminiscent of feeling numb. It is raining and yet you don’t seek shelter. You allow it to keep pouring over you causing you to become drenched. This is also about your emotions. They have become SO heavy that you’ve become blind and stuck. Your eyes are wide open, certainly, but can you see through the torrential rain of emotion? I feel like some of you are punishing yourself over what has transpired. You may not even realize that you’re doing this. The Message of the Frog is about practicing self-care. “The frog spends its first months of life entirely within this healing element, and then emerges to rest on land. Frogs tend to become overworked and undernourished, so it’s vital that such sensitive creatures practice self-care. This card serves as a reminder that water helps us cleanse, forgive, and release. Time to dive in. Frogs aren’t meant to carry a heavy load.” Keywords: Clearing, Cleansing, Healing.

Air Element (Aquarius, Gemini & Libra)

As I was tuning in while shuffling there was this powerful and direct energy hitting me. Then I visualized a person standing strong against adversity. It’s as though you’re a brick wall.. nothing and No one can take you down. You will stand there as things are thrown at you. You will not back down. AS I cut the deck I spotted the 7 of Wands… which is about standing strong through challenges brought on by others. Flipping the middle card I see the 5 of Cups. Then you have two people. The Queen of Swords (which could be you) and the Queen of Wands. Both are At odds with each other. The Queen of Wands astrologically is a Fire Sign (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius). For a small portion of you, they will have one of these signs in their chart but for most of you, their character will act like this Queen. Normally, this individual could be passionate, inspiring, and protective but for some reason, they show up as Manipulative, possibly angry, energetically draining, and selfish. I’ll just go full-on and say they are being a bitch or a vindictive a-hole. This is causing you to become completely closed off to them, critical of them, bitter at them and you could even turn to be cruel towards them. But hey, I’m not judging. It’s obvious that they did something wrong to you. Which is the 5 of Cups in the middle. There are regrets, guilty feelings, and the inability to move on from what has occurred. I feel as though most of what was done was by the other person. You want to completely cut them out of your life. Overall energy is yet ANOTHER person showing up- Queen of Pentacles. Now, you have 3 Queens. This Queen is astrologically an Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo). I feel as though this is the overall energy like it is supposed to be and not a person… though this could be an Earth sign Mediator for some of you. The one in between that helps the two of you work out your issues and solve the problem amicably. There were definitely sneaking things happening behind the scenes. For some of you, I feel as though you have been stolen from or even cheated on. YOU could even be the person in the middle of two people who are at odds. You have to help the one who has been wronged to work through the issue with the other, no matter the outcome, in order for them to move from this state of tension and animosity. Your cards add to 5/3/3=11. 11 is Justice, and like Justice, like the Judge who sits in their chair to hear both sides of the party, you must take your emotions out of the equation in order to find the answer. Justice is also about getting what one deserves, for good or bad. Karma.

Aquarius: Hawk. The hawk derives from the air element. This hawk is seen as flying over the issue. Being able to see all perspectives. Behind them is this powerful and fiery energy that is guiding them. This makes me think of the Aries New Moon we just had. Mars is ruled by Aries and it’s the warrior planet. They seem to be very free and determined. I see this hawk as though it is quieting people or a person around them. either so they can hear what is being said, or so that they can remain incognito. The message of the Hawk states “the hawk watches our every move. This keen-eyed bird has the ability to see every little detail as well as the bigger picture. When this card appears, fate has its eyes on you, and the winds are shifting. It is said that the hawk carries news upon its wings and is sent from divinity itself to deliver it. The message should not be taken lightly… though it may seem small or insignificant, it will eventually redirect your course. Keywords:  watchful, all-seeing, messenger of divinity.

Gemini: Butterfly. The butterflies derive from the air element. My eyes are guided to the colors of the wings. We have Blue (Water) and Orange (Fire). Transforming through your actions. Emotional rollercoaster. You are no longer in a cocoon as your wings have been freed. I believe this message I am getting is telling me that a lot of you were in a position where you felt stuck, but you have gotten yourself out of that. You are still dealing with a bit of turmoil and aftermath. It feels as though your emotions are more dominant than the actions you’re taking. In other words, it’s your emotions at times that can stop your progress. If something isn’t going your way or going smoothly you can get so upset that you want to give up. The good news is that most of you haven’t and won’t give up. The message of the Butterfly comes during a period of transition. This state’s that air is the element of the heart, this change usually involves relationships or whatever you love. If you love your job, perhaps your career is in a state of transition. Since transition is accompanied by some amount of discomfort, be extra patient and kind during this time. Let solid friends and activities support you like a ” cocoon ” committing to one daily routine done at the same place and time will do wonders for lifting your spirit . For example,  If you like to meditate, then meditate at 7pm every night. Or meditate at 7 pm every Tuesday. The structure is key. Keywords: Undergoing great change and transformation.

Libra: Lizard. The Lizard derives from the Earth Element. There’s that Queen of Pentacles! Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. The lizard likes to mold themselves to their environment. They like to remain private and anonymous. Without seeing the symbolism in the card right now my eyes went to the fact that I am reading for Libra, how the queen of pentacles was the card of the mediator, justice in the reading. What are libra’s known best for? Seeing things from all perspectives, being the peacemaker amongst their friends and family. Analyzing everything before giving their opinion. You are definitely the lizard. You wish to immerse yourself in the situation. To feel each side, to know each side. You seek liberty and justice for all. I felt that as I was seeing the color merge from yellow to red. Yellow is enlightenment, though the negative side of it speaks of betrayal. Enlightenment through the betrayal. Now, the Lizard asks, “What’s next??”, as it taps its foot. The Message of the Lizard speaks about having Sixth Sense. It is an expert in the realm of sensory perception. The lizard hears what is yet to be spoken, and sees what is yet to manifest. You are asked to take a step back during this time and regroup. Keywords: Instinctual, Sensitive to the subtle, Dreamer.

Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo)

As I was shuffling I kept hearing, “Be Gone!!”. Then I heard, “Wish you well.” Which led to me the song, “Not enough” by Our Lady Peace. Cutting the deck I spotted the 6 of Cups. This card is about childhood memories (Old memories that don’t have to be about childhood), and people from the past or those we have known for a very long time. Someone could have come back into your life from the past, pushing you to feel as though you no longer want them in your life or you don’t need them there. Flipping the middle card, I see the Page of Pentacles. This is a Message coming to you. Astrologically this page is your element. So, It could be you sending this message to another. The page is facing the 6 of Pentacles. The other card behind the page is the Hanged Man. Your overall energy is the Ace of Wands. The Hanged Man is the main energy here. It is a period of nothing happening. A complete and total standstill in your situation. Things are just left there to simmer. As the issue simmers you may have felt as though there was nothing you could do. At times, you have felt the situation was hopeless. You have either become the martyr or felt like one. You had to make sacrifices that you otherwise wouldn’t have. I feel like a lot of you had to look beyond yourself and think about others involved. A selfless act. The Hanged Man phase is coming to an end. You have spent all of this time evaluating your circumstances and possibly the people involved. It hasn’t been easy, but you’re able to better understand the solution you’ve been seeking. Through trial and error, it has come down to this. You’re staring at the 6 of pentacles, so that tells me you’re trying to be fair in this situation, but you don’t want to give more than what you get back. You don’t want to put a lot of effort into someone or something that throws you crumbs. The 6 of Pentacles is a charitable card. This is the minor related to the Major Justice. Who deserves what? What is fair? What is right? I feel like some of you are willing to give another a second chance. To see if things will change for the better this time. Because Pentacles do relate to career and money most of the time, I will also say that this is about a career for some of you. You will be given a job offer or a promotion in your chosen field. You could have been waiting for this for a long time. Watching your boss pass you up time and time again, giving the rewards to others. There is an acceptance letter when it comes to loans or documents as well. Keep your eyes peeled. 😉 Your cards add to…. Page is a 1, and the Ace is a 1… You have two beginnings here. One is Solid that you can build upon, and the other comes in quite quickly. It’s exciting!! 6 & 3. 19/10/1. There are two paths you can take. One is what you think is right and the other is what you feel is right. You always should choose what you feel is right.

Capricorn: Rabbit. The Rabbit derives from the Earth Element. Every time I see this rabbit I think about being on alert. Being READY for what comes. It’s possible that some of you have been gridding your teeth and putting tension on your jaw. There’s this energy of being on edge. Stress is taking its toll. Even though this rabbit appears to be still, so that they go unnoticed, I am sensing restless energy. You may have been shaking your leg more than normal lately, tapping your fingers, and not being able to keep still for very long. You want whatever it is to just HAPPEN already!!! I can’t stress that enough. Looking at the Rabbit’s ears… you’re awaiting news… word of something. The Rabbit’s message is to Be careful what you manifest. When you talk or think about something specific repeatedly make sure it is positive. This tells me what you have been thinking about most is coming about soon enough. Try not to think the worst of an issue. You have been shaping your own destiny. Keywords: Afraid of everything, Overwhelmed, Frozen.

Taurus: Elk. The elk derives from the Earth Element. Broaden your horizons. There’s an immense amount of power surrounding this elk. I’m seeing him as looking toward the future. Rising above all and any difficulty. It’s as though you’re being pulled out of a vortex. At some point, this vortex will seem so far away, as you look back on that time, content in knowing that you’re protected from ever being trapped within its grasp. The message of the elk provides underlying support and stability through life’s many changes.  You will establish yourself and know your core values.  You have and will become known and respected for acting in ways that uphold these values. Be mindful of your ego, as it will become inflated at times. Your father could play some kind of role in your situation.  Keywords: Stable, Resilient, Headstrong, the Father.

Virgo: Bear. The Bear derives from the Earth Element.  Whenever I see the bear it reminds me of great protection.  It has motherly energy. Your own mother or mother figure could have your back at this time. My eyes are being guided to the coloring near the bear’s chest which speaks about issues or sadness that you have endured. With the Sun powerfully shining above this tells me that you either are or will be coming out of this period. It may just take some time for you to notice. You’re in this merging period. Things may seem a bit calmer than usual before it gets better. It appears that you’re keeping most if not all of your feelings to yourself. The message of the Bear represents you being on the cusp of a new direction and personal transformation. Spring is the time that your situation changes for the better. Keywords: waking from Spiritual Slumber, Beginning  Anew.

May you all have a wonderful April!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022!

I will be conducting a January read but wanted to share something with you first. I came across a snippet of an old post that I wrote (in 2019) and I was in Awe. Yes, I can still get that way after all of these years. It’s not easy to trigger surprise, fear, or for me to even feel intrigued at this point on my journey. I laughed to myself. Here’s a part of the post I read and I will post a link to the full post below. Enjoy.

Uranus moves into Taurus as well on March 6th. This will be a 7 year period ending on July 7, 2025. I just noticed, as I do with numbers, the ending date… 7/7/7 lasting 7 years (I take the last two numbers of the year as the main number. Looking further it has the shadow of a 9- Ending of cycles). Uranus brings Massive changes and upheavals based upon the sign as well as the house it sits in. Taurus is an Earth Sign, a Feminine sign, and one that deals with practical matters, Finances, physical health, education, anything that can basically be seen and touched. Taurus is also a very stubborn sign, as if the number 7 wasn't challenging enough. 7 is the bridge between the self and the Universe. It breaks down existing conditions and promotes tremendous soul growth. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was around the time of the Great Depression and WW2. I don't know much about War, aside from the fact that Both Grandfather's, My Father. My Uncle and Cousin fought in them, and to me it is the act of the "Devil". Notice how I put that in quotes. It doesn't exist the way many were taught. Taurus has a Bull as their Symbolic Messenger. Don't mess with the bull or you'll get the HORNS. With that being said, it is true that light and dark must exist simultaneously. You can't have just one. Haha I digress… 
Feminine Power is rising even more so in the next 7 years. The Power of the Feminine came into play around 2016. We saw Hilary Clinton run. Trump was actually shocked by his win. I know many don't realize that because of the way they see things. There is a brief moment where you can see the reaction that he immediately tries to conceal. Unless, only the " tuned in" ones can see and sense this. It was not a surprise to me when I heard about him refusing to live in the White House in the beginning. If you truly don't want something in life then don't play around. The Universe saw an opportunity and put him in charge. I can go more into depth about that if you would like me to, but I feel as though I keep going off topic. The Many Webs within my mind. Once Trump took office the chaos was invited in. Have you noticed how opinionated and emotional people became? Most individual's who don't understand about the Feminine and the Masculine, automatically envision a Woman as the Feminine and a Man as the Masculine. In Astrology, it doesn't go based upon what we were given physically, more so what is in our charts. Me, personally, I am mostly Masculine - Fire- Air- Fire. But Yet, I am physically born a Woman. You can be a Man and have Feminine qualities more so than masculine if you have more Earth and/or Water in your chart. Keeping that in mind, I do believe that there just may be the First Woman president within this 7 year period. 

If we think back to the main subjects that have ruled 2021 and 2020, they have been: Practical matters, Finances (Inflation), Physical Health (Covid), Education (Homeschool, CRT Chaos). I’m sure there’s much more going on out there. I hear how crazy it is and I focus inward and beyond what is “Human”.

In the second part, I bring up the possibility of a woman becoming president. I think the VP did for about an hour? But that is not what I am referring to. One bit of information that I didn’t write in this post, and I am unsure if I wrote it anywhere though a told a few people, was that once a woman becomes president this world will end. I was a bit annoyed by that message because me being a woman I got offended for a split second. haha That’s how you know it’s not yourself when you channel. But they did not mean the world would end like POOF it’s gone, it would change dramatically. I don’t think it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows. I apologize for throwing a cliffhanger, but that’s what I got for now. I don’t believe in handing out false information just for a sense of completion.

You will find the post here:

Here’s the Post :

I just got back from vacation, so I will be conducting the January read as soon as possible!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

What is Coming in 2022, And Where We’ve Been.

First of all, let me apologize for being MIA since December of 2019. I hadn’t planned such action or lack thereof. I am normally guided by the unseen when it comes to the actions that I take, and I don’t always understand why until much later on. I had been working consistently at what I do for years. My hiatuses never lasted for longer than a month tops. So, it’s just as a surprise to me as it is for those that follow me. It’s not very good for business or social media platforms. I am what I am. I just am.  Now, let’s go back in time before moving forward, shall we?

2020/ Judgment

Nearing the end of 2019 there sat ominous energy that I couldn’t pinpoint. It would drive me crazy at times wondering what it was and where it was coming from. Sometimes, the energy I feel could be from another individual or it becomes global. Many times, I keep what I feel to myself due to the conditioning I had growing up. I couldn’t rely on others to tell me the truth, and I would rather not put myself out there to wallow in mystery. I went away on vacation for a few weeks like I do every Christmas and New Year. The whole time I am there it kept picking away at my energy and nagging at every ounce of my being. Needless to say that by the end of the vacation I felt like I needed another all to myself. Now, normally everyone feels that way… but this was something a bit different. I felt as though I had to lock myself away for a while to ponder over what this nagging energy could possibly be!!

Let me take you to the fact of something that some of you know at this point in time, but for those that don’t… We have been in the same transit as we were when WWII, The Great Depression, and The Spanish flu happened. Let that sink in. I knew this was coming since I also study Astrology (both Western and Vedic). Uranus (The Great Awakening), the planet of revolution moved into Taurus on May 18, 2018, and will stay there until April 26, 2026.

2020 was Judgment Year with the shadow of the Emperor (20/4). I watched while many were put into the spotlight for their wrongdoings in their past (Judgment).  It wasn’t a surprise to me that the virus didn’t end in June 2020, as the President at the time stated it may. I told many that ‘No, it would not,’, and to not get their hopes up, as the Spanish flu lasted for about 2 years time. I wasn’t stating that the virus would last two years, but that is more of the timeline we are looking at no matter what anyone says. The Virus is all about Money. I can’t tell you where or how because I do not follow politics. It was/is also about Power (Emperor). Keep in mind that I began writing this in the summer and was stopped by the energies that surround me.  I give the timeline of March/April 2022 for some of the situations to calm down, but this is never going away.

Emperor with the Minor Lessons: 4 of Swords, 4 of Cups, 4 of Wands, and 4 of Pentacles. One of Reprieve, Mental/Physical Sickness, Rest, and Isolation. Second of Apathy and Emotional Sickness. Third of Stability, A Homecoming, A Partial Celebration. Last of Greed, Material Constipation, A Refusal. The Emperor is shown here keeping two sides at bay, but holding the force controlling it all.

With 2020, also being a FOUR year… we began seeing new structures being put into action. Number Four is about building foundations that are secured into the future. The Emperor is a leader who sets down rules but can break them personally at any time. Though, one would hope that their “leader” wouldn’t do such a thing. It’s best to be respected than feared; to Lead with integrity.

Around October of 2020, a friend of mine who knows that I will conduct readings on presidential elections without watching them asked me who I thought would win. I hadn’t conducted my normal ritual of reading but said to her, “It’s Trump, but something is very wrong and I don’t know what.” As the months unfolded we all see what happened. Though some still think it was all a rouse. I’m not going to debate this as I get my information in a way that isn’t physically seen to be proven. Not to mention it’s basically pointless to debate certain topics. Do know that whoever is there is meant to be there for whatever Universal purpose at the time. Even if it’s a messed up situation as to how they got there. I can sit here and go back and forth on this issue, but with who is there now, it makes more sense to me that 2021 is a FIVE year.

Hierophant with the Minor Lessons: The 5 of Swords, The 5 of Wands, the 5 of Cups, and the 5 of Pentacles. One of Hostility and winning at all costs. Second of Tedious Spats and Battles. Who is better than Whom, Who knows more than whom. Third of Depression, the Morning after, the Hangover, focused most of what has been lost, Regret, Mourning. (I’m not surprised if there were many sober who relapsed during 2020). Last of Great spiritual need, Material need, Much has been hoarded.

Five is normally known as an exciting number concerning change, but I personally never liked the number. I love change, don’t get me wrong. I am constantly transforming throughout the year, which can be a bit tiresome and irritating as my path is a continuous flow of changing routes. Everyone transforms throughout their lives. Some transform slower than others. It’s not a competition. Everyone has their own way of being. This isn’t the Olympics. I transform TOO much. It’s in my personal chart whether I like it or not. So, I’m very aware of what FIVE is about. FIVE is reorganization and adaptation. Think of all of the changes that have taken place this year. It’s almost as though life, as we have been living it, flipped all at once instead of gradually. Some people went along with the changes while others rioting argued and fought against the changes.

Now, I will take you to the Hierophant… which is number 5 in the Tarot. I have such disdain for this card going back 20 years. I swear I dislike this card the most out of the 78. It does have a few good points to it such as spiritual wisdom, but I believe this was completely flipped in this situation. The main idea of this card speaks about “conformity to social standards, or a deference to the established social moral order”. And that is exactly what has been going on this year. You either choose to go with the flow and do what is “expected” or you revolt against it. Those that revolt are punished. Even by their own loved ones. The Hierophant is beautiful, isn’t he? You’re not allowed to have a voice with him. How dare you go against the tides! I stay quiet… I’m more of an observer. I pick my battles wisely, and I don’t budge with my own decisions. I don’t have the desire to speak about them openly. I do what I feel is right, and what I am compelled to do by the unseen. It does get me in trouble sometimes, but it is within sticky situations that we learn our most important and soul-growing lessons best. The main reason we keep coming back. To perfect our own souls. Focus on your own backyard… you have your own journey. Try not to judge others as they have their own path.

The Lovers with the Minor Lessons: The 6 of Wands, The 6 of Cups, The 6 of Swords, and The 6 of Pentacles. Choose your Path Wisely. Go With your Emotions and What You Feel is Right or Listen to Your Mind and Worry What Others May Think. One is of Pure Victory and Success, A Success that is RIghtfully Yours. The second is of Childhood, Seeing Old Friends and Family Members, Rehashing the Past, A Coming Together of Past Loves, Possible Twin Flame Reunion. The third is of Physical Travel, Travel Over Water, Travel Over Seas, but Most Importantly, it is of Moving Away from Hazardous Thoughts and Conditions in one’s life. Last is of Charity, Support, Giving to Those in Need, Volunteer Work– Who truly needs it the most and who does not.

So, where are we heading in 2022?…. It’s a SIX year. The main keywords to take note of are Balance, Support, Healing, Compassion, and Equality. I know a lot of you will eyeball that last term as one of the major revolts has to do with it. It all sounds lovely, but there is always the flip side. Greed. Light can’t exist without dark and vice versa. I believe in a way 2022 will be a bit of a break for us. But that doesn’t come without a cost. It is just giving us a rest prior to SEVEN and EIGHT. Seven is a challenging number, just like Five is. Seven Grows your soul more than any other number!! Many will grow a backbone in 2023. Five preps the seven, you see. Five is like boot camp. Six is the break. Seven is the battle. 2023 gives us both 7 and 5.

The Chariot with the Minor Lessons: The 7 of Cups, The 7 of Wands, The 7 of Swords, and the 7 of Pentacles. The first is of Confusion; given there are various options to choose from. Which one will lead you in the best direction in the future? Again, you are asked to choose wisely. (use your intuition). The Second is of Holding down the fort and standing your ground against adversity, People will try to push you off, but will you let them? (Stand Strong). The third is Manipulation Tactics. Doing what needs to be done in order to get what you want. Last is of the fruits of your labor. 7 months to 7 years. When is the right time to harvest the seeds you have planted? What seeds could have been planted Globally? The Chariot pushes forth against all odds; hoisting the light and the dark, attempting to get them to cooperate until the finish line.

If you have prepped well and utilized your time wisely this year, you’ll be ready for it. If not, make sure to do so in the coming months.

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

*Protected by LLC, Do Not Steal My Work. You can share it if you wish.

New Moon Solar Eclipse Capricorn 12/25/2019– All Signs Reading.

We have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as the Sun and the Moon (of course) when it comes to this New Moon. With the Moon and the Sun together in the same sign/house we have the Feminine and masculine energies working together towards a common goal. In essence, even though I try not to speak about this, this New moon is important for Twin Flames when it comes to moving forward. We have been going through a preparation phase all through 2019 to get ready for the Energy of 2020. Capricorn is a sign that Rules next year. Keep in mind that even though the Sign is Capricorn it means something very important to us all equally. Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck and expansion– but alongside Capricorn Jupiter is slowed. Think of Jupiter as an Excited kid ready to rip through presents, Capricorn is the parent, and tells Jupiter, ” ONE at a time so I can capture the memories.” Saturn resembles the Father Figure; along side Capricorn it can carry a heavy weight upon your shoulders. This carries the energy of what is expected of and from you by a power in control. What are your goals exactly? What is your dead line? Are you putting in the work and doing what needs to be done? Don’t stray from your goals and keep going. Pluto attempts to transform all that you know, how you live, and what you’re doing. With all 3 in the mix, you’ll be experiencing a total transformation in your life, specifically with the current house the Moon is located in. You will Mature, Revise, Organize and Stabilize. This energy will continue for up to 6 months.

Aries– This new Moon is very important for you, as you will strive to achieve more now within your career than you have ever before! Your main focus for this New moon is all about a chance to prove yourself to the world; with what you know, who you are, as well as to show off your skills. You will consider how well you have utilized your resources and time so far when it comes to gaining the recognition that you desire. You will be compelled to gain control and to take action. Some of you may even be compelled to completely change direction in regards to your career. Even going as far as to quit your current Job feeling inspired to go after a dream of yours. You’ll be able to influence other’s easily and magically transform the situation to your own ideals. Try not to only focus on independent work, as team effort will be beneficial for you at this time. If you normally just focus on doing tasks on your own, now is the time to either hire help, seek a PR, market yourself, or just enjoy getting things done together (if you’re in a job including other employees). No more dilly dallying as you will be working some long and productive hours. During this time you may be more open to hanging with friends, going to parties, becoming more social (Yes, Introverts, I’m speaking to you!). Romantic relationships will go very smoothly and become quite agreeable at this time.

Your Cartomancy: Ace Diamonds/4 Clubs/5 Hearts/Jack Spade/5 Clubs– I’m hearing, “Change of Heart” with the Two 5’s. The Ace always signifies a new beginning. For the Diamonds- This is mostly Monetary. The Jack is an extremely quick energy coming in to Change your life direction. I’m seeing increased energy and creativity. Taking the steps towards Good Health– as in making a doctor’s appointment that you’ve been putting off. Other’s will be given the message that something in their health or dealing with their health is “cleared”. It could also be that your insurance has made a decision on what they will pay for.  Some of you will receive the opportunity to travel out of state. Or you will be traveling out of state for whatever purpose (1 week- 1 month timeline). There will be a lot of written communication- this could be about praise and rewards for your work or a job well done. You’ve been merging from one state to another slowly through the past year or so. Letting go of things/people that have held you into place. This can even be working through a mental prison. This is all happening so that you clear out the heavy energies and move forward with your desires. All that you’ve been thinking about manifesting is getting ready to be delivered.

Taurus- During this Transit you will be gaining more self-confidence. This will help you tremendously to make the much needed changes in your life. Some of you will be learning something new, or learning as you go, in order to bring more opportunities and advancement, mostly within your careers. This could also be a type of advancement when it comes to the Public eye. You want more people to know you, to know what you do, to see your talents and abilities. It’s as though you’re learning in order to not only grow, but to be the one “in the know”. You want to be the one that someone thinks about when they need help or when someone asks for a recommendation. You want Your name or your business to be who that individual tells another to contact. Internally, your awareness is growing when it comes to what you want exactly and what you need to implement. You’re paying more attention to the world around you, as well as other’s responses. It is as though you are handing out a universal questionnaire about likes and dislikes… trying to get to know the audience that you’re presenting yourself to.  You will become more intimate with those around you aiming to understand them and their view points. You will either create a personal code of ethics to stand by or re-evaluate your current code of ethics and fix where they need some updating/change. Enthusiasm will be high at this time, as you question everything, learning, re-learning, fixing, changing, molding…. You’re securing your new foundation and level in the world.

Your Cartomancy: 9 hearts/3 Spade/3 Diamond/10 Clubs/Jack Clubs—  Abundance of wishes through inspired change. There is an initiation taking place in your life. Taking the Initiative to move in one direction. Creation to bring “more” towards you. There is or will be Business collaborations happening in your life. For other’s, there will be a collaboration when it comes to a romantic partnership. Some of you may go into business together or market each other. The 9 hearts is the Big Wish card in Cartomancy (as well as Tarot– I try to keep to the system of Cartomancy when reading playing cards– most of them are different from Tarot.) This card Enhances what you want to bring into reality, giving it a special boost of luck. You run into a bit of a problem with the 3 Spade. So there is an obstacle for some of you to get to where you desire to be. Isn’t there an obstacle most of the time though? 😉 Through obstacles you are tested by the universe to see just how BADLY you want something. Will you be a warrior and keep going? You should with this, Yes! This obstacle may be brought upon by another person. They may not want to collaborate right off the bat. It’s hard to get things going. This will leave you feeling worried or nervous — over analyzing the person or the situation. Don’t do that to yourself. Try to remain calm and patient. There could be a Fire Sign involved (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), or you have a Fire sign as your Rising/Moon. If you do, you will initiate this change and get things moving along from this halted state. I see you being very inspiring and possibly amusing to this other individual and they won’t be able to say No.

Gemini- Your sex drive may be stirred at this time, especially if it has been in limbo. You will meet someone at this time that seems to transform the way in which you view the world, or your own ideals. This is quite often an intense time period where you dive down deeply internally to the core of the matter. Searching for truths within yourself as well as with others. There may be a crisis that comes out of the blue to tackle. This is only so that you can purge any heavy energies that are lingering within yourself or within your life. The crisis can show up in the forms of negative emotions that cause you to explode…. Anger, Jealousy, possibly showing possessiveness. If not from yourself, it can show up from other’s aimed at you. During this time you could experience the death of a loved one, or the death “end” of a certain aspect in your life (career, friendship, relationship, living situation). This is meant to be cleared out in order to figure out what you really want and truly need. You may be dealing with secrets at this time, that you’re hiding from others, and vice versa. If someone else is hiding something, then you can feel it at a very deep level. You may finally come out and question them. Or finally reveal your feelings and secrets to this person. It’s as though it’s bubbling to the top and needs to come to light. I’m also feeling as though this will be a time where you will purge yourself of your possessions. You will rid your life of old energy and make room for the new. There is Raw Honesty happening here and an emotional purification.

Your Cartomancy: 3 Diamond/Jack Clubs/ 4 Hearts/ 9 Diamonds/ 9 Spade— The First thing that I am noticing are Issues when it comes to finances. It’s as though your working hard to get to a goal and then you’re sucked backwards. You’re feeling ‘All that work was for nothing!!’. I’m seeing a second chance coming. You will either go after something for the second time or if this deals with someone you love you will give them a second chance or be given one. Think back to what you were trying to achieve prior, or something you let go of– this is where the second chance is indicated. Some of you have a karmic debt to pay and this will be solved this time around. Returning to a situation or place with more wisdom– leading to an outcome that you will be very happy about. There is someone involved here that is trying to help you. This person could be a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). You will feel extremely motivated to make this change in your life. Leading to offers and proposals. 😀 You will be able to work through past/current disappointments. I’m seeing a trip coming up for you. It could be in relation to this second chance. Some of you will become awakened if you’ve been journeying inwards for a period of time. You will be able to see the situation clearly now. You’ve been working through a bit of a fog (confusion), that has been dominating your mind. It has been an emotional journey at times. You have felt hopeless and frustrated. Push and pull situation. Determined for a period of time heading towards a goal and having obstacles thrown your way. Well, guess what?? Nothing will hold you back any longer!

Cancer- This new moon shows up in your house of Partnerships. There has been intense pressure building up under the surface for you Crabs. Most of this pressure deals with your relationships and connections (At home, In a partnership and at the workplace). I’m feeling the energy that situations have become rigid and authoritative; someone is trying to “rule” you or win. You may even try to take control at times. Aim to be on top. Put your foot down. Test the other. Refuse to listen. You may have your own plans in mind. Power struggles. There is this really tight energy about to SNAP. The Sign that rules the 7th house is Libra. Libra seeks balance and harmony within connections. But here, you have it in Capricorn; who loves things a certain way and keeps to what makes one feel secure. I feel as though you need to have a serious conversation with those where things have been tense, and a battle. Hearing them out, make sure they’re paying attention as well, and say what you need to say. When you do have this conversation be sure to not start off by saying, “YOU made me feel… It’s because of YOU that this…” When you’re trying to solve an issue with another you have to go about this in a nonthreatening or Blaming matter. It is better you say, ” When this happens between us I feel….. I really wish that WE weren’t in this position.” It’s best to make it about the both of you. Your aiming to come to a solution so that the both of you can unify and work together. But, with Capricorn, it’s obvious that you both need to put a plan into place. A plan and a structure that helps the both of you to compromise and to feel good with the connection. You want to work through your current issues this month. It’s time to situate the energy of that connection.

Your Cartomancy: 3 Diamond/ 7 Diamond/ Jack Spade/ 2 Spade/ 10 Club— Quick action/ Quick communication and change coming in. This could be from/by an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). There is the energy of emotional intensity when it comes to this. Could be coming from the other individual, you or the situation itself causes this Intense energy. I fell like some of you have to make a decision quickly when it comes to what this is. You will be working with someone else through this, as indicated by the 3 Diamonds. This is normally about Collaborations taking place. So, you could be collaborating, or just discussing what needs to happen. For a lot of you, this will deal with a career change that will bring an abundance of Financial opportunity. Some of you may feel that it will bring you financial abundance and this is why you’re wanting to make this change or Invest your time, energy, effort, money into whatever this is. If this has nothing to do with career or Finances for you, it could be an individual that you want to invest in. I’m seeing a state of a truce. Where nothing is happening. You may not know what to do, You may not have all of the information. So, you’re either waiting on this information, not making a decision at this time (a refusal to admit something, or to see something), too afraid to make a move, Not wanting to give an answer… I’m seeing secrets being withheld. This is causing you to become anxious or tense. Emotional intensity!! Once, you’re able to make a decision and release this energy you’ll feel a lot better. You’ve been in limbo- stuck in a state of analysis. You’re not making up your mind. You’re being told to take action or “get off the pot.”

Leo- You guys are working very hard at this current time. You’re putting in long hours when in comes to your work and your goals. Becoming extremely productive. If you’ve never been a workaholic before— you’ve arrived! Good luck to anyone who tries to spend time with you. They’ll be lucky if they get a “hello”. It’s not personal of course, you’re just very driven right now to get shit done! It’s all you can think about. The ambition to succeed through the Sign of Capricorn has you reorganizing your workspace, as well as your personal life. This is the time when you situate certain chores and tasks to those that surround you in order to place more focus upon your goal. Around your home, you may divvy up certain chores to family members, get them on more of a schedule so that your daily day runs more smoothly. You could be doing this in the workspace as well. Planning out your day, even by the hour. What is it that will bring you harmony within what you’re trying to create for yourself? Recognition. But first you must be able to balance two main very important things in your life – Work/Home, Family/ Friends, Friends/Partner. There is a contradictory energy for you Lions this month. You may feel the desire you get close to someone, but get pulled back to your main focus. It’s as though you’re reaching out just to get sucked back into the abyss. Efficiency and effectiveness are two main keywords for you at this time.

Your Cartomancy: 6 Diamond/ Queen Club/ 2 Spade/ 4 Hearts/ 4 Spade– Just like the Sign of Cancer, you’re not making up your mind about a situation. I feel as though you don’t know who or what to invest your effort/ time into. I get this feeling that you’re going back and forth. This could be in your mind, with your feelings (as in one day you want to move forward and the next day you don’t), You may not know who or what to choose. You could be given news that you don’t like and you don’t know what to do about it. There is something being withheld from you that you don’t know about. You could be omitting admissions as well. For some of you, you and another individual aren’t speaking about “The elephant in the room”.  You need to have an open discussion about what is hidden. There is a “Second chance” indicated here. If you’ve been having issues with another, having this conversation will allow the both of you to begin again on a clean slate. I feel like someone is watching another… this could be you watching them, or them watching you, if you’re not the one doing it. Then again, the both of you could be checking up on each other. This has the energy of who will make the first move, or who will make the move. Neither one of you want to do it. Maybe fear of rejection. “Skirting the issue”… meaning if you’re in communication with another you will spend most of your conversation talking about everything BUT the main problem. You’re left wondering and assuming, but never knowing the real answer. Do yourself a favor and reach out to talk about this issue so that it can be put to rest.

Virgo- You’re focused on placing more of an emphasis upon what ignites your passion. For some of you, if you absolutely love what you do for work, then you’ll be hardcore productive when it comes to your career sector at this time. This is a period for you to dive more deeply into your hobbies and possibly generate money or recognition from them. You may take them a lot more seriously at this time. Selling your artwork/ crafts, entering into contests, submitting what you Pen to be published..ect. Other’s will become more sexually uninhibited. Just make sure you don’t regret your whims later. 😉 If letting loose has been very difficult for you to do in the past– you’ll become more free. Your emotional nature is normally reserved for those closest to you. Aiming to appear as pleasing as possible, you rarely let other’s know when they have “rocked you”. People better beware though, since you’re about to show them this side of yourself. Some good, some bad. A piece of your mind, most definitely will come forth. Within your relationships, you will experience a much greater emotional depth than normal. Some will love this side of you, while other’s will be repelled. This is a good time to see who to keep in your life and who to say goodbye to. If someone can’t accept all sides of yourself then why keep them around? It’s time to get creative in your life, to feel the excitement of a child, and to power through towards your end goal.

Your Cartomancy: 9 Spade/ 8 Spade/ 5 Hearts/ 7 Clubs/ 5 Spade— Heavy energy, Virgo’s. It seems that whatever is going on has taken a toll on your health. It could be that you feel trapped to a situation. The more you think about how you’re “trapped” the worse it gets for you. It’s bringing you down. You feel that you can’t do a damn thing about the issue you’re facing. There is intense stress, lack of sleep, restlessness and feeling on edge. I’m seeing this image as though you’re standing in front of a mountain and it seems to grow bigger and bigger, it becomes intimidatingly huge, you feel very small in comparison. It gets you to a point of hopelessness, where you want to give up. And yet, a part of you wants to keep fighting because you want your wish to become a reality no matter what. This could be about a relationship for a small portion of you. The main wish is about Career and/or Promotion for a lot of you. You’ve been working very hard… endlessly hard… towards your goal. The pressure is on 24/7. It’s weighing you down. But you keep plugging through. Worker Bees… Building your own “hive”. Break? What break? You can’t take a break. You need one so badly but you “Can’t” take a break. It’s almost as though you’re possessed. Not in complete control of yourself. You really do need to take a break from whatever this is because I’m seeing a bigger downfall when it comes to your health. This could be a nervous breakdown, messing up at work or within a connection that causes you to either get fired, demoted, thrown out, ending up in a hospital or worse case scenario- Jail. Take a break in order to think things through, rest, become grounded and then come back.

Libra- Your focus deals with your Home Environment and your Roots. Detachment from parental figures in order to establish your own roots, your own traditions, your own energy in your living space. You’re breaking free of old karmic patterns. We take this placement back to childhood, and with what was going on then. Which parental figure was around the most often and which was gone most of the time?  What effects they had on you. What still seems to linger that nags at your subconscious. You may be working through experiences where you weren’t taken seriously as a child; with any issues that you had; you were ignored. Whereas, in a past lifetime you were put in a leadership position or placed upon a pedestal. Your soul remembers this, and so this dismissive behavior from those around you in this lifetime create an energy of a core triggering vexation. It may appear to limit your current potential. You feel it deep down that you’re meant for greatness, but can’t seem to get up out of this “choke-hold”. Now, is the time, Now is the hour… Time to take back your power. Organize and revitalize your home environment. Maybe redecorate where you spend the most time. Feel into what needs to be placed where. Do not rush this process. Which each new piece, and each placement, you will be creating a whole new energy to work with in 2020. This will set the tone for the next decade. Get rid of old energy, by discarding what you no longer need or want. Envision who you are as an individual, apart from others. Let go of what you’ve been told. It’s time to set the record straight and come into your own being.

Your Cartomancy: 8 Spade/ 5 Diamonds/ 8 Clubs/ 10 Spade/ 5 Clubs— Power surrounds you, Libra. The Power to get what you want and to stay strong. Staying strong will bring the recognition that you desire. Some of you feel as though you’re being ignored. There is a general lack of acknowledgement going on for work that you’ve done, or effort that you have put into something. You could have been the creator — other’s took from you and never gave you credit. Or you did most of the work, if not all, and other’s took credit for doing nothing. If this is the case for you, your credit is due and is coming; You will finally be recognized and credited. If you have been stolen from in any way, even financially… you will get it back. It belongs to YOU after all… whatever this is. It’s as though the power of the universe sees this imbalance and this state of unfairness and either gets the individual to finally acknowledge you or stops the thief in their tracks and hands it back to you. It could be that you’re waiting on money owed and someone is trying to get out of paying you. There is a surprise coming to you guys,  so try not to stress too much. Money, praise, acknowledgment, A Bonus, A Gift. Surrender& let go. There is an end to this situation coming through communication. I’m seeing contracts being made between you and another, this may not even be in the form of something you sign, it could be just a verbal contract. Especially, if you trust each other, then you wouldn’t be required to sign a document. A Promise is given and made.

Scorpio- Your main focus deals with communication when it comes to your siblings, friends, as well as the Public eye. The energy of nurturing, restructuring and a coming together (being on the same page) is emphasized at this time. Your Emotional nature will take over what you relay to other’s. Conversing about your feelings concerning pressing matters based upon your own perception. What you speak may not actually turn out to be factual, but to you, it appears to be so. You’re aiming to relate to the group or for them to relate to you. Sometimes, you’re hit with obstacles from the strong willed. Especially, by those that have a hard time seeing from various perspectives. You can’t please everyone, after all. You want to give your own sympathy and understanding, but will only do this if the energy begins to harmonize between you and another, or you and a group of people. I get this energy of where you’re standing your ground, possibly in preparation to battle. It’s as though you’re expecting this. You don’t wish to battle, of course, you actually want to create a Yin/Yang energy. All is one, and one is all. You know that is impossible; but you’re willing to try anyway. More power to you!! 🙂 I’m hearing, “Watch your words.” With Capricorn in your house, this will be very constructive. Know that this situation could get dramatic, especially with Pluto located here as well, but as long as you try and remain as objective as possible, things will go much more smoothly.

Your Cartomancy– 6 Diamonds/ King Spade/ 3 Spade/ King Diamond/ 3 Diamond— First thing that I am getting is a separation. Being separated from someone or being stuck in the middle of two individuals who are at cross purposes. You have two individuals here– Air Sign/ Earth Sign. They don’t have to be of these elements. One is Highly intelligent, can see situations from all angles, is able to make a decision based upon facts presented. This could be a Lawyer, Judge, police officer. The other individual is Grounded, Financially Stable, Possibly a business owner, or a Boss of yours. Or they could be two people you know already that is in connection with what is happening. They could be discussing you and what needs to be done. You may be at a standstill with another. I’m seeing the images of Letters and a Safe. This could be literal- that there is important information being held in a safe, or secrets needing to come out and be revealed. Something has been kept “under wraps”. And now it’s time for a revelation. There is something dealing with the number 6. Six days, weeks, months or years. So what ever is happening or “going down” has been going on for this long or will be revealed in 6 days-weeks. I won’t say Years or months, because that would be too long to wait for something to be revealed at this time of the reading…. If it’s years/months, then whatever this is was kept hidden for 6 years/months. At the time I am conducting this… 6 days will fall on Christmas. “Holiday Ruiner”. It may not ruin your holiday, so don’t worry. That’s just the phrase that came to me, but it’s certainly not for all of you. It could be a good secret for some of you that is being revealed. I then see a collaboration with another… trying to sort out the details of something to “be in good standing”. Major decision must be made. Action taken, after a long time. Moving on from the past and past judgments.

Sagittarius- You Sagi’s are focused on the basics in your life. It is the basics that provide you the foundation that helps you to feel secure. So, even though this doesn’t seem exciting, it is imperative on a daily basis. This is where you’re going to evaluate your current life stance. You will be driven to ambition from this point on. You will aim to give yourself more than you have been. When it comes to your financial situation, you will put forth the effort to create more of a solid monetary nest egg. You may look to invest at this time or to get serious when it comes to saving. You will also look for more ways in which to make money. You want more stability and security in the future. You will also be focusing on your own self-worth. Have you been shortchanging yourself? Charging less for your services, or accepting less when you have the talent, skill, ability, intelligence… in order to be paid more or to be promoted. Shouldn’t you be in the lead or on top? The Answer is Yes. 😉 It’s time for you to step up to the plate and to accept nothing less than what you deserve. If you do spend money, money is best invested on your own marketing and promotion of your services. This will help to bring in more clients, leads, awards, recognition… Look to your inner self and what is true. You don’t need to “fake it till you make it”, You already Got it!! It’s time to Own up to it, and truly value yourself. Your cartomancy reading below went a whole different route. Enjoy!

Your Cartomancy: 2 Hearts/ 5 Spade/ 3 Hearts/ 3 Clubs/ 9 Diamonds— A relationship trio possibly? Third party. For other’s, you’ll be invited to go out with a group of friends. It’s a time of celebration and togetherness. I’m hearing the song, “Time of the Season” by the Zombies. I’m also seeing argumentative communication. This could be brought on because someone wants to see you and you aren’t giving them an answer or making a move. This is causing them to become aggressive or to play tit for tat. This is actually a wish for some of you, that this individual will contact you. Be careful what you ask for. 😉 You may not be ready for what they have to say. I’m seeing two people (you and another) that are drawn to each other. But then there is an energy of negative dominance. I feel like (for some of you) that you will be at a gathering and then this individual is going to cause problems. It could be this 3rd person that you’re not even drawn to. Someone who is an “outsider” to this gathering. Someone who was not invited. And they are MAD. Yes, this person is either psychologically ill, having a severe mental disturbance that they are not included. Whatever is happening they are showing the worst side of themselves. Normally, they would try to keep this to themselves and not show it outwardly (definitely NOT to a crowd of people), but this time the whole crowd is seeing them for who they are or what they can possibly become when angered. This causes a bit of a KINK in the situation. It’s as though they’ve ruined a good time. Now, they didn’t ruin it completely because Mind over matter, but they basically put negative energy into the atmosphere, that was once joyous. They are a massive nuisance and a killjoy. The Plot twist is that THEY have no power and they will be the one that loses. They may present a problem, but you will have the solution and take control. Then you can get back to your good time and connecting.

Capricorn- This time it is all about You, My dears. How you present yourself to the world. Topics surrounding your Public status, Professional Status and your Reputation have taken over. Are you staying true to yourself? You may be more so focused on your appearance at this time, and seek to change your style of clothing, change your hair style, your skin care routine, having a consult with a plastic surgeon or a dentist. You’ll be focused on how you communicate to other’s. The presentation of your home, your office, your family. You’re looking to create this vision you have that you want other’s to see as well. You want to bring your vision into reality now. You’re being gifted the energy to proceed at this time, even through obstacles that may present themselves, in order to fulfill your destiny. You’ll be working harder than ever to achieve your goals and ambitions. You feel as though all aspects of your life has “A place” to help to boost the future that you desire. With both the Moon and the Sun in your first house you are able to turn the page of your current and Karmic past to move forward. You will no longer be stuck in the “what If’s”. It will all become your reality. Now, is the time to tweak the details of what is to become of you in the next decade.

Your Cartomancy: 9 Hearts/ 3 Spade/ 2 Clubs/ 5 Hearts/ 3 Diamonds— I’m seeing telephone or video calls with another where you’ll be able to work out your misunderstandings. You’ll be able to speak your view point and hear them out as well. However, this form of communication takes place, It’s not texting or email… because you can hear their voice. So it’s could even be through Voice texts. Sending audio clips. This conversation that you’re about to have is extremely important to you. A lot of you are attempting to heal a connection or bridge the gap between you and another. This is also a Big wish of yours. I feel as though you’ve been very disappointed in someone or with how the situation has gone down. You want to work through your emotions and get back on track. Either get back on track with this individual or get your thoughts and feelings to become balanced out. Could be both. I’m hearing, “I Miss You.” I see some of you being able to make plans for a future meeting or get together with this individual. There is an energy of “Going back”… someone from the past, an area where you once lived… you could be making plans to travel there, or you’ll already be traveling to that location and this individual lives there. The person you’re communicating with could be the one traveling to you and it’s a place where they lived prior. It could be a place that the two of you have gone to together, A restaurant maybe… But I see you being able to reconnect, share memories and get back on track. Or just be able to put your mind at ease. So really, your reading here is straight to the point.

Aquarius- You guys will be diving down deep into your own hidden depths, as well as into other’s. There are Karmic debts that need to be resolved. You may feel responsible for them, or feel as though you deserve them. This never ending internal battle of yours is about to meet it’s end. You’ll be focusing on your responsibility to others in comparison with the responsibility to yourself. You will question what you have contributed to certain situations to arrive at where you currently find yourself. You’re aiming to find the equilibrium. What are the emotions that you have kept hidden from others? Many will appear to be strong on the surface, but low and behold what is occurring on the inside is so much more than what you show. If you get to a place where you’re ultimately stressed or overwhelmed you then tend to find an outlet, sometimes an Unhealthy outlet, in order to deal with the barrage of emotions. It is the unhealthy outlet that you may even hide from others. You may even tell yourself repeatedly that what you’re doing isn’t a big deal, so in turn, you keep dodging a solution. Yes, your coping mechanisms need to be changed. Communicating about these to someone you can trust will help you to pinpoint, validate and create a new plan for you to follow for the next time. Even, reaching out before it happens again, you can catch yourself and either contact that person, get into a habit of doing a specific chore, or a hobby, exercise, Paint… The Possibilities are endless. This New Moon helps to take you out of the murky waters of secrets (Yours and Theirs) into the light of clarity.

Your Cartomancy: 5 Hearts/ 5 Clubs/ 7 Diamonds/ 3 Spade/ Jack Clubs— There is a ton of Creative and Expansive vibes happening for you. There is a long period of processing something… this could be you mentally processing a situation, absorbing and digesting it. I see you also working towards a very important goal of yours.  The End Goal. This is a time consuming process. It feels like it takes a lot of energy out of you. It could be draining at times, but you continue to be determined and to trust within this process. I don’t know why I’m saying “Process” a lot, but maybe it means something more personal to you. There are changes coming about in your emotional life, as well as your career or what brings you the most passion. I feel the energy as though they are connected somehow. Some of you have an “End Goal” when it comes to a specific person. I feel as though you want to work with them in some way. Either run a new business, work on a project, any collaborations really are indicated here. There is a Fire Sign that could be possibly involved (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)– If not their Sun Sign, it could be their Rising or Moon. There appears to be a separation at some point from this individual. Or you have to work through a current connection in order to get to this other person. Ending the ties to the connection, or healing from the connection in order to move forward with this other individual. Even if you’re in each other’s lives currently, you cannot fully move forward. There is this energy of “blocking movement”. Situations and Patterns from the past need to be worked through thoroughly.

Pisces- What exactly is the weight of your influence on others, especially your friends? Are you the one that they turn to for answers? Do they hold you above the rest? You’re weighing in on this yourself. Maybe even testing the waters at times to see their reactions. You want to set things right. Where you see injustice, you want to correct this. Some of these injustices may even of come from you unto others. These characteristics of yourself you haven’t truly faced before. You may have thought about them for a few moments, here and there, but quickly disregarded changing of your ways. You want to show your compassionate side and will be very open towards cooperating with your closest circle. You also plan to expand who you know as well. Who you may include and socialize with in a more consistent manner. Who you choose to include will be based upon your main goal at this time. Those that you can work along side in order to accomplish your final destination. You will want their thoughts on a certain matter before you proceed. It’s not about them molding to your whims, but more so about them giving you a new perspective. If you currently feel as though you don’t belong to any specific group, you will take this time to find the one suited for you. As you evolve, you will transform and merge to those that are meant more for you. Just sticking to the same group of people (for decades… forever) does not allow you to fully abandon the traits that you need to leave behind. You’re growing out of one skin and developing a new one. Don’t stunt your growth.

Your Cartomancy: 2 Diamond/ 10 Diamond/ Ace Diamond/ 4 Spade/ 6 Hearts– I feel as though your reading is centered around finances, deals and beginning something very stable that you can trust. You have this New opportunity coming in with the Ace. You’re trying to figure out what to do with it or what to do about it. For a while, you may juggle with what you have currently and what you want to begin. Weighing pros and cons. I’m hearing, “A Matter of the Heart”. So, this is something that you really want to aim for attached to a sense of Longing for it. I’m seeing a distance… so you could be traveling for this or whatever it is isn’t currently in the state that you reside. For some of you, the destination is in a different country. Waiting on money in order to move forward. Waiting on money to move. There is a type of Bidding process that I am seeing. Purchasing of a home. With the 10 and Ace, it’s yours. Whatever you’re trying to “win” or go after, you’ll get. Putting your best face forward and beating the competition. With the 4 spade here, it seems to throw everything off balance. There is this Nagging sense that something is missing. It’s as though you will have all that you desire, but not be completely satisfied. Some of you are missing someone from the past– could be an old friend, a parental figure that passed away, an ex…. It’s as though you want to share this good news with them, but either feel that you can’t or if they have passed then you can’t at all. There is this scene I’m seeing where you’ve finally reached a goal and you’re very proud, “Look what I’ve done!!”, you turn around and no one is there. You want to share this amazing finale with someone and for them to either Pat you on the back, show that they are proud, congratulate you…. But there’s just crickets. If it is someone that has passed away trust me when I say that they CAN see what you have/will accomplish. If it is someone that is still alive, reach out to them. You never know what will happen unless you try.

Have an Amazing New Moon in Capricorn and Happy Holidays!

Time to Welcome in A NEW DECADE!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo- December 2019 Reading.

Welcome to December, Earth Signs! This reading is for Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo. This is a general Reading. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You may venture to to find out your ASC and Moon.

As I was shuffling the Lenormand cards for you I heard the song, “Dream a little Dream of me”. The main theme for you at this time is about Building bridges between yourself and another; For a lot of you, this “other” is a woman or Feminine sign (Water and Earth). If it isn’t about a person then this could be about yourself and a vision that you want to make a reality as well. I feel as though there is either a lot of stress or nervous/restless energy when it comes to this. It has most likely been eating away at you under the surface for some time now. We have confusion and doubt. I’m seeing a meeting taking place to stabilize the foundation. Either to secure what you are about to begin and build or between you and this other. You don’t want the situation up in the air anymore. I’m seeing a lo of communication when it comes to this. There could be many people you’re talking to about this. They are giving their own view points and opinions as to what they would do or how they would feel. There are texts, emails and calls about this situation going back and forth. I’m seeing a major change and an improvement. I feel like some of you are thinking about literally moving to a different location. A different country possibly. Back home. Especially, if you have moved away from your country of origin. Some of you are thinking about either moving in with this woman or near this woman. You know that you will be taking a chance when it comes to changing your life, as I see you completely cutting out something that has been stable. So, even if you haven’t been in communication with someone, that would be a stable situation that will be changed by going forth and speaking to them.


I’m seeing that you guys have been in a “no-win” situation. This could most likely be what you’re trying to stop or cut out of your life. You don’t want to be involved in this negative situation any longer. It’s like you’re asking yourself, ” What am I fighting for?? What am I holding onto?” I’m feeling as though there is a grudge for some of you that you want to let go of. It has become absolutely pointless, and you may have even viewed this as ridiculous. You don’t have time for that!! 🙂 Not today, Satan! I’m seeing you currently trying to make your way out (whatever that means for you) at this time, but there are obstacles and delays to this happening. I feel as though the conversation that you need to have will help to move this along. You may not want to have this conversation because you know that you will basically be touching base with something that could end up causing more issues. It’s because you’re very disappointed and now you have to relay this to the other. You don’t know how they will react. But what you do know is that you want to get out of this mental and emotional state of being that has been slowly dragging you down. You feel as though you won’t get cooperation from them, that things will blow up in your face, or it will become worse instead of better. So, you have kept your thoughts to yourself.

You’re showing yourself as someone that is grounded and dedicated. Who protects all that they have achieved and accumulated over time. You’re in a high position of authority. This could be in your career or in your family life. You’re the one that does all they can for those around you. You’re not being portrayed in a negative light at all. So, if you felt at times that other’s saw you that way, the answer is Not at all! They see who you really are and what you’re trying to do with the time you have. You are trustworthy and someone that they can rely on. For a small portion of you, other’s see you as a person who can help them out financially. You’re coming off as well organized, productive, and disciplined. Some people think you live a very wealthy lifestyle. Even if you don’t, this is what they think based upon what is shown to them or told to them. Looking at this woman’s face, I have a feeling of worry. This is what is happening underneath the surface. You may be showing all of the good in your life, but not really speaking about what is actually taking place. Think of a strong looking pillar…. You go to lean on this pillar and it breaks and crumbles with barely any pressure. Some of you are at your “breaking point”. How long can I do this for? How long can I keep this up?

For a small portion of you, I am seeing that your location blocking your desires and goals. This could be where you’re living or your place of business. Then I am feeling that you may be of two minds when it comes to what you want to bring out to the world, or go after. This gives a seesaw effect… I feel as though I am bouncing back and forth. I also feel as though you’re dealing with constant distractions and obstacles to your goals. Too much to deal with at one time. This would make it very hard to stay on point and on track. You’re trying to direct your life in a positive direction but something keeps pulling you back, down, away from your focus or/and your goal. Some of you are scattered. I feel as though there is another in the mix somehow, and they could be causing you to question what it is that you want. They may keep asking you why you would want that. Most likely they are against it. You know this and you may feel it, even if they don’t show it. So, then you second guess yourself. I’m hearing that some of you don’t have a car to get to where you want to be or need to go. And it is this lack of transportation that causes issues in your life. Other’s have a hard time staying motivated; it could be that what they want is taking too long. Just keep going if this is you. I was going to add, “Unless you’re aiming for the impossible.” but I feel as though that is what someone keeps telling you…. That what you’re trying to achieve is impossible and to give up. Don’t Listen! Keep on path!

What you need to do is to make a decision and stick with it. I laughed when I turned this card over because as I was channeling the previous card – Being of two minds – that is not something I would normally get with the card of the chariot. But this card is the Lovers and yes, that is of “Two minds”, as it relates to the sign of Gemini. I keep all of my cards facing down, until I turn one around to channel the position. They end up relating to each other anyway, and most of the time, what I have already channeled is the message of the next. I digress, This is a decision based upon what your heart wants verses what you’re mind is telling you that you should do. Sometimes, you have someone come along that can help you to figure this out, but it is really down to you. This card always tells me that the choice must be made when it comes to how you feel and not what you think. If you do what your mind tells you to do or what is “expected of you” or what is “Morally correct”, then you could end up regretting the choice that you made in the future. If you’re dealing with another person, you may deeply love them and that is why this is so hard. You may have to try to see their point of view and work together– cooperate– to get things back on track. Or if you have already tried and they acted like they couldn’t care less, you may have to make the decision to let them go with no grudges being held against them. There is again! It’s better to let someone go and to wish them well, then to constantly be thinking negatively about them, and you know this. That negative feeling will eat away at your soul on a daily basis and cause you to become an angry and bitter person. You truly don’t want to live that way. The answer here is to listen to what your heart wants. Even if it’s not another person, you really want something to go well for you!

In the next card for what you can learn, I am seeing someone coming out a state of denial or a state of apathy. You may have pushed opportunities away, people away, because you were stuck inside of yourself, stuck within your problems. You just could not get up out of them. It’s like you’re stuck in the mud and you’ve attempted to try on multiple occasions just to have the mud suck you back down again. This is like quick sand or being stuck in a whole and having rocks falling upon you. It’s the energy I’m getting. It’s suffocating and frustrating. This has also had you take breaks and possibly give up for a period of time. It’s like “what’s the point?!? It’s not going to go my way obviously!” I’m hearing that there is someone calling to you trying to get you out of this rut. For a lot of you, it is actually a guide or a loved one that has passed over. If you’re not sensitive to this, you most likely don’t even realize. I’m getting an energy of this person as though they have taken over command of you. They seem a bit dominating, but they love and care about you. It is not a person that wants to rule your life. They have watched you in your times of despair one too many times. They are trying to snap you back to the reality that you are in control of what is happening in your life and that you must take back the reigns.

You have the card of long term progress in this position. Earth Signs are used to this energy. It doesn’t mean you like this energy, but this is actually how you build your success— Over a period of time. Other Signs are more likely to give up too soon before the magic happens. You’re more of a patient Elemental. Security means everything to you. You’re the type that has a 2,5,10 year plan in place. Because of this fact, when things seemingly fall apart, you get very irritated when you must begin again. You’re very meticulous about how you go about gaining what you desire. You try to make your outcome look exactly like you have planned or imagined— to a T. So when a metaphorical wrench gets thrown in your plans that you haven’t even thought about, you buckle down immediately. You usually only allow yourself a brief period of time to complain about a situation, but this particular issue REALLY got to you for a long time. It got to the point of being shown all over your face. It even has effected your health. So, what to do now? You’re about to get up out of this rut and move forward, possibly with a whole new plan. This time, you’re going to imagine scenarios where these “wrenches” will be thrown in and what you will do about it when it happens, IF it happens.

Your outcome— THE EMPEROR. Need I say more?? I will for those that don’t know the cards. 😉 You, my Dears, are about to take control of your life. Your mental state will become focused. Your emotions will become stable. You will devise a plan, delegate certain tasks to other people (if other people are involved in your plan), You will get everything in order and begin to create exactly what you want. Your confidence level will become so strong and embedded in you and carry such a drive that motivates you long term (which is exactly what you need) to get things done. What comes to you will be the upmost respect, success and prosperity that you desire.

Spirit Animal:

Capricorn- Lamb/Gazelle– This lamb is so precious!! So soft and sweet to those around them. It also looks non threatening… at least until you make it angry. I feel like this lamb is sitting here patiently looking as sweet as possible to get what they want. It’s like the kid that looks really cute, or someone who utilizes their looks in order to achieve something from others. I’m not feeling negative manipulation with this though. Some of you may not even realize that you’re putting out this sweet energy, you could be lost in your own world and someone takes notice from afar and admires you…. Wanting to give to you. Wanting to help you. There is something they see in you. You’re like No other! The Gazelle carries the energy of patience as well, remaining on high alert. I’m seeing the Doppler radar… There is a “scanning” or a “monitoring” going on of the location around you. Either you are scanning the location for some reason, or someone else is scanning your location. If it is someone else, most of you have a feeling that they are doing this and you are watching and possibly waiting for them. The Lamb comes with the keywords: Peaceful, Prophetic, Patient. “The Lamb is the bearer of an important message. Its contents can only be heard when a deep level of quiet has been established.” You may hear strange noises or clicks on your phone. Someone could be listening in on your phone calls, if that’s the case. I’m not trying to freak you out. This has actually been done to me many years ago. Notice any signs or patterns going on around you— 5 Vans parked on the street in a row. People riding around on motorbikes all of a sudden on the same path each time. There is a big difference on what not to pay attention to and what to pay attention to. Just pay attention to when patterns change. If it seems out of the ordinary and doesn’t make sense, pay attention to that. This is defintely not for all of you Capricorns, this is just the message I am being given to tell. Continuing on… You will be given guidance , honest guidance, to follow. Either from an old friend, a small child (definitely if they say something that seems out of the ordinary for them… it’s a message to you), or even a stranger may walk up to you and relay a message. This is so crazy… I can see someone walking up to you and cupping their hand over their mouth whispering, “You’re being watched.” then walking away. With you being the Lamb, it’s like they think they have power over you…. And remember I said you look non threatening until you’re angry… they actually better watch themselves. Their about to see the Incredible hulk. Lol “Really? I’ll show you what’s up!!” Rolling up your sleeves, taking NO prisoners! For the rest of you, I feel like someone in your environment, at your job, wants to mess with you. They think they can. They are dead wrong. They keep trying to catch you mess up somehow so that you will either be reprimanded or fired. So that you will look bad. They could be jealous of your standing and title. This is getting long… The Gazelle comes with the Keywords: Heightened Awareness & Ability, Vunerable. Yeah, they think you’re vunerable when you’re actually extremely strong. The Gazelle moves with supreme grace and has this awe-inspiring beauty. This is speaking about you becoming hyper-aware of your surroundings and with what is going on. Being this way ” can inhibit you from enjoying the beauty you’ve spent so much effort cultivating. No more worrying about all those predators out there in the wild…” This card tells you to get back to the present moment, sit down, find your breath and acknowledge what surrounds you.

Taurus-Phoenix/Hyena- What I am getting with these two is that as you are rising in life, you’re making other’s Jelly. That stinks for them, doesn’t it?? Because they should be focused on themselves and their own achievements. Some of you could be “Rising” to prove something to other’s. The people who thought you couldn’t make it, or do what you’re doing now. You’re making them eat dirt at this point. Some of them don’t like that. Other’s gave up caring and moved onto their next victim. You’re shedding an old skin, old habit, old behavior pattern that locked you into place for far too long. You are branching out, reaching out and doing whatever needs to be done to achieve a goal of yours. You don’t want what you’ve had and you’re turning to something new. This may shock other’s so be prepared. I’m sure you guys are used to that, when you finally change up what you’re doing since Taurus normally doesn’t “Do” change too much. You’re normally pretty set in your ways. But you’re tired of even your own ways. It’s as though you want to become someone else. You’ll still keep yourself of course, but you want to become what you have envisioned either currently or at some point in life (when you didn’t have the guts to do it) you’re bringing this back and making it a reality. I’m hearing “Reality Show”…. So, some of you could be discussing going on one. It’s as though you no longer care how you’re seen by the public. This is HUGE for you. You’ve always cared about your appearance and how you come across to others, and now you will be like “THIS is actually who I am! Take it or leave it! I refuse to stay where I was (mentally, emotionally, physically)”… You want to get out of a deluded type of energy that you’ve been living under. You weren’t deluding yourself, you were hindering yourself. You may have been deluding other’s. The Phoenix comes with the keywords: Freedom from Suffering & Past Karma, Reincarnation. The Phoenix is a part of the Spirit and not of an Element. So, this is pure spiritual growth that you are going through. “The Phoenix represents the transformation of your past. it doesn’t mean running from it or denying it. The essence of the Phoenix is with you when you realize you have been suffering too long and something must change. You must take a stand and decide to live consciously instead of being driven by the unconscious mind and it’s long list of fears and aversions. When you make the decision to change the “stuck-ness” and “dead weight” falls into the Ashes as lightness and clarity emerge.” I really don’t feel the need to speak more about the Hyena, because those people do not matter anymore. 😉 All that matters is YOU and what YOU decide.

Virgo- Nightingale/Zebra- I feel as though this Nightingale for you sings a song of a pleading type of energy. There could be sadness for some of you, but not all. You really long for someone or for something to happen. It is like you are sending out signals to the universe or God, whoever you want to think of, to come and help you. I’m Hearing, “What about me?? Was I forgotten?? What about all I have done??” You haven’t been forgotten at all, you’re actually being watched or discussed (not in a creepy way) for a future plan that either someone has for you, or the Universe itself has a Big Surprise for you in store. The Nightingale appears to be so tiny to the whole plan, but will play a large part in what comes about. You’re the Nightingale and your role is extremely important. The Zebra appears to be Camouflaged, so that they cannot be easily picked out of a crowd. This is symbolic for the individual analyzing you and you having no idea that they are doing this. This is also symbolic for the fact that you will be the glue that holds whatever this is together in the future. Without YOU, This would have never come about or become successful. So your role is integral and you need to know this. If you ever feel like you’re taken for granted or not given the praise that you deserve know that you’re looked up to and admired by many (this could even be by your own children). A lot of times when we’re not praised by other’s its because they feel that we’ve heard it enough and don’t need to hear it anymore. People see you differently from how you see yourself. You may see your flaws, cracks and failures, but all they see is your devotion, your skills, your abilities, your amazing gifts that you have to offer. You’re like superman to them. The untouchable. The Nightingale comes with the keywords: Fearless voice, Speech, Communication, or song. This card speaks about opening the bridge between (are you ready for it??) the heart and the voice. Speak what you’re feeling. Say what you need to say. Even if you decide to write about it, you must get it out. The Zebra comes with the keywords: Eccentric, Creative, Visionary. You sure are a Visionary!! When you speak, you have the ability to open the minds of other’s. So why hold in all of your ideas, no matter how odd they may seem? Tell people about them. Get this project going!! Or write that book! Whatever it is that you are holding back, you need to now release it. Some of you may be required to pack your bags. Hopefully, it’s not because you’re seen as too strange to be around. Lol Do Virgo’s hide their “strange” side? Why? Let that shit OUT! The Strangest ideas have been shunned many times before being given a chance and then once that chance is given it becomes a huge success almost overnight.

Black Moon Oracle- Earth Element/ Grand Cross- You guys received a card of your own element which carries the word of Stability. Being within your own element, you will feel at home with who you are in order to make these much needed changes in your life. Being in your own element gives you the confidence and courage to grow towards a much more stable path. You have the Grand Cross energy behind you which motivates you for movement and change in your life. This change could be quite the dramatic one for some of you. There is an area of tension and restriction in your life that you are breaking out of. You’re life is at a turning point. You have two different pathways before you, and you are “standing” there trying to choose which path to take. Both may seem intriguing or on the other hand they both may seem daunting, but it’s up to you to choose. You can no longer stay where you’re at. You must move forward with one of the paths. This is the only way to a renewal in your life. Some of you may be dealing with a crisis and you are forced to choose. Please still take the time, to think it through, prior to deciding. Take note of how you are communicating with others. Make sure you’re giving all of the details and not purposely leaving them out. If involved in a relationship (meaning, your situation deals with one) then it is a fated relationship. You feel as though you cannot let go because of this. This indicates sacrifice and compromise within this relationship. You will be challenged by this other person. But if you don’t stick it out and try to make it work, you may regret it. Now, let me just add— if you are abused by this individual– GET OUT. There’s nothing to decide upon with that. No one deserves to be treated that way. And believe me when I say that you WILL find someone else who will love you like you deserve to be loved. Don’t ever think that you won’t find it or that real love won’t find you. If you’ve been told repeatedly that you won’t find “Someone like them” GOOD, you don’t want to find a duplicate abuser anyway. Just tell them, “Be Gone, Peasant!!” and go on your merry way. I know it’s not that easy if that’s what you’re dealing with. Try to find a Co-dependents meeting. That will be helpful. XOXO Know that you’ll all become more focused and determined with each step you take. You’re headed towards long lasting success.

Oracle of Visions- 21/11– First off, the number 11 tells me about being the on the correct path in life no matter what the circumstances are. So, you are meant to make this life changing decision. In the card of 21, she is gambling. You will find all of the superstitious symbolism within this card. She is taking a risk, taking a chance… even if that Black cat walks across her path and she immediately thinks “Bad Luck”, she’s going for it anyway. Black Cats are actually Good Luck by the way. Universal mindfucks left and right around you since birth. I don’t gamble, so to me the number 7 is about Spiritual challenges and growth. You will see three 7’s on the slot machine. This luck of the draw that you may feel nervous to move forward with is in actuality your prize waiting in disguise. I’m not telling ANY of you to go to the Casino’s, so don’t. What you want to gamble on, take a risk on, go after— do it. What appears to be scary is being so on purpose to trick you into staying put. You don’t want to stay put, you don’t appreciate being scared… so whatever this is needs to get out of your way. It could be your own mind messing with you.

With card 11, This reminds me of a peaceful existence. You have the yin and yang, the light and dark… together flowing easily. This is where you want to get your mind and your emotions in check. This is the only way you will be “at home” with making your choice. Spend time in meditation or listening to soothing music. I will Leave you with yet another song that came to me for you….

I hope you all have an Amazing December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Aries, Leo & Sagittarius- December Fire Elemental Reading.

Welcome to December, Fire Signs! This reading is for Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. This is a general Reading. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You may venture to to find out your ASC (Rising) and Moon.

With the Lenormand, your main focus for December is on your Health (Mental and Spiritual). Not so much Physical health. Though I must state that when your Mental and Spiritual Health is in need of help it will seep into your Physical body to become more known if you do nothing about it. You could end up physically ill. I’m seeing Stress building up causing restlessness. This is eating away at you over a period of time. It’s becoming imperative to do something about it. For some of you, you may be dealing with the Government, Judicial system or an organization that is placing boundaries and restrictions upon you. This could be a social media platform as well; algorithms, banned hashtags, banned keywords. Apparently, now on FB if you use the word Tarot, then no one is going to see your post accept for yourself. Shadow banning.  I’m seeing things changing for you, though you may have to plan in advance how you will go about either getting what you want or fixing the situation. There is a solution here for you. You either know this or will find this out sooner rather than later. Some of you may be dealing with a Masculine individual who has mental/emotional issues… There is this Karmic cycle that they have to go through and it causes them to carry this heavily conflicted energy. I feel them being able to get the help that they desperately need. There is a wish coming true for you, that has been long held to be given when the time is right.

When it comes to the Tarot:

First things first! Your reading is being DOMINATED by Cups. I have 8 cards placed before me; 6 are Cups; One is The Moon… ALL of these are about your emotions, intuition and your emotional life. You have two majors- The Magician and the Moon. This is all within your own control, my Wicked Souls. 😉

You’re coming into December either walking away from unsatisfactory circumstances, turning your back on someone or what once was. I feel as though you carry a heavy burden on your shoulders. Some of you may feel as though you must do this all on your own without seeking help. There is this energy of experiencing a burn out or nearing a burn out. You’ve reached this point of letting go. 8 is the number of strength and courage to do what must be done against all odds. You’re seeking change in your life brought upon by emotional boredom, inertia and dissatisfaction with the status quo. You’re Looking back on past experiences to see where to go from here.

Others can see the way that you’re feeling; you’re definitely not hiding this! People may be trying to get together with you, invite you out somewhere, emailing, texting, calling,… but you have no desire to accept or reach back out. If you do reach back out, it can take you days to weeks to get back to them. It’s as though there is nothing they can do that will motivate you. I feel as though your focus is on the past, or what has not come about for you. This is a “wallowing” type of energy. Possibly intense sadness for some. I’m hearing, “not taking a chance…. What is the point?” So, yes, past disappointment got you to this place. You don’t want your time wasted anymore. Even if someone were to be honest about what they are offering you, even if it were from someone you care about and trust, you’re blocking them out. It’s a defense mechanism. You’re trying to protect yourself. Subconsciously, you’re protecting yourself, physically you may be unwavering and numb.

The Blockage of your desires and goals could come from another individual. This person could be a water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), if it is not yourself. This person has a tendency to become overemotional because they are internalizing their feelings for a long period of time before they show them. When they do release their emotions it comes out of the blue quickly surprising the other person. It feels like a roller coaster- it’s very tumultuous and unpredictable. They could be trying to pull you back in- afraid they will lose you. I feel as though you have pretty much worn your heart on your sleeve and have been taken advantage of one too many times. You want to care for and protect those you love and people seem entirely selfish. Or it’s a specific individual that has been selfish. Continually taking from you and not really giving back. Possibly only reaching out when they need help, but never reaching out to ask how you’re doing and to catch up. It’s always about them and their problems. That could why some of you are cut off. YOU are choosing to cut people out who use you. I commend you! 🙂 Don’t feel bad, if you’re doing this. You have to put yourself first from here on out.

I’m seeing you taking control of your life and with what is going on. You’re looking to get things done and squared away. Be sure to delegate certain tasks to others. Specifically, tasks that are trivial and would take away time needed for more important things on your list. Say, you’ve picked up more work or clients and the house is becoming a complete mess- ask your kids and/or partner to help out. You need the extra time to be directed and given to your own progress.

You may be in a dull period emotionally but, I am seeing that you need to gather hope again. Look forward to the future. Regain that sense of newness, of opportunity and excitement to get things moving. To become motivated again, turn to things that would help—- Music plays a huge role in inspiring people or a class you’ve thought about taking. I’m seeing something from the past playing a big role in this. Could be someone from the past that could inspire this new direction. You need to take time to yourself. A break. To just enjoy the moment that is free from stress or expectations.  Try simplifying your life as well. Cutting down on certain obligations, especially if you have overextended yourself.

I’m seeing you being able to work through problems and to move away from heaviness– heavy emotions. You’ll be able to communicate your needs and wants. You will be exploring a whole new path for yourself in the future. This could be a path that you have only dreamed about, but haven’t fully taken action on. You may still be unsure as to how it will all work out, but you will have this inner knowing about it propelling you forward. This is like walking on a long, dark and twisted road where you only see your feet before you… yet, you continue to walk knowing you can’t turn back.

Spirit Animal:

Aries: Moth/Earthworm- One of Air and the Other of Earth. The Moth rises above towards clarity as the Earthworm remains grounded. Moths signify to me a death is about to occur. This is usually a physical death that I will hear about in a matter of two weeks. An extremely small portion of you will hear about a physical death. keep in mind, that most deaths I hear about aren’t of people I personally know. They could be a friends uncle, or a friends boyfriends cousin. The other side of the Moth deals with a transformative state. In this case, it will be your Mind and how you think. You will be able to rise above old thought patterns that have held you in place. With the Earthworm as your Overall energy, you will be able to remain grounded as you change the way in which you think. In the Spirit Animal Oracle the Moth comes with the keywords: Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful.  This is a warning… not to head towards something that you feel will ultimately “fix” your problems or be an easy solution. This is the “grass is greener” card. ” No matter the illusion, no one is exempt from the trials and tribulations of this great journey. Practice seeing life as an infinite mystery rather than wishing it was easier or different. Looking at the card of the earthworm I feel as though you are turning and twisting into yourself. This card comes with the keywords of shy, hesitant, reluctant to share inner vision. It’s that feeling you get when you really want to do something so badly but you feel like you shouldn’t. Speak up, risk embarrassment.

Leo: Crow/Hyena — There seems like there is or will be a lot of “talk” about you and what you’re doing. Hyena’s remind me of gossipers and shit starters. Their energy is quick, nervous, as well as fearful. The Crow on the other hand is wise, psychic and strong. The Crow protects what is most important to them, what is special. The Crow also knows that the choices they make are the right ones, as they only listen to themselves. They allow their Souls and gut instinct to lead them. Crows also know their way back to specific places and faces, no matter how long they have been away. I feel as though a lot of you want to change direction in your life, you may have a plan in place already and feel that it is Exactly what you want… You know you have to face adversary on this path. You’re going to do it anyway. You’re going to protect what is most important to you. The Crow comes with the keywords: Spiritually Strong, Creative and Watchful. You will carry the gift this month for “Seeing the unseen & knowing the unknown.” which will work out well for you through the Moonlight that you will enter during your own journey. The Hyena comes with the keywords: Humor, Wit, Sarcasm. This is about the realization of unfulfilled dreams. You may have been playing it off for a while as though a specific dream meant absolutely nothing to you, when deep within it meant everything. You felt as though you couldn’t show it to others, or speak about it to others. And now, through all of the heckling of ridicule that the Hyena makes, you will fulfill this dream regardless of what other’s say or think about it.

Sagittarius: Otter/ Starfish — Both of these are of the Water Element. I feel as though you carry this longing for something or someone. You are patiently on alert… waiting. As though something (someone) is about to come around the bend, or up over the hill. You are waiting in anticipation. You may even feel this energy internally as if something big is coming. The Starfish also holds tight to something until the time comes to release the grip and move along with the current. The Starfish is alluring… you are in awe by whatever this is. Some of you may feel as though you’re under a spell of some type. I see as though you are standing there frozen. “Deer in headlights”. This is definitely something unexpected even though you feel something is coming, you won’t expect THIS. 😉 It is something completely different than from what you are thinking or imagining. The Otter comes with the keywords of: Unobstructed Joy, Playfulness, Contentment. You will be without the presence of doubt, worry, or skepticism. No more Gloominess, Sighs of woe or making excuses. The Starfish comes with the keywords of: Beautiful, Alluring, Superficial or Shallow. I feel as though the main keyword is Alluring when it comes to this particular channeling. I’m not feeling anything superficial or shallow, unless it is an energy coming from an individual in your world that is not yourself. Make sure that you are not swayed by anything other than what the core of yourself believes in or wants. You cannot take a person’s “word for it”. You must feel into your own gut instinct. You may feel mesmerized, but stay grounded the whole time.

Black Moon Oracle: 11th house/ Grand Trine- The 11th house deals with the Public eye and our associations to other’s. This is where our goals and objectives become fulfilled. This reveals to us what we achieve from the effort we have put into the past months. In this case, what you’ve been working towards is almost at it’s destination. Normally, when someone has a Grand Trine in their birth chart they are “magically” set up to become well known in their field or famous. You could have a Grand Trine in Fire; where you’re courageous, original and inspiring to others. You would then be Known in the artistic or creative field. A Grand Trine in Air; Where you’re highly intelligent and an amazing communicator. You would then be a type of motivational speaker. There’s also a Grand Trine in Earth and Water. A grand Trine brings great blessings into your life with what you’re attempting to achieve. It brings a sense of wholeness and completion. This blessing didn’t come easy for you. You had to work through some severe obstacles to get to this point in order to be rewarded. Your luck is on the verge of a major turnaround. The Universe is focused on You.

Oracle of Visions: 42/29- Card 42 is about setting a target, a goal, something to strive for, a purpose. Motivated by need or ambition, you now have something to aim for; which for most of you is success in your chosen field. It’s easy enough to dream and establish goals. The question now is whether that dream is realistically achievable, or distracting fantasy that will not come about. At times you may have dealt with feelings of despair, doubt and frustration that clouded your progress. Possibly your efforts were hampered further by other limitations– be it physically or mentally, or quite possibly outside factors played a part. Other commitments have also distracted you or competed for your time. With card 42 as the overall energy you are dealing with temptation. What you want to go after may be considered “forbidden” by others. This will be a measure of your personal willpower, character and strength. Whether to succumb or to resist will be a choice that will define you.

Hope you all have an amazing December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Aquarius, Gemini & Libra- Air Elemental Reading for December 2019.

Welcome to December, Air Signs! This reading is for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. This is a general Reading. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You may venture to to find out your ASC and Moon.

With the Lenormand for the month of December, I am seeing Loyalty playing a huge part in your life. Close friendships or connections- Who is going to be there for you through thick and thin? Who has been there? Who can you possibly rely upon and trust? For other’s, this could be WHAT can you rely upon and trust in? But, I am definitely seeing a very loyal friend coming in this month. Someone who is dedicated and devoted to you. I’m seeing an important “lover” become more to you. This is someone who you’re either very attracted to at the moment or a person who you’re involved with…. I’m seeing things go to the next level. Other’s are stuck between two people. Stability or follow the lure of Attraction. I feel like some of you have this person at a distance. Or you have been blocked from them. You could have been “blocked” from making this connection Real. The Loyalty comes from the person that has been in your life for a long time. Then you have the new person that you feel curious to figure out. How would things end up with this person? They are an uncharted path, after all. I feel as though a decision will be made in two weeks time, or this may occur within two weeks. This is a Second chance to get things right, whatever that means for you personally.

When it comes to the Tarot, You’re coming into December transitioning through a phase where you’ve experienced betrayal, hardships and quite possibly rock bottom of a situation. Some of you have been through a depressive time period in your life. I get this feeling as though you’re looking back on everything (some of you will get to this point if you haven’t yet) and seeing it for all it truly was. You’re sifting through friendships, relationships and situations that you’ve gone through; quite literally picking it apart piece by piece. Coming to a sincerely Raw realization that you will transition from this and let it go.

“Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of ego, and then comes a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.”

-Eckhart Tolle

Other’s see you as someone willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the good of all. At times, it’s necessary to do this; but other times, it leaves you vulnerable to be taken advantage of. Put your foot down. I’m seeing you communicating about the future with someone. You’re attempting to lay down foundations and put plans into place. I feel as though there are 3 people involved. Two people may be discussing you before you become aware of what is headed towards you. They are communicating about what part you’ll play in their own plan. You are also discussing another individual with someone. So, in essence, you’re being discussed about while you’re discussing someone as well. You both could be talking about each other at the same time and not even know about it. Then again, How could you know unless you’re there. In this card, there is an individual who has their back turned away from the two people, focused on their work. They have no idea what is going on behind them. You’re being “Checked out”, monitored, watched, discussed. Your “hidden” potential is coming to the surface to be revealed and seen. You’re being noticed for what you can do or for who you truly are.

I’m feeling a lack of freedom blocking you. You could feel internally that you have to do something a specific way, be a specific way, and thus your progression seems to stop. This could be caused by procrastination or a fear of failure. Which in actuality, it is the fear of failing that causes the procrastination. I feel as though you just want to BE and DO, like a child feeling so much freedom to dream their biggest dream and truly feel as though they could be/accomplish anything on earth! Then you have the “negative ones” come in and say things like, “Are you nuts?? That can’t happen! You can’t do that! Get back to reality and grow up.” Growing up has nothing to do with this dream of yours. 😉 Communicate as openly as possible and allow yourself to be who you truly are. Be mindful as well as grounded. You can do a personal inventory periodically to help achieve and to keep things on a solid footing.

Be honest with yourself and with other’s at this time. I’m seeing you making the necessary changes in a sneaky manner. Circumstances are causing you to become slightly dishonest, secretive, or you may be “shortchanging” others. You are attempting to achieve something at all costs. Let me just state that most of you don’t want to be this way and usually you wouldn’t, but it’s the circumstances that surround you. Maybe, you have too much to complete within a certain time period, too many clients, too many errands, too much paperwork. I’m seeing a small portion of you accidentally leaving something behind somewhere of value, so be careful to check everything you came with prior to leaving. Try not to Zip through things to get it done quicker. Mistakes will be made and could be found out. Make sure to close out all tabs on your computer. Log out. Clear history. Watch out for theft around you.

I’m seeing that patience is definitely a virtue here in your situation. You may feel as though you’ve been waiting for a reward, money, acknowledgment, even a message to come back to you for a long period of time. You may feel as though it will never come and it will leave you very frustrated and impatient. Don’t “drop the ball” before it arrives, because what you’re waiting on is coming. 3 weeks- 3 months, depending upon what it is. You’re tapping your foot, shaking your leg, shifting your body, you’re waiting so long. You’re actually growing through this phase. Utilize this time and plan for your future, instead of tapping your fingers and “watching the clock”. Figure out how you can expand what you’re doing instead. If it’s to deal with a business, for example, possibly expand this business internationally. Reach out to other’s in a different country.

What comes next IS the expansion of your goals and wishes. It’s whatever you’re waiting on. The Star tells you to Think Big, To dream your biggest dream, and to fill your thoughts with Positivity for what you desire. That is what will help this to move along. Remember to stay as grounded as possible once your wish is achieved.

*Side note…. I feel as though some of you will have issues with your foot, knee or ankle that should be looked at and taken care of.

Spirit animal Oracle:

Aquarius- Fish/ Stingray

Both are of the Water element. You could be dealing with a Water sign this month (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), Become more intuitive, more in touch with your own emotions– gaining control of them. Some of you may have Water as your ASC or Moon as well. What I am seeing with the Moon in the card of the Fish, is that the moon is waning. It’s moving in the direction of blackness instead of becoming Full. This is an excellent time to conduct a Banishing Ritual. Whoever and whatever you want to rid your life from. Fish can see in the dark/ through murky waters… knowing this you will begin to regain clarity into a situation, as well as be quite stealthy as you do this. I feel as though you are going on a search to figure something out, as well as an internal journey of your own. During this time your Chakra’s will become aligned. You will stand tall and proud, being enlightened, confident and strong. You’ll be able to “turn the page” of an issue. The Fish comes with the keywords: Restlessness, Change of Focus and Being Lost in the Current. You may be going through a period of being a nomad. They move from place to place with no care in the world of where they will end up nor of the consequences. It does not have to be literal. You could be jumping from one person to the next, not taking any of them seriously. You could be going from hobby to hobby trying out everything that peaks your interest. You will become fixated on one thing instantly as though it comes out of the blue. This is where I see as though your Chakra’s become aligned. Jolting you into position for your own goal, for your own mission. The Stingray comes with the Keywords: Developing Confidence, Sense of Self, Developing a “Spine”. Here comes your Backbone! No more being a Doormat for anyone!

Gemini- Hummingbird/Snake

I feel as though a lot of you are going in circles, being drawn back to something repeatedly. Or you could be “going in circles” in your head about a specific person or scenario… what to do? Should I? No, I shouldn’t, Maybe I should… Isn’t that always the story for the Gemini’s?? haha It’s as though you want to shake yourself and tell yourself to STOP ALREADY!! The Hummingbird is gentle and flutters excitedly. You may appear to be out of character lately to those around you. Going about your day in a randomized manner instead of a structured one. No one knows if you’re coming or going. They can’t seem to pin you down this way. I feel as though you long to get out of a box that you’ve been living in. You want things to change. You want to expand and broaden your horizons. You want to break free from your current circumstances — break free from your own mold. Now, I am wondering is this began back in March at some point. It was a seed planted in your mind at that time. Now you’re taking actions or will be on breaking free and figuring things out. The Hummingbird comes with the keywords of: Positive, Enthusiastic, Spiritually Resourceful. With this card, you’re on an exploration of your own. The Snake has forever spoken to me about Transformative behavior or circumstances. It’s also about Ancient wisdom. The Snake comes with the keywords of: Guardian of Unawakened Magic & Creative Potential. You’re attempting to reach your highest potential here.

Libra-Peacock/Spider –

The First thing that came to me was— Weaving a web of Desire and Attraction. Spiders transform their world’s with each piece of silk that they weave. Technically, they do this to catch prey. You have been doing this metaphorically in your own way over a period of time. You’re not catching “prey” so to speak, you’re catching whatever you desire. With each choice you make, each path you take, your own personal web forms. DNA. As I was writing the last sentence I heard the song, “I’ll be Watching you” by the Police. There is an indication of stalking here. Be careful. That’s not for all of you though. If it isn’t an individual, you could be watching something closely to see if and when it changes. Or you could be over analyzing something to the point of obsession. Let’s take this back to the beginning… I feel as though that you’ll be feeling pretty good about yourself and paying more attention to how you present yourself to other’s. A burst of energy has come back. People are noticing you more so or will be this month. It’s your energy — Such Positive and alluring energy that draw people to you. You’ll look good, feel amazing, and this will radiate outwards. It’s always at these times when not only positive energies are drawn to us, but Negative ones as well. This is when Haters come in, People will obsess over you, Drama begins… whatever you think of first, is what you’ll bring in. You have to protect your own energy field. The Peacock comes with the keywords: Inner Beauty, Compassion, Assimilator of Anything. This card speaks about inner beauty radiating outward. You’ll be able to digest any situation that you come across without it negatively effecting you. The Keywords for the Spider are: Creator of Prosperity through life’s work and Dharma. ” its greatest gift is weaving the thread of dharma into a vast intricate web that supports the spider both financially and spiritually.” Become process oriented rather than results oriented. Try not to become discouraged.

Saturn Return/ First House

Move Ahead With Confidence; You Are Rising.

The First house is the beginning. It represents WHO you are as an individual. Your Appearance, Your Personality, Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses. This is the Persona that you show to the world. It’s representative of your Ascendant Sign. You may have thought that your Sun Sign was the most important, but it is really your Ascendant that you should look to First, then your Sun. This is how people see you currently. When you are younger (Child to Young Adult) you mostly live by your Sun, But through trials and tribulations you merge to your Ascendant. That’s not to say that you’re nothing like your ascendant as you grow up, it is still there, underneath the surface; merging to the external from time to time. I feel as though you’re going back to something. You’re going back to the person you used to be a long time ago. The best parts of yourself; not the negative parts. The Saturn Return occurs every 29 years. Now, since I am not looking at your own personal chart, all I can say is that you may be reviewing the past two decades in your life. For some of you, You’re realizing that you want to make a specific goal or dream finally happen; You want to become more structured and responsible so that it has more of a chance to become real. Other’s are feeling as though their time in this life is nearing a close, and that they really need to just bite the bullet and go after what they want before they leave their physical bodies. It could be that you feel your Timing for something specific is almost up— For example, If you have never had a baby and you’re nearing 38-40-45, then you will feel pressured to get pregnant as soon as possible. I’m seeing an image of an hourglass.

You are now at a time when you understand things better than you did even a year ago. It is time to be brave and face this important passage. There are no quick fixes. Know what you can and cannot do. Take life in a measured way, much like this planet of time already does. Let go of your illusions for they do not serve you. You’re down to the brass tracks now— time to see what you’re made of.

-Susan Sheppard

37/52 Oracle of Visions

The First card always reminds me of us viewing all that we’ve been through. Flashes of those that have been in and out of our lives, experiences that we have gone through, Dreams that we have tried to achieve, Dreams we may have walked away from or felt as though it wasn’t time for. Now, when we pass on, our souls actually go through a viewing of our life. Our Souls judge ourselves. Did we achieve what we set out to achieve? Did we learn the lessons we wanted to learn? Did we make the best choices for us? Were we strong enough during the rough periods in our lives? This is kind of what you are doing. The first card comes with the keywords of: Relationships & Interaction with Others. For some of you, this is your main cause for concern and where you’re putting most of your focus on. For other’s this is just a small portion of what you are viewing and thinking about. The Second card speaks to me about taking charge in your life. It’s all on your own shoulders; only YOU are the ruler of your destiny. The card comes with the keywords of : Direction, Purpose, Objectives & Taking a First step. Which is what you are trying to do with the First House above. This card tells you to consider the reasons why, the options, the chosen direction and let your journey begin.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

-Henry David Thoreau

Have an Amazing December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio- December 2019 Tarot/Oracle Reading. Gaining Momentum.

Welcome to December, Water Signs! Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. Here is your general reading. Be sure to catch your Rising and Moon Readings as well. You can head to to figure out your ASC and Moon signs if you do not know yours.

The Lenormand shows a decision and a risk for you coming up; Backed by A new Beginning. I feel as though some of you are really getting down to the core of a specific tradition/ way of living/ something very important to your family or those that you surround yourself with. It could even be a work enviornment, if you’re a workaholic or your main focus is on your career. For other’s your main concern is a health issue that has been ongoing. I’m seeing you analyzing, researching and scrutinizing whatever this is. Your solution will be revealed if not found within a two time period- 2 weeks to 2 months. I’m feeling as though your main number is 2… with the clover, the crossroads, card 39 of “Dice”, as well as the Garden card (Bottom Right). With this knowledge… you’re going back and forth on what you want to do, pros and cons, deciding upon two people, places, scenarios. Should I do this or should I do that? I get a feeling that you’re inching forward… making some progress in one direction and then you stop. You could go backwards a bit as well. You know that once this decision is made it will be permanent. Or at the least that is your main goal. This is extremely important to you and you want to feel secure and certain. I’m seeing a meeting taking place with another to finalize the deal.

The Tarot shows that You’re Coming into December as someone who may have an issue when it comes to trust. Feeling cut off in some way. Either from a person, a decision or a group of people. You may be distancing yourself emotionally. Becoming unsympathetic and having zero tolerance for anything “less than” what you want and desire. Some of you may not be getting your way and this is causing you to become bitter. You want a new beginning and it is not happening. It could be delayed for some of you. But for other’s it seems to be taking a long time; and so you think it will never happen for you. I feel this energy of you getting your hopes up repeatedly just for them to be dashed. This new beginning is physical…. Money, Opportunity, any kind of solid foundation that can be built upon and last into the future. Again, there is this ability to trust surrounding this issue. You want to be certain of it’s security and value before proceeding. Some of you are Sick and tired of how you’re life is currently, and this may not be brought on by other people, but instead your current circumstances. You want change, and you want things to change NOW.

Other’s see you as someone on the verge of beginning something… a new life, a new job, a new relationship. But it is as though you are putting it off for the moment. I get this feeling like someone wants to push you because they are becoming impatient and frustrated. They may see you as someone who is ungrounded in some way, or one who cannot be counted upon. For most of you, they are wrong, not seeing you clearly. They aren’t inside of your head, after all. They don’t realize all of your minds work that you’ve been doing. Most of you haven’t been sharing what you’re contemplating and trying to figure out. If you’re not putting this new opportunity off, then it’s either timing that isn’t right or you haven’t found the opportunity just yet…. You’re still trying to “feel your way” for the right one. Or for the timing to feel right.

What could be blocking or delaying this new beginning is your wishful thinking. I feel as though some of you are looking ahead way too far into the future. Spending an enormous amount of time … “I’m going to have this and I’m going to have that. I’m going to feel this way about that.” You are basically thinking about all of your dreams coming true. But you’re not taking much action towards making them happen. Some of you “want your cake and eat it too”. Wanting some things that you just cannot simply have. Especially, if others are involved.

I’m being told that one way that is required of you in order to get over this is to “Get real”. My guides are very blunt. You must stop all of the daydreaming, wishful thinking, cut it out and become focused on a goal that can become a reality… you also need to take action at this time and to communicate your desires. Some of you may need to do this very quickly, cutting things out that are not needed or that can’t possibly be relied upon. This could be a person or group of people for some of you. There may be a sense of feeling uncomfortable and this could be why you are holding back. There could be seething resentment that you are holding back or holding onto. You have to become as diplomatic as possible. Rushing forth to tackle problems. Make sure to have all of the information first before communicating. You don’t want to “put your foot in your mouth”.

What is required of you internally, is for you to overcome boundaries. I don’t know why I am being told that. Maybe you do. Some of you lack the courage to forge ahead. Other’s can’t help themselves, and become dominating at times when they fear as though they won’t get what they want. This is about persevering over the long term, gaining a Great Will during such a trying time in order to get what you desire. Patience… build more of it. For a lot of you, what you want isn’t easy to get. At times, you may give up and think about whether you should just drop it and walk away for good. Just a bit longer…. Just a bit longer… goes your thoughts. How much more can you possibly take? Plenty, actually. You’ve become stronger than you realize over a period of time. All through this frustration, anger, possible sadness, of not getting your way… You’ve been growing and changing inside. This leads you to becoming much more confident as an individual, not being so stuck in an Ego driven state.

The World has a message for you; the message tells you that you can overcome this. You’re watching time go on, days, weeks, months, possibly years pass by, and you’re in a comparison mode. What you need to realize and acknowledge is that all of the decisions that you have made up to this point are actually putting you on the path that you’re meant to take. No matter how confused or conflicted you may have been. Completion of your goals are just around the corner. You’re in a mode of preparation heading towards a final conclusion.

Your outcome shows you as being Victorious. Because of all the work you’ve put in yourself, this will be a very proud moment for you! Stand tall, even if other’s have negative things to say or gossip to spread, just focus on yourself and your accomplishments. There will always be haters… and the Haters actually need to hold up their own mirror. Let them drop away like withering flies as you celebrate your success! I do get this feeling that you’re being led into an “unknown” of some type. Mostly, by a guide of yours. Only a small few are being led by an actual person around you. If it’s a person, be mindful of what they say and do. I get a feeling that they have their own plans in the long run. ( Manipulative behavior)

Adds to 33; which is a master number involving teaching, 6 is the lovers- A major lesson involving choice- 6 harmonizing and Balancing, with the Page is a total of 7- A message foretelling that you will have the opportunity to solidify something, but it will take going through a bit of an obstacle course to get to your goal. The 7 relates to the Chariot, but is also a very spiritual number- Wisdom earned through experiences.

[̲̅Y][̲̅o][̲̅u][̲̅r] [̲̅S][̲̅p][̲̅i][̲̅r][̲̅i][̲̅t] [̲̅A][̲̅n][̲̅i][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅l]

Cancer- Camel/Octopus

The first thing I think about when it comes to a camel is how they fill up with food and water to last months. It’s about preparation. Most of you are “saving up/ stocking up” in some way for the future. Some of you may feel as though hard times are coming. Winter is definitely coming for those in the northern hemisphere, but there is something you are prepping for…. Getting ready for… A goal you’re working towards. The octopus appears to be grappling at something, attempting to take anything and everything it can. This kind of carries the same energy as the camel. With the Octopus comes the keywords: Reaching, Yearning, Lacking boundries and direction. You feel the need to “secure” something for the future. This could derive from an internal feeling of uncertainty, or externally, you’re watching something in your life changing over a period of time, and you feel the need to establish a permanent state of safety. I do feel as though you’re doing this is a calm manner, what’s going on underneath the surface could tell a different tale.

Pisces- Cosmic egg/ Wolf

This feels as though you are transforming into who you really are. Bringing out a side of yourself that you may have kept hidden within this cosmic egg. There is this Primal and protective side to you. Some of you are literally protecting this “Egg” or what is inside of it. Protecting your creation. When it comes to the Cosmic Egg, it brings with it a sense of harmony and completion. It relates to the World card in the Tarot to me. This speaks about a great unfolding within your life at this time. It is extremely transformative. It also causes you to transform as well along with it. At times, you may feel disconnected with those around you as you navigate your way. You may find yourself wanting to change certain habits of yours that relates to judgmental characteristics brought on upon by Generations. The Wolf is the Guardian of the Family & Tribe. How will you choose to rule?

Scorpio- Vulture/ Otter

The Vulture Sees the whole picture, as the Otter just sees what rests on the ground. The Otter is very grounded themselves. I feel as though the Vulture does the “dirty work”, as the Otter builds the foundations. You may be doing the “dirty work” currently to be able to begin putting down your own foundations. There is a goal you are working towards. I’m hearing, “Gathering nuts”. So, this is just the beginning phases that you’re in. If you’re working together with another then one of you is the Vulture, while the other is the otter. I definitely feel like you’re “building up to something”. You could be just “up to no good”… 😉 jk, or am I? I do truly feel as though that once you see the bigger picture things will become more clear in order to progress forward with your plan.

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Three Things Cannot Be Long Hidden:

The Sun, The Moon, And The Truth

 Lunar Eclipse/ Sagittarius- We just had the New moon in Sagittarius on the 28th of November, and since the Lunar Eclipse brings in Change — This is the message. It repeats itself below in the Oracle of Visions. I plan to focus more on Astrology next year, but will still pull tarot at times. I digress, This New Moon Energy brought in the Inspiration needed to make a much needed change.  It ignited a New direction in your life. Sagittarius belongs to the element of Fire and we’re currently in Sagittarius Season. Many of your fellow Sagittarians’ are celebrating their birthdays. So, the timeline for what you’re going through is NOW. During this time you are being lured to speak your truth on a matter. Don’t be surprised if what you say appears to shock others. They may not be used to such bluntness coming from you. Or they won’t be familiar with your thoughts and feelings on a particular subject. It will seem like it comes out of the blue to them. I feel as though you’ve been holding onto a secret for a while and now you can no longer hold this inside and must get it out regardless of the consequences. You may feel extremely restless until you take action. Even upon taking action you could feel restless about the time it takes to get things moving further along after the revelation. Give this a timeline of 6 weeks.

Oracle of Visions

Oracle of Visions: 18/5— Both of these say to me “New Beginning”… We have a Birth and Change/Movement. This could be literal for some of you. 🙂 It’s about damn time, right?! The first card represents a nurturing aspect. Either you are nurturing a new creation or you’re being nurtured by another. This is a desire to protect and to provide a sense of direction. There is an energy of personal growth surrounding this. Here we have Preparation, Being Informed, as well as seeking advice. This leads the Water signs to Change and movement. I love that this card is the Number 5- five is about Change and freedom, but it also comes with a challenge to this change. When it comes to the number 5, I have noticed that the challenge mostly deals with other people in your life. It could be that they are purposely throwing obstacles in your path due to being in disagreement with what you’re trying to accomplish. It could also be due to how a specific group lives via morals, traditions, as well as what they choose to sacrifice. This doesn’t sit well with you. It is not who you truly are. You want to set yourself apart from this and live by your own rules; make your own traditions. The Number 5 card speaks about taking the next step; of taking a leap of faith. So, here we have the gamble and the risk factor. I will leave you with this quote:

Twenty years from now you will be more

disappointed by the things you didn’t do

than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe

harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

-H. Jackson Brown

May you all have a Wonderful December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Virgo- November 2019- Tarot and Oracle Reading

Greetings, Virgo! I decided to conduct Direct readings for Earth Signs in November since you guys didn’t get your element reading for October. All other elements will be receiving a collective like always. October is a month for me to recharge as much as possible. This naturally happens every October for me. Those that have been following me for several years know that I come and go periodically and without notice or updates. I never know when I am going to be led to focus inward, so it’s not like I can give you a “heads up”. Nor do I see myself as someone who has this huge following, So I do not think about posting updates. I only share 2% of what I know, unless I am asked questions. I am naturally a High Priestess…. So, If you know what one is then you will automatically understand what I am referring to.

This is in response to some of the emails I have received. I appreciate all of you!! :)There has been a plethora of energy shifting and changing and turning into itself over the past couple of months. It is prepping for what is to come in 2020. 😉

*Disclaimer: These are General readings. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon signs as well. If you do not know your Ascendant and Moon you may go to to figure them out.

When I cut the deck I saw that you’ve been going through this long process that included planning, as well as an immense amount of trust on your part. Your reading begins with the Lovers. I’m sensing frustration on making a decision or on moving forward. It’s as though you want things to work out but you’re unsure if it is the right path. You feel held back for the moment. This decision could bring to you a lot of work or heavy burdens. On the other hand, it could be the burden that is causing you to want to make a decision and change your lifestyle in some way. I feel as though you want to get rid of the excess baggage. This “baggage” can come in the form of extra weight. I’m seeing someone who has an issue with their right upper thigh. They have to use a fabric brace to lower inflammation in order to walk. So, in this example of what I see, you could be making the changes needed in order to keep inflammation down so that you no longer have to wear this brace. For some of you, this deals with a relationship that has become exhausting. It’s as though no matter what you do you can’t please them. They keep asking for more and more and more, but yet they don’t do much to help themselves– either with helping to make money or reciprocating what you give to them.

There is this massive energy in your past of “getting things in order”. This could be a person in your life, a Boss, Father in law, or a partner (If this is not yourself). They have everything under control and remain in control. They want things done a certain way, and even though they may allow you to voice your opinion, they will most likely continue to do things their own way. They feel very confident and in charge. It could feel like you’re hitting a brick wall with them when it comes to your own requests. They remain as respectful as possible and don’t become overbearing towards you. They don’t abuse their power in other words. So you’re not dealing with someone who takes you for granted or expects you to bow down to them. If this is you, you could be coming across as this individual to others. But the good thing is that even though you feel like you have to do everything yourself, you’re coming in with powerful energy.

I’m seeing a possible argument taking place. One that seems to come out of nowhere for some of you. I’m getting the vibe of “More, more, more” again from this person. It is as though they’re blaming you for not giving them something they’ve asked for or something you may have promised them. There is this sense of Entitlement. This person could be an Air sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) for some of you. They are or they act like a Teenager/Young Adult. For other’s I’m seeing communication coming in extremely fast- phone calls/Texts about a Change that needs to take place as soon as possible. This has the energy of you feeling rushed… scrambling about to get something done, leave quickly or to take on an issue to put it to rest.

I’m seeing you internally bring able to move on from problems that have plagued your mind. So, most of you will have to have a conversation that you may not want to have in order to get out of a stressful situation. It is as though something has come to a head and now must be dealt with. I’m seeing Your “Above and Below” facing the past. This is a sign that you cannot continue in this way… it is referencing the core of your issue. There is something new that will begin around you as you heal and go through this process. I am feeling this Transitory state that you are going through. 6 months. You’re hoping that this individual doesn’t get angry or upset with what you choose to do. I’m seeing you letting go of what you have held onto or letting go of what has held you back. This will (at first) cause you to feel sad and worried that you made a  mistake…. But you haven’t. This is a process you must work through in order to get to “the other side”. This is the only way that you can begin on a fresh slate.

Spirit Animal:  Humming Bird/ Turtle- This Humming bird is filled with hope. I feel as though you don’t want to speak about the plans you have in case they don’t materialize, or you’re like me where I won’t talk about what I am going to do in order to protect the energy of it. Even though, you may tell someone you trust, it is not something you go around bragging about to everyone. This is very important to you and you want to protect it. The Turtle moves at a slow pace and will sometimes hide in it’s shell if it feels threatened. The Turtle can move in such a way that it doesn’t bring attention to itself as well. The Humming bird, on the other hand is flittering about— reminiscent of exciting, anxious and nervous energy. Since the Humming bird is of the Air element, my eyes are drawn to the Knight — This could be their Communication coming in causing you to feel anxious or rushed. A turtle just goes about their day in a calm and meticulous fashion, then you have chaotic energy rushing in with no warning whatsoever. The humming bird secretly knows where to go and what to do in order to replenish themselves. The Keywords for it are: Positive, Enthusiastic, Spiritually Resourceful. The Turtle is grounded and connected to the deeper truths of life. With the Turtle comes soul growth and collecting life’s experiences to help you in the future. “The Turtle helps us close all the other books and begin to tell our own true tale.” The Turtle comes with the keywords of: Ancient Soul, Grounded, Trusting, At home in the Self.

Alice Oracle: You Can’t go back to Yesterday/ No Need to Fear. You are to be in the present and to remember how powerful you are. The Fear has prevented you from facing something and making the decision, that you now will move forward with in November. I noticed the cards were facing the past and that in your future with the 5 of cups, it can speak about longing for the past or wishing things could have worked out differently. Disappointments and regrets. There is this energy of someone new wanting to talk about your past or bring it up for some reason (Maybe some of you will be going to therapy). For other’s this person is not new… they have been there all along, and now there is a reason for them to wonder what took place. They are concerned. They want to know what happened. A part of you doesn’t want to talk about the past, but habitually you may begin to speak about it and then I feel as though you’re seeing it from a different perspective, you see it as dysfunctional or irrelevant now. You really want to move on and discuss your present circumstances. But you keep being brought back. I feel that if you’re older, you don’t want to “live there” anymore, you don’t care to relive the past…. I get this extremely irritated vibe about this. “It’s done, who cares, it doesn’t matter!!” and though you should focus on your present, there is something that must be faced. It could be something so small that completely changes your feelings and thoughts. Then you can put it to rest.

Rumi: Commitment. For a small portion of you this goes along with leaving one state of a relationship and entering in a higher state (Going from friends to dating/ Going from dating to being monogamous/ getting engaged/ getting married — Depending upon what stage you are currently in) or leaving one relationship for someone else. Some of you may not even get involved. You may decide you want to only focus on yourself and the single life. Especially if you have been with someone for a very long time. The it is time to truly get to know who you’ve become. It’s time to Evolve.  For most of you, this tells you to commit to yourself and to your future goals. I’m seeing your whole chakra system being activated and charged during this time. It is as though you are awakening from a deep sleep. This cards states, “There is a way forward on your life path that needs to be seen by you now. It will be helpful for you to have that clarity and that certainty. You might have already caught a glimpse of it but be doubting your vision or yourself. Don’t doubt what you are feeling deep within. You are being led and are to trust it. Don’t let fear that your desire won’t manifest causing an uphill battle. Attend to what is before you in each moment.”

Black Moon Oracle: Void of Course Moon/ Part of Fortune. What is taking place is Destined to be. This is actually a very fortunate turning point even if it doesn’t seem that way. Through our most trying times, comes a life changing gift, as well as a lesson that helps you to become much stronger of an individual. Stronger in conviction. Let nothing or no one stop you from becoming this way. When the Void moon comes, not all is as it seems. It’s like you’re moving through a thick fog. Only being able to see (If you’re lucky) your feet in front of you. During this time you are practicing patience. You’re acting like the Turtle from the Spirit Animal Oracle…. You have to allow matters to settle (Or situate a previous issue) before beginning anew. The situation will begin to flow much more easily in time. Beneficial opportunity is coming. Connections are fated during this time.

Have a Wonderful November!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Taurus- November 2019- Tarot and Oracle Reading.

Greetings, Taurus! I decided to conduct Direct readings for Earth Signs in November since you guys didn’t get your element reading for October. All other elements will be receiving a collective like always. October is a month for me to recharge as much as possible. This naturally happens every October for me. Those that have been following me for several years know that I come and go periodically and without notice or updates. I never know when I am going to be led to focus inward, so it’s not like I can give you a “heads up”. Nor do I see myself as someone who has this huge following, So I do not think about posting updates. I only share 2% of what I know, unless I am asked questions. I am naturally a High Priestess…. So, If you know what one is then you will automatically understand what I am referring to.

This is in response to some of the emails I have received. I appreciate all of you!! :)There has been a plethora of energy shifting and changing and turning into itself over the past couple of months. It is prepping for what is to come in 2020. 😉

*Disclaimer: These are General readings. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon signs as well. If you do not know your Ascendant and Moon you may go to to figure them out.

Taurus, when I cut the deck I saw that you have been emotional or dealing with a very emotional situation. It feels as though there are secrets hidden that have come to light or will. The energy is very heavy, aside from the fact that I barely ever have a spread contain a bunch of reversed cards, and yours does. You have 4 people here that are showing up in the negative. This means that you are or will be surrounded by people who cause problems, possibly over emotional, manipulative, or controlling. I see two Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), A Water Sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), and then you have the Emperor who is Astrologically an Aries/Fire. The Page is possibly a baby/child, the Knight is an individual who’s in between the ages of 21-35, the queen being an individual over 40. Keep in mind, this is general. The courts have personalities and situations that come from them, we have an emotional message, A very quick change, Rules and regulations being laid down, and another trying to control everything going on around them.

Your reading begins with the Page of Cups in Reverse.  You have the Knight of Swords in RX above you, and then the Emperor RX in the past. I feel this energy of being attacked out of the blue. This is a verbal attack. A fight. An argument. Someone has started trouble. As an individual, this person comes in like a bat out of hell.

I’m sensing a Lack of stability or security causing you to become emotional or at times possibly demanding towards others. Emotional messages. You’re becoming frustrated and restless about your current situation. It’s as though you want to take action but there is something/someone holding you back. I see communication happening where you’re telling someone else about what is going on and you can’t help yourself but to possibly name call (if you’re referring to someone), or talk shit basically. This is the point of irritation that you will be at. Your thoughts may be scattered, causing you to make impulsive decisions or to do something in a rash manner that can cause problems later. I feel as though, some of you had your ego bruised (I don’t know a better way to put that)… it could be by someone who would normally be looked up to, they are a leader of some sort, but they weren’t very nice to you… they may have even shunned you or ignored you. And now you’re thinking, “Who the hell do they think they are?!” lol You have this energy about you that you’re not going to put up with the disrespect…. And yet you take no action…. You’re just speaking to someone about it, and even yourself, complaining and seething about the issue.

At the same time you may be hopeful for the beginning of something entirely new. This is something that feels like “home”, it feels safe and secure. Could be going back to a place you once lived. Some of you may be reconnecting with an old connection in secret. Back to an initial plan. I feel as though the doors are open for you at this time to learn as much as you can. I also feel that you are being led at this time by the unseen to learn (Most likely a Lesson)  …. You are getting these hunches…. And yet in the outcome you’re too afraid to make a decision. So, again you’re not taking any action… fear of failure? Fear of rejection? Your current relationships could be confusing you at this time. You could be allowing others to dominate you and negatively affect your ability to make decisions. You hesitate to pursue your plans because you don’t want to rock the boat or disrupt your relationships with others. At the end of the day, however, you need to be more hard-edged, confident and assertive to be successful. Sharp analysis, objectivity, and careful consideration of (but not necessarily choosing) the alternatives are imperative currently. There is a very wise woman that you can go to, who will not divulge what you speak to them about. They can shed light on the subject from a whole other perspective. I’m also seeing confidential contracts, or written material being kept in a safe of some sort.

Advice is to make that life changing decision…. I pulled extra cards- Lovers/Wheel/ Hermit (All Majors)… This is the decision to learn the lesson…. bottom 4 cups… I’m hearing it’s as though you are “pulling yourself up out of the gutter.” We go back to this heavy energy that surrounds you and appears to be weighing you down internally. Tasks piling upon tasks, other people’s problems or work being given to you to “help”… meanwhile, they just don’t want to do it themselves or they are incapable. You’re getting rid of the heavy weight… throwing it off of you as if your life depends upon it…. Once you allow yourself to make this decision you’ll be able to breathe again and relax. This issue is very off balance!! You deserve compensation in some way…. This could be financially for some of you. Compensation also comes in the form of other’s doing their own work, not relying on you as much, giving YOU time off to focus on something you’ve been putting to the side. It’s time for you to receive!

Spirit animal: Stingray/ Frog… These are both of the Water Element, which for me is about Emotions, Intuition, and the Internal– specifically, the intuition. The Stingray comes at a very important turning point — it can feel like you’re lingering into between worlds- your Past and your future. Imagine that you’re on a boat when all of a sudden it hits an Ice burg… lol I’m just kidding… This isn’t that chaotic for most of you… Imagine that you’re on a boat and you know that you haven’t took the time to care for and maintain this boat, so as your cruising along you notice that it is slowly taking on water. This is what has been happening to you over time. This “water” has been weighing you down. Are you going to allow yourself to sink to the bottom of the ocean or take control? This Stingray speaks about Developing Confidence, Sense of self or “spine”. This is way too strong to ignore any longer. The Frog is the energy of Clearing, Cleansing and Healing. This healing process will take a few months. You’ve been overworked and undernourished. You need to practice self-care as much as possible to get out of where you’re at. It may finally be time to forgive someone and release your feelings and thoughts on the matter.

Black Moon Oracle: Jupiter/Neptune- Jupiter is the planet of abundance. This is the time when doors seem to effortlessly swing open for you. What you may want the most usually comes at this time. The Tarot card that correlates with this planet is the Wheel of Fortune… An option will be presented to you… and I would take it no matter what causes you hesitate, accept it… say yes. I feel as though your gut tells you to say yes, but a conversation (Something that was said to you) you had is what stops you in your tracks. Forget what was said and go with your gut. Neptune comes with sacrifice. During these periods friends and family may involve you within their crisis and expect you to save them. Tough Love is now required of you. Take a step back and allow them to work it out themselves if you’ve been helping them repeatedly. For other’s this is alerting you of it’s arrival in November so you can prepare yourself.

Alice Oracle: Mortality/I want to be a Queen- The point of mortality is that you do not have to continue to live in this way, you are meant to make the most of the time you have in this specific lifetime. Do not waste any more time, don’t procrastinate. “I want to be Queen” speaks about declaring your freedom. “She is establishing her self-determination… She will not allow herself to be imprisoned, enslaved or taken into captivity…. She declares her intent strongly.” You want to be “a ruler in your own right. A person who has power, influence and will take charge of yourself in your own world.” It’s time to liberate yourself from any shackles and to embrace your power. You want to make your own choices in your own way. You will no longer ask for permission. You will make the rules and decide what takes place.

Rumi: Blessing of ZahRa… This card speaks about shedding old thoughts, feelings, pains and struggles. Memories of the past come flooding in. You are going through a phase of cleansing. It is time to focus on what feeds your soul and bring yourself back to complete health- Body, Mind and Spirit. You are overcoming habitual and mindless attempts when it comes to what hasn’t brought you success. It’s time to let this issue go. “If something appears to be leaving your life, even if it’s painful to release, it’s because it’s no longer healthy for you, or supportive.” There is always something better waiting once you let it go.

Have a Wonderful November!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Capricorn – November 2019- Tarot and Oracle Reading.

Greetings, Capricorn! I decided to conduct Direct readings for Earth Signs in November since you guys didn’t get your element reading for October. I apologize, I don’t think I have ever done that yet! All other elements will be receiving a collective like always. October is a month for me to recharge as much as possible. This naturally happens every October for me. Those that have been following me for several years know that I come and go periodically and without notice or updates. I never know when I am going to be led to focus inward, so it’s not like I can give you a “heads up”. Nor do I see myself as someone who has this huge following, So I do not think about posting updates. I only share 2% of what I know, unless I am asked questions. I am naturally a High Priestess…. So, If you know what one is then you will automatically understand what I am referring to. This is in response to some of the emails I have received. I appreciate all of you!! 🙂 There has been a plethora of energy shifting and changing and turning into itself over the past couple of months. It is prepping for what is to come in 2020. 😉

*Disclaimer: These are General readings. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon signs as well. If you do not know your Ascendant and Moon you may go to to figure them out.


Caps, while I was shuffling I was seeing an individual advising you about someone else or a situation…. Then when I cut the deck I saw Justice. Some of you may be going to court or a mediation of some type. I feel as though you are being prepped on what to say and not say in the future. This could be a meeting, court, even a job interview.

You’re coming in as the Knight of Wands. This knight is astrologically a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This could be a person coming into your life in a very quick manner that you’re most likely not expecting. They do not have to be a Fire sign. This could also be a situation itself that comes in very quickly. It will be a situation where you will feel rushed, possibly excited, or even inspired. For a small portion of you, I’m seeing you moving locations or beginning a business— Creative project. This is also passionate romance coming in. If its romance, this person has had their eye on you for a while. Watching and waiting for the right opportunity (This is someone from your past).

Some of you will have your confidence/self esteem/ego being tested. I’m noticing the King of Swords twice in your reading, and that is someone who usually does prepare you and advise you. But, this king is showing up in your past…. As this Knight is going in the direction of your past. This tells me that something from your past needs to be revisited and resolved. This King seems to have power control issues. Astrologically, this King is an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). I’m seeing them as being unsympathetic. When speaking to this person you must be as concise and straight forward as possible. If you were to go into a bunch of details, possibly rambling…. They will shut you down quickly, because to them, they don’t have time to spare or time to listen to “pointless/senseless” extra information (that is how THEY view it).

I’m seeing a parent who is cut off physically and emotionally (doesn’t give hugs, kisses, praise, time or effort) from their children. They don’t interact much with their kids. This could be a Father in your life, a partner, if you’re in a relationship. Or this could be a circumstance that you must revisit and heal from. For other’s this is a very unfair individual who doesn’t want to look at all the facts and just wants to make a decision based upon their own intellect and experience.

You guys are coming from a heavy and frustrating type of energy. You were dealing with a individual who isn’t very personable. You couldn’t get close to them no matter how hard you tried or no matter how you presented yourself and acted towards them. It seemed to hit a brick wall. This is the kind of person that you could thank them and give them a huge genuine smile and they will just nod emotionless and walk away.

I’m seeing this long standing family situation where things have turned upside down. Complications have arrived. Or have come to a head. For some of you there is a “blame game” going on when it comes to family. This issue seems to surface over and over again and never really gets resolved. At times, when it is brought up; it’s brought up in either a light hearted joking fashion or in a passive aggressive manner. It’s barely ever straight forward and serious so that the both of you, or whoever is doing this can communicate about it and grow past it. So I feel as though NOW is the time to have that communication, to get serious, to take it seriously, and to situate it. Resolving something from the past keeps coming up for you guys here. You even have Judgment as your overall energy.

When it comes to Judgment you are awakened to the fact of something or someone from the past that you now see in a different light…. There is definitely a new perspective being formed. All baggage is dropped since you finally feel complete and at peace with an aspect of the past. You no longer need to dwell on it or feel the need to fix it. This feels extremely liberating. For those of you who are young adults, I feel as though you’ll be leaving your family home… you’ll either move out completely, or you’re going on a trip to do some soul searching. One or two of your family members have an opposing opinion about this and it may create discord, but you will venture out anyway. You are all being “called” to make major changes in your life.

I’m seeing you all being able to leave behind what no longer satisfies you. I’m hearing “What’s done is done.” There seems to be a lack of support or you feel as though you don’t have support when it comes to your environment/ and or goals. Some of you are attempting to “find your tribe”… and you’re tapping into your intuition in order to do this.

I’m also getting Financial hardships, Romantic affair— Yes, some of you are going to enter into an affair. I feel as though all of this is being caused by a strict set of rules that you are expected to live by. In the end here, it is showing that you are going to have to be stealthy when going after what you desire. There is a very secretive energy to what you are trying to achieve.

I used a different deck to clarify the outcome, and was given the Knight of Wands again (this is your starting position) facing the Knight of Cups. Bottom of the deck is the King of Swords for the third time. This King is a very important message for you. Please seek the best advice you possibly can prior to moving forward in whatever endeavor is on your mind.

I see 4 Major Arcana- Hierophant, High Priestess, Justice and Judgment. The Hierophant and High Priestess are a Pair. They both advise people, but they do so in different ways. The Hierophant is External, Traditional, Physical. The High Priestess is Internal, Spiritual, and is all about the Unseen. The High Priestess wants you to use your gut to make decisions, where as the Hierophant wants you to follow their way only. Both are helpful, but only one can help you find out who YOU are apart from others…. That would be the High Priestess. Subconsciously, you’ve been “following” the Hierophant’s way, and you are being pulled towards the High Priestess at this point in life. Justice makes a decision based upon facts, with judgment you are going back to the past and becoming enlightened in order to feel at peace with a major decision… I’m seeing here, that you fear things won’t be decided in a fair manner, that you may be seen in the wrong light, that no matter what happened justice will fail you…. This could be why your outcome is the 7 of swords…. It brings out a challenge of survival. People may see the worst in you, even if you’re a good person and have given them no reason to perceive you in that light. This is why I see you dropping any baggage and moving on to do things your own way.

The Spirit Animal that you will become: Peacock/Stingray— The Peacock is very beautiful, confident, and unique that one cannot help but to stare in awe at them. This is your confidence shining through. Capricorns are normally focused on their physical bodies and presence. They strive to take care of every detail when it comes to how they present themselves, how they look, their homes, their families and being on TOP in their careers. I feel like you will present ALL YOU GOT in November when this card. Allowing those around you or the world to see just who you are and what you bring to the table. I feel as though a lot of you will regain your confidence after a possible attack of some sort. This isn’t always a Physical attack… this is where someone or a situation made you feel bad. Caused you to question yourself. Your Looks. Your way of doing things. Your personality even… may have come under attack. And now you’ll just be like “This is who I am and I am showing off!!” There it is…. 😀 You may Show off at some point in November. With the Stingray we get Validation— keywords are: Developing confidence, Sense of self, or “spine”. “The stingray must decide between the old (Easy, Comfortable and Familiar) and the new (Challenging, Uncomfortable and Unfamiliar). Pressure from family and friends makes the decision even more complicated.” Makes sense!

Black Moon Oracle- Neptune/Third House —- Emotional Messages. This was brought on by the recent New Moon In Scorpio. Neptune also resembles the High Priestess… as it governs such areas as: sensitivity, psychic abilities, mystical nature, dreams, illusions, and even deception. The 7 of Swords is sometimes referred to as Deception. Combined with the Third House which is about Communication, exchange of feelings…. Texts, phone calls, emails, DM’s…. This leads me to believe that some rumors could be spread about you and/or about what you’re doing… this could be why you will be seen as deceptive. You do NOT have to tell anyone your business. Most people who gossip, spread rumors and judge you are those that do not pay attention to their own flaws and bad habits. They are too busy watching you. They do this in order to make themselves feel or look better. They do not know the entire story here. All they see are the two swords that you left behind. Meaning…. They only know 2% of what is going on… it’s funny how I began this reading speaking about how I only share 2% of what I know and now I see this in your reading. 😀 They can’t see the bigger picture and they apparently don’t want to. So screw them… your life is your life and you do what makes you happy. I highly doubt that most of you reading this are attempting something fatal, so in essence why should those other people care so much?? You’re about to move yourself into new territory and it will take some planning on your part.

Alice the Wonderland Oracle: The overall energy is titled “Falling”, and it comes with the keywords of : The Unknown, Descent, Momentum & Change. This is the “In-between, the end of what once was, The letting go of who you are and the rebirth into a new life. Unknown outcomes. Complete immersion in the process of change.” The Main card is titled, “All in the Golden Afternoon.” This card comes with the keywords of : Inspiration, creative spark, Imagination & Conception. This speaks about finding a creative solution to the problem you are experiencing. This is the “A ha” moment through which Judgment happens. The Creative spark is the Knight of Wands coming into your life very quickly.

Rumi Oracle: “Layla”… “You are moving through a period of not knowing, of time in the great void, or womb of the divine mother. It is in this place the seed can crack open and take root. This cannot happen in the light, where all is seen and recognized. It must happen under the cover of darkness, where only trust can assure one of success.” This correlates with what I saw — how you are being guided to become more like the high priestess in her ways instead of the Hierophant. You may not know everything yet and that is ok… just follow the lead of your intuition. For things to occur “under the cover of darkness” is exactly how the figure moves in the 7 of swords… no one knows all of your plans… but you may not either. Continuing on… “when people ask of you so many questions and demand sensible answers (King of Swords) to support THEIR notion of reality, do not bow to such unworthiness and fear (I repeat, do NOT tell anyone you don’t want to tell your business). Know that their minds may be fearful for your safety– and their own, lest your divine magic be contagious– but that their fear is nothing to you, and it may not even be anything to them.” There are things that are untrue, that hold you back. You are going through a divine growth process. Notice how in this card she appears to be rising to her true self. As she leaves behind the darkness. SO too are you regaining your confidence and moving forward.

Have a Wonderful November!!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

October 2019 – Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio

Greetings, Wicked Souls! Sorry, I’ve been M.I.A., as I’ve been in intense study and then I became sick after 3 years of not even a sniffle! I surmise the study played a role in that one! It’s all for a very good purpose! Here is the October Reading for the Water Element. Please be patient as I conduct Earth Next. As always, make sure to read your Rising and Moon.

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All Signs since the New Moon in Libra on September 28th, have been gathering the courage to Make a New Important step in their lives.  You are faced with giving up old behaviors/ bad habits and things in order to find the courage to make this next life step. This will open up energy for new opportunities to present themselves. If you have already allowed yourself to let go, you may be experiencing these opportunities right now. There is a “Driving force” that is felt behind the scenes. This has actually been happening for everyone all through 2019. It feels as though there is a story unfolding.

With this past Full Moon in Aries, the culmination of what you were trying to do is coming to a fore.

If you take a look at what I wrote for the New Moon in Aries This is what was going on in the beginning of April, and now you’ll see the results of this. You are feeling this BOLD desire to create this change so much at this point.

Transits per sign:

Cancer: Family and home life will be your main focus. That is where the sign of Cancer usually likes to direct their focus anyway, as Cancer’s are normally extremely family oriented. You will be attempting to harmonize and balance the energies between you and your loved ones. Giving more of yourself if you’ve been absorbed with work or elsewhere. You will place great emphasis on fixing or creating an atmosphere to make things work in your closest relationships. I’m seeing you reflecting on what needs to change as well as recharging your own states (Mental, emotional and physical). Most of you will be more so home-bound during this time, than usual, as you inch back into your crab shells. It’s a Wonderful time for you to achieve a state of peace and serenity that will not only benefit you, but your loved ones that you share space with. When you do choose to socialize, you will want it to be small and intimate. Even if you go to a public place with a special someone, you will choose to be at a table in the corner away from much of the crowd to be enveloped into your own bubble. They will be your priority and no one else. You will sense what and whom is positive for you and what/whom is negative. Leaving the excess behind where it belongs. I feel as though you will be very serious about this process; not allowing the thought of how other’s feel to affect your decisions. If they couldn’t see your true worth then they aren’t worth your time and energy.

Pisces:  Relationships are your main focus coming into October. You’re attempting to scrutinize the power or influence others have on you. Why they hold such power, why you allow them to influence you… and what you won’t allow anymore when it comes to them. You’re breaking free of the hold that other’s had held upon you for a long time. You don’t want to be controlled or manipulated anymore. You don’t want to be someone else’s “puppet”. With the relationships that you are choosing to keep you will begin to divide up responsibilities instead of taking on everything like you’ve been doing. You want what is fair and equal. You want connections that compliment you and create a peaceful balance. You want to move forward with people who bring out the best in you and who can love you unconditionally all the while sharing responsibilities and mirroring whom you’re becoming. You’re sick of connections that leave you feeling drained and riddled with anxiety. In the past you kept these people in your life due to obligations but now You want to be accepted for who you are and won’t accept anything less.

Scorpio: Time to deal with your “demons”! You are dealing with the “hidden” when it comes to your relationships. You have this nagging feeling deep within your gut that something is going on behind your back and/or that secrets are being kept from you. This causes you to be very suspicious as well as cautious in connection to other’s. You feel out of balance for the time being. You want your loved ones to admit what they have held onto. This has the energy of a fated or Karmic process. You have to take a look at what you have sacrificed, what you may be willing to sacrifice for your loved ones, What it is that you need to let go of— for a lot of you this will be a current connection/relationship (Could be someone who has passed on), as well as your own personal weaknesses or what you perceive as weaknesses. If you have felt like someone’s “doormat”, you will no longer allow them to take advantage– It’s time to get back your power.

Collective Tarot:

Progress has been halted. Delayed. Ruined. Or deliberately dropped. (for the time being)

I am feeling a loss of Inspiration. Excitement lacking. A rejection given. There is this new start that you want to create in your life, but there is this energy of being prevented from doing so. Not only is your current position in the reversed, you also have the Hanged Man as your overall and the King of Swords as your blockage. With this Hanged Man you appear to be stuck — unable to move forward or to bring about this change that you truly desire. It could be that the current circumstances does not allow for free flowing energy. I’m feeling a very restrictive energy. As though you have rules to live by. These are placed upon you by another. During this Hanged Man phase that you’re going through this month, you will be able to see something from a different perspective. The solution that you’re looking for is coming.

I feel as though, some of you had an accident or something caused you to either stop working for a while, go some where for a period of time to heal, or you need to “retrace your steps”. You appear to be in a pattern of healing- Emotionally, mentally or physically… but I feel as though a lot of you are healing in a spiritual way. You are being seen as someone who is patient for the most part but also willing to compromise and see what works or give a little to get back a bit. Some of you are going through this phase where your emotions fluctuate. I feel as though you have to make a pros and cons list– even if it’s in your own mind. You could be going through a scenario where you have to divide up assets or consider what/who is most important to you in your life at this time. Maybe considering what you need to do in order to change as a whole or change in regards to your situation. Questioning whether a specific change is worth it.

King of Swords is blocking your desires and goals. An Air sign, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. As a career this person could be a judge, a lawyer, anyone who holds the position of making rules and being in charge. This individual knows a lot of information. Very intelligent. Has a “bullshit meter” embedded into their very core. You can’t get much of anything past this person. They will either call you out and tell you to stop what you’re doing, or turn away in an instant if you become too emotional. They like to keep the energy between the two of you on a professional / detached level. Possibly only communicating when it is important to do so. They are not trying to have a light hearted and fun discussion. “Save that for your friends. This is what needs to be done, this is how we’re going to do this, I don’t care what happened this weekend. I don’t care that it’s your anniversary or that you won an award….” Refocus on the task at hand. This is the individual you would go to when you’re in trouble and need wise counsel. But you cannot invite to picnics or get-togethers. Now, if they were to be a family member, different story obviously… But this family member would not be the one partying it up. They would be the one lecturing everyone. “Do you know what happened to me when I did that? Do you know where you’ll end up if you keep going on this path?” As if you even asked. 😉 This individual has the upper hand and regardless as to what they are doing exactly, it blocks you. This individual is very opinionated. For a small portion of you, it is you becoming like this king and therefor you’re self sabotaging.

What you need to do to overcome the obstacles: 8 swords rx. — this Card upright is about feeling stuck… So once again you have this energy through out most of your reading. But this is telling you to get UNSTUCK, as it’s in the reverse. You have way too many thoughts going on in your head as to why you can’t do what you want, or can’t have what you want. It’s caused by too many opinions, fluctuating emotions, your angel and devil on your own shoulders, possibly the words of the King of Swords as well repeats in your head, “Stay on course… do not rock the boat.” How are you to learn or to get what you desire if you don’t rock the boat?? The real question that you must ask yourself is, “Do I want to stay trapped into this pattern that appears to get me nowhere? Dragging me down, causing me to feel bad?” It takes a lot of courage to go through what you are. You don’t want to be vulnerable or to appear as though you can be taken for granted. I feel like being this King is your own type of armor. As a Water Sign, you are opposite of this King’s character, so you must have been very hurt or you fear becoming hurt again and you want to protect yourself. Maybe acting as though it’s not a big deal. You really need to take this heavy weight off of your consciousness.

I’m seeing you needing to Balance yourself internally. Energy is scattered. This must be why your whole energy is the Hanged Man, Because it’s only during this (what seems to be) agonizing or frustrating period that you will come to find strength in going after what you want and discarding the “mental trash” that doesn’t need to burden your thoughts. There is someone that you can rely on and communicate with when it comes to your situation. You can fully trust this person. Working together with this individual will help to bring you the greatest strength because you will feel accepted and appreciated. For some of you, this has been a long time coming. This other individual may even be a part of what you’re trying to accomplish or to bring about. There is an energy of admiration here with this other person.

Your projected outcome to this situation shows that It may have started out in a worry some place but you’re getting your wish!! 🙂 You received the most wanted card of the 9 of Cups. What you choose to do is up to you.

Power Sigil:

Cancer: Spirit- Heavenly assistance from your angels and your guides. Achievement- Win the Award, Accolade or contract.

Pisces: Wishes come true… Rapid achievement of your dreams and wishes. Time to Shine- Creates the energetic resonance for golden opportunities.

Scorpio: Protection- Strong protective magic for the family and the home. Goddess- Healing Feminine energy. (More below)

Spirit animal:

Cancer: Cobra/whale- Fire and water… two main elements working together to keep a balance. To keep the peace. I get this strong Grandfather vibe with this Whale. It could be a Father as well. Whales do live up to 80-100 years, so this could be why. You could have a Grandfather involved somewhere in your life at this time. Even if they have passed on… the spirit of them is involved. They could be a main guide around you at this time in your life. You could be attempting to follow in their footsteps somehow. With the Cobra I am getting this ancient Karmic vibe. You are being pulled in a certain direction. A spiritual hypnotism. The Cobra’s Keywords are ” Pausing, waiting, the Inner teacher.” This states that, “The Cobra represents a teacher or Spiritual guardian… hovers and watches, ever-present, ever-protecting, ever-loving… in the form of the inner-teacher, and manifests externally in those special guides who’ve led us along our path.” So yes…. Huge indication that most of you have your Grandfather as a guide at this time.

Pisces: Tarantula/Cheetah- Both Spirit Animals are of the Fire Element. Dual Passion. A great willingness to succeed. Pure inspiration. The Cheetah is your driving force underneath the surface propelling you forward towards achievement. This Cheetah does after all include the keywords of ” Solar force, Action, Achievement, Masculine Energy”. With the Tarantula you are at a crossroad and claiming your Life’s purpose. This represents THE moment when a huge decision must be made. Keep to the reality of the situation instead of wishing, daydreaming and fantasizing. I feel as though this is saying that taking action towards fulfillment is what you need at this time. You spent enough time projecting, and though you may want to rush off or rush into what you desire, you will have to take it step by step… moving in a calculating manner so that the situation continues to spark inspiring energy instead of burning out quickly before you even got anywhere.

Scorpio: Unicorn/Horse.. They are both horses… one earthly (real) and one of fantasy and myth. Looking at these and your power sigil makes me feel as though spells or curses are involved in some of your lives. Most likely one conducted by a woman or the target is a woman in your life, if not yourself. Magic is truly real as it has proven itself to me on many occasions, but many still believe it is made up like the unicorn. What brings power to the rituals is your own belief in them (aside from mental skill). When someone states they don’t believe in them and another who does believe conducts a ritual… guess who the universe and the energy listens to? Just stating you don’t believe does not stop that energy from coming into your life, you then and must always protect yourself, your loved ones, your living environment… etc. On a lighter note… The Horse comes with the keywords of,” Momentum, Freedom, Expansive energy and Force.” This is about reliable and supportive energy that helps you to achieve your goal no matter what obstacle in thrown in your path. You will feel as though you have fully awakened and cannot possibly be defeated. Especially with this past Aries full moon energy. But we do have the New Moon in your sign coming up on October 28th, that will completely transform you and your circumstances. It’s an excellent time to set your own intentions to reveal around May 7, 2020.

Black moon oracle: Moon-Soul/ Pisces — For some of you there is something important that occurred around the Full Moon in Pisces back on September 14… It could have seemingly began around March, then escalated in September. This has to deal with a situation that you fully wanted and dreamt about. You held this great belief within about this and maybe even attempted to take the steps towards fulfillment. There is something at a core level within you that is transforming. You are having to face a side of yourself that you’ve tried to hide or dismiss. This may come about at the end of this month with the New moon in Scorpio, as it is well known for transformative energy. Scorpio correlates with Death. This isn’t a physical death, it’s an internal one. Waking up yet another piece of yourself that has been buried alive.

Halloween Oracle Message: Winter (The Sacredness of Pausing) and The Lamp (Remembrance) — Feels like a phase of deep introspection… which is the Hanged Man. Winter generally lasts 3 months, but feels longer. In some areas it lasts longer than that! I feel like the Winter Card is speaking about the beginning of the New Moon in Scorpio… “As we move into winter, we know it signals a literal and physical death (Scorpio). Winter brings the end of a life cycle. It’s time to let what no longer serves you die away. Where it seems natural and right to let things that have been bothering you for some time die back, take real action to change those things.” Anything that is redundant or burdensome – release it.

Now we move onto “The Lamp.”

I Light a Single Candle

Within a Lamp for You

A Single Flame in the Darkness

That Reflects my Heart so True

“Part of a Halloween Tradition is to light a candle and stick it in your window to represent a loving guide home for those who have passed.” Honestly, you don’t even have to do that to bring your loved ones to you. They show up from time to time anyway. Obviously, for the sign of Cancer as they have a grandfather/Father hanging around them at this time. 😀 “The Light represents a symbol of remembrance. It is a positive thing to remember those who have passed by celebrating their life rather than mourning their death.” Physically they are gone, but spiritually they are not. If you could view them (this is through your third eye) you will see them again. They are still “Around”, just in another dimension. “For those with whom we did not have an easy relationship with, or even those we did not like, leave us with valuable lessons. Sometimes, we learn more from our nemesis than we do our friends and so the darkness can illuminate our strengths and our true values so that we can live them more clearly and fully.” And on that note… I would just like to end this with the fact that some of you were unable to get closure from a loved one. Possibly fighting or having a disagreement with them right before they passed on. Now is the time to have them come to you and work on this for yourself. Even if you can’t see or hear them, you can say what you need to say. I know quite a few spirits who have changed in some ways after they have passed on. Even the most stubborn ones can “see the error of their ways.” ;)I love channeling with spirits who didn’t believe in what I do when they were alive.

Time to Rise, Water Signs!

Have a Wonderful October!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

October 2019- Aquarius, Gemini & Libra.

Greetings, Wicked Souls! Sorry, I’ve been M.I.A., as I’ve been in intense study and then I became sick after 3 years of not even a sniffle! I surmise the study played a role in that one! It’s all for a very good purpose! Here is the October Reading for the Air Element. Please be patient as I conduct the others next. Hopefully, I can get them all out this week. As always, make sure to read your Rising and Moon.

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All Signs since the New Moon in Libra on September 28th, have been gathering the courage to Make a New Important step in their lives.  You are faced with giving up old behaviors/ bad habits and things in order to find the courage to make this next life step. This will open up energy for new opportunities to present themselves. If you have already allowed yourself to let go, you may be experiencing these opportunities right now. There is a “Driving force” that is felt behind the scenes. This has actually been happening for everyone all through 2019. It feels as though there is a story unfolding.

Transits per sign coming into October:

  • Aquarius: Your Life purpose is being targeted at the beginning of October. You may have felt held back in some way, but this has to deal with Relationships for the most part. There was someone in your past that you were close to that is holding you back. It could be the energy of that person. Around this time you will be hanging out with groups of people. Friends, family members, possibly co-workers. It seems as though you are in a phase of comparisons. “Who are they? What have they gone through? What have I gone through in comparison to them? Am I better? Are they better?…” What you’re dealing with is Past life karma, or karma that has been building up over your current lifetime… It’s as though your soul has or will figure this out. You’re putting the breaks on this karma. You’re putting a stop to the cycle. You’re “searching for the meaning”… to understand what you couldn’t grasp before. You will rip apart any type of Limitations that you’ve experienced.
  • Gemini: If you’re single, be on the lookout for a new love interest to enter into your life at this time! This love interest can and will most likely come from Someone you meet through a mutual friend. They will either try to set you up with them, or you will meet them at an event that you go to with your friend. There will be a shared interest between the two of you, that has the ability to turn into a long term union. For those already in relationships, you will meet a new friend/connection who shares an interest in a hobby of yours. For example, if you belong to a specific group, league, team or club, then that is where you could meet them. They may also be in the same line of work as you are. So, connections made at or through work are also valid at this time. Your main focus is on what makes you happiest and brings you pleasure at this time. You will notice that you will indulge more in whatever sets you on fire, inspires you, raises your serotonin levels and brings you much more confidence, as well as a “confusion conclusion.” That means that you will begin to no longer feel lost and feel more definite in what it is and whom it is that you want in your life from here on out. You can put a specific situation to rest.
  • Libra:  This is the time to reinvent yourself, as you look into the mirror of how other’s perceive you. You’ll be aiming to please as you decide to change the ways of your physical appearance– How you dress, How you wear your hair, putting on more makeup than usual, Possible surgical procedures; if you have wanted them and put them off for a later date will be the topic of conversation at this time, as well as how you come across to other’s- Your speech, the way you stand during conversation- Trying to be more open instead of closed off. During this time, you may meet a new romantic partner who compliments you energetically. You have a huge desire to express yourself and to succeed! Many will be drawn to you at this time, as though the spotlight shines on you. Use this time to set the intentions of going full throttle after your desires.

Collective Tarot:

When I was cutting the deck I saw that many of you on waiting on something. It feels like progress, a progression… which goes along with your current position.

You have been very focused and working hard on achieving a goal. Your main objective is to level up in life. Most of you are focusing on Careers. Some of you may be focusing on relationships… this would be you putting more time and effort into them, or into someone specific. But for most of you, you’re too busy with your projects, possibly putting in more hours than usual, you are aiming to get to a point of freedom financially, as well as Physically. Don’t stop now! Not that you would! 😉 What you’re going after isn’t an overnight accomplishment. You’re proving yourself in someway. Either it’s your skills, talents, knowledge, your devotion is completely uncanny. Other’s are and will be noticing how productive and it seems almost inspiring for some of you. You may inspire other’s to work just as hard or to try an achieve their own dreams and goals. You could inspire someone to begin learning what you’re growing to become a guru or master at. At times, what you’re doing may seem taxing to your mental state. And so you will need to take shirt breaks periodically. I feel like a lot of you won’t want to though. It’s as though your energy comes across as a type of mechanical or robotic production line. You keep working, perfecting, coming up with amazing ideas then implementing them, studying and analyzing, and it is like you cannot stop. I have to just throw this in there now with the energy I am feeling… because this energy seems like Adderall. I’ve never taken it, but I have heard about what it does. If this is you, please cut down on taking it. It’s excellent what you’re doing and achieving, but it’s very imperative to get some down time. This could even be your mind… for some of you… working, working, working, processing, working… and Air signs are SO known for having multiple thought processes going at once. You don’t want this to lead to anxiety or stress or worse, a type of nervous break down.

Other’s see you as Ready and willing!! Haha A lot of you are being spoken about at this time. There are two people discussing you for whatever reason. You have no idea that this is going on. Because you’re so focused on what you’re doing and not paying attention to what other’s are doing or the fact that you’re actually being admired for your devotion or skills. They are considering you either for hire, for a promotion, for a new project.. Ect. They take you seriously and feel you have a lot to offer. I’m also getting that for those where this deals with a relationship, there are two people discussing you — I believe one of them plans to speak to you or/and meet up with you. They are discussing their plan when it comes to you with this other person. They want to talk about this plan with you. But at the moment they want this other individual’s opinion on the matter. What they may think about you, what they may think about this plan of theirs when it comes to you. This “middle man” could be helping to facilitate this meeting in some way in the future between the two of you, especially if the both of you have not been communicating. They could also be discussing what you did or said in the past. I feel as though the person who wants to speak to you wants to “risk it all” and listen to their heart. Where as the other individual is attempting to keep them in their place and warning them to use their head. To slow down.

What is blocking your goals and desires… This position relates to moving on from something that didn’t bring the desired results. I feel as though a Separation occurred. Whatever or whomever you left behind. The energy lingers. It could be someone that left you behind or just a situation that didn’t work out. But when it comes to the 8 of Cups, it’s not always forever. Sometimes, we leave people or situations behind for a period of time until we can go back again. You may not feel ready and this creates a blockage. I feel an energy of Abandonment. This goes along with you abandoning a project, a goal, a person, or this could have been done to you. This energy lingers inside, is what it is. You may fear this will happen again or that you won’t be able to go back once a decision is made. There seems to be a lot of attachment to the past when it comes to a great disappointment. Trepidation of reliving the past experience. I’m seeing that some of you need to leave behind an aspect in your life in order to move forward more freely.

What you need to do in order to overcome current obstacles…. Emperor RX. This is an energy of being overly controlling. And it is Fear that can make one become this way. It feels like things are spiraling out of control and so you scramble to take over. There is the sensation of over planning, over analyzing, attempting to dominate or dictate how things will be and how the situation will pan out. This could be another person in your life doing this or becoming this way in October. The Emperor in the Upright position is someone you can respect, look up to, feel safe around, feel secure; many want to be just like this person, who appears to own their own empire. But when they become reversed they intimidate others to do their bidding. Some of you may be indecisive and lacking in direction… you may know what it is that you want but may not know exactly how to go about getting it, or you’re dealing with obstacles in obtaining it. This could lead to bouts of stubbornness when any other options are being presented to you. I see this image of a person sitting there with their arms crossed, in a grumpy mood, turning their nose up at what they could have and being dead set on exactly what they want. I’m not saying this is you, it could be, but it could also be someone else in the mix that is in your life. It could also be that some of you need to try and overcome the conditioning of this person (they may not even be in your life anymore. They may have passed on.) Again, I was seeing you needing to overcome the past in some way. Generally, if this represents you, then you need to try and be more accepting or open to the possibilities of other options, because those options are what can lead you to what you want.

What you can do within yourself? Strength…. This is about healing yourself from within. When you heal it is a process. It takes time… one of the main keywords for Strength is about preserving over a period of time against the odds. This is what causes you to grow much stronger- physically, mentally and emotionally. Think about a Lion out in the wild. They go about their day with minimal stress, they don’t worry about who will attack them, they aren’t afraid of much if anything at all, their presence is powerful yet subtle. This is the place that you need to get to, and you Absolutely can get to this place! It does take a lot of effort to get to this place, but it is very worth it in the end. You want to put most of your focus on yourself and your progress. Whatever flaws that you notice you then need to find the source of them. Find what triggers them. Most likely, the source correlates to an individual or a specific situation that occurred to create this unhealthy and dis-empowering sense of emotions or thoughts. If you were to look at it from a detached perspective you may come to find that for example: what the person said to you or made you feel was their own opinion based on their own experiences from someone else. Just like days can turn into each other if you don’t get any sleep, so can karmic energy or abuse lead to generation after generation. It’s the spiral of things coming back to never be resolved until you see the missing link then chose to change. Become one with yourself and completely focus on your own designation.

What you can learn from others? World. Completion helps tremendously!!! I tell my closest friends that when you’re able to understand where something derives from or you’re validated in any way, it helps so much to turn the page in that personal chapter of your life or to put that missing piece to that puzzle in place; to put that “open folder” that has been collecting cobwebs on your desk into the trashcan…. It’s a feeling that cannot possibly be duplicated. Putting an issue to rest is very cathartic. Case solved. Never prevent yourself from going backwards, in order to move forwards. I believe one should only relive the past in order to heal. Unless, it’s a positive memory of course! 😉 There shouldn’t be any lingering regrets, guilt, shame, sadness…. You must work through it in order to feel lighter and lighter. You will notice in the process that heaviness slowly dissipating over time. You may not even notice heaviness or know “what the hell I’m talking about” (lol– I can hear some of you saying that. I’m used to it), but you will notice how much lighter you seem, not full of repressed negative energy, because that’s what all that does from your past is fill you up with a heavy energy. You know when you look around and your eyes catch someone who seems to draw you in because they seem very happy and complete? And I’m not referring to those who are faking it… It’s just the energy of the person who can draw people in. Everyone wonders about them. They focus on their own progress. It’s very simple. You want your own sense of competition to come. Sorry, that this has seemed to turn into a therapy session. This was obviously more important than focusing on a prediction right now. People do need to heal in order for things to happen for them or to come about though.

Projected outcome? 3 swords/ 5 wands— Here’s the healing…. And a seperation from someone or something that has been holding you back. A conversation that needs to be had. I feel as though both of you have opposite views and feel as though you’re “story” or what has transpired is justified. As in the other individual tells you something like, “Well, It was done to me! What do you expect??” or “My way is the Right way!”… “well, if YOU hadn’t done THAT then I wouldn’t of…” This is when you both should take the time to listen to each other, view it from a different perspective in order to come to a resolution. If it’s you dealing with this from someone else (Emperor RX) and they refuse to listen, I know that this won’t easily be resolved…. You would then need to bring in an individual who could be the “middle man”…. We’re back to the middle man scenario… Someone could be trying to control your life or did many years ago… now you do that to others, or if you’re on the opposite end you need to put your foot down, state how you view the situation and refuse to settle for less than what you deserve. There is a Competitive or Combative energy to this outcome. On a more general level, you need to have a conversation that seems uneasy or uncomfortable, but this needs to be sorted out. I’m seeing this adding to 8, which is Strength, so I guess you were prepped with my therapeutic channeling for this moment. It will require what you do to heal yourself and this will be the deciding factor.

Your overall energy is about a major decision that must be made. You are asked to go with your heart in this matter. Your mind just confuses you and holds you back or may have compelled you to make the wrong decisions in the past. This is the “Game changer” moment. Lead with your heart.

Spirit Animal per Sign:

Aquarius: Tiger/ Starfish- Here we have opposites. Fire and Water. The two Main elements required to create all 4. You have the Water: the Starfish … the aspect of emotion causing you to become like the Tiger. An animal on a hunt. Led by the phases of the moon. The Tiger is about “Lunar force, ease in darkness, Feminine Energy”. Though that seems conflictual to the fact that Fire is masculine. This tells you to be “one with silence… fearing nothing.” Sounds just like the Lion that I was speaking about. “To allow lunar forces to soothe and heal your spirits.” This is referring to allowing your emotions to take over in order to heal. “Spend some time in silence (looking back to the past; allowing yourself to feel certain events that occurred, don’t control where your mind takes you to and don’t stop it.) “There is nothing to fear in the stillness except the awakening of your own power.” Because, this is the issue… you lost your power a long time ago and this is the only way to take it back. The Starfish speaks about someone or a situation that is “Beautiful, alluring, superficial or shallow.” This made you feel as though you were around someone or in a situation that brought a Thrill to your life and maybe you’ve even felt as though you were put under a spell. You could have felt compelled to do their bidding, even if you had conflicting emotions about it. As in, “Why am I doing this??? Why are they making me do this?? How can I get out of this???” The question here is,” Am I being swayed by someone or something in order to please them?”

Gemini: Bat/ Zebra- I’m seeing the color Black being very prominent here. Almost like you’re in darkness… this is metaphorical darkness. You’re either coming through a tunnel of transformation at this time and you really don’t know what’s going on in your life or your situation but you’re allowing it to happen. You’re not trying to dictate the course of events. You may even feel like “something is going on” or that you’re on a Pause of some type. You’re being protected through this process. Bat is Air and Zebra is Fire. If Zebra is your overall energy- Then you have a burning desire going on under the surface, and what the Bat is going to do is move the fire in different directions. Move your desire in different directions. This can actually become confusing to you. But as a Gemini, you’re used to that battle… mind/heart. Duality. Seeing the Full moon above the Bat- keep note that we have the Full Moon in Aries this weekend. This could be a very important moon for you personally. I will be looking at the transits soon enough! The Bat speaks about “Darkness (I swear to god I didn’t see that lol), Letting go, Death leading to a rebirth.” This card shows up to “signify the end of a chapter, the closing of a door. The bat comes swiftly, encouraging us to move on…. No more lingering in the past.”

Libra: Owl/ Octopus- Both are very wise and intelligent. An Octopus can even “See” with it’s skin. They can change the way they communicate based upon whom they are around and with what the situation requires of them. Not to turn them into a human, but this will be you. An Owl is highly intuitive, having a heightened sense of where prey may be found. Just knowing without knowing. They carry this gift. YOU will carry this gift, as you move through the month. The Octopus speaks about “Reaching, Yearning, Lacking Boundaries or Direction.” So this is why you need to make decisions based upon what you’re feeling led to. Your gut instincts. There could be a lack of healthy boundaries happening in your life…. Leading to “well-intended but messy relationships.” Someone could overstep these boundaries. You or someone else could end up being too much into your business, nosy, too many questions being asked, sharing their own business with “a lack of restraint”. You may get to a place of feeling drained. You are being asked to “establish healthy boundaries . To be Patient and Firm.” For some of you it could be an old habit that has to change. There is very clingy energy here. When separating yourself from this person (could be just separation of energy— I’m sensing an entangled energy— If you’ve ever seen “Dirty Dancing” when Patrick Swayze says, “This is my dance space and this is your dance space.” Well, there you go! You need to communicate where you end and the other begins.

Power sigils per sign:

Aquarius: Wishes Come True: Rapid achievement of dreams and wishes. So whatever it is that you’ve hoping for is coming in October. If you’ve been hoping for numerous things, then most likely it will be just one of them. Looking underneath the deck to see what the overall energy is- Fire– This is excitement and Inspiration! The card states that this element heralds new life, renewed passion and positive Transformation. Now, I will state that on October 13th, we have the full moon in Aries, which is fire… and then we have the New Moon in Scorpio on October 28th, which Scorpio is well known for bringing Transformation into your life. So look to these dates or somewhere in between. 😉

Gemini: On Target! Follow your Ideal Path. So, some of you have been embarking on a new path or you’ve been deciding on what path to take… this is just validation that what you’re doing or thinking about doing is correct! Try not to second guess it. Looking underneath you’re given the card of Earth… which speaks about grounding yourself, focusing on stabilizing so that you carry forward with great strength even if times get tough. You’ve got this!!!

Libra: Triple Spiral. Listening to Divine wisdom and joyfully learning Life’s Lesson. At first, I say to myself, “How can one joyfully go through something that is chaotic or hard??” I’m not stating that what you’ll go through will be chaotic, though some might, but what I know about lesson’s is that they are not fun and games. You wouldn’t learn from that anyway. Take it as it comes. Try not to interfere. The spiral… downward, things get sticky. Looking underneath you have the Star… The silver energy of the star brings good luck and Serendipity. When you listen to your inner self on what to do, no matter how crazy it may sound… it has the ability to drastically change your life. Do you succumb to the fear and not chance it? Or do you open your arms to what you’re being “told” to do or to go after?? There is something fated for you this October.

Black Moon Oracle Collective- Jupiter Return/ Mercury-Mind. Jupiter returns every 12 years. At 12 yrs old, 24, 36, 48, 60… you get my point. 😉 Think back to the year 2007 for a moment. Think about what stands out the most that happened that year. You can also look at the last age you were on this 12 year timeline and think about what stands out the most. This could deal with Communication, Social networks, meeting someone online, communicating through technology. Jupiter brings Luck into your life. If you didn’t reach for your dreams or desires then, you are about to get another chance. There were offers being made to some of you that you didn’t accept or take back then. This is also a great time to be more confident and take the plunge on aspirations. Mercury, is what speaks about communication. When Mercury energy lingers everything seems to speed up– you’ll receive many phone calls, texts, comments, private messages and invitations. There could be a timeline of October 31- November 20th when this occurs. I feel as though you need to communicate about something that happened; and quite possibly at one of the ages listed above. Jupiter is a Positive Planet… so keep that in mind.

Halloween Oracle: The Veil/The Future

There is a misty curtain

that divides us all

the Veil that thins

Transparent the weave becomes

And the future no longer dims.

“As the veil lifts, listen in particular to what messages may come forth…. this effects your future. Look to what you want to happen – Plan, set intentions, think Big!”

You’re about to experience a Spiritual Growth spurt. 🙂

Have a Wonderful October!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

October Fire Element (Aries- Leo- Sagittarius)

Greetings, Wicked Souls! Sorry, I’ve been M.I.A., as I’ve been in intense study and then I became sick after 3 years of not even a sniffle! I surmise the study played a role in that one! It’s all for a very good purpose! Here is the October Reading for the Fire Element. Please be patient as I conduct the others next. Hopefully, I can get them all out this week. As always, make sure to read your Rising and Moon.

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All Signs since the New Moon in Libra on September 28th, have been gathering the courage to Make a New Important step in their lives.  You are faced with giving up old behaviors/ bad habits and things in order to find the courage to make this next life step. This will open up energy for new opportunities to present themselves. If you have already allowed yourself to let go, you may be experiencing these opportunities right now. There is a “Driving force” that is felt behind the scenes. This has actually been happening for everyone all through 2019. It feels as though there is a story unfolding.

Transits Per Sign:

  • Aries: Choices, balance, and weighing your options in connections and relationships. Since the New moon and throughout October, you will have to be on the look out for enemies coming out of hiding. Some of them you may already know. This is the time that they will attempt to communicate with you, spread rumors or announce their presence (If you don’t know about them.) Not to worry though, as you will have the upper hand in the situation as long as you remain calm and refuse to lower yourself to their level. Stand your ground. On the Plus side, this is a time within your current relationships where you will compromise and attempt to fix whatever isn’t working. New relationships can be formed during this time, both professionally as well as romantically (if you’re single).  Within your career, there will be someone of influence who could come into your life at this time to either form a business partnership, promote you or/and your work, as well as help you start a new business venture. You may even find yourself attracted to this individual as they will appear to be “the other side of you, The missing link.” You may find yourself attracted to an individual who lives their life as your shadow self. What you have kept hidden, they reveal to the world– as so you’ll feel complete. If you’re in a relationship where things aren’t going well and you can’t seem to come to an agreement, you may feel inclined to look elsewhere and possibly have an affair. This can also be where enemies may arise out of the blue. There may be issues especially with Female’s or Feminine individuals (Water and Earth Signs). For those that don’t know those Astrological signs are- Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Whatever the outcome, make sure that you come out of it with dignity and respect.
  • Leo: You will feel like communicating your emotions and thoughts to the closest people (or a specific individual) in your life in October. Whatever you’ve held back out of that Lion’s pride of yours is COMING OUT!! 🙂 You’re usually a very confident individual, so it’s not as though you didn’t have the courage to begin with, you just needed to work through a plan in your mind or to sense when the time was right. Now is that time! The individual you speak to may have a bit of a shock, surprise, by what you reveal, but you can finally allow that piece of the puzzle to be placed in order to move on. You may notice that your words become like magic, as you speak people do what is asked of them or respond to you in such a way, it seems too easy. You will turn on the charm and hypnotize them. For people that you’ve had issues with, your presence alone will dominate and intimidate that they will be hushed into silence. You have the ability to create very strong emotional bonds at this time. People from your childhood or your past will come around during this time, as well as you connecting with them to rehash the past and possibly meet up.  A magnificent exchange of ideas with others will be prominent and set the course for your future.
  • Sagittarius: You aim to form harmonious friendships at this time and will play the “peace maker”. You may be involved in mediating between two friends this month to settle an argument. You will also make a new friend that shares the same interest as you. They me even be unusual or different from the types of people you normally would surround yourself with. If you are to meet a romantic partner that feels like a good match, you may want to wait it out before committing or dedicating your eyes only on them. This is a very sociable time for you, as you’ll be invited to many events and surrounded by different groups of friends. Even a few you may not have seen in a while. Turning to Social networks or networking within itself will prove to be highly beneficial when it comes to support and getting your ideas out there.

Collective Fire Element Intuitive Tarot:

You’ve been sticking up for yourself all the while putting your foot down. You know what you want and what you don’t want. You may not know all of the details for how things will pan out, but one thing that is for certain is your feelings on the matter. If someone tries to throw their opinions and beliefs upon you, you feel inclined to stick to your own. There may be occurrences where things done in the past are brought up at this time (they may be embarrassing or shameful things– secrets you didn’t want out or have long wanted to forget) Most of the time, you feel as though you don’t have to justify the why of your decision or belief, but other times it is as though you can’t get out of explaining your side to the story. In a sense, you’ve already “won”, and there may be certain individuals that don’t agree or like that you’ve “won” in some way, shape or form. You worked very hard to get to where you’re at. Being in your position takes a lot of energy out of you, but you’ll continue to stick up for yourself for as long as possible before you allow them to bring you back down. You remain under pressure. Make sure to have a game plan, as I’m also seeing many demands being placed upon you.

I’m seeing your energy as Balanced and Compromising. You appear to others as a very stable individual. And this may be why, they want to knock you down. They have their own personal issues that they are not facing and think that by placing them upon you or focusing on you, they can forget their own faults or put the negative attention onto you instead. Some of you appear to “Have it all” to this other person and it nags at them. You are fully focused on your Home life (The people you live with) or on you career/hobby (what inspires you). I feel as though this individual is jealous for some reason. Afraid of losing you completely. Wanting you to pay more attention to them or to give them some of your time. The energy is as though your happily in your home and don’t realize that this individual is watching you, seething, wanting to get “inside”. They may want to know what’s going on in your life and/or to be included, but you don’t want to or you absolutely refuse to include them. Some of you may not even realize that there is this person who longs to be involved in your life. Some of you may be moving to a new home and even possibly a new territory altogether, be it moving to a different state or country.

You have the Queen of Swords as a Blockage. This could be an individual for a lot of you. Astrologically, this person is an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra).  The Personality of this individual sticks straight to the facts. Determines an outcome through use of logic instead of emotions. They could be divorced, or have been through this specific scenario themselves that they can be of great advice as well as rational support for you. It may be that it is this individual who has the upper hand in your specific situation. Maybe it’s your mother or mother in law. When it comes to you, You need to become like this Queen and stand up for your rights more so than ever. Try not to allow your emotions to cloud your judgment or spiral your emotions out of control when confronting another individual. Remain Calm and Just.

You are being asked to communicate your truth. This goes along with the Queen of Swords. If you are required to give a “yes” or “no” answer, then do so. You do not need to give a bunch a details along with your answer if you don’t want to. At times, depending upon your situation, you may want to hold back from details as they could be held against you later. This Ace gifts you a new opportunity– Verbally and Mentally. Allow yourself to become excited about this new phase in your life. Take the opportunity coming to you. Allow yourself to become inspired. Go back to when you were younger and look at your life from a fresh perspective. What was it that you really wanted to do, who did you want to become? I’m seeing you daydreaming about all of the possibilities– go back to that place. You can bring one of those dreams to your reality. It is required to plan your next steps. If you fear losing and allow it to stop you, then you’ll never know what could be. Forward movement WILL bring you success. I’m seeing you releasing all of the excess weight and baggage that you have carried around. You will also release what/whom holds you back.

Spirit Animal October Per Sign:

Aries: Firefly/Starfish- This combination says to me, “Remain Grounded as you go after your dreams.” The Firefly is about a moment of Inspiration or an awakening that quickly fades. The Starfish speaks about a dream that you may have put to the side to please someone else. It’s time to go after that dream the moment you feel inspired to do so.

Leo: Owl/ Mouse- This combination is Ironic… One is the prey; the other is the hunter. Your overall energy is the Mouse (Prey), but because of that you are to become the Owl (Hunter). It’s time to turn the tables on someone else or your situation as a whole. You can pretend you don’t notice them or that you don’t seem to care what someone else may be doing to try to ruin your reputation. Surprise them with what you know.

Sagittarius: Golden egg/ Zebra- Some of you may hear from an old lover or friend, when it comes to this Golden egg. This is the birthing process of what’s to come. Listen closely to what they have to say. But also make sure to ask them a question that has remained heavy in your mind and heart. Clear the air. The Zebra is someone who is eccentric; with contagious energy. You may be about to travel when it comes to this other person, or they will be traveling to you. This has a very intriguing feel to it. You may not be able to resist the offer to meet up.

Power Sigils for October:

Aries- Healing- True healing of the mind, body and soul. Insight- Opens the third eye… so, Aries, will be able to heal once they are given insight into a situation.

Leo: Successful Career- A happy working environment, Pay raise & Promotion. Spirit- Heavenly assistance from your Guides.

Sagittarius: Protection- Strong protective magic for the family and the home. Perseverance- The Motivation to keep going despite the odds.

Collective Black Moon Oracle Message: Saturn Return- Age/ 5th House… The Sign of Leo has a home in the 5th House. This is also the house of Entertainment, Love and Pleasure. Adding a Saturn Return to this…. The first thing that comes to mind is something from your past that is revisiting dealing with amusement… so it is something or someone that brought these to your life. This is something you loved to do that brought you pleasure. I am seeing this with the Tarot already. With Saturn placed in this house— this will be more of a lesson. You have been redefining who you are and restructuring your life and/or sense of self. You will begin showing this new form to others. They may be taken back by the new you, good or bad. If you have children, they present heavy burdens at this time. You may experience an emotionally intense encounter with another that will become positive spiritual growth. Anything created during this month through hard work will produce the desired results.

We are given a Saturn return 3, sometimes 4 times (if you live beyond 100) in our lives. Each are pivotal turning points. The first one comes to us in between 27-30 years old. If you want to pinpoint the exact age you will be when this occurs personally for you, then run a chart over on If you’re older than 30, think back to what occurred at this time in your life. What were you doing as a career, who did you meet at that time in your life, what possible life changing offers were made to you? Did you turn away from anything? It’s also possible that this is when a Twin Flame is met. So, if you’re under 27, and you wonder when it will happen… just look to this time frame. For those of you that are in between 27-30 and 58-60 (This is when your Second Saturn Return occurs), this is a major point in your life where you can change how you’re living or what you’re doing, if you don’t like how things are currently going. If you shy away from it on your first return, you will be giving another opportunity on your second, but after that, if you still choose not to change anything then your life will pretty much become crystallized into what you have chosen. That’s not to say that you cannot decide for your own self to change an aspect of your life but it won’t be as prominent. If you took the opportunity in between 27-30, then you will continue to build upon it as your second return comes about.

On a wider scale, since most of you reading this won’t be in between these age brackets, You can look at this as Something or someone coming back to meet up again, to see how far you’ve come, share memories, life experiences, catch up. A lot of you will see much progress being made when it comes to Romance, Children and creative projects that you will begin.

Halloween Oracle: Skull of Light- Illumination.

“We can stay in the dark

Exist only in the midnight hours

But shining the torch

The victory is ours.”

“Taking the time to know Thyself and to seek understanding of our more destructive or shadow natures can lead to huge happiness and less anxiety. It is time to open yourself fully to the clarity of illumination. Allow yourself to be seen, to see and act upon what is shown to you. The time has passed for hiding, for pretending and for swallowing our discomfort by accepting the status quo when it really doesn’t suit us.”

Do not delay this next phase in your life out of fear.

Have a Wonderful October!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Propel Yourself into the Unknown! Air Element/ Aquarius, Gemini & Libra. September 2019

Greetings, Air Signs!! Aquarius, Gemini and Libra! This is your Reading for September 2019. All Signs have now officially posted! Enjoy!

Out with the old, and in with the new! You guys are making changes in your life. You’ve been in a deep state of contemplation. This is a slow progression towards a “freeing of your being.” When it comes to Aquarius, I am seeing you working through past traumatic situations. You are healing through this phase in your life so that you can break free from fears that have held you back. There appears to be a new beginning when it comes to Investments, joint finances and purchasing property. You will also be dealing with any debt, as in situating debts and being able to release any stress in connection with financial burdens. Gemini, your own type of “death” deals with home– your home environment, your family, where you will reside. I’m seeing you going through a period of trying to reset your home life. You could be looking to move in somewhere, out of another, or even attempting to kick someone out of your environment (especially if you have a roommate, or are going through a breakup). I’m also seeing some of you reconnecting with family- extended family and possibly having “family meetings” to discuss your next steps. Libra, I’m seeing some of you diving into spiritual practices. I feel as though you want to go even deeper if you’ve been in study already. There is the energy of looking into new forms of spirituality that you haven’t yet, or what has peaked your interest. Spending time away from your phone and social media. You’ll be cocooning yourself at this time. You’ll be given a lot of downloads in September that you must pay attention to. For those that don’t know what downloads are- they are messages that come to you through spirit, your guides, or even phrases said to you. I’m seeing you creating your own personal space in order to meditate, journal or to take journeys– creating personal space so that you won’t be interrupted. You’re being surrounded by the energy of “Hidden information”, which will be very helpful through this process. You will all be breaking free from stagnancy. You may be dealing with or hear of an actual death in September. For some of you, this death will trigger major changes in your life for the better as sad as that seems. You’re all ridding your life of unnecessary things and people. I’m hearing that you’re “de- hoarding” your life… is that even a word???

How you project yourself to others and what is the truth of your relationships/connections- Judgment reversed. I saw this card as I cut the deck as well. With Judgment upright you are heeding the call to awake to go to the next level in life. You are listening to an epiphany that you’ve had, evaluating the past and seeing where mistakes were made in order to fix them. There is a MASSIVE liberating energy to this. However, others see you as being stuck. Not moving. Not making a decision. Not changing what needs to be changed in your life. You’re not listening to your higher self. Sometimes, this happens out of fear. It’s as though you’re holding onto the back hoof of the horse and you’re being dragged into this new life, new way of being, being dragged into making a decision whether you like it or not. You’re trying to stop the horse, which metaphorically heralds the time of change… causing your situation to develop very slowly. But, it’s moving, just at a snails pace. You can’t prevent this from happening. No matter what you do, no matter what you say. You must learn from the past. Try not to halt any progress that you have made so far. You may have made bad decisions in the past, but that doesn’t mean that it’s ok to do it again or that it will happen again. You definitely feel this great sense of anticipation, but may not know where it’s coming from. It’s as though you’re on the edge. Will you fall or will you fly? Now normally, the Death in reverse show someone running away from a ending in order to prevent it, but you’re not. The reason I bring that up is I am also hearing, ” Flight or Fight”. You’re going to “fight” for what you want. But currently, you’re being slightly resistant… for some of you, it’s because how slow the changes are taking place. So by the energy moving slowly, it’s giving you too much time to think about what is going on and causing your thoughts to bounce back and forth… One day you’ll feel very to tackle any challenge and the next day you don’t want to make a change. There is frustration over the delay and there is indecision indicated here. You just don’t know what to do! But YOU DO—- listen to your inner voice, not your fear… or whatever it is that is causing resistance on your part. Others see you as being indecisive.

What is blocking your goals and desires— YOU. Ok, let me turn over this card… FOOL! Fear of the unknown! Fear of falling off that cliff that I was seeing. This is telling you to be fearless. If you’re trying to make a change that you’ve gone through before, remember how you felt the first time you attempted this. The Fool is about having no prior experience, or I should say, having no prior bad experience to go by. And when you don’t have this bad experience then you’re not afraid to make a change. You see it from the perspective of excitement and what good things it will bring you. The fool Is complete and total freedom, inside and out. The Fool is making a change where others may worry for you or wonder if your experience may cause you strife, because they’ve either had a bad experience themselves with what you’re attempting or worry that you may not make it. Now, you seem to be taking this perspective on yourself and it halts you. You need to see this with brand new eyes. Wiping past issues away as though they never happened. Don’t listen to anyone who tries to stop you. Most of all don’t listen to your own negative self talk. You will make it, you will succeed, it just takes that one step. You need to let go that the horse’s hoof or else you may be trampled upon like the man in the death card. You don’t require a lot of things on this journey. You begin with a small amount, a small step… taking it day by day. I feel as though many of you are thinking about your situation from EVERY SINGLE ANGLE and it’s overwhelming. Say that you’re all prepped and ready to move into a new apartment. You have a bedroom set. But because the issue is moving slowly you begin thinking about all of the furniture and things that you want to make your apartment feel complete. All you really need is a good bed in the beginning. If you sit there and add up the costs of a top of the line couch and all the trimmings, well, then you won’t budge. You only need the BED. Having a good night’s rest sets you on the path to create and do so much more. You will notice in this card that this individual carries a small sack. He has no worries, he is focused on life moving forward. Knowing that all will be ok and that if he meets with an obstacle he will deal with it then… no sooner. He lives in the Present moment. That is what blocks you. You’re not living in the present moment. Don’t worry about what could occur later. It most likely won’t pan out that way. It will be better than you think! 😉

What you need to do to overcome the obstacles- King Of Cups. This is Astrologically a Water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). A very small portion of you need to have a conversation with this person. For whatever reason, this individual is in connection with your current issue. I feel like you must put a situation to rest with this person. For most of you this is the persona that you need to take on. The King is very mature, doesn’t allow his emotions to control him, He’s compassionate and caring. It’s very important for you to trust your intuition. I’m not referring to the worries or bad feelings that have had time to seep in and take over, I’m referring to your initial desire that put you on your current path. You will notice in the card that he has all kinds of things going on behind him, these are his emotions going up and down. He holds two tools in his hands and holds them to the side. As he is completely focused on his goal. This means that no matter what is going on, you must remain focused on achieving your desire. Looking at this man’s face, it looks as though he holds great concern. He becomes frustrated by interruptions to his goal. He grows serious as he stops the interruptions and pushes them away. “You’re not going to take control of me!” I feel as though this is you needing to become more disciplined when it comes to outsiders, or thoughts and emotions that can sabotage you on your current path. You need to continue to work on your goal and build a plan. Set the foundation for your success. That’s all you need to focus on is your foundation.

What you can do within yourself to achieve the desires- 4 pentacles reversed… I think Earth signs has this exact card for this position. This is validating what I have already said. The 4 pentacles upright keeps you still, stagnant, unmoving, unwilling, resisting…. When you have it reversed, you allow the energy to flow, you allow whatever to come, Whatever will be will be…. I’m hearing that song by Doris Day, “Que sera sera!” You can look up the lyrics, if you’d like. It details the questions one has about will happen to them in the future. Main point is– Don’t focus on the future. Which I find hilarious that I was given this song since I look into the future for a living. 😀  It’s the same situation here… You’re wondering what will happen once you take the next step. You’ve been held back in fear. Held back by a false sense of safety. Whatever is truly meant for you, will happen. Regardless as to what you do. But I always warn that if you don’t make the change, you definitely won’t like the results. Trust me, even if you don’t know me. 😉 You will either be forced to make the change or you’ll be stuck living the same way and you know how you feel about that. I don’t need to pull cards. It’s always best to just let go and see what happens. You are at least making a decision for movement of energy to occur. You won’t be stuck where you are any longer.

What you can learn from others–7 of Wands…. Stay strong and stand your ground. People have grown spiritually from attempting what you are. This causes them to become a human form of “Hercules” who can battle against all odds. You will become mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit through this. Whether or not you’ll be able to achieve your desires 100% is up to the universe and your specific path in this life. If you’re one who analyzes every single detail, you may set yourself up for disappointment. The bigger picture shows that you will get what you want in accordance to what you deserve. What type of person are you? Do you work hard? Do you treat others with respect? I am being given a “Justice” vibe here, but wasn’t given that card. You are becoming much more of an individual through this process. Breaking apart your old self and inviting in your true self. Not listening to others, not trying to follow their path, but your own. Regardless of what they say. Because many opinions and obstacles could be thrown your way and most likely already have been. You have to keep fighting for yourself. Fighting for your own freedom. It’s up to you and no one else. You WILL prove yourself in the end.

Your Projected outcome- Sun! Could you get a better card?!? NO. The Sun tells me that YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFUL. And I saw that with the 7, because the 7 of wands indicates long-term and hard-won success. You may question when your own success will arrive, but it’s completely up to you. You may have been putting off your own success. The Sun brings a Lucky and Powerful influence to your reading. This means that something good will come out of any problems that you may have had or encounter. You will achieve what you set out to achieve. There’s nothing much more to say with this one…. Just set yourself free.

Your own personal Sigil— Safe and Happy Travel. Protection from harm when Journeying. I smiled with this. 🙂 I instantly saw the Fool card, because that’s what he is doing. He has no fears. He doesn’t need to feel Secure before he goes about his business or attempts to achieve his goals. This validates that you have nothing to fear. Even if something comes along and challenges you on your journey, you will be protected. With Libra, since I was seeing them taking Journey’s, you will learn a lot during them that will help to put the pieces together for you. If you will be traveling and moving, this is obviously speaking directly to you.

Your Oracle message from the Black moon- Lilith “Mystery”/ Gemini “I Think”. Yes, you’re thinking way too much about the unknown. The sign of Gemini is known for being in two minds at once. To me this speaks about over analysis. When you over analyze you become quite stressed to the point of indecision, sure! Mystery says “I Don’t know what to do!!”, “I no longer know what to think or how I should feel!”… you get to the point of being stuck, going backwards, rethinking, or wanting to give up for the time being. Lilith represents, “Soul expansion and cosmic awareness, the force in aloneness, and the path of the individual.” This card basically took what I channeled and placed it all into one sentence. This is a shift in power and consciousness. Symbolic of destruction before creation. During this transition you may become the topic of discussion with those around you. You have many ideas about what you want to do and/or see happen. You may have communicated about this to other’s. And yet, you haven’t fully made the move forward. SO they are questioning whether or not you will do as you say. It’s like they are on edge. At some point, you may have to talk your way out of a problematic situation. I’m seeing you doing a lot of multitasking as you search for the level ground.

Propel yourself into the unknown of your situation! Take back what belongs to you.

Have an amazing September!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

You’re at a Turning Point- Earth Signs! Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo. September 2019

Greetings, Earth Signs!! Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo! Here is your reading for September 2019!! Water and Fire have been posted.

Currently I am seeing that Things aren’t going well at this time. There’s this “flow” that seems off or stunted. It appears as though you’ve gone backwards, have given up for the moment, or Something happened out of the blue that stopped your progress. Possible bad news was given to you. Capricorn, you’re going through a period in your life when you are beginning to see things from a different perspective. You may be changing your belief system. Trying out something new when it comes to spirituality or religion. You are thinking outside of the box. You may decide to change your major or going back to school. Taurus, You’re going through a huge reset when it comes to hobbies or your interests. You may be considering switching careers or trying to figure out what it is that you’re good at in order to make a career change. This new beginning is set to be liberating for you. I am also seeing a renewal of passion if you’re involved in a relationship, as well as meeting someone new if you’re single. You could even meet someone new that sparks your interest while being involved already. Virgo, This is the year that most of you break free from stagnant situations that have held you back or that have been very unhealthy. This has most likely been going on for the past 9 years. You guys are experiencing a cosmic reset from this past new moon in your sign. What is it that you want to break free from? I’m seeing new belief systems coming (as with Capricorn) with each change in perspective you make. You could be changing the way that you eat, or beginning an exercise regimen. You could be deciding once and for all that you need to stop smoking, stop drinking, stop gambling. You could be factoring in your expenses and seeing where you need to cut things out in order to get rid of excess stress. You will make the changes required to align yourself with your “new life”. You may experience unexpected travel or you’ll branch out in order to learn something new. The Wheel in reverse just means that changes must be made in all of your lives. This is a “revisiting” of past circumstances.

You show yourself as someone who doesn’t back down easily. There is hard headed stubborn energy coming from this card. Taurus, being the Bull, is known well for this. This also has the energy of standing strong against the current, standing strong within your own beliefs, unwilling to change, defending your position. This 7 usually comes after the success you’ve worked hard for in the 6. This is when other’s try to tear you down and apart. Or when a situation gets out of hand and you must work hard to keep whatever it is that you might lose. You will notice that this individual is covered in armor. He has been through a lot. But he also has a red scarf draped around him signifying courage and power. Your internal self is challenged through this. Do you give up the fight? Or do you keep going? Is this worth fighting for? It’s one of those things where you must pick your battles wisely. You may be going back and forth on whether or not to drop this “battle”. You think to yourself that you’ve worked so hard and for so long to have what you achieved or got. It’s a risky situation. You may also experience other’s opinions when it comes to what you’re going through. It can make the issue confusing, or angering depending upon what they have to say. I’m seeing some people just dishing out their two cents without putting in any type of sympathy or experience. They could be saying something such as, “Who cares?! You’ll be better off!”. They don’t understand the magnitude of the effort and time that you’ve put in. They are quick to blow it off as though it’s nothing. This within itself is extremely frustrating. Now, I am noticing that the red coloring of your cloth that drapes around your shoulder is faded in comparison to the rest. For some of you I am hearing, “I can’t win for losing,” (You can’t win because things keep going wrong). For some of you this situation needs to be dropped, only because it seems like no matter what you do to try and “revive” this it will exhaust you to the point of nothingness. As in, you did it for nothing. And maybe you worry about this as well. Why keep up a good fight if it just gets you nowhere? These are your own thoughts. But for now, you choose to stand strong and not change. You definitely want to keep whatever this is. This could be a relationship for some of you.

What is blocking your desires and goals- Page of Pentacle reversed. This also gives me the energy of “not allowing.” Resistance. This page upright is about new beginnings, of a new interest, a new business, a relationship, a new project, a new job. But upside down it becomes blocked or delayed. It’s about looking away from a new opportunity or not seeing this new opportunity of change. I could already tell with the 7 that it was you blocking your own desires. Pentacles is of your element. A page is the youngest. Some of you may be reverting back to childlike behavior. Which goes along with the wheel in reverse. It may not even be behavior, could be something from childhood that you have held on to for a long time. It needs to be released. This also has the energy of insecurity. Which tells me that you don’t want to make changes due to the possibility that you will be left “floating around” and not knowing where to land. In other words, you strive for a stable and secure life. This is in every aspect of the way. As the Earth element, you’re known for stabilizing your foundations, environment, home life, finances… you’re main focus is on Support. So, if you’re left just floating around you are out of your element and it causes much strife internally to you. This is very understandable that you don’t want to make these changes due to that possibility. You don’t know where it will lead and you want to be certain and assured that everything will work out. You want to be certain that there will be no losses. You don’t want to worry about how your bills will get paid, whether or not you’ll find a new partner. You don’t want to lose money. You don’t want to rid your life whatever stability that you’ve gotten used to. For some of you, especially Virgo’s, it’s not healthy where you’re at right now. Try not to be overwhelmed or afraid to make these changes. Try not to push away or fight new opportunities or suggestions that are given. Try to face whatever this new beginning is and be more accepting and open. Keep in mind that most changes require for you to become acclimated in the beginning. This is where you can create a plan and set things in motion. You guys are excellent when it comes to building a foundation. Create your own personal Web on paper or your computer, with a starting off point, and work your way from there. You can even do one of these before you accept this new challenge. It may help for you to feel more secure with the changes. If you’re offered to learn a new job or skill accept it. Try not to make a decision until you’ve actually tried something new. Meaning, try not to state “I don’t like that!” if you’ve never actually tried it first.

What do you need to do to overcome the obstacles…. Queen of Cups reversed. This is Astrologically a Water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)… it could be an individual in your life in connection to your situation. If you’re rising or moon is a water sign, then this is you. Personality— Usually, this individual is very loving, giving, caring, compassionate. This person knows just what to do to make you feel completely comfortable and at ease. However, this individual is reversed. So all of that goes to shit, pretty much. For a better lack of words. 😉 That’s obvious because you’ve been battling for position, you’re feeling insecure or uncertain about change, So the ease that you could be feeling is not there whatsoever. You don’t feel comfortable. You don’t feel loved. You don’t feel as though you’re being reciprocated. You are asked to tap into your intuition at this time. What is it saying to you about what must be done? Don’t listen to you mind right now when you “ask” this question. You’ve been listening to your mind. What are the inklings that you’ve been getting but have pushed away because you did not want to make a decision for change? That’s what you’re being asked to listen to at this time. You have to face what you’ve put off. This is honestly the message for all signs right now. There’s still a lot of people (including myself – I’m not an earth sign) who are still working through issues that they haven’t faced. It’s a lot of work to face your shadow. We all know this, we all speak about it, we all may laugh about it at times, but it must be worked through. By not working through things you’re left to be confused, undecided and at times emotionally disturbed. There is this Smothering energy surrounding you. You’re being consumed at this time. And when your thoughts move toward your specific issue, or when other’s begin to speak about it to you, it becomes way too much to bear. You don’t want to think about it. Sometimes, you may wish to flip a switch and make it much easier. You want to fast forward through the beginning of a decision to get a glimpse of what life would be like after making that choice. But you can’t. I actually offer pathway readings that tell you what happens when it comes to various choices. Not to throw in a marketing plug. 😉 Just putting that out there. Try not to put the situation on hold or to the side any longer. Listen to your inner voice and take action. You want to be in control of your life— Now is the time to prove it.

What you can do within yourself in order to Achieve your goal– 7 of Pentacles. PLAN baby, PLAN!! I stated that with the Web creation. Give yourself a decent and reliable timeline. Know that this new beginning of yours will take time to see results. This is like your own garden. You must plant the seed first. Which is the Page in reverse that you’re turning away from. Face the page, plan your beginning, plant your seed and watch it grow. You’re attempting to achieve a long term goal. Just like, for instance, when you want to lose weight, it takes time and loads of effort on your part to get to that point. It begins with switching the way that you eat, watching your calories, getting rid of the unhealthy snacks, and working out. It also deals with your own mindset. That must be changed as well. I’ve been watching “My 600lb life” and I feel so bad for them. Food is THE HARDEST addiction out there. With other addictions you just abstain from it, which is hard enough. But with food, you need to eat in order to survive so you can’t abstain from food, you have to change how you eat. I haven’t touched alcohol in over 6 years and I can’t even imagine if I still had to drink things with a bit of alcohol in them. I definitely would have relapsed!!!! I equate alcoholism to being like a vampire. We smell it and our mouth waters. Well, mine doesn’t anymore. That was horrible experiencing that phenomenon. But I also had to change my mindset and become as productive as I was drinking. I digress… This goes for anything you guys personally need to change and achieve. Maybe it’s saving money, maybe it’s taking a new course, beginning a business, starting a new career, trying to figure out just what it is that inspires you. Don’t expect immediate results. Knowing that it can take a while– 7 months… doesn’t make you feel very secure and I understand that is an issue for you. During this transition is when your own mindset will change, you will come to know a new belief system that helps you tremendously in the future. You will see results from whatever this is in 2020. That’s only if you begin in the next month or two. By making a plan, you will already have a solid foundation to work from instead of feeling lost in the abyss.

What you can learn from others is The World!!! This is one of the BEST cards in the Tarot. It exudes complete and total success, an ending to one phase of life, the ultimate celebration. This tells me that many others have gone through what you are and have been at the pint of being uncertain for change. They didn’t know where it would lead them. But where it led them was so liberating, so free, and very successful in their endeavors. You WILL be rewarded for your hard work. I’m seeing some of you pursuing a dream when it comes to your career, being noticed by influential people. If you’re attempting to lose weight, I see you showing off your body- less clothed than most lol and why not??? Right? You worked damn hard to get that body!! If you’re trying to cut out costs and to save, you will have saved a substantial amount of money. I’m hearing, “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” So it’s going back to where you’re refusing to face something or stating how something isn’t right for you, you don’t like it, “It’s not for me.”. Try not to put the breaks on this, Because this is showing that you will get what you want.

Your projected outcome- Queen Pentacles Reversed…. Booooo!!! This message won’t be for all of you. But this to me states that you won’t make changes. At least not for now. I’m going to pull another with this card. 4 pentacles reversed… Good…. That tells me you will release the strong hold you have on whatever this is. This 4 in the upright is about someone not willing to budge, which is where you may find yourself now. Reversed, you’re opening up to the possibilities, though I get the feeling some of you will be forced… and knowing the earth element– you do not like being forced to do anything!! You want to be in control, not someone else. Having your own sense of control creates the security you love to feel. Let’s go back to the Queen– This Queen is you. You can be either male or female. It doesn’t matter with the court cards. Upright, she takes care of everything that needs to be done. Her home life is solid and stable, all the bills are paid on time if not before they are due, The financial books are in order, the checkbook is balanced, if she owns a business everything is going well, it’s organized and extremely productive, she’s at the top of her game in every aspect in her life. She even presents herself physically as a well put together individual. Hair is done, nails are done. She is also the mother (or father) that keeps on top of every one else’s schedule. But in the reverse, you become disorganized, easily irritated or frustrated, you begin missing money– it gets lost somehow, you may be overspending, forgetting to balance your checkbook, paperwork goes missing, you miss or are late to meetings and appointments, everything builds and builds, but not in the way you want it to, it builds up so much that becomes extremely overwhelming and hard to deal with. It makes you want to take a vacation away from it. What will happen when you come back? You will be met with a ton of tasks to confront and organize. I feel like this is what your situation will become if you don’t stop resisting the change. You could already be at this particular place as we speak. This has the energy also of just wanting to give up and walk away. This can cause an imbalance with your mind, body and soul– showing itself into your environment. Start listening to your gut and stop analyzing — I feel as though analyzing your situation from every angle just drives you further and further away from change. Your overall energy is the Ace of Wands in reverse…. Yet another delay… I don’t think you’ve been inspired enough! That’s the problem. You need to find what reignites passion in your life.

Your personal Sigil for September is- Wishes Come True!!! Rapid achievement of your dreams and wishes!! This is the message in the World card as well. Thinking about the timeline I gave of 7 months… seems far off, but I was also thinking about 7 years… so 7 months in comparison to 7 years would be Rapid. But if you keep putting off this change, it will take a lot longer than 7 months.

Your Oracle message from the BlackMoon is: Water (Sensing)/ South Node (Life’s Debts) — I’m getting a few things from this right off the bat. With the Water card, I already spoke about listening to your intuition. Life’s debts, could be literal for some of you, as in financial debt currently… you may be there already, or on your way. You may fear you’re on your way to debt. How do you prevent this? And how to get out of it (if this is the case)? You could be “in debt” with your situation metaphorically. I’m hearing, “It’s crunch time!”… which tells me that the situation is or will become dire. Your South Node deals with habits and patterns that have been there since childhood. As I was saying With the page. I was also hearing Bad habits. These habits are affecting you currently in your situation. They don’t appear to be helping your case. It could be a habit of how you handled chaos, or a deteriorating issue. Maybe you flee instead of face it, or maybe you don’t know when to let go. You could be one that gets overly emotional instead of having a mature conversation when things get out of hand. Whatever your “bad habit” is, this is the time that you need to get serious about changing it. It’s preventing you from forward movement in life, it’s preventing you from living your best life. “The South Node represents a Karmic point in our charts where certain matters must be discharged or cast off in order to develop and move on toward greater things,” Well, I was seeing that each of you are after all going through a reset. This south Node is the place where you’re challenged and growth occurs through some kind of pain. These debt’s make your life circumstances harder than they need to be. I believe not only is it Karmic but it will become harder the more you resist, yes. It will do that on purpose to get you to change whether you like it or not. Evaluate certain areas in your life in accordance to your specific situation. Only then will you realize there is no longer any connection and that it is time to move on. “Be assured you will have a stronger foundation for your next venture.”

It’s time to leave your comfort zone! You’re at a major turning point in your life.
Have a Wonderful September!!!
Blessed Be to You and Yours!
RJ Worrell

You’re in for A Ride, Fire Signs! Aries, Leo & Sagittarius- September 2019

Greetings, Fire Signs! This reading is for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius from the energy of the New Moon in Virgo going into September 2019! Water Signs have already been posted.

You guys are walking away from a state of dissatisfaction. Though this could be a relationship that you’re walking away from for some of you, I’m seeing that for both Leo and Sagittarius, you are wanting to make changes to your career. Sagittarius wants to break free from their current career or to level up, switch titles, gain a raise or promotion. You’re tired of the way things have been. It has a stagnant/Dormant feeling to this. Sagittarius is going to rebelliously go after what they want. You feel like you’ve been “good” long enough and that you should be compensated, as you watch others leveling up while you’ve been stuck where you are. Leo, you’re focused on your finances and how you make money. Specifically, how you can make even more money. There are changes to your career path as well and I see you creating new goals to achieve. You will be gifted very inspiring ideas on how to can do this. So pay attention to any downloads you receive, as well as your gut instinct. I’m seeing recognition coming to you for your work, as well as potential new clients (If you are independent or own your own business). Aries is all about setting new intentions when it comes to your daily routine. You have felt out of balance internally, and that is because your mindset and your health has been up and down. At times, you have felt scattered. You are looking to take on a new project or possibly a new career. I’m seeing positive changes when it comes to your environment after you reorganize your work/sacred space. You will begin to structure your days in such a way that you may add in meditating or yoga before your day begins. This will become extremely helpful for your mind, body and soul to strike a balance. You will be able to gain much clarity and become more productive.

How you project yourself to the world/ truth of your relationships- Emperor reversed… I saw this card after I cut the deck and here it shows up again. This individual is out of balance, that is why they are reversed. I stated this already with Aries… and the Emperor is astrologically an Aries card… but this goes for all of you. This has the energy of being out of control. Not in control… keep in mind, this may not be about you, this could be someone in your own environment. Either within your workplace or family. Back to you, for now…. They could see you as someone who doesn’t have their “shit” together. Someone who dominates in an aggressive way… in an overly masculine type of way– if you’re female, you come off as very intimidating at times. Unapproachable. Defensive. Easy to provoke. They may see you as someone who wants tings their way only. AS someone who isn’t very open to options or idea’s. I’m hearing, “Throwing down the gauntlet.” So yes, they may see you as someone who is ready to fight a battle or throw out challenge’s. It seems almost exhausting!! The energy of what this individual is going through. It feels like a never ending battle. Who knows, for some of you an issue has been going on for too long and this is where it brought you to. You may be tired of doing things someone else’s way, or sick of being treated disrespectfully. So in turn– other’s may feel as though you’re disrespecting them. What do they expect when you’re just trying to take control of your life and set boundaries, and they repeatedly or someone has repeatedly overstepped those boundaries, or tried to dictate your life. So with this, You’re actually attempting to take your life back, or a certain aspect of it. For a lot of you this deals with your career and how you make money. For other’s this is more of an internal issue, where you may have been your own worst enemy. You seek to discipline yourself and to structure your day. So far what you’ve tried to achieve has fallen short of expectations, but you’ll get there. For other’s this individual is either in your environment, or the person you’ve been dealing with. They don’t want to compromise, they are overbearing and trying to control everything. They appear to be bullying you. But honestly all this person is achieveing is absolute disgust from you and not the respect they are aiming for. (This could be a father or father figure for some of you)

What is blocking your desires and goals- 4 of Pentacles… The Emperor is a 4 as well, and before I pulled this card I knew it was in relation to this. So, if it’s another individual- say this is the Emperor in your life, They block you by not being willing to compromise, They don’t want to share anything or to be generous to you. They are very greedy. I’m getting that if it is a boss, and you’ve been waiting for a raise or a promotion, then this is definitely what you’ve been dealing with. You’ve done a lot for them and the company itself, it’s not like they can’t give you a raise. They are just very greedy with their funds. This has stagnant energy as well…. This could have been going on for 4 years. Selfish, very selfish. “It’s mine! Not yours!”. I’m seeing some of you having an issue when it comes to opening up. You have an immense amount of skills and abilities and you have been hoarding them and keeping them to yourself. You could be afraid of opening up and sharing your gifts. You could be afraid of losing control of your own schedule or freedom even. The main feeling that derives from this 4 is out of fear of losing something of value to you. But there is no energy coming in or out. If you’re holding back afraid of reaching out then this energy can build so much that it consumes you into your own state of disgust. Some of you may not even sense where this is coming from, you may not realize that you’re doing it to yourself. This is stunted growth. Being squeezed into a small space. Confinement.

The advice for you speaks about painful situations or communication that is hard to have. For some of you this involves a separation from either a person or a career. It could be from anything really, depending upon what is that you are wanting to walk away from. With it being reversed you have been trying to work through this at this time. Though I see attempts to hide painful news for some of you. This could actually be what you’re keeping to yourself in the 4 of pentacles, if it personally resonates. I’m seeing you having to manage your stress and trying to take care of your body in some way. Others have been repressing emotions when it comes to another person. It has gotten to the point where you don’t want to think about them, so you will refuse to speak about them. If you do think about them the pain is too much to bear. You may be thinking about taking a course, going to therapy or researching how to control negative thoughts through mood management techniques. The advice is to face whatever it is in order to work through this. When it comes to the number 3, it means that you’re growing in a massive way internally. Try not to stunt your growth because you’ll become wiser and much stronger through acceptance.

What you can do within yourself is to be honest with yourself as well as with others. You must take inventory on the past and where you’re at presently. This is a Wake up call. I’m seeing some of you having to metaphorically knock on some doors to your subconscious. There are pieces to your own puzzle that must be figured out  so; that you can put the issue where it belongs in the past in order to free yourself and regain the confidence and courage that you fire signs are famous for! This is also about having an epiphany, but you cannot force one of those, it just happens. With that said, some of you will be able to work through issues when that happens for you… which should be this month. An internal evaluation period is imperative. Look at what you’ve done in the past, what other’s have done to you, the various scenario’s that you had found yourself in and how you dealt with it. Most likely, you are repeating a lesson from the past and this time you’re going to make the decision to regain consciousness. It’s as though you’ve been sleeping the past 10-20 years. Are you really going to put up with what you face now in the external world? Or will you choose to repeat patterns that got you nowhere? Maybe, what you can do this time is to learn from what didn’t work and change. I know this reading appears to be going all over the place, but I can’t shut out when I’m receiving downloads. Just take whatever information speaks to you and leave the rest. The same goes with Judgment… Take what is still a part of you and leave the rest behind. It something doesn’t truly speak to your soul, you don’t need it. If you’re miserable in a relationship, a career, your town, with parts of yourself… only you have the power to change that. Though I know that change is scary for some people. You must look well beyond that. I don’t normally suggest looking years ahead, even though that is required for setting certain goals, if we must make the change to get out of a negative pattern, try thinking about where you will be a year from now… Most likely you will be happier. If you don’t make the change your life will be almost exactly how it is now, and you’ll be going over the same dialogue that you’re having now in your head. It is as though you hit the pause button though you’re still getting up every morning, drinking coffee, going to work, eating dinner…. You get my point. You don’t feel fully alive. A little exercise for you to do would be to think about where you’re at right now with what you’re going through and think to the past when you were in the same position or having the same inner dialogue (seems to be the phrase lately). Allow your emotions to come over you as you replay the tape. If you do this exercise enough, you will notice a tiny light that you must follow that will guide you out of this place. You won’t notice it with your eyes of course, you must do this exercise with your eyes closed. If you’re advanced, then you won’t need to close your eyes to see what I am referring to.

What you can learn from others- Wheel of fortune reversed— This is when things really get out of control and your luck turns for the worse. You know how bad things always seem to come in 3’s? That’s what happens when the wheel decides to go backwards, or in this case reversed. It’s as though we must hit the rewind button, which is what we are told to do for ourselves in Judgment. Please, don’t stop this growth from taking place. I’m getting now that if you don’t face it, you may be forced to. Decisions will be made for you. You yourself will feel as though you don’t have control anymore.

Your Projected outcome is the Knight of Wands— This Knight is very fast change happening. This Knight being a Wands is astrologically a Fire sign. So for most of you this is you taking charge of your situation. This is when the epiphany comes, when your confidence and courage has come back, after you’ve had that inner dialogue, This is when inspiration hits. It’s time to show other’s just what you’re made of! This energy has intense excitement all over it. With this card I am also seeing that for a bit of you, this individual is coming into your life quickly. They may be the ones who inspire you, cheer you on, tell you about their own success story or what they’ve done when they were in your same exact position. This is speaking about you becoming victorious with what you’ll be achieving in September and that is backed up by your own personal Sigil which states- “Achievement! This is recognition or achieving your goals.” I conducted an energy read about two weeks ago and this came up in that reading as well. So, it was definitely speaking to Fire Signs.

Your overall energy speaks about gaining wisdom and “coming back out into the world” to speak about what you’ve learned or to show it. It’s as though you’ll be coming out of deep sleep. “I didn’t see it before but I do now.” You’ll be able to see things clearly that are going on around you. See people for who they truly are– under the surface. See solutions to the issues that have plagued you for a long time. Wow, this started out one way and now it’s been telling me about a lot of you going through a deep soul searching phase. I’m hearing the song “Lose Yourself”, By Eminem for you guys. 😀 I’ll post it below.

Your Oracle Message from the Black Moon – Taurus/ Mercury…. With these two cards I’m hearing, “Mind over Matter.” — The use of willpower to overcome problems. “You are about to grow something from which there will be beauty and abundance.” Sometimes, it’s hard to convince yourself of changes that need to be made. Pushing thoughts away as though the burden is too much to bear. I’m feeling ultimate struggle when I look at the Taurus card…. Keywords being “I Have”…. You have been struggling very hard with yourself and/or with the current conditions and situation. The card of Mercury shows symbols of the past- which I spoke about going back to the past with the judgment card. Mercury is asking you to change direction and to be spontaneous and flexible (This is the Knight of Wands energy). If you’re not flexible then you will get the energy of the wheel of fortune being in reversed. It’s like you’re trying to fight against the current. Release attachments. The more you resist the faster you will be propelled whether you like it or not. This phase involves observation, reasoning, taking things apart and putting them back together in your own order. You may witness your emotions going back and forth, especially as matters develop quickly through September.

Hold on Fire Signs!! You’re in for a ride!

Have an Amazing September!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Something’s Gotta Give- Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio – September 2019

Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio!! Here your reading for the New Moon In Virgo/ September 2019!

You guys have the opportunity to create something of value coming into September. For the Sign of Cancer and Scorpio, this deals with breaking free from boredom and connecting with new people, either in your community or online. You want to make new connections. You may not have found where or how you can accomplish this yet, But you will. With Pisces, you have this desire to communicate in an open and honest way with the most important people in your life- romantic connections, friendships, family and co-workers. Some of you could meet a new person during this time that has the ability to grow into something solid and stable in the future. You all wish to break free from this stagnant energy you’ve been feeling, mostly in connection with dissatisfaction on an inner level. You want the excitement to come back or for something to stir up change and that “something” is YOU. It’s up to you to reset your current state. I’m seeing some of you (cancer and Scorpio) joining groups, taking a class, going to meetups to meet others with the same passions or hobbies, and this will create new friends, possibly new romantic connections, as well as business opportunities. Pisces wants to bring new ideas to the table. You have held a lot back when it comes to communication and now you feel compelled to speak your mind. There is a delay for all of you at this time, but don’t worry as that will be shifting quite soon, if it has not yet. You’re all attempting to gain back a sense of balance.

Yes! You guys completely want to connect, as seen here with the 2 of cups. You long for a deeper connection with those around you or towards a specific individual. You want to be able to communicate openly and to have this free flowing energy of give and take. Sharing ideas, sharing hobbies, being on the same page. You want to be accepted and received in the most generous type of way. The 2 of Cups is known as being a Soulmate card, so you’re definitely looking forward to meeting this individual. Some of you may have felt lost and alone, as you watched others being together in a way that you could only hope for. You wondered where your deeper connection was, and I kid you not that if this is the case for you, you will find this person in one of the groups you join, a class you take, or in whatever way you’re personally considering getting back out into the world to meet new people. With this Ace in Reverse, the individual is also waiting to connect and feels the same way as you do. You will find each other. If you’re a Pisces, you most likely already know this person, as the energy of this New Moon In Virgo, personally speaks about new beginnings in Important relationships that have already been formed. You may seek to reignite passion in your current relationship or connections. Or you may wish to connect again with a specific individual to share your thoughts and feelings, or even what has been going on in your life. You’re all presenting yourselves as open and willing.  I’m seeing the energy of a person who is unsure about how or when to approach another. There is a slight nervous energy here. I feel like there are hidden issues that must be discussed. I’m hearing, “I’ve always wanted to tell you that…”. I’m seeing some of you meeting others through friends. You could be joining a class or a group that friends already belong to or want to join as well, they most likely will be the ones who suggest which one to join. There is cooperation when it comes to meeting others.

You may fear that the outcome won’t be what you’d want it to be. You may fear that you won’t meet anyone you can connect with on a deeper level, or that you won’t be received well. You’re afraid of getting your hopes up for nothing. So this holds you back in a type pf repression that seems to grow and grow, causing you to feel sad or to carry low energy. You don’t want to risk feeling disappointed. And who can blame you??? You already feel this way subconsciously, you don’t want to add more of that negative energy onto your psyche. You know that it will take work on your part to create this new phase and to set the right energies in motion. But maybe you’re unsure of how to go about this. Going back to the 2 of Cups, friends can be very helpful at this time when it comes to suggestions. Some of you may be the introverted type, and so in a way going out to meet new people is overwhelming or scary and this also holds you in place. You may be worried that you won’t meet the “perfect” compliment to who your soul is. That you will be surrounded by loud and obnoxious people. So, why bother? Right? Just do it!! You don’t have to speak to everyone you see. You can sit there and analyze who you want to approach if anyone catches your eye. Or, maybe an online group would be the best way to go. But I do feel as though what you’re trying to achieve requires you to do something you wouldn’t normally do. And if you are introverted and you already belong to multiple online groups, you may need to put some fire under your heels to get you out and about. This could be the change of energy you’ve been longing for. Try not to stress to much about what could go wrong or what might not happen when you make this change and reach out. This goes for all of you.

Advice for overcoming the obstacles- I think I already told you this. 😀 5 of Pentacles is about Support. Needing support. Feeling left out. Feeling ignored. Feeling as though no one can help you. That you must do it all on your own. I’ve stated that friends can be helpful. So let’s see what else I get here… I feel as though, for a lot of you, you will have someone who is strong and resilient, who helps to lead and guide you in the right direction. When this person goes through their own rough periods they are the type of individual who can still help others. That’s how strong they are. They don’t allow their own issues to shut others out. They are more than willing to help in anyway that they possibly can. They have a ton of life experience. This could also be a person who knows about specific groups or classes that can help you. They could a person who has the ability to help you get noticed and seen. This person has a type of Spiritual VIP card that gets you involved just because of who they are and who they know. They have all of the information that you need to get started. But it will be up to you to take action. To make that phone call, to join that class, to make a meeting. All they can do is give you the address, the phone number, the website, the Suggestion of which direction to look in. Some of you are being guided by an unseen force, your main guide. Or the specific guide that is in charge of this task in your life. Sometimes we have guides for short periods of time that help to guide us during transition’s. Then they move onto another soul. This individual in the card that represents you looks battered and tired. Requiring crutches to hold themselves up. You won’t feel this way for very long once you merge into this new beginning. There is a major reset coming. 

What you can do within yourself at this time… 3 of Pentacles… COOPERATE! In this card you will notice two people speaking to each other about plans for the future. As one works behind them. Normally, when I am reading about career, this indicates that an interview will be taking place, or that the two hiring employees are discussing an individual they want for the position. You are required to have this dialogue within yourself at this time. Weigh the pros and cons about suggestions that are made to you. Go for what feels right. Make the effort of trying new things, or trying out a specific new way of coming together with others. You must figure out what will bring you the best possible results from any action taken.

What you can  learn from others that have been where you’re at… 10 Swords OOOFF!!! This tells me that those who have been in your shoes before hit rock bottom from not making the needed changes in their life. Remember when I showed you how you’re feeling battered? It could get worse. When we feel out of balance and we do nothing to fix the issue, it drags us down to the ground. One can go into a depression. Feeling numb. Maybe even feeling as though they don’t exist any longer so why bother? A one man pity party. You do not want things to get to this point!! You have a lot to offer and deserve what you’re seeking out. Don’t allow yourself any negative self talk when you do have that inner dialogue happening. You’re working your way out of a type of tunnel. You’re working your way towards the light. You don’t want to dig deeper. You don’t want to put yourself in quicksand either. Try not to throw away suggestions given to you. Try not to hold onto what you’ve been doing (especially if you’re introverted). Change can be very scary for many people. But you need this change so very badly in so many ways. Speak your mind, don’t stand in your own way and go after what you desire. Its up to you to get yourself out of this rut.

Your Projected Outcome- Devil. This is about being held back from an addictive mindset or mentality. Being stuck to bad habits. Needing to free yourself from this repressive state. When I was cutting the deck I saw the 8 of Pentacles in reverse which told me about not putting in enough effort to achieve a goal. On the bottom as your overall I see Temperance in reverse which speaks about being out of balance in your life. This causes you to feel the way you’ve been feeling. This also doesn’t help you when  you’re trying to break yourself free of these bad habits. You are the one holding yourself chained to them. Most of you know you’re self sabotaging, some of you either have a hard time admitting to this, wanting to face it or even fearing the steps you will have to take in order to put yourself on the right track. It’s a lot of work, yes, definitely with the 8 of Pentacles. But in the end you will feel so much better once you take those steps. You have the ability to break free in September. Do what needs to be done. Try to be more open and disciplined with yourself.

Your Power Sigil is : Faery Magick- Respectfully work with the Faeries and elementals to achieve your goals. In other words, Work with what or who you can in order to achieve your goals. Just make sure you take action and don’t remain in this rut.

Your Oracle card from Black Moon is: 8th House- Endings and Beginnings. Yes, I was being told you’re in a transitory phase. “This is where it all goes dark and becomes mysterious.” The 8th house is about going internal…. Deeply internal. So this is where you’ll receive your inner dialogue. The overall energy behind this inspiring you is Capricorn… Maybe your support comes from a Capricorn or an earth sign, but that’s for only a small portion of you, as the message lies within this card– “It is time to focus on your objectives and not let up!” No more walking away, both physically, or mentally.. You must do the work to change this situation for the better. No more pushing ideas or thoughts out of your mind because you don’t want to face them. No more thinking about the bad habits that you may have and doing nothing to correct them. You have to take the time to evaluate your situation, and put in the effort. Use your time wisely!! This card states that,” you are about to meet all the right people who will back you and your goals. Some may be greater in status than you (this is for those looking to make business connections), but they will show you the ropes or support you in some substantial way.” Look at what you’re facing like an unwanted issue in your life that you must take hold of. When it comes to addictive mentality, you must see the issue as a type of bully. How long will you put up with their antics before you knock them out?? In this case, you must word it to your own personal situation. You know that what holds you back is not doing you a favor… it’s causing you internal harm. Take control of it.  Some of you may feel as though your situation is DIRE…. You may be to the point where it’s a matter of life or death. This could be physically– especially for someone who may have to face substance abuse addiction. This is also for your mental health, emotional health and spiritual health. Somethings gotta give! Before you get to the point of no return. Think of this time as your Second chance. Only you can gift yourself one of these.

May you Have a Wonderful September and the courage to change the things you can, with the wisdom to know the difference. 😉

Blessed Be to You and Yours!!

RJ Worrell

Lady Isis and Ra Current Energy 8/25/2019

I decided to turn to the Isis & Making Magick Oracles for this message. Asking what most of you need to know at this time. The First thing I noticed was the connection between “Ra” and the “Sun”. With the Isis Oracle I pulled, “Initiation- Spiritual Testing of Ra and the Lady Isis”. With Making Magick, I pulled the “Sun”. Ra is known as the God of the Sun. With these two we have an immediate connection. The Sun card foretells that with the golden energy the sun can bring fame and fortune. Most won’t become famous, but what will come to you is GREAT achievement.. Either through a reward, an accolade or a contract. With an initiation, it is a transitory phase leading to a new beginning. We do have the New Moon in Virgo coming up on August 31st. It is not shown in the picture I took, but lifting the card the astrological sign of Virgo is underneath. I didn’t do that knowingly either. I wasn’t actually paying attention to that as I plan on conducting New Moon/ September Reading’s This week. 😀 That’s always how it goes for me. One connection leading to another. I digress!

There is this Goddess Lady Isis (You… whether Male or Female) staring in the direction of the Sun (The achievement), Ra’s energy surrounds you, leading you, directing you, willing the best results to come forth. You will feel as through your strength grows beyond all boundries. What is coming if meant for you, designed just for you… and no one else. This destiny of yours you’ve been working very hard towards, even if subconsciously. Physical plans, physical actions need to be made and taken. Fantasizing is over. Physical progress is required.

This card states, ” When you are being spiritually initiated into the mysteries of light, love and power, there are moments of deep challenge. They key is to find the light within the challenge – the learning, growth or wisdom that can be summoned to turn the challenge into an opportunity for healing. Whilst the scorching heat of Ra seeks to burn through any resistance, the Lady Isis with compassion and cleverness will protect you from burning and instead enable you to be nourished and grow from the Light of Ra. Let lsis help you pass the test of intense growth as you thrive with new life. For advanced aspirants on the path, initiation will occur at various stages. Sometimes your entire life will feel like an initiation, at other times specific areas will be flowing easily whilst others are deeply challenging. This Oracle comes as confirmation that you are not needlessly suffering If you can find the light within the struggles, tests or challenges that face you now, you will experience a breakthrough healing. 

It is the almost unbearable solar fire of Ra that can cleanse the Soul of wounds and the love, compassion and intelligence of Isis that can temper the heat of Ra and stop it from burning and drying you out, or else you would be left with nothing but emptiness, anger, bitterness and despair in your heart! These are not meant to be the outcomes of life’s challenges! Rather than losing love and hope through the challenges of life, the Initiate understands all aspects of life are growth opportunities in various states of disguise, waiting to Be discovered. 

As an Initiate, this Oracle urges you to honor life as a gift and treat any challenge or pressure as a way for you to grow into a brighter and purer light capable of great spiritual service on this planet. That spiritual .service includes growing an ability to be able to love freely and beyond limits, to love with courage and faith. 

In fact initiation for you now, dear one, is an opening to new levels of power and peace, self-possession and love. There are such sweet fruits waiting for you at the top of the tree you are currently climbing. It may seem as though you are in barren land at times with little hope, nourishment or encouragement, yet your spiritual oasis is not far away! The Lady Isis and the Power of Ra together are helping you grow. Stay focused on the Lady and Her love for you and you shall pass through the desert of Initiation unharmed and deeply transformed.

Some phrases came to me– Don’t stare at the sun too long, you’ll hurt your eyes. Also, When it comes to the Sun… it does bring Warmth, Light, and Happiness (especially to those that deal with emotional and mental challenges by Dark and Gloomy days), But just as the Sun can gift you with Joy, you can also be burned by the same sun. You have to be careful not to take even the smallest things for granted, to be very appreciative of what you have and what you can currently work with in order to move forward and through any obstacle.

Also, what clicked with me while reading the card’s meaning was, “Be Discovered”. Some of you will be discovered for your skills and talents come this Fall (Northern Hemisphere). You are beginning this new phase or project soon and it will become the jumping point to your ultimate future.

Have a Blessed Sunday!

RJ Worrell

Energetic Impression Led me to a Mental Institution (Part One)

When I was in 8th grade in the early 90’s I was a pretty content individual. I was involved in multiple after school activities. But, what I loved the most of all was coming home to watch the MMC (Mickey Mouse Club). I absolutely adored The Party, which was a musical pop group formed by members of the MMC. One of the members was DeeDee Mango. Most people now know of her due to her role in the Broadway Musical titled “Wicked”. I had a best friend at the time of whom I could talk to about my ghostly experiences. All was as good as can be in my world.

The Party, MMC

One day as I was flipping through a magazine I came upon a short article about The Premiere of the Doors movie starring Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison. I still to this day have NO IDEA what caused me to become so intrigued about this. The Doors music was entirely different from anything I was listening to at the time. Though I do recall a ride home from preschool when “Light My Fire” came on the radio. I had never heard of the song before. And yet I sang along to it. My mother glancing at me with a questionable look asking how I knew it. She never listened to them either. She would more so blast the Carpenters, Patsy Cline and Love music of the 50’s.  My memory remembers a woman’s voice singing along with Jim. That  It confused me a bit back then when I began listening to The Doors as to where the woman’s voice went. Did I imagine it?? I now realize her to be one of my main guides, as I have heard that voice a few times in the past 6 years. Either as I was in a transformative state or in my slumber.

The Doors- Light My Fire

I watched the movie (The Doors)  and I fell in love. I fell in love with his experiences, his thoughts, his trials and tribulation’s. Not his appearance. I have had to explain this on multiple occasions, as most fall for his physical self. I am what is titled to be a “Sapiosexual”… a body does nothing much for me. I Digress, I began to purchase every book on him. Read about him. Wrote essays on him in school whenever I had the chance. After i submitted my essay I entered into a heated debate with one of my teacher’s who told me I was romanticizing him. I thought he was ludicrous. I felt an instant connection due to Jim’s experiences. Just like he would tape his brother’s mouth shut at night to amuse himself, I would sing morbid melody’s made up on the spot to one of my sister’s who always had a reaction. It was a cry for help really. Where as my other sibling’s mostly just ignored the things I would speak about; she would call me crazy. It was bits of revenge for not giving me support and causing me to feel even worse. This one time we were heading to a bridal shop to get dress fittings for my Sister N’s wedding. N called Shotgun instantly. B stopped in her tracks knowing she was getting in the back with me. She called out, “I’m not getting in the back with that psycho!” I gave her a sinister smile as she took a seat next to me. Halfway through the car ride I began signing her a ditty in a tone only she could hear about a Knife. I won’t go into details, But I wasn’t threatening to hurt her with one, more so to cut my own self. The morbidity started early and I now see it in my birth chart. I’m never phasing out of it.  I will come back to this point in time, since I fast forwarded to give an example of one way In which I related to him. Eventually, a whole wall of mine in my bedroom was dedicated to him and the band.

I slowly felt drawn to want to join the army. I can’t recall why this was. Because honestly, I had wanted to be a writer since I was 12. That was my one and only dream. I wrote every single day. Any chance I got, really. I knew deep within that was what I was meant to do. Around this time I had found my father’s name badge that he had taken from his own Vietnam war jacket. I asked him if he still had his jacket, but he had thrown them out. One day I was speaking with a friends father about my desire to go into the army and about my father’s name badge but lack of jacket. He opened up his coat closet and drew out his own war jacket. He gestured for me to take it. I sat in surprise. A moment of silence. I asked him if he was sure. It just seemed so strange to me that this man would hand over something he had held onto, that was a major part of history, for so long to a young girl he barely knew. He also had 3 of his own kids that he could have passed it to. I took it home and sewed my Dad’s name badge onto it. The jacket fit me perfectly which was also strange now that I think of it. Keep in mind as you read this that I am against war. I don’t have one bone in my body that wants to hurt other’s. Though I do have a violent placement in my chart. I didn’t pay attention in History class until they began teaching about the Egyptians… Felt like home! Point of the matter is, learning about the wars bored me to tears. In one ear and out the other. My father and my Uncle never spoke about their experiences. I’m not sure about my Uncle, but my father now suffers from PTSD.

Fast forward a few months after I began wearing the jacket. By this point I was starting to feel depressed. I felt drawn to knives. I began placing the largest one I could find in the house under my pillow at night. I felt like I had to protect myself but I didn’t know why or from whom. Periodically, my Mother would find it and put it back in the kitchen. I would just take it back and place it under my pillow. It went on this way for quite some time. I began writing very morbid things in my journal. My thoughts were mostly filled with emotional visions of chaos, pain and anger. Spirits became more active in my life and within my environment. Especially, during the hours when no one else was home or in the very early morning. If you have not yet, you may want to read my post titled, “Spirituality… It’s seriously not a trend.” to gain a bit of backstory. I truly didn’t have much support with my family growing up when it came to my spirit interactions and I definitely wouldn’t at this specific time period, so I barely told them anything. Things got worse. Not only would I hear the sounds of little kids giggling and playing on the steps that connected our upstairs dining room to our downstairs living space, But I would hear the screams of men in the middle of the night. There was nothing I could say. There was nothing that I could do. There was no one to turn to.

One day I felt compelled to draw lines and arrows on the dining room wall. Then I forgot about it. That night as we sat down to eat dinner my father glanced at the wall in scrutiny saying, “What the hell is that?”. He got up to get a closer look. I felt instantly ashamed. I had no answer for him. My sister N just giggled. It wasn’t funny. It was NEVER funny. I just wanted the insanity to end. I had no idea why I felt so low. I began to think about and eventually attempt suicide on multiple occasions. Always behind everyone’s back. I swallowed whole bottles of Tylenol, Advil… it wouldn’t do anything but put me to sleep. In the middle of the night I would wake up with sharp shooting pains in my stomach. After about 4 of those attempts, I went into my mother’s cabinet and grabbed a prescription. I didn’t know what it was or what it was for. I didn’t give a damn either. I wanted OUT. It ended up being a medication for something minor. Little did I realize at the time that I wouldn’t find anything to achieve my desired result, since my Father was newly sober and there would be nothing in the house. I got to the point where I took the knife that was under my pillow, this was at my lowest point of all, I was sitting in the bathroom crying in silence and was about to stab myself in the heart. My mother got in some how, shook her head and took it from me. She couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me either and just thought it was “teenage hormones”… because teens are known to act nuts apparently /Sarcasm. Lol

A few weeks later I was at my lowest point. I played sick and stayed home from school. I hid in my closet when I realized that my father was home. Waiting patiently for him to leave and go to work, without the realization that he no longer worked where he had for the past 30 years. Many things were kept from me for some reason. So I patiently waited in my closet for probably over an hour until I could no longer sit there. I then walked out into the kitchen to be greeted by my father who asked me why I was home. I responded, “I’m sick… I don’t feel well.” a Half-Truth. He told me he was going to take me to the family doctor. We arrived and the doctor took my temperature and blood pressure. He asked me what was going on because he found nothing wrong with me. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. My own personal internal volcano exploded into the physical. I told him about my feelings, my thoughts, my suicide attempts. I was seriously frustrated beyond all measure that nothing took my pain away, took my confusion away, took my life away. He opened the door and told my father to come into the room. He was of Great concern for my well being. He asked my father where my mother was and to call her to come to the office. I felt my Dad’s energy go into “Oh shit” mode as he made the call.

She arrived at the office and he relayed everything to my parent’s because I didn’t want to. I had tried to tell whoever would listen about the things I was experiencing on multiple occasions and wasn’t taken seriously. He lectured them a bit, only because he was extremely worried about what I had told him. I surmise that this particular office visit wasn’t what he came by often. He told them about Eugenia Hospital in PA, which has actually been shut down since I think 2006? It was a private mental institution for Teens and Adults. I immediately wanted to go. I felt comfortable to the fact that I would be around other’s that I could actually speak to and not be dismissed.

CLICK on the Image to see Photos of Eugenia

Because this is a long post I will break this up into two parts… Part two, you will venture into the hospital with me.

Thank you for reading!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Time to be Reborn, Air Element! Aquarius, Gemini & Libra. August 2019

Your reading is dominated by Pentacles/ Earth Element. SO for you in august, your finances and stability will be the main focus. This is also about career for some of you as well as establishing security and maybe even a type of new routine. You have 3 Major Arcana- Fool, Devil & the Wheel of Fortune. Two 8’s and Two 2’s. 16/4… Breaking down and rebuilding. You have a Court Pair- King and Queen of Pentacles. Your personal situation could involve an Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo). When you have a court pair it speaks about a power couple, as well as a couple that is involved through marriage. This reading seems to mimic last month, taking into consideration that this reading is dominated by pentacles, which are the slowest moving energy/ element… Pentacles can take months if not years. So you may have already been in this process for a while. But it’s not something that completes quickly. That would be more so Swords/Air or Wands/Fire. Stating that… Pentacles are very solid and stable. If that’s what you’re looking for or desire, then be happy in knowing that you’re achieving it. 

Now, onto your reading…

Where you are in your life- I was hearing “Start from Zero”…. Some of you are beginning again in life. You could be beginning again when it comes to career, since that is one of the main focuses. You could be beginning again with your finances and physical lifestyle. AS in, moving somewhere and having to rebuild the environment… purchasing furniture, getting to know the community, making new friends, getting to know the area. Some of you are spontaneously taking off somewhere unknown, as in having this desire to see where you end up. Feeling into where you belong. You may have a Fire sign placement in your chart as they relate to the Fool for august as well. I feel like some of you, even though this is a new energy, could be going back to something. Going back to a place where you grew up, going back to something you tried to accomplish before, only this time with new eyes, a new perspective, having no expectations for how things will turn out. You’re pretty much going with the flow. But you are definitely changing how you perceive things, how you’re going about your daily life. So this also ties into establishing a new routine in your day to day. This could be a mundane as taking a route that you’ve never taken before. You’re fearless about this new endeavor or undertaking. You’re ready and wiling to open up to a completely new experience. For a small portion of you, you’re opening up to a new relationship, or the possibility to a new connection. You may have been closed off before. As you’ve been working on opening up your heart chakra, you feel like the time has come to see what and who is out there. Once again, with no expectations.

 I see this Devil when I think about the truth of your relationships, that some of you were stuck on someone for a long time, or you were stuck in a relationship that you couldn’t get out of. You could have been stuck on a certain situation or something. Unable to move froward or away from it to focus on something new. If we look at this from a Career point of view, you felt obligated and stuck where you were at. Some of you could be choosing to quit your job. If this is the case, you worried for too long how you would pay your bills and if you would even find a new job, this held you in place for too long. You no longer can take the stress, the anxiety, so what happens is, one day it just clicks that no matter what happens you must leave where you’re at for your own sanity. Basically, whatever is happening in your particular world, you refuse to be trapped by circumstances, you refuse to be held by someone else’s desires or your own mind trap that keeps telling you that you can’t walk away. A switch will be flipped. A light turned on. Other’s have seen you as someone who has been trapped, some of you have been abused– either by your partner or by people in your work/school environment. Maybe even bullied. This has been going on for a very long time. Then there are a select few of you that have been seen as being addicted to someone or something, or having an addiction issue. I’m seeing you as someone who felt repressed in your situation and it wasn’t healthy for you whatsoever. So I am very proud that you will release yourself from whatever this is. The Devil is a Very HARD obstacle to overcome, and you are showing as the Fool… This is a whole new existence for you. Breaking free from the chains. Overcoming a negative cycle.

What is blocking you, other people. Isn’t that mostly always the case? For some of you it could literally be 4-5 other people who are constantly putting in their two cents on you, your life, your lifestyle, your desires. They may think that you “live in a cloud” and that you are lost. They may say things like “You’re crazy!” Now, this isn’t naturally about constant put downs, it’s more so about meddling, sticking their nose in your business, being annoying, definitely throwing obstacles in your path… you get ahead a bit, you feel good about it, then here one of them comes with something to say, or wanting you to put your attention to them or something they want you to do. Interruptions. There could be fierce competition for some of you. Especially in a workplace. Especially when it comes to something that you’re aiming for or trying to achieve. You may have to compete with others when it comes to gaining a new position or gaining the attention of another. This doesn’t necessarily anger you. You may even at first laugh about it, but they keep doing whatever this is and now it’s becoming frustrating. You will not give up.

You are asked to nurture yourself or to nurture what you’re building. TO put more effort into the groundwork of your situation. You’re building a new life or a type of new life in a certain sector in your life. This new area has the energy of becoming very successful, comfortable, Bringing complete satisfaction to your life. Aside form that, if you’re one who is becoming involved in a new relationship, you may be asked to nurture the other person, but not in the way where you’re reciting poetry to them, playing music for them, wooing them with communication about your future, or scaring them by coming on too strong… this is a process… it’s going to take dedication and determination over a period of time to attain it or attain them. You are asked to come off as an individual who has their life together, who is reliable and trusting, who has ambitions and goals. Whoever, you’re trying to form a connection with or for those attempting to get the attention or be chosen by a company for example, need to show these things as well. This is the time to be serious, but also in a soft way. Rough edges needs to fall away. Any combative energy that you have held onto needs to be released before getting to this place.

When we take a look at the internal you, we see that there is this type of flip flopping going on. I feel like this is brought on by your physical existence With what is going on around you.. Your emotions fluctuate.. Your thoughts may be conflicted. Unsure of where to put your attention to, what task to tackle first. Try to remain calm whenever and wherever you can. No matter how slow your situation moves, you are going to “roll with the punches” of what comes your way.

I’m hearing “Practice makes perfect”. The biggest thing right now for a lot of you is to practice grounding yourself. That’s also a major message when it comes to having so many pentacle cards. Each time you practice meditation, or any type of grounding work, it will become a habit in your life and it will help to keep you focused and productive on a daily basis. It will also help to lessen the burden of any issues that you may come in contact with. If you keep “at it” then it will become an embedded piece of your daily day and help for things to run much more smoothly. Those that already have a daily routine are surrounded by the energy of pure lightness… they have this sense of freeing up time because they are able to dedicate to what it most important until completion. There will be no more procrastination.

Your projected outcome shows you becoming someone who is extremely grounded. You went from the Fool (which is like a baby), worked through specific issues and ending up becoming a King. You have the King of Pentacles as your projected outcome for the month of August. This King sits on a throne of Abundance. He is very influential to the ones around him. Knowing this, you could end up being very influential to those around you. He is also someone that is extremely trusting, reliable, secure and Stable, he lives every day in a structured way. Getting up at 5am, working out for an hour, taking a shower, having breakfast, replying to clients, meditating, putting in several productive hours on what he is achieving, eating lunch, maybe playing racket ball, getting back to work, puts in more productive hours… this is how he lives every day. He mixes work with downtime, but he does it in such a way that keeps him going all day long. Because of this mixture it becomes very helpful with how he feels and thinks. The energy runs through him like infinity. It keeps the blood pumping strong, it keeps him spiritually fit, as well as physically fit, it keeps his mind working, learning, it keeps his emotions in check.

This King could also be someone that becomes helpful to you by the end of the month. They could be astrologically an Earth sign (Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo). This individual will exhibit the personality that I have already described. They are normally a Business owner, A C.E.O., A Manager, A Partner at a company. They are the Boss of their domains and within their careers. They have the ability to help you but only if what you have to offer proves beneficial in the long run. They won’t invest in someone unless they know that the individual is as reliable as they are. This could be why it is imperative that for some of you to meditate in order to gain a sense of stability in your own life. Even if you choose not to meditate, you are required to do whatever it takes to become more grounded. I feel like some of you have already been working on this.

Because I normally don’t like to end a reading with a Court Card… I felt guided to pull several more after this king… You received the 8 of Cups in reverse… which connects to what I was saying about going backwards and starting from zero. With the 8 of cups in reverse, we want to move away from this state of dissatisfaction but for some reason we cannot. It is like reconnecting with yourself. There is something stuck somewhere within you. For other’s there is something they must work on again that they may have left in the past. Then we have the page of cups in reverse. This is an emotional state that is out of balance. Hard to motivate. SO once again, this is about becoming productive… it’s very hard to get over this hurdle the longer that you are stuck here. The last card is the Knight of Pentacles… SO finally… You are able to with your own type of routine begin to get out of this hump. You will dedicate your time and attention to fixing your flaws. Working your way up to this King Status. Or at least gaining the attention of this King. Showing that you are strong minded and hard working.

Spirit animal

Aquarius – owl/lizard– Both of these spirit animals tap into psychic gifts. The Lizard has this 6th sense about them; hearing what is yet to be spoken and seeing what is yet to manifest. You may experience your energy becoming quite low around others through August. At times you may need to close yourself off from the world to get to your inner core and regain energy. Becoming the Owl will prove helpful in this situation as you pay more attention to your inner nudging’s when you must retreat, or even if you should be around certain individuals. You will just “know” exactly what to do when the time is right.

Gemini- tarantula/ octopus— both have 8 legs… and with these powerful legs they can consume as well as protect. With the main focus on the Octopus, you may be lacking in direction at this time. They could also be issues when it comes to maintaining and/or setting healthy boundaries with others. There is this energy of other’s either sticking their nose in your business or oversharing information. You are asked to be patient and firm with this person. Becoming like the Tarantula takes you to a crossroad in your life. This is where you must make a decision. You may be prioritizing your life or certain aspects of it. You may have a bad habit or routine that you must let go of. Refocusing your attention on what matters most will be helpful for you when it comes to choosing wisely.

Libra- crow/whale– Both Whales and Crows have an extensive memory. They can travel long distances and remember how to get back. These memories are imperative when it comes to finding home or what was once home. The whale speaks about the desire to delve deeper … researching ancient wisdom… finding the answers in order to overcome certain challenges. Every experience that you have been through, has made you become stronger. You have gotten to a point where you’ve learned so much that you have this amazing depth within you. What you have learned in the past will be very beneficial in a current situation that you find yourself in. Becoming like the crow will cause you to be watchful about what is going on around you. Observant. You will be able to combine the past, present and the future all at one time. Taking what you’ve learned, living this way in the present, in order to balance out your life for a better future to occur.

Runes: Raido

Communication, Agreement, Reconciliation, A Journey

This rune is about the communication, the mood of something that has two sides, two elements, and about a different reunion. This is about asking yourself- what is the right action.

warns against tricks and deceit. One’s life can take many twists and turns, and different directions. Life’s journey is represented by this rune. It tells you how your decisions can change your path. It also symbolizes the need to change oneself through a journey of self-awareness. You may have been stuck in stagnation, leading to a lack of change.

Oracle- Water Element & Pluto :Transformation

Pluto governs Renewal and Rebirth. It brings to the surface the things that have been hidden or are felt deep inside. This connects to the Water Element of Sensing. Water connects to our emotions and our intuition. Some things that are hidden could be painful to think about and/or confront… as well as possibly embarrassing. But these issues must be confronted, dealt with, and worked through. Pluto also speaks about the Unexpected. It is in connection with the Tower in the Tarot. What was once on a faulty foundation will crumble down to be rebuilt again. You are being given a clean slate in your life. What you choose to do with it and how you choose to react is up to you.

What comes next will be rejuvenating and healing! It’s time to be reborn.

Have a Wonderful August!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo) August 2019

I’m seeing you either being hurt by someone, stuck in the middle maybe for others, There is painful discussions taking place here. For some of you it could be a situation in which you are either getting a divorce or breaking up. Keep in mind that I am reading for all three Earth signs, so this definitely won’t pertain to everybody. Some of you may find out that your spouse or partner has been cheating. This situation is mostly about what went wrong in a connection, possible arguing, trying to work through the issue, and attempting to gain answers as well as stability. It is as though things have been turned upside down. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, this could deal with a friend or two… a group of people you have connected with. Someone is getting hurt and feeling left out. 3rd person interference. Some of you may be the interference.

Looking at your cards the dominant number is 8. The Number for the 8th month! You received the 8 of cups, the 8 of pentacles and Strength, which is an 8.

You want to currently walk away from what is going on. The way that things have been going have been very dissatisfying. You are someone who works very hard to achieve what you want. You are seen as someone who puts in a shit tom of effort and time to either your career as well as your relationships. You’re not a quitter. You will work and work until what you are doing is perfected. The problem is that you may be so detail oriented that nothing ever seems to be perfect, this becomes like a never ending cycle of frustration. You have your Ups and your downs. On one end of the spectrum, you have your good moments where you can feel very proud of what you’ve done, but then your own scrutiny takes over and says “You could do a hell of  a lot better than that!!” and so you go backwards, to attempt a redo. As you criticize yourself others see you as someone who has come a long way and each time you come back you level up… you don’t fully see this. You’re so focused on your work, your goals, putting effort working on your relationships, that you don’t see what others see. They see you as someone they can rely on and trust. They see you as someone that can achieve anything. Very productive.

Trigger warning… I apologize… it’s a channeled message that came through… It may not pertain to all of you. Maybe this is someone you know instead.

I’m hearing “Power Hoarder” and I’m not sure what that is exactly. Now, people might not see you as that… but it could be what the guides are telling me some of you are. This could be someone who wants to do everything within their career, kind of like a know it all, but more so a do it all. “I do it ALL” Like taking bits and pieces of what others can do and making it part of your own. Does that make sense? You could be someone who likes to be the one in charge in your relationship or connections. The one in charge of a group. I had to look up this phrase because I have never heard of it before… so what it says is… and don’t shoot the messenger… “Power Hoarding is a similar dynamic and involves inflating one’s value or diminishing the value of others. Examples are: Sabotaging the performance results of other employees or other people. Giving assignments that are impossible to carry out successfully. Withholding credit or taking credit for others’ performance, work, research or ideas.” SO I was kind of on the level of what I thought it was. You know if you’re doing this. The universe sees you doing it. The Guides obviously see you’re doing it since they gave me that phrase. Lol Give credit where it’s due. You’re being observed by the unseen and they are tallying up your karmic debt as we speak. Even if you don’t believe in Karma, you will be exposed at one point. If this is going on in a relationship… one of you wants to be in charge at all times, maybe putting the other down periodically… this must be what the Emperor in Reverse is about. I saw that as I cut the deck. Moving along…

I’m seeing a Revelation of secrets. Revealing information. Here it is! Possibly blocking out your own intuition. Not listening to your own gut instinct. I’m hearing “This isn’t right.” So some of you may feel that in your own situation what is happening to you or what you are doing isn’t fair. There may be some guilt attached to it. Try not to be swayed by other’s opinions, by what other’s are doing, Try not to be swept up in another person’s drama so that you can stay focused on what you are currently doing and/or trying to achieve. There are some who appear to be caught up on the surface of an issue, or another person. Only seeing things on the outside. Only focusing on appearances. You are asked go into depth. Meaning, you need to get to the heart of the matter, to get to the core of the issue. Not all is as it appears to be. Go deeper. For an example, you may admire someone for whatever reason. To you they appear to be very confident, direct, intelligent, but deep inside they actually lack confidence at times, have fears, They are human after all.

What you are asked to do in order to overcome obstacles is to Change the dynamics if in a relationship, changing roles. Reassessing and altering the way you relate to each other. You could allow a relationship to change direction, or to alter the way that you relate to other people, or reassessing your role in regards to how you connect with another as well as restructuring the foundation from which it was initially built. The main message here is to be willing to work together, being open to change and allowing it happen rather than trying to maintain an old pattern, but not forcing anything. IN this way… by choosing to allow the flow, you’re still in control, you’ve made the choice, que sera sera. Honestly, what’s meant for you will come anyway. Believe in YOURSELF. Believe in your own power. But you also are asked to be as strong as you possibly can be during this time— I feel like you’re going through a major transition. Be strong in your resolve when it comes to tackling problems in order to work through them in the best way possible. Some believe that resolve is solely an intellectual process that it resides only in the mind. While it’s true that without the mind, resolve could not be activated, the real power of resolve is located much deeper than the mind. It resides in the intuition, in the heart, in the spirit and in every cell of our being.

Initially, when conducting your reading, and this has never happened before… I completely jumped over this question…. Looking at your blockage answers why… because it states — don’t be swayed by other’s opinions or by what they are doing. SO I guess you are not supposed to learn from the outside world… however, I pulled a card anyway… just to see what it says for you… Death came out. This instantly said to me “Nothing!! You’re not meant to learn by other’s at this time.” The overall energy for this particular card is the 6 of Pentacles in Reverse, which is about unfairness happening. The card behind the 6 of Pentacles is 10 of Swords– adds to 16/ the Tower… Unexpected event, breaking down of a false foundation that has been built over time, something that awakens you to the truth.. The 10 of swords is Yet another card speaking about the END, this is like a stop sign. 10 of Swords occurs when someone has been betrayed, when someone has been hurt SO BADLY by another or a situation that has led them to a feeling of a bottomless pit. Death and 6 of pentacles in reverse add to 19/ When I was cutting the deck for this pull I saw the Sun in reverse which is the number 19. Now I’m thinking about the movie “The Princess Bride” when they talk about the Pit of Despair– the secret dungeon where a torture device awaits it’s next victim. What a strange message. The tower is also an ending. Definitely a stop sign for this question. You are not to look to other’s or look at other’s experiences in this particular matter. You need to go internal, like the High priestess states. You need to find your own answers. To do your own work. No comparisons.

Your projected outcome for August deals with Straight and direct communication will take place. The King of Swords is astrologically an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra) — the personality of this person is Intelligent, a very strong communicator, They may appear to be cut off from their emotions, but they definitely are not inside… they just choose not to show it. Younger Air personality will have their ups and downs… at times showing off too much of their emotions and then cutting them off. Also, Younger Air personality can speak excessively about anything that comes to their minds. A king is the most mature energy in the Air Element… SO he/she has learned how to focus only on the details and not to become emotionally involved. The Magician is about Communication as well.. You also received within the oracle the cards- Gemini, that comes with the phrase “I Think”. As well as the card of Messages in the 3rd house. I will get to those after this. This individual, if they aren’t you, may quite possibly be specifically a Gemini that you need to have this conversation with. This King and the Magician add to 5…. The Hierophant. 5 is the number of challenges being brought on by other’s. 5 is also about Freedom and change 😉 It’s not all negative. But this is what you need to clarify and speak about…. Changes that need to be made, or a change that is taking place in your life. This could be with a Family member, a specific individual in a group (be it at a Church, a Synagogue, a gang even lol I’m speaking to a lot of people) A person who is in charge in some way, or in charge of something specific. This person could have a designated title. But I feel as though you really need to speak to them to lay down some guidelines. There is this sense of Unease about this. Some of you may want to leave this group or community of people, but you may feel as though you can’t just up and leave. I want you to know that, yes, you may be dealing with a strong power, but you as well are surrounded by this power with 3 8’s in your reading. You may have been practicing what you are going to verbalize to this person. Trying to get everything in order before hand. This King could also be a lawyer for some of you. King of Swords for me is a Lawyer, a Surgeon, a Judge, an Analyst. I’m just putting that out there. You will be conversing about a New beginning in your life.

Spirit animal that each sign will embody for August:

Capricorn- owl/ deer- When I look at these cards, the First thing that comes to me is that both of them are “paying attention”. The deer has this natural instinct to be on alert at all times, as it knows it is being hunted. Survival of the Fittest. The deer remains as grounded as possible so that nothing can throw them off balance, or dictate the course of their life. Trying to remain as gentle and compassionate as possible. You will embody the Owl, both are intuitive, when making decisions, so you will tap more into your own intuition in August.

Taurus- swan/ oyster- Both these cards are from the element of Water. The Oyster hides in it’s shell, as well as conceals a treasure within. ON the outside they may seem like nothing special, until they open up. AS you embody the Swan in August, I feel as though you will show what you’ve hidden, or you will reveal something about yourself or a situation that no one ever knew. The Swan is very elegant, Beautiful and Powerful. An inner voice is waiting to be heard, an inner vision is likely to be revealed.

Virgo- cosmic egg/ spider– Whenever I see a Spider, the symbolism tells me about weaving a type of web. Spiders also trap and cocoon sustenance for later. Some of you may be literally hoarding things at this time for later use. It could be anything. It could be Money, food, objects, documentations… whatever it is you feel a great natural desire to do this. Some of you are hiding these things. Looking at the snake on the cosmic egg, this snake also has it’s body wrapped around this egg. Attempting to cocoon it as well. Claiming it. You’re trying to get to the point where you feel content. Content in knowing you have it. You may feel lost without it. You are being guided by your Crown Chakra. You aim to feel secure and fulfilled in August.


Tiwaz: This is about Binding oaths. Binding commitments, contracts, whatever you have binded yourself to or are thinking about. A promise that is made under the right conditions and for honorable reasons, should, and indeed must, be kept. Marriage vows are a case in point.  its appearance denotes a bond that, once made, cannot be broken. This what some are you are trying to get out of. And it’s not simple. Some of you can’t get out of it at this time if ever depending upon what it is. Tiwaz is considered to be a aggressive masculine rune, showing that passions will run quite high because two strong-minded people will be involved. There is a danger of jealousy that is present for some of you. Other’s may have to sacrifice some thing major in their life for someone or something else. There is an energy here of Selfishness, dishonorable actions and turning one’s back on responsibilities. Be on the alert for that.

Oracle- Gemini (I think)- 3rd house (messages)

Gemini’s are of a dual nature. SO they may either have opposing Thoughts verses feelings., Be caught up between two people, two options, two paths. Normally, you’re already on one path, or with one of the people/options, but then you must consider something new. What to do, what to do? There seems to also be a type of “mirroring” aspect. Are you what you truly see in the mirror? Or are you mirroring someone else, or doing what you think other’s want of you? Are you paying attention to the details in your life? We already had two cards indicative of communication- The king of Swords and the Magician. Gemini is the card of communication. It is asking you to probe your own mind, to investigate your own thoughts, so again here we have not looking at or turning to other’s for a solution. What you communicate needs to be precise… and this is why some of you have been in preparation mode for this upcoming meeting or discussion. Falling into the 3rd house of Messages as your overall… You are informed that words hold great power. This reading is all clearly about WHAT you are trying to or going to communicate. It’s everywhere! Power itself is here with the 8’s. It will be the time to get your point across. Articulating concepts and thoughts into words… There is a need for some of you to uncover what you can and then to relay the messages. Some of you will be speaking your way into and out of situations. You wield the power to create your new Destiny through your words.

What a Heavy reading that was!!

Have a Wonderful August!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Water Element (Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio) August 2019

For the Month of August I’m seeing a New start delayed, being blocked. On the other hand, an offer being accepted or taken is delayed. An apology… A gift. A second chance or a “second go” at something. But it’s what you want and what you are focusing on at this time.

Currently, you are trying to change something that took place in the past. You’re attempting to make things right and to go your way this time around.  There is this essence of combative energy… this could come off as an argument that you have with another. This is a type or power struggle. Trying to win the argument no matter what. You could be encountering this energy from another person. I’m also seeing that something is transforming inside of yourself at this time. It’s very conflictual. I’m seeing confrontations, communication about a fight that went down. You may be the mediator in this situation, if it’s not you that played a part in this. I feel like someone is trying to involve you in a dramatic issue. You find it to be petty and pointless to engage. You want to remain focused on your own goals at this time. While this is happening, other’s around you see you as a person who is very stable, determined and focused. Put together well…. Nothing bothers you… very goal oriented…. You have this energy of “I’ll wait forever! I’ll never give up!” or “I’m going to do all that I can that attain my goal no matter what obstacle in thrown in my path!”… You are Showing yourself as a very calm and patient individual. Some of you may have a fire placement as your Rising and Moon… as Fire signs were given the same type of message.

I’m seeing the blockage that you may dealing with is actually being controlled by Universal timing. Some of You may be on the wrong path or doing something that isn’t beneficial to get to where you need to be… it is something that is throwing you off your path. Destiny is playing a huge role in what blocks you at this time. Universal timing isn’t correct. But you or the situation has definitely changed.  You have the power to handle whatever challenge you’re faced with in order to attain your goal that you desire. No matter what is thrown in your path. But keep in mind that slow and steady is the best way to tackle this goal of yours, especially, if you’re dealing with bad timing. That doesn’t mean that the answer is a NO or that you won’t get what you want, you will get it, just at a different time frame or maybe even in a different way. So, some of you could have been dealing with trying to go for a loan, as an example, and in the past you were denied. When you go for that loan again, after a period of time, you will be accepted, and better yet, it will be a much better Loan for you. Lower interest rate, more funds given, lower payment… you get my point.

Some of you may need to just go with the flow of how things are unfolding in your situation. Try not to control the circumstances. The energies surrounding you are trying to help you in this matter. That could be it as well, with the initial 5 of Swords, you could be at “battle” with the energy around you. You’re trying to achieve your goal in one way, and the universe is trying to orchestrate the end result in a different way than yours, leading to a push and pull type of energy that doesn’t seem to go anywhere. If you feel you’ve been getting no where with all that you’ve been doing… this is why. I’m hearing, “Release… the tension”. Let go. The energy around you will become much lighter. Right now, it seems pretty heavy and taught … Take a rubber band, now stretch it as far as you can. You’re on one side, the individual, the circumstance, the energy (whatever it is for you) is on the other side. They are NOT letting go. That’s where some of you are at right now. Once you let go, the timing can get back on track, your luck will change, and things will go much more smoothly… I’m also hearing “get out of your own way.”

This is about the end to a long term situation. For a lot of you this deals with Finances, Family or people who have become like family. I’m getting “try not to gamble at this time”… try not to gamble when it comes to your finances, try not to gamble when it comes to your connections- be it family, friends, coworkers, don’t burn bridges. This feels like this is speaking about the 5 of swords energy again. The 5 of Swords is very dominant in your reading, as the situation keeps leading back to that. I feel with this is asking you guys is to become the peacemaker in this situation. Now, if someone is doing you wrong, I am not saying to allow them to walk all over you, I am referring to a mature compromise or if the other is unwilling to compromise take a step back.. Take note that you are protected at this time, meaning you will get what is right for you when all is said and done. Attempting to swim against the tide will become very exhausting and eventually will cause the rubber band effect in your life to just Snap. Give way a little bit, so that the tension is lessened if it doesn’t disperse.

There is excitement of the new. There are either other people or New situations, that are trying to get your attention. You could have an offer being made to you to try and lure you away from your current goal. But because you’re so stuck on the end result, you don’t care if it’s something or someone that you would actually be very ecstatic about. This is about pushing away great opportunities that are being presented to you. This is telling me that by moving into this new energy it will help you to get into a much better mind space as well as emotional space. It will help you to recover… either physically, financially, or you will be able to recover what was lost in your world. This will lead you to a state of satisfaction, contentment, stability, Magnificent energy if within a family. This 4 of wands comes after waiting in anticipation– so you may have restless emotions, anxiety or stress during this time. That when you achieve the 4- you can now relax. As preparations will made.  It’s a time to celebrate that all has gone well and is resolved.

Spirit Animals that each Sign will embody in August:

Cancer: Lion/ Mouse —-so opposite of each other… but the Mouse is the reason for the lion… maybe you grew sick of being like the mouse and did a 180… Getting rid of nervous energy and replacing it with Strength and perseverance. Becoming observant. Stealthy and precise in what you speak and what actions you take. You will grow to hold a deep inner knowing that you will come out on top

Pisces: Tiger/ Hyena– the hyena relates to showing like all is well on the surface but underneath there’s the complete opposite going on. An energy around you being led by this sense of dissatisfaction. You will become like the Tiger— Raw and Real… showing, and speaking about your truth, putting your foot down, as You are awakening your own power.

Scorpio: Bat/ Frog —Doing something at night… nighttime only activity… illusive… You have been feeling very exhausted and drained. Needing some time for self healing and to cleanse yourself of all negative energy. You Will become like the Bat. This bat is about letting go…about a death leading to a rebirth. Once you release what is draining your energy and are able to let go, you can then find solace in your every day life.

You runes basically mimicked your tarot reading…


This is a rune of protection. setting your focus on a reasonable target to achieve your goals. There may be slight obstacles, delays or minor problems. This is all basically repeating what I have seen in the cards.  The obstacle or delay may very well prove beneficial, or it won’t turn out in the way you thought it would.  anticipating problems that may arise. becoming flexible, working WITH the change or changes. Using your imagination to turn any situation to your advantage. There is a tie to the past. It can mean that you will hear from someone from your past. Sometimes this rune is an indication that problems from your past that were not dealt with effectively will be returning. problems that previously had no answer will soon be solved.


This is the rune verifying that you will achieve what you want out of this if you take the time to move through this tension in the best way possible.

Oracle- Grand Cross 47- 11th house/friends—You guys received the Grand cross… the grand cross is about an area of tension (there’s that word again lol) found in an astrological chart that becomes a type of major catalyst for movement and change in your life. Grand cross… look at the pattern of the Wheel (Change) and the Chariot (Movement) This is considered to be a rare placement. So if again, if you’ve been feeling as though nothing seems to be going right, this is why. You’re at a type of a life changing crossroad. This comes with the pressure to grow and the will to exceed any limitation’s put in your path. This is the most intense placement as well. You could be working through a crisis that may seem to come out of the blue for some of you, then you will experience a painful growth process, then a renewal (Saw this with the Animal spirit for Scorpio), But eventually, you will come to find yourself on a much greater foundation for your own happiness and success. Goes along with the example I was giving about a Loan.

You may feel at times, with the pressure, that you are provoked. You then become very frustrated, being pulled in many different directions. Having various tasks to complete, people to speak with, Anything you try to attempt may seem to fail, you could be given leads about something in particular which causes you to become very hopeful, thinking the situation can finally be resolved only to hit dead ends. This within itself, can make you angry.

You have alliances around you who you can rely on to help you at this time. You may feel as though this is your battle to take on, but it doesn’t have to be.

Allow the Universe to take the wheel in August!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Stop Selling Your Soul (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius- August 2019)

Tarot of Dreams- Success comes in the end.

You’ve been “selling your soul” up until now. Your Main issues surround your family, the family home, childhood, the past or memories. You will deal with these issues head on instead of allowing them to fester any longer. It has been energy draining and soul sucking enough. You must free yourself. Yes, there’s been something long term going on that has caused periods of disappointment, regret and grief. I believe the regret would come more so from allowing whatever this is to continue for so long. Holding your tongue is not an option anymore. Or preventing yourself from BECOMING much more is coming to an end.

To other people it will seem like you’re walking away from a fire. You are coming into this new moon as the Tower. There are some of you that may start drama or chaos around you within your immediate enviornment that will spiral outward onto extended family members or friends, colleagues. . It’s not that you want to start this own fire of yours, I mean, a small portion of you might,  But it’s really because You have either had an epiphany or you’re fed up with the way that you’ve been living or treated by others. You’re sick of the situation as a whole. You will see everything and everyone for what it truly is. And it is causing you to either explode or voice your opinions on the matter once and for all before finally walking away. It may not even be you that explodes with anger in this situation, it may be certain people around you that don’t like what you have to say. Your own sense of explosion could be just allowing your thoughts and feelings to come forth instead of holding them in. Thoughts and emotions that have been building up over time causing a volcanic like eruption. For those that detest drama, this has been one of the hardest things to keep to yourself and experience. Though you’ve been growing through this in a very tremdously way!! Becoming stronger as a human being, as a Soul as you find out and begin to stick to your own belief system. You don’t want to cause a rift but the whole time you kept it to yourself, you felt sick. Either with physical ailments, or negative thoughts. Also showing up as periods of low self worth. There is definitely a breakthrough coming to you guys in August. This could be aided through the power of The New Moon in Leo which gives you intense courage to break through barriers. Whatever has been unhealthy within your life is about to “meet it’s maker.”

You are ready for something entirely new! You will be fearless in your pursuit. Other’s may try to warn you or scold your choice, but you won’t allow them entry into your own bubble of beginning. I’m seeing you going about your business as eyes are in Awe of you. “What is she/he doing?? What will they do next?? Have they thought this through?!?” For those reading about a Fire sign in their life you need to know that YES… most of them have thought this through for the past several months, if not years. These Fire Signs have dug DEEPLY into themselves and the situation, looking at it from every angle, pondering, stressing out, possibly encountering moments of sadness, moments of discouragement, moments of trepidation… but the feeling that drives them the most in this situation that they will face— What drives YOU Fire signs the most… is FREEDOM. Plain and simple. The glimpse you are or will be given at what life could be like or what life will feel like once this is conquered and put to rest is such a powerful release that brings instant joy. A massive weight slips off your shoulders. That’s the energy that I’m feeling. It’s like after battle, you release and drop your armor.

I’m seeing that what is or has been preventing this change is the fact that you have had to be the one to juggle multiple tasks, multiple projects, multiple personalities even (I’m not speaking about having a disorder, though some of you could have one– No shame in that!) What I mean is putting on a façade for people. Or dulling your own light, your own abilities, your own strengths, whatever truly makes you YOU, you may not have been showing it off 100 percent. You may have shown yourself as doing well and happy, meanwhile you weren’t. Telling other’s that everything is Great when it’s truly not.  Some of you have been very caught up in the day to day life, as though you don’t have time for yourself or can catch a breather. There are things that may have been more important to tend to that took up your time, as well as your own energy. Low energy leads to not being able to focus on what you truly want. It’s very frustrating when you stop and think about it. Then you can end up getting angry at the ones who you feel take up the most energy and time from you.

Your advice…. Is to Try to have a positive outlook and celebrate what  you’ve accomplished so far. Keep focusing on the good things. Trust in who you are. Trust in the process and the what you move forward with. Live in the now, be present and mindful of the now. This is about a new start, new energy on the level of values. A move to a fresh outlook, more free, more liberating and – a bit more selfish, in the sense of having the confidence to trust what you value and cherish.

To me, this is about individuality, about a healthy ego, inner vision and faith in the future. So, have confidence that you have accomplished much already, even if it doesn’t seem that way, and that your inner vision can bring some concrete, positive structure in and around your life. This can also get reflected in building a home, a new family – home is the most basic structure. You need to put yourself  first to be who you are and trust in yourselves. Then you can build as much as you want.

How you can help yourself at this time is to let go of what you are juggling… be it physically or mentally. Get rid of the excess baggage that you’ve been carrying. The negative cycles of the never ending mind. The attachment to the way you’ve been living, leave the actual person you’ve been involved with… for most of you this has become very codependent. Them mostly relying on you for many things that they should be doing themselves. You want me to call and make you a doctors appointment??? You don’t have fingers of your own?? Lol

What you need and truly desire is One on one connections where you meet on the same energy level, understand each other completely and even telepathically… just one person is all you need to feel at peace. You don’t need every single person to understand you or to complete you. You don’t need all those acquaintances or 1,000 friends on Facebook. Ask yourself, Are they really friends after all? Why keep them there? Are they supportive? If so, keep them, if not.. Delete them. If it’s a PAGE or a business or if you’re a celebrity, then yes… but when it comes to personal business…. Delete the unnecessary, if you choose to.

For your outcome in August, I am seeing SUCCESS you can be quite proud of!! Admiration from others. Some of you will get a shit ton of attention from this. One thing that is for certain is that many people will be talking about you. But you will only care about this huge hurdle that you have overcome to get to this place. When you feel like you’re on cloud 9…. You’re there for quite a while until someone comes along trying to pop your bubble. There is always someone to “bring you down to earth”.. Hopefully, in the best possible way. Just like there is like and dark, there are ups and downs… it’s the only way for life to stay balanced and for you to keep growing. When we are off kilter, we learn… we when become balanced, we’re at peace. It’s stuff like this that causes you to appreciate these moments even more so… it’s that rush, that FEELING you get inside that will refuse any negativity- be it person or event— to destroy this amazing moment for you.

Spirit Animal that you will exhibit during this time…

Aries: Hawk / Lion (both carry this respectful presense– Top Dog energy) You have been as strong as possible for a very long time in your life. Practicing as much tolerance as possible. Trying to remain grounded. You are about to become a Hawk. This time, instead of hanging on the ground you are about to embark upon a flight to see the bigger picture. You also are metaphorically TAKING OFF in life, leveling up,

Leo: Panther / Vulture (both are territorial)– The Vulture is needed for purification of you and your enviornment. It helps to bring things back into balance. It represents taking care of the dirty work that must be done. Cleaning up a mess that was made in your situation. While this is all taking place in your world you will embody the Panther for August. The Panther represents ridding yourself of the unnecessary. Of Purging. If your situation has been stagnating, you will experience a type of universal interruption in order for your life to restructure itself on a solid foundation.

Sag: Owl/ Gazelle (Both are in a “waiting and watching” mode — Going by instincts.) Your intuitive nudges become heightened at this time. There will be a circumstance that beings you beneficial help. This is either from someone you know and trust or from an offer that has the ability to bring more success into your life. As the Gazelle, You’ve been testing the waters to gain more awareness on what it is that you should bring about. As you embody the power of the Owl, in August, You will make decisions based upon your intuitive hunches.


In the past….. You felt like you had no support. It was  a time when you were feeling isolated and lonely. Perhaps you have (or will) separate yourself from others to “pull yourself together”, and reflect on your life. There were obstacles, and someone or more likely a group may have been interfering with your business … meddling. I’m seeing you waiting it out, then seeking legal advice, then fighting. It may not be in that exact order for all of you. You may even choose to do only one or two of those depending upon your specific situation. I’m seeing Selfishness, most likely from others, that has  played a HUGE role to this problem of yours.

MANNAZ is the rune of assistance and teamwork. You can expect to receive some sort of help and cooperation now. Could be  in the form of good advice. now is a very good time to implement any plans. It speaks of constructive activity with the assistance of many people.  be on the lookout for a new acquaintance, one that will enlarge your outlook and contacts. For a small portion of you, This rune may indicate magical ability …may also mean trouble with women, as always, look to the placement in the spread and the surrounding runes. Women conducting black magic.

You are also surrounded by the rune of completion, this  represents a time in your life when all  loose strings are tied and you are free to move in a new direction .a successful conclusion to the problem at hand. This is also rune of relief. A time of no anxiety.  a milestone in your life, very possibly the realization of a dream.  the birth of a child,  it’s a new job. , the milestone is a new love affair. Sometimes this rune brings news of a stranger coming into your life. This rune shows the ending of an old phase of your life and the beginning of more exciting phase. Positive energies and feelings of deliverance are indicated.

Oracle: Water Element- Sensing 40/ Sun spirit 1—

This speaks about utilizing your intuition during this time in your life. Allowing yourself to feel into others and their wants. Opening up — when you’ve been closed off. Sharing bits of yourself. With the Sun Spirit, you guys feel right at home, Especially, Aries. Aries is the First sign in the Zodiac. All of you will embody such a independent state of being during this time with boosted confidence and courage to take on and tackle what needs to be done in order to achieve the success that you desire.

I hope you have a Wonderful August!

Blessed Be to you and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn (Channeling and Transits per Sign)

When tuning in I was given the symbol of a Rabbit when it comes to this full Moon. Rabbits Symbolize to me Abundance in all forms. They are also about Fertility, Family and a New Life. Some that may have been trying to conceive take comfort that this full moon gives you a much more powerful blessing to manifest the pregnancy.  Others will find out that they are pregnant. If you do not desire to conceive try to be a lot more careful during the next month. If you have worked on or been working on issues dealing with Family and past life roots, now is the time that all will come together in peaceful order to be resolved. For many, this Lunar Eclipse puts us on the track of a New life. This New life can be literal, or can deal with a New Job, a New Career path, The Decision to go to School, or a New Relationship. This also speaks about New territory which you will reside and call your “home”.  It’s not always within the physical body that we can become fertile. We can also conceive amazing ideas during this time and communicate about as well as begin to decorate our homes, parts of our homes as well as our offices. Interior design as well as creating skeleton plans to foundationally create our visions. Those who work in Architecture or  The Creative Arts will have visions come to them that if acted upon could catapult them up their careers. Great recognition will come to them. No matter how insensible your vision appears to be, it’s just what the world has been waiting for. Run with the power of this Lunar Eclipse. It is the Beginning to an End. We’ve entered into a periodic renewal.

Song analysis… While I was tuning in, I was given a song for this Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse. That song is : Speed of Sound by Coldplay. I have placed the song itself and the analysis at the bottom of this post, so that you guys could get instantly to what you’ve come for.

Now, I will take a look at the chart….

The first thing that I notice is that the chart resembles someone scribbling frantically. Just take a look at the red lines 😉 The Sun conjunct the Moon will cause you to feel very ambitious and determined towards your goals. This will also hone your focus on the most personal areas of life. You will pay more attention to your home, feelings, emotions and close relationships. The power of the Sun brings these deeper areas of life to the surface so that any problems that have simmered in these areas can be resolved in a positive way. This transit is favorable because of the emotional balance it brings, not irrationally emotional, and not too cold and calculating. This is a perfect time for a level-headed approach to the personal issues mentioned, and psychological self-analysis with regards habits and conditioning.

This month I felt guided to look at the individual Houses where the Energy is taking shape per Sign….. Take a look not only at your Sun sign, but also your Rising and Moon. I would tell you to look at your Venus, but I do not conduct general Love readings. I do have a Romantic Love Pick a Card game coming this week for you guys! 🙂 Stay tuned….

A R I E S: Your main focus will be on your Social Status, as well as the power you hold within your position, mostly within your career. I’m being told that this is also within your own Soul Essence. Your DNA, Your Roots. You guys are quite comfortable and feel at home with this current transit. You are used to being in charge, moving forward with a sense of confident courage, and shining your own light. So this is a very powerful full moon when it comes to being noticed and taking on new challenges as well as new roles within your career and business. You may decide to do something completely new or change up what you’ve been doing. You may feel more compelled to compete or on the other hand you won’t worry too much about failing… you will just “put it out there” and see where it leads you. Which is actually perfect, since the transit you are going into on the next full moon will show whether or not you have achieved success, recognition or need to rewind and redo. You’ll never know unless you try, right? 😀 If it’s right for you, you will definitely get what you want, but if it’s not, well, why would you want to hang onto it anyway? You may notice that males play a dominant role in your life at this time. Either a male figure will come into your life to aid you or collaborate. There could be situations dealing with/or that you must to tend to when it comes to a father, father figure, an uncle, a grandfather..etc. You may have a desire to lead or to guide others during this time. This could also be about how you relate to a specific male figure and their social status. Even if this individual has passed away, you are focusing on who they once were and what they did. How does this relate to you as an individual now? How does this relate to your own Soul essence and what you have to offer? If you feel a connection then you will hold onto it and make it your own, but if you feel that it doesn’t align with your own true energy, you will decide to release that quality of yourself. This is all about building your own empire and who you want to be known and seen as.

T A U R U S: You are analyzing your own philosophy in your life. You are comparing how other’s live and do things, with how you go about doing things yourself, and trying to figure out whether or not you’re living within your own belief system or someone else’s. THAT was a Tongue tie! I hope it made sense. You’re in “comparison” mode. You’re on a quest to know your “own world”. If you’ve been feeling blocked lately, you will become much more determined. Don’t worry… you won’t back off or turn away from the challenge. You are Bulls naturally, and you will face this HEAD ON. Whatever you have felt repressed from or felt as though you had to conform to, will be realized, then released. You will no longer hold onto those circumstances. Or live in that manner. You are attemtping to recreate your own destiny and way of being. This is like releasing the shackles that has always bound you. I’m hearing the phrase, “Why do I always stop myself from….” – So whatever that is for you, you will no longer prevent yourself from going forward with it. If you have been one to consistently read material that has interested you, you will turn towards gaining real world experience. Putting down the book and taking external action. This will give you a bird’s eye view of whatever you want to figure out. You will not only understand technically what may be going on, but you will be able to FEEL it, KNOW it, and then LIVE it. I’m now hearing the phrase, “Those that can, do; those that can’t, teach.” Whichever this is for you personally at the moment, you will flip it. This is about gaining 100% experience and knowledge to be able to figure out your own true philosophy. You will embrace the freedom of change!

G E M I N I: this Full Moon You will be going through a deeply intense transformation within your psyche. You’re trying to navigate the deepest parts of yourself. To understand the Why, The Where , The How and the What when it comes to your own being and the current situations you now find yourself in. You are going through your own type of death to become reborn. During this time you may turn towards avenues you wouldn’t previously. For some, you may turn to a Psychic or a Soul counselor when you never would have before. Others may decide to look into self help literature or go on a spiritual retreat. You may decide or think about traveling to another country to experience a culture like your own. You could also decide to begin to learn a different language. You’re trying to not only see just who you truly are, but where you completely fit in and feel like home. It’s a very spiritual soul journey that you are on. It’s mostly taking place within the internal. During this time, you may also experience the need for experimentation when it comes to Physical intimacy. If you haven’t been that experimental in the past, you will truly want to try new things. Passionate or romantic partnerships are formed pretty quickly at this time, but may be fleeting in the end as you progress through this particular transit and find out what it is that you desire. What you thought you saw in the beginning with this individual, may change in the end. When a connection is short lived that just means that the individual was there to serve a particular purpose for the moment. There normally is someone much better aligned with your energy level and who you finally become. You guys are completely leveling up at this time. Just allow it to happen. Don’t worry too much about where you’re heading. You will see things clearly soon enough!

C A N C E R: Your main focus will be on Partnerships of all kinds. Trying to view things from another’s perspective. You won’t be focused on yourself so much or what you want out of the partnership, You will focus on what you can do for another. How you can be of service to someone else. You’re taking a closer look at issues that have been going on within your personal and working connections. “Is it something I have done? How can I make things better?” Some of you may notice during this time that it’s the way you have been approaching people or communicating with others that have caused a rift or a distance. You are being tested at this time within your connections. Cancer’s are very loving people and want everyone to get along and come together, but sometimes, they take immediate action based upon their emotions instead of thinking further along the line about how it may affect others, be perceived by someone else or how it will actually play out in the future. It’s like putting a foot in their mouth. Sometimes, you don’t even realize what you’ve done “wrong”. It becomes a misunderstanding that causes confusion and pain with a sense of separation, as you go internal. You just want to make people happy and feel comfortable. You will have to balance your goals, desires and needs with those closest to you. You will become more aware of any limitations and correct them. Relationships that already have a strong and steady base will become even stronger, while faulty connections will be discarded if issues can’t be worked on. Go ahead and feel into your emotions naturally, but also take the time to thinks things through before speaking or planning something with another. This will help to have your connections run much more smoothly in the future.

L E O:  Your main focus will be on your Health. Not only with your physical body, but also when it come to your mental, emotional and spiritual states. You will be taking a close look at your daily routines and being able to see where you need to make some changes. I’m seeing some of you implementing morning rituals– Meditation, Journaling, Exercise, or just sitting in silence to contemplate and plan your day. You want to set up a type of structure on a daily basis to follow in order to feel better about yourself– becoming more productive if that’s where you’ve been lacking, or much more Present if you have been mentally scattered. You are looking to ease your mind, to gain peace within and to correct certain physical ailments that have been plaguing you. Some of you could be going on Strict diets. You have put this off, pushed it away or ignored it in the past and now you know that you must do SOMETHING in order to achieve certain goals that you have. You have come to an understanding through contemplation that you have been the sabotager of your current situation. Even if it is or seems like something has come on it’s own accord to disrupt your current state, be it Physical, mental or emotional… You realize that you haven’t exactly been your best advocate in the past to protect yourself… and now you will take the much needed steps in order to gain your balance back. No matter what it takes… even if it’s for an example, 10 doctor appointments, you will take it seriously, become personally disciplined and do what needs to be done.

V I R G O: This full moon you will be focusing on what Entertains you, what brings you Pleasure and What you Love. You Lucky Ducks! 😀 Virgo’s are a very practical bunch, who are normally pretty serious because you guys are mostly focused on building foundations and being very secure within your environment and careers… so this month, you get to let loose and feel as free as a child. The ones who have done all of the work to secure themselves will be the ones who feel completely at ease just releasing control. You guys need a break and you definitely deserve one!! You may decide to take a vacation, go to a day spa, have a Girl’s or Guy’s night out, Take the day off of work and VEG…. Whatever it is that brings you pleasure that you normally wouldn’t feel comfortable doing, this is the time that you will get out of your own way and go after it. You can think of this experience as a way for you to enjoy life without thinking about your obligations, responsibilities, your role in society or career as well as within family. For some of you, you may even decide to put yourself out there on a dating website. Think of this period as “the Lion being let out of the cage”. Whatever you have held yourself back from doing, you’re about to experience the “Art” of living! You can go back to your own nature after you have allowed yourself some time off for your energy to revitalize itself. It is the only way to combat any type of fatigue and stress that you’ve been experiencing. Enjoy!!!

L I B R A : You will be focused on your Home, Family and Personal relationships. This is the time in which you will take a closer look at your current connections that surround you. You will see where you’re putting in more effort than others, or vice versa where you need to put in more effort if you have been lacking in this area. New connections will be made and I’m seeing you making the effort to reach out to friends and loved ones in order to reconnect. Traveling to see loved ones and friends. Most of you will reconnect with a Feminine energy… this could be a Mother, an Aunt, A female Cousin, Female Friend, Grandmother… ect. For most of you it will be someone you have lost touch with over time. I’m seeing you analyze certain connections, going over each one, to see how things played out in the past, whether they deserve another chance, and what you can do from here on out in regards to the connection. Whether to reconnect or completely let go. Some of you will decide to just leave it where it is. You will be making plans to get together and some of you will make plans to go on a short trip for the weekend. You will basically scrutinize your own self, and actions that you need to release in order to become more present within your relationships. You will become much more devoted towards these individuals who mirror your efforts and energy that you reconnect with.

S C O R P I O: It’s all about Communication during this full moon. You may want to set boundaries at this time and discuss a plan to put into place. Your intelligence will be at an all time high as what you speak to others will flow smoothly and make direct points that get to the heart of the matter. You will be able to turn any misunderstandings into pure clarity for all to see and agree upon. Many collaborations can take place during this time. You will notice that cooperation will come easily. However, with the current Mercury transit you may encounter more problems than most when it comes to your electronics. Make sure to back up any emails or files as you could encounter a loss. Go over any contracts thoroughly before signing. If your vehicle is due for a check up make sure to get this done as soon as possible, as you don’t want to experience a breakdown while you’re driving on the road. Some of you may have an intense desire to create using your hands — Sculpting, woodworking, making molds, even gardening. Make sure when attempting to communicate that you Go by the Motto of : Think, Process, Speak during this time. You don’t want to deal with any more miscommunication than you already have been dealing with over the past few months. It’s time to get your point across to others about your situation and what you desire to come out of it.

S A G I T T A R I U S: This full moon focuses on your Finances, what you own, and how you go about making money. You will be taking a glance at your self esteem and self worth. You may find that you are worth a lot more than what you are currently making and/or receiving. This is the time in which you may either request a promotion, charge more for your services. Or look at a whole new career possibility, as well as a secondary way to make money. Aka—Side Hustle. 😉 You may decide to take a hobby of yours and turn it into a money making opportunity or you may bring back something you once did to make money and put more time and effort into it. You will scrutinize how you spend and become more careful at this time, only spending money when absolutely necessary. This is the time in which you may only invest into something that has the ability to stretch your funds. Literal Investments, investing in a business, Purchasing advertisement for a business to bring in more clientele, Purchasing equipment for a hobby or a business idea, Looking into possible loans to start a business… etc. You are aiming for a idea that you have thought about or had a few months ago to begin to take shape. That is your main goal at this time. Spend quality time thinking about yourself, your abilities, your skills, how much you think you’re worth and then take the steps needed to get the ball rolling. If you must release a position, a job, a career or even an individual in order to make this happen, then now is the time.

C A P R I C O R N:  You’ve entered into the House of Self. This is all about giving time, energy and action to what you want to show off in your world. Great power surrounds you at this time to Begin something new. You may choose to begin a new Workout regimen, take a class or fix something that has bothered you on your physical body. It’s all about appearances and what you want to give to the world around you. Who do you want to be? Now, is the time to resurrect the new you. You will notice that during this time you will become fearless, communicate openly and with passion. You will have the tendency to inspire others around you. You will become a lot more self assured in who you are and who you’re becoming. This full Moon is your own special seed to plant and bring to fruition over the next 12 months. The full moon Is always an excellent time to manifest your desires, but with it being in your own sign, this is extremely important for you. Your deep desire for security and achievement will influence what you will do and how you will go about getting it. You will be facing the reality of who you truly are and how you present yourself. You won’t have to ask others, you will see it with full clarity on your own. This is the time for you to establish order and structure within yourself, your life, your career and within your relationships. You may initially feel vulnerable as you work your way through your internal self before you gain confidence, but once you are able to see the bigger picture, the power that you will feel will become exciting and quite liberating.

A Q U A R I U S: You’ve entered into the House of Endings. This is completion, the final stages of what you have been going through or attempting to achieve. With this house being naturally ruled by the sign of Pisces, this may be a bit emotional for you. “Emotional” doesn’t always mean sad feelings, you could experience deeply loving or upliftingly happy ones as well, so we have a bit of a roller coaster effect going on here. There could be issues surrounding you dealing with loved ones going into hospitals, institutions or even Jail. There could also be issues dealing with addiction or rehabilitation. Those with negative intentions towards you will be revealed for all to see. You will also feel more creative than usual. This is a good time to begin writing, painting, dancing, photographing… whatever you feel creatively drawn towards. You will become extremely productive during this time. You may have felt as though you had low to no energy in the past, meanwhile you were just taking a break to build energy for what will be happening around this time. You will notice that everything that you need to take care of will be done almost immediately. The time to procrastinate is over and replaced by unwavering movement and action.

P I S C E S: Whatever you implemented within your career last month will bring the results. This also has to do with Education you may have begun. This is when you will see whether what you have attempted or begun is worth it or really what you desire. This is the time when you reap what you sow. If you haven’t fully been true to yourself, Or if you’ve compromised your deepest values. Then this transit could bring some painful experiences. How you have treated others will reflect back on you at this time. You will gain clarity into what you expect from others, as well as what they expect of you. Any hidden agendas and motivations behind those around you will be revealed. It’s a good time to define who you want to be and become as well as what role you think you’re suited for within your career, education and social networks. Your friendships and associations may be tested at this time. You might change friends as the current ones no longer share your views and values. If you have difficulties with your friends it could be a reflection of a deeper unconscious motivation that’s driving your behavior. During this time, you may feel pulled towards a collective cause , such as an Environmental, political or social justice movement. Try not to over-invest yourself as this will completely deplete your energy.

Divination by Music:

How long before I get in? Before it starts, before I begin? How long before you decide? Before I know what it feels like? Where To, where do I go? If you never try, then you’ll never know. How long do I have to climb,Up on the side of this mountain of mine? How long before I get in? Before it starts, before I begin? How long before you decide? Before I know what it feels like? Where To, where do I go? If you never try, then you’ll never know. How long do I have to climb,Up on the side of this mountain of mine?

We’ve all gone internal, asking ourselves many questions over the past few months. Many wonder when this phase will be over so that we can finally feel unstuck. This reminds me of the Hanged Man that keeps showing itself in elemental readings.

Look up, I look up at night, Planets are moving at the speed of light”

We have 7 planets in Retrograde right now. Retrograde indicates a speeding up of planet’s movement in a backwards motion.

Climb up, up in the trees ,Every chance that you get Is a chance you seize

This reminds me of what I see for Aries, but at this Lunar Eclipse we are all in for a Huge life changing experience.

How long am I gonna stand, With my head stuck under the sand? I’ll start before I can stop, Before I see things the right way up

Hanged man reference again, with what I channeled “This is a beginning to an End”

All that noise, and all that sound,”

Everyone and everything around you that prevents you from going internal

All those places I have found”

You know who you are, but you may prevent yourself from fully bringing it out and going against the current trend.

And birds go flying at the speed of sound To show you how it all began Birds came flying from the underground, If you could see it then you’d understand?

When you’re trying to explain a personal experience or what you know to be true and others dismiss it.

Ideas that you’ll never find, All the inventors could never design. The buildings that you put up, Japan and China all lit up

I got the BIGGEST smile with this one because I thought it odd that I channeled in detail about those who work in Architecture and creative arts… Validation baby!!!

The sign that I couldn’t read Or a light that I couldn’t see. Some things you have to believe, But others are puzzles, puzzling me

We will all experience a “bigger picture” in our lives.

All those signs, I knew what they meant. Some things you can invent Some get made, and some get sent”

Either YOU make that change in your life, or The Universe will change things for you!

Enjoy the Song!!

Have an AMAZING full Moon!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Daily Energy – 7 of Spade

Today’s Daily Draw is brought to you by Cartomancy. There are many who utilize the interpretations of the Tarot when conducting readings with playing cards. Sometimes, I feel drawn to conduct readings with them in the same manner, other times I use the initial interpretations. Keep in mind that playing cards do not have Trumps, which are the Major Arcana cards.

Today, I pulled the 7 of Spade.

This is one of the cards on my dislike list in the Tarot.  In the Tarot (7 of Swords) it speaks about doing whatever you can to get what you want out of a situation or from another individual. Even lying, manipulating, being shady and sneaky.

Now, let us look at this from the perspective of Cartomancy. Some qualities do carry over… 7’s are challenges, Spiritual Challenges, Internal ones. Keep in mind that 5’s are also challenges when you get them, but they are more external and physical.  The 7 of Spade is titled the “Sword of Destruction”.  There is a positive as well as a negative to this, depending upon what is needed to be done. This is the ability to cut away things and people that no longer serve your highest good.  Some examples are a Bad relationship or a bad habit.  This is a positive thing since it is this individual or habit that causes nothing but negative stress.  This is something that you’ve been “hung up” on that you need to swiftly and finally release. You hold the power of the Sword.  But with this power will you wield it for good or evil? Will you continue to indulge in that bad habit, that horrid addiction, continue on with that energy draining connection? Or will you Release it? This becomes an internal struggle that causes you to grow spiritually over time.

If you don’t release this you will then merge into the 8… 8 of Swords in the Tarot speaks about a Mind trap that you’re now caught in. Every avenue, solution, 0r idea is met with an excuse as to why you can’t move forward, why you can’t cut off that connection or that bad habit. You become stuck in your own mental prison. Eventually, this leads you to the  9 of swords… this is where you feel intense stress and anxiety over your situation causing your physical body to get sick and illness takes over. Leading to nervous breakdowns, insomnia and possible obsession. The 10 is when you’ve hit rock bottom, feel numb, depressed and can’t move. This is why it’s very imperative to cut it off as soon as possible.

Taking a look at your situation, what is it that needs to be cut out? I’m sure you’ve been thinking about this lately as the transit’s are causing us all to look inward. This energy is continuing and building momentum.  We’ve been in Pluto Retrograde since April 22nd, where we are dealing with our Shadow self. This allows us to pick apart the pieces of ourselves that hold us back. This runs until September 30th. We have 5 other planets that are also retrograde at the moment and by the time we reach the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16th, we will have a total of 7 planets in Retro. SEVEN. Hopefully, within the next week you will be able to Identify, Target and set things straight.

I’ve already begun the process of tuning in on the upcoming Full Moon and have been given a Song. I may pick it apart for you to see the specific points that I channeled and how validating the song actually is! 🙂

Have a Blessed Tuesday!


Weekly Energy 7/7/2019- 7/15/2019

This week signals a time of opportunity to set the course for things yet to be. This is the development and growth stage. You will require mental clarity in order to think things over and consider options before you make decisions. Take care when guarding your thoughts. Do not speak to too many people about what you’re deciding upon during this stage until you know for a fact what you plan to follow through with.  Most of you will be making a decision when it comes to a wish of yours. This can be a dream or a goal that you strive to have and make yours.

You may encounter  (Or your decision  involves) an individual that is an Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo). I’m seeing a message coming to you from this person…. Communication is happening with this individual. Steps you plan to take. This could  be of financial matter for some of you. I’m seeing a personality of someone who may seem dramatic, or appear to be under pressure. I get the feeling that this individual could be acting in such a way that causes you to feel under pressure yourself. This individual may come from a place of self interest, they want what they want and they expect you to go along with their own desires. This will cause you to feel burdened as though you must take more on than previously expected or thought of. This is why your decision making process must be privately and wisely made. Do not decide right away based upon the stress that is placed on you. You will figure out how to get yourself out of this Jam you will find yourself in.

Another individual shows up who is astrologically a Water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). Keep in mind that the person may have this in their chart but not as their Sun sign, or they are showing these characteristics within their personality or actions…. This individual is stuck within their emotions. How they FEEL about what is going on and not what they THINK about it. It is their emotions that rule their actions. With this individual being a Queen, they have learned how to not react in a rash manner. They are giving, compassionate, loving and nurturing. The symbol here involves a ring… you could encounter a conversation about a ring in general, or this is about a commitment, initially a romantic partnership but could turn into a business partnership and a contract for some. Contracts that need to be made and signed. Making something official. Could be financial contracts for some. With this being Water, you may encounter deep emotions with this.

There is an energy coming together that involves a deeper understanding of the situation and the person you will encounter, sign a contract with, commit to. Trying to achieve harmony within an agreement. A balance. What is fair for each involved.  Make sure to read thoroughly through this contract prior to signing… you don’t want to miss anything or forget to include or debate what already has been added. This will become final once it is signed so be careful. Also, take note that we entered into Mercury Retrograde yesterday, this runs until August 1st, So you may not want to sign anything until after then. Use the next several weeks to analyze, and comb over anything that is presented to you, changing what you must, and even seeking guidance from someone who knows the answers and can advise you. Remember to not allow anyone to rush you!!

Have a Wonderful Week!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Weekly Energy (Pick a Card) July 1, 2019

Card One, Two or Three

Weekly Energy 7/1/2019…

For this week, I felt guided to conduct a “Pick a Card”. I know so many of you have been missing this from me. 🌹 You may ask “What do I need to know at this time?” Whatever number Highlights in your mind for you is the one. This week globally is a 9 Week, which relates to the Hermit. Going in Deep to seek the answers to our questions. Possible isolation during this period of time. What is happening is on it’s “last legs”… about to End. A Beginning is among us!

I used to teach what I pulled back in 2015, then I would dive into the prediction. So here we go! I hope this helps some of you who are new at the Tarot and Divination in general.

Results are Below! Enjoy!

Stack One:

Black Moon Lilith, 6 of Pentacles, The Moon & Dagaz

Tarot Card- 6 pentacles: 6 carries the energy of Balance and Harmony. Of harmonizing the masculine and the feminine. This is the minor arcana to the Justice card in the Tarot. This card being the Number 6 is also in relation to the Lovers. Level 6 Soulmates are the Twin flame level (This was told to me in a dream in 2014 by one of my main guides), which makes sense since this is regarded to be “the perfect” number by the Pythagoreans. Pentacles are mostly Physical… in relation to Money and Effort. Pentacles are of the Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo). To me, it’s not always about the Astrological attribute, but more so about the personality or energy of the Sign and/or Element. This card is about Sharing and Giving of ones help, Generosity, Support, time, effort and possibly finances. Of Charity. When someone has taken more than given there can be an imbalance in a relationship or within spending too much and not saving enough. This comes after the 5- which denotes a period of struggle and lack. The struggle is dispersing now as we enter the 6. We are given what we need the most at this time. You will now be given the Support you need at this time in order to carry through.

Rune- Dagaz: This rune carries the energy of Happiness and Emergence. This is about emerging from a period of loss and returning to a peaceful state. This is the Beginning, the Morning, The Dawn, The Awakening. The process of a concept becoming realized. Balance between the negative and Positive. The Balance of opposites (Twin flames). Balance sought and given when it comes to opposition. Progress, Development and Growth.

Oracles-  Black Moon Lillith (Mystery): Lillith is about Mystery and Transformation. Know, that when she shows up in the transits that things are about to get shaky. She seems to bring in misunderstandings, miscommunication, rumors, trolls, and the darkside in general. She is a bit of a trickster. Going based upon what I have already seen, this is the energy you are coming from and attempting to get out of. “She is a Feminine force of power and strength. She represents the power held within a secret. She can represent an angry mother figure, an enemy or bitter/scorned woman and even a stalker.” This seems like the energy I was picking up in my messages last week. This has the energy of waiting for something to happen, you feel it deep within your soul but you can’t pinpoint it. Something Stalks and you feel it.

Moon (Soul): What does your gut say? This card is also about Mystery and things being hidden that you feel. What you’ve been feeling deep within is about to be revealed and come to light. You will know what has been said behind your back (If this is the case for you). You will be given what is required in order to feel stable again. What you’re waiting on is coming in between the New Moon on July 2nd and the Full Moon on July 16th.

Stack Two:

Lunar Eclipse, 5 of Cups, Third House & Fehu

Tarot Card- 5 of Cups. 5’s are challenges to me. Here, you have a challenge when it comes to your emotional state. The 5 of Cups is the card of regret, embarrassment, disappointment, guilt and shame. Sometimes, it’s only one or two of the emotions that consume you. This can also carry you into a depression if not worked on in order to move forward. This is a state where you wish you could change what transpired and instead of focusing on a way forward you’re lost in the moment to wallow on what went wrong. In the background there is a bridge to new territory indicative of the fact that not all is lost and that better times are coming, but yet you can’t see that bridge as you hold your head down. There is a foggy energy within this card. Lost within memories. Your eyes could be filled with tears so that you can’t see clearly. Cups are the Water Element (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio).

Rune- Fehu : Normally this rune indicates luck and success, especially when it comes to wealth and possessions. Here, you may be disappointed over a loss of material things, a loss of a friendship/relationship or loss over a social/personal status. There is an energy of a Broken Spirit. Some of you are experiencing questions regarding divorce and inheritance, which also equates to an ending and a beginning. This may be due to a job loss… but you will surely find another that is best suited for you.

Oracles- Lunar Eclipse (Change): This issue has been brewing for a while and it’s about to come to an end. We have a Partial Lunar Eclipse coming up on July 16th, this indicates to me that this is where the change happens in your life. So. if you’ve been stuck in the 5 of cups state, your luck will change around July 16-17, 2019. You will begin to move away from this saddened state into a much better one. Beginning to feel at peace with the situation and starting over again. Looking forward to the future. You will begin to realize at this time the price that had to be paid for change and happiness to be brought into your life.

Third House (Messages): Communication about what has transpired and how/where you will go from this point on. The Third house governs your environment – how you interact with it, how you relate to others, your ideas, and your opinions. The planet associated with the third house is Mercury– the Planet of communication. You will converse with others about what has been going on with you and within your environment. Communication will speed up beginning on July 7th, as Mercury goes retrograde… so expect a lot of verbal and written communication beginning on the 7th and being resolved around the 16th of July.

Stack Three:

Earth Element, The Emperor, Aries & Ansuz

Tarot Card- The Emperor – Major Arcana, the Number 4, astrological attribute is Aries, The Father, The Grandfather, The Paternal Side, The Masculine. Major Arcana cards are Lessons to learn and cannot be avoided, unlike the Minor Arcana. With the Minor Arcana, we can be forewarned and attempt to divert possible issues. The Emperor is an excellent card to have if it is personally speaking about YOU being the one who is taking control in a Massive way in your life. This is about being the one in charge, laying down the rules for others to abide by, situating problematic issues, being given respect and admiration. He is THE King of all the King courts. He Embodies the personality of the King of Cups- He has compassion and love for his people, the King of Wands- He Inspires and Motivates those around him, The King of Swords- He Communicates in a matter of fact way that no one questions his opinions and is very wise and The King of Pentacles- He Surrounds himself and others in Abundance and has the Finances to do so.

Rune- Ansuz: This rune speaks about Inspiration, Achievement and Taking the Lead. It relates to Odin who is the “All-Father”… This goes along with the Emperor being the King of all the kings, embodying each aspect. This runes Is favorable for clear communication on every level by stating calmly and firmly what you need and desire. I will state here that while I was writing up the Emperor I saw his left hand clenched, as though something is bothering him, his knuckles almost becoming quite raw because of tension and of holding back. You may have been or are experiencing this and have been honing it in to not cause a disruptive wave of emotion. To not cause yourself to explode on someone. You can honestly get more people to listen to you when you speak in a calm and respective way. Try not to gain attention or respect by way of intimidation or anger. Watch your words and consider their effect before speaking critically. Some of you have unresolved issues from the past in regards to a Male figure in your life, and it could be because they were this way.

Oracle- Earth Element (Stability)- The Number 4 is about Stability, Structure, Solidity… laying the Foundation for the Future. Some of you may be dealing with issues surrounding a male figure when it comes to Homes and Finances. This individual could be an Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)… They could be an Aries as well, as that is what The Emperor is, but I feel as though the Aries is your own personality with this specific issue.  Now is the time to draw upon your Strength! Think of yourself as an old willow tree where you have been standing firm for decades and nothing can knock you out of your spot. Some of you that chose this are a Water sign ( Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) or you have Water in your Chart… because I saw this in your recent reading for the New moon into July. Video is posted if you haven’t seen it. You want your dreams or what you desire to manifest into reality at this time. This is a good time for it as the current planets are aligned just right for you (Water Signs) to be able to manifest your desires (just not the lottery lol). You have had to be methodical about this or will have to be– Stay determined and self assured on this path. You may have to prove yourself in order to get what you what– but most of you will quite easily.

Aries (I Am)- I love seeing the Validation!! This PROVES that you are completely in charge of your destiny and what you are aspiring to at this time. YOU HAVE IT!! It’s YOURS or will be yours. Keep up your confidence to help surround yourself with total positivity in this matter.

I hope you all enjoyed playing!! Have an Excellent Week!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Cord Cutting Ritual

Cord cutting is best done during a New Moon, as it signifies a whole new beginning. You can conduct a ritual in any way that you personally feel suits you and the other. You can even conduct these during a Full Moon if you wish. None of my rituals are alike, even if it’s the same kind of ritual. I always feel guided to conduct rituals in different ways, as for instance, each individual carries with them unique energy. So, not every cord cutting can be the same. 

What adds more power to the ritual is DNA. If you add a person’s hair, saliva, blood… even something they touched, their business card, their picture…. it becomes more potent. More targeted. You do not HAVE to have these things. You DO need to have a very good visual of the person that you can hold in your mind with zero distractions for a good period of time. Only thinking about and visualizing this individual. Your mind, your intentions as well as your emotions are the best tools you can utilize for any ritual that you want to conduct. Candles, incense, crystals, flowers, cloths, whatever it may be adds a personal touch but isn’t completely necessary. I will say that Cinnamon does add more power and speed to what you are doing. Cinnamon is Red Hot and Spicy, so it emulates the Fire Element. 

When it comes to a cord cutting ritual I like to have a piece of string or rope (again it depends on the individuals energy sometimes as to what color I choose). If you know the target’s favorite color for instance, you can utilize that color with them. What I personally like to do is use the color white when I would like to wish the person well but our connection is over. I will use the color black when the connection has been toxic. The color black to me carries an energy of seriousness, of a protective stance. So, that’s why I like to use the color black when it comes to toxic connections. I’m not saying that the color black is toxic. Because it’s not. 

Most of my ritual work I like to conduct at night in between the hours of 11 PM to 1 AM. That’s my own personal preference of which I was guided to do. If you feel guided to conduct ritual work in the morning or the afternoon, so be it. There is no right way or wrong way when it comes to your own way.

It’s best to prep for rituals that will be conducted by way of your mind and your emotions as well as set up. To explain in depth, I like to sit in the energy for several days or several weeks as to what I am about to do. Taking in the past, all visuals, all emotions as to what occurred, visual and emotion as to what I would like to occur once the ritual is conducted. It is honestly best not to conduct a ritual when you are angry, anger has this quality to it that can cause the situation to backfire or spin out of control. I know that there are others who may disagree with me and who like to conduct rituals while they are angry, again that is their own personal preference. I never conduct a ritual where I am wishing harm against another, instead I will utilize a gray type of ritual, asking for the karma that they gave to me to be given back to them. The universe decides what it will do to that person based upon what they have done to me.

When the day and time comes that you are ready to conduct your ritual, you will have everything in front of you. Your mind and your emotions will be prepped. You can have a piece of paper and a pen on your altar or table, or wherever you decide to do this, remember there’s no right or wrong way. You can write the persons name up at the top of the paper. And as you stare at the name begin to visualize the individual that you want to target. You want to close your eyes after about a minute as you visualize them for 10 minutes. Do not allow any other person to enter into your mind. If someone else slips into your mind you will have to begin again. If you have a picture of this person you can stare at the picture instead for 10 minutes. I find internal visualization more potent for me personally. You can set a timer on your phone or whatever tool you use, just try to have no other distractions and turn your notifications off. If you are new at this and you find staring at a picture easier to begin with then do so. You can always work your way up to internal visualization. Allow yourself to feel their energy, you can always utilize your memory of their energy. Visualize and feel them. Think about your intentions for them as well as your intentions to cut this connection. During this time you may pick up whatever DNA that is attached to them or whatever they have touched. Again, this is not a requirement, it just adds more potency. Allow your fingers to run over the object as you visualize. 

You can do this with energy itself as well, if you’re not targeting a person, but instead a negative energy that has consumed your life. You would then visualize what has been happening to you and how it will end. How you will reclaim your power to control the energy around you.

Remind yourself when dealing with another that you aren’t wishing them any harm with this cutting, you are basically trying to take back control around your environment and yourself so that you will no longer have any negative lingering energy or have to deal with this individual for whatever reason. 

Near the end of visualization you will then visualize your life and how you will feel without this person. Most likely you will be filled with light energy and happiness. Allow those emotions to take over your whole body. As you   Inhale a deep breath imagine your whole body cocooning itself in a white healing, protective light. This is now your shield. After 5 seconds, as you exhale you are releasing the negative energy this person or the energy itself has held on you. Open your eyes and pick up the string or cord of your choosing and imagine yourself cutting ties to that individual as you snip or cut it in the middle. 

As you are doing this you may state whatever you wish. An example can be : “ I relinquish all ties to this individual (energy), they can no longer contact me or control me. They will forever be blocked from me and my life. So shall it be!” As you do this feel yourself as a very strong individual who won’t accept anything else. You can word your own ending phrase in any matter that you see fit.  Personally, this is normally the time when I will light a white candle and allow it to burn for 10 minutes. Some like to allow the candle to burn all the way down. Whatever works for you. I just don’t like to leave candles burning. If you are doing this in a controlled atmosphere you can even decide at this time to burn the individuals picture, piece of hair, business card… Etc. but you need to be extremely careful, as you don’t want to set your house on fire. 

After the ritual is complete, you may want to sage your workspace and your environment. Starting in the middle of the room and pushing the energy out of your window. Then sage your whole body. Try not to think about the ritual that you just conducted and re-focus your mind on something else. Any wonder, doubt or worry could cause the ritual not to work very well. I also personally don’t tell anyone when I conduct rituals because I feel as though their thoughts may damage the results in some way. I will record in a journal the details of the rituals that I conduct. Keeping note of the date, the time, possibly the moon phase, the ritual that I conducted, the individual that it was conducted on, what was used during the ritual and then the results. Most results occur within a month time frame. If you notice that nothing has changed you can after a month conduct the ritual again. 

I hope this has been helpful for you and if you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell 

Death and Rebirth! New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer 7/2/2019

The First thing I noticed looking at this chart was that it reminds me of a bridge. Long distance. Crossing over. Bridging the gap. Coming together.  This could be a bridging of a a connection together for some people who have stopped talking about 2-3 years ago or more.  Some could make plans to travel to see other. I’m getting “crossed wires”.  So if there’s been a miscommunication in the past this will be conversed about and situated.

Cancer rules Family and the Home, as well as what we can do to nurture others and our selves. We may feel a need to retreat to our homes or our own sacred space for rest and relaxation. While we’re in our own space we may pull out  all those beloved objects, Speak about people from our past as we look at old pictures, and share or think about memories that we treasure and hold on to for dear life. This makes us feel connected with someone we used to be, someplace we used to live, or loved ones who are gone.

Leaving our comfort zone, Managing our emotions, and transforming the meaning of what seems familiar or safe to us. I’m hearing “Risky Business” … that phrase pertains to anything when it comes to our Families and Homes and what we may risk in the process. Some may end up donating a trinket or heirloom that ends up being worth something.

Cancer is the sign on the “Mother”, so you may be dealing with issues surrounding your mother or mother figure at this time. You may also feel more like mothering others.

Since we have the North Node in Cancer as well, this New Moon is a Karmic one. We will focus on what is directly in front of us when dealing with our families, Eclipses give us a chance for a death and then a rebirth to occur. We will feel compelled to focus on what is directly in front of us. Sometimes, we will be in for quite the surprise around this time. There will be swift changes, mostly involving matters of family. You may have been feeling this coming on for almost two weeks. Your life is about to go through a readjustment of some sort. It is the time to look ahead and to resolve what has held you back.

Now I will go into the Elements…. The Video for this is down below if you would rather watch. 🙂

EARTH: (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo)

The first thing that I notice with you is 3 fives in your spread. This is a Very Challenging time for you. There are obstacles happening in your life being caused by other people. You have been either obsessing over this situation or feeling trapped to it. You are challenged via your emotions, finances, as well as being noticed (others not giving you the attention that you’re fighting/aiming for—- of not being heard). You are currently experiencing a loss or a disappointment in your life. You’re focusing on what went wrong and how you could fix it or what you could have done in order for things to be different. But, it’s actually a waste of time to do this because the only thing you can do is to move on… live in the present moment and create what you desire from here on out. Some of you have been wallowing.

I am noticing the bridge in the background of this individual… reminding me of the bridge I am noticing with the New Moon. Indicating to me that this new Moon is a Fresh start for you to be able to move away from this. Your words will be straight to the point and maybe at times “Cutting”. Due to past hurts or frustrations you have built a type of wall up in regards to protecting yourself. I’m seeing some of you, at this time, may be meeting with a Lawyer or someone who advises your next steps within the process. This is someone who can remain nonjudgmental and who can see the bigger picture. They have a lot of experience with what you’re going through or they’ve helped many go through this same scenario. Some of you could be going to a surgeon… but this is more of an internal surgery than Plastic surgery. I am getting the energy of cutting something or someone out for all of you. “It’s time to put this to an end”. 

I feel as though things have been stalled and this could be due to the fact that you feel as though you may lose even more. This has the energy of you feeling as though no matter which path you take or decision you make you will keep losing. This loss is about the loss of finances, financial support or support from those around you. This is about feeling alone and ignored. I feel as though for some of you that this is talking about you not getting what you need or desire from a specific person or people, and yet you do have others there willing to give you support, friendship, love, help… what ever it is… but you’re too focused on a specific person or thing… that you don’t see what you DO have. Because in essence this is you blocking your progress feeling like no one cares, when people do or would actually care. Give your time and attention to the ones who do care, or will care. Stop beating a dead horse.  It’s better to know than to sit in waiting for days, for weeks, for months… dragging something on… having the energy around you become heavier… you want this heaviness to disperse, clear and bring in nothing but truth and light.

 Going on what I initially saw with the 3 fives adding to 15, which is the Devil…. What you need to do in order to overcome what it happening, is to 9 of Swords…. Stop stressing, stop obsessing, stop over analyzing what is or what is not happening for you at this time. Easier said than done, right? Refocus on who is willing to be there for you, refocus on other support you’re being given, even if it’s not from whom you truly want. It’s as though you’re battling your own self with this as well. A part of you says “hey! Take notice of this other option or person” and another piece of you says (this is your ego) NO! I want this! I deserve this!… A state of denial, It’s you just lying to yourself. You most likely don’t realize you’re doing it. You may know this is done, this is over, this is fighting a losing battle, and yet you still want to continue “down this path”. A lot of you are trying to hold on to this fantasy of “Happily ever after” in regards to what you’re aiming for….

I’m noticing that in the five of cups, the five of Pentacles and the oracle of hiding your true self (this is also a 5)….all of these individuals are being draped in a type of shroud.  So this is the sign of protecting yourself.  I’m also noticing hands crossing the chest  as in a defensive stance of being not interested in what someone else has to say or offer.  This is about being too stuck on what you want instead of looking at other options. You basically want things to go your way and no other way. And because it’s not, it can cause anger and chaos around and inside of you. You will allow your emotions to build up over a period of time, this is seething energy, your thoughts are going around and around, making the situation worse than it is, this will anger you and cause you to explode on people or this other individual. Feeling as though you are in a hopeless position/situation…. As though you’re stuck in a web that keeps weaving itself around you with obstacles to overcome. This is difficult karma, with these numerous obstacles, You may feel as though this is bad timing or that time is running out. You may feel as though there is a threat coming form a group of people or that there are people against you in this situation. You may need to wait to rethink your strategy. Looking for an honest opinion, by someone who is trustworthy and honorable. For some of you this person could feel like family to you or be someone from your past, someone you’ve known a long time. The 4 of hearts carries the energy of harmony, of agreement and acceptance, so a solution will be found, conversed and worked on. Leading to your desired state of emotional fulfillment. For July, I am hearing the phrase “Begin again.”

WATER (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio): AS I was tuning in to you guys I got this image as though you were trying to enjoy yourself, indulging in enjoying the moment and fun. Of being Child like and carefree. You guys truly need this!! Others may shake their heads or scoff at you, but don’t let them ruin this moment of peace and enjoyment. You truly need this down time that you will be taking, if only for a brief time. You may be coming into July as disconnected or uninterested…. And this could be what I was seeing. I get the feeling that others don’t understand what is going on with you. It’s like they are used to you doing what needs to be done or required and expected of you, and now you just don’t care at the moment. Some of you are being offered another way to make money or a course to learn and you don’t want it. You’re very matter of fact with your responses as well. A straight out NO answer. No need for details or the reason behind the refusal and rejection. Most likely you have enough on your plate as it is. You have a goal in mind and you know that any excess time you have needs to be given to that specific goal. Some of you may even be refusing to take some time to yourself because you’re fixated on what you’re achieveing. Some of your refusals and No responses will be met with opposition. As in, you will have No choice in the matter but to take this opportunity.

There is an urge to gamble going on. The “risky business” spoken about with the New Moon Vibes is indicated here. It’s not always financial. Could be a physical longing. But you feel as though you just can’t risk it. You may not trust in it enough or know enough information to make an informed decision. But you will figure it out by way of your gut feeling this month. People see you as getting straight to the point , very curious. You’re contemplating on what you can do to change the course of events. I’m seeing you going completely internal. This has the energy of things moving very fast around you and yet you just stand there and not pay attention to it. You are standing firm, so firm that nothing and no one can knock you out of your spot. Some of you may need to prove yourself in some way very soon. Energetically, you’re gearing up for this. I can see you gathering energy from other individuals and with what is going on And it’s giving you more power. You know deep within that patience is needed at this time to get you where you want to be . If you were to carry the same energy as these individuals that I’m seeing you would burnout very quickly. I’m seeing people around you getting “bent out of shape”, some for no reason, others because they disapprove of what you’re doing. You guys will either be settling down or setting down roots somewhere else. 

There is success for you being obtained through all of this overwhelming stress and tension that you have been or will experience. It’s not “all for nothing” in this case! I’m seeing you guys becoming enlightened through this process. This will come through spending time with your friends or a small group of people where you can bounce ideas and experiences off of. This will cause you to feel as though you’re not alone after all. Remind yourself that what you’re about to embark upon creates a whole new experience and a fresh start. Gather any hope or faith that may have been lost. During this process you may have been scattered or confused… questioning yourself, who you are, who you have been? Even if you actually belong where you’re at… this can be with work, a group of friends, a group of people… you may realize that you’re different or that you have different beliefs than anyone around you… You will stay with these people or with this specific task for as long as you can bear it, but I truly see you coming to the conclusion that it is no longer healthy or right for you to stay where you are. The phrase I am hearing for you is “Correct your vision”… Which says to me that you need to fully see things clearly at this moment in time and situate a whole new life or a whole new atmosphere for you to now thrive in.

AIR (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra): Last month, you experienced a major purging in your life, and you may still be going through this. The energy of Wanting FREEDOM and Happiness comes through here…. You’re getting closer to this state. This also has the energy of just throwing off your clothes and throwing your hands up in the air “Fuck it!”. “I’m free! I’m finally free!” You’re wanting to openly communicate and let yourself be known and heard. “This is me- take it or leave it.”  Others see you as someone who has been through either a long process of achieving a goal or as someone who is worn down but strong and brave. You’re also being seen as cautious. Some of you haven’t made this AMAZING, revolutionary change just yet. You may have lacked confidence or faith. Other’s may be waiting on an individual to communicate to them- to help bring on this change. I’m seeing a lot of coming and going…. So there may be various people that you’re dealing with or who are helping you at this time. A bit of you lingers in the past.

Your mind is stuck on something of the past. You may be feeling a sense of regret…. Looking back at “what could have been” or “if only”… but that drains your energy, even if you’re only thinking about it for 5 minutes. You must stop yourself from looking at the past. You must try to live in the present moment with what you have, what you must do in order to better your life from here on out. When it comes to regrets, I personally have zero…. I no longer feel that emotion or torture my mind in such a way. I used to many. many years ago because honestly, it is a normal human trait to have. What I have learned is that you can’t change the past, you were meant to learn whatever it was, or even for things to go “wrong” because it was basically setting you on the course you were meant to follow. There’s no point sitting in the energy of “if only I would have passed that test then I would be where I want to be,”, ” If only my marriage would have went the way I dreamed of then we would be…” you get my point… It is NOT that way… you need to accept that fact. Not to be harsh about it… but it’s a waste of valuable time and energy, is what it comes down to. You don’t want to waste any more time than you have. You also need as much energy as you can to move forward. You start from this point on and plan ahead. Drop all notions of the past. Drop all lingering negative energy. This includes negative people for some of you.

Some phrases that may linger for a lot of you is “what if I am not good enough??”, “What if I fail?” or “What if I am rejected?”…. This is all due to past issues. Things went wrong then because it wasn’t meant for you. Or maybe for some of you this deals more with your conditioning growing up. The way you were made to feel by others. As though you had to sit down, shut up and take it. At times, you may have felt as though you deserved it for whatever reason. No one deserves to be put down, dismissed, belittled. Made to feel as though their thoughts and feelings don’t matter. Your Opinion and Emotions DO MATTER… and now it is time to take charge in your life and protect yourself from any negative people or negative patterns that you’ve been caught up in. I don’t know why I was hearing “Patterns”… but some of you may be stuck in a never ending cycle of abuse of some kind. You could be doing this to yourself. Abusing yourself with negative talk, abusing yourself physically… This holds you back. 

I am seeing you standing there, just WAITING for something bad to happen or for someone to come back and start shit with you again…. This is why you are being seen in a light of defensiveness or cautiousness. You may not even fully trust when things are going well… you’re just waiting for something to come in and mess things up for you. This could be the pattern of energy that you’re in. You have built up this wall of defense or you have this defensive mechanism that you’ve utilized for a very long time. Some of you even tell others things are fine, no problem, when things are not. You’re dying inside… but refuse to bring others into this energy with you. You’re very very strong at this point…. Even if you feel as though you’re not.

This is coming to an end… this will definitely come to an end once you make this decision to move forward. A lot of you are contemplating on a risk of some type. There could be an opportunity that comes in, especially for those that aren’t contemplating themselves on a choice to make…. There will be gifted to you a choice by the universe, because the pattern you’ve been stuck in has not been healthy, has not given you the opportunity to fully shine or feel as though Life can be amazing. You LONG for this sense of freedom. Life wasn’t meant to be THIS hard… you know what I mean? But blockages and challenges have caused the problems to continue much longer than they should.

It’s as though you’ve been forgetting yourself or pushing your own needs to the side to do for others or to do what others want… and now it’s time to truly think about yourself… your own desires, your own needs… you need to quickly and bluntly cut old ties and allow this new energy to come into being. Do a cord cutting ritual if you need to. If you don’t know how to conduct one of these feel free to send me a message. This cord cutting isn’t only with people… you can do this with energy itself. When you go through with this, you may deal with a battle from someone else. Toxic people do not like when someone sets boundries. Because they feel entitled. NO ONE is entitled to you or when it comes to you and/or what you’re doing. Block them if you must. Keep communication short and to the point. No need for a bunch of details. They can rattle off angrily about whatever they want. You can just walk away and refuse to hang out in that negative energy with them. Don’t be afraid to protect yourself. Refuse to acknowledge their bullshit. Fully focus on this new Path that you’re moving towards. Feel the excitement of it. Again, if it hasn’t shown itself yet, it will. Immerse yourself into the possibilities of what it will bring into your life. Any fear you feel, release it. Try not to have a specific outcome… let yourself go with the flow. For July… EMBRACE your New Path!!

FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): You are being shown as in a type of a holding cell for the moment. Some of you are sitting in the energy of what is going on around you or you’re feeling through your decision making process. You feel held back for some reason due to circumstances. There is a process that you need to go through and it hasn’t been a quick one. You are in a state of suspension and of surrender. You may be viewing things from all perspectives before continuing forward. Before making a move. You’re not only considering others at this time, you are also viewing your own self and how to make something happen. I posted a Song dealing with the energy of the moment over on, which is where I will post energy I’m feeling by means of music… and this Hanged man reminds me of the song ” where is my mind?” by the Pixies.

This is the main lesson for you to work through at this time. Once you’ve worked through this, the road becomes completely open. You’re attemtping to work yourself out of the box you’ve held yourself in. I can see this individual as slowly, working themselves out of what binds them. Air Signs were given this 9 of wands in the same placement, so you may have Air in part of your chart. Other’s see you as holding back. You are very determined and committed to the cause. You may feel as though you’re being tested at the moment. You guys have a very warrior like spirit and will fight others who try to undermine your self respect. I also see you being cautious in regards to other people. Sizing them up, to see if they will take advantage of you or not.

I’m noticing you guys have two 8’s which is about owning your power, as well as two Aces… The Ace of Swords speaks about honest communication… you will begin to own your own sense of power through what you say to others, ace of wands is Inspiration, you will even inspire others by what you say… Communicating what you are inspired about, Being passionate about your ideas…. Your communication is even coming across as very passionate and straight to the point. This is the time to find (through this hanged man phase) then release your power out into the world.

 I’m seeing that what may be blocking your goals or challenging you at this time could be this man for some of you… they could be a water sign – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio… or they are just someone who is apparently lost in their own world. They could be so busy and focused on their own work or on their own goals to cooperate and compromise with yours. I hate to say it but some of you are dealing with another who appears to be drinking often, If not drinking they are doing something in excess that causes them to go into a daze, live in their head, live within fantasies, and it’s not easy to bring them back to reality… to a state of stability. If this is you, then I’m getting this feeling of scattered energy, a need to delve more into your own intuition. To block out the noise. For some of you the challenge is family obligations, placing too much emphasis on doing for them instead of yourself. This is causing you to become extremely drained and spread quite thin. You need to lay down the law. Do not allow others to take advantage of you. Let them know what you expect from them and stick to it. You definitely need some time for yourself. All of this heavy energy of miscommunication and misunderstandings have gotten under your skin. It really has. You need to strike a balance here before you go “off the rails”  so to speak.

The way in which others have gotten through this is through continuing to focus on their goals and what they’re trying to achieve. Working at it and working at it while not allowing any distractions whatsoever. You have to be more disciplined, put in more effort. But at the same time it’s like you need more down time. That’s why you need to set these boundaries. You need that time to come back together to create a sense of peacefulness within yourself , a balance. To be able to focus on your goal. For July… Do NOT procrastinate! Get done whatever you’ve begun and don’t get caught up in the details. You’re calling in the storm. You’re calling in your own power back to you and with this wand hear you’re not putting up with anyone’s bullshit or distractions doing it. Set the boundaries and work towards your goal.

Blessed Be to you and yours!!

RJ Worrell

Earth Element (Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo) Full Moon in Sagittarius.

When the Moon goes into Sagittarius, get ready to hit your mark! Sagittarius is fire, fire brings in passion and Inspiration, as well as a creative vision. Our courage is boosted to go after what we want. Your main focus will revolve around what gives your life meaning. You will be honest and not afraid to speak the truth. You may fight against any type of restrictions that has been holding you back. Restrictions that haven’t allowed you to be completely who you want to be. You will break free from specific dogmatic situations and/or beliefs.

Within our lives we have been through of process of “doing something over and over”, that doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. You may have had big plans or specific endeavors that haven’t gone anywhere. Aiming for a specific target or having a goal where nothing seems to come of these plans or work that you have put into making them happen. For some, this could be because it was just talk, instead of action. If you look upon your life’s experiences as a lesson, this will help you to move onto the next stage. But, if you keep with this specific path of doing the same thing over and over again, then you will be met with having to prove yourself in such a way that you absolutely cannot. Either way, you need to change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This reminds me of the Tower in the Tarot. Abrupt and unexpected change in order to rid yourself of a false exterior or a foundation that isn’t truly built on solid ground. Masks coming off. Seeing the Big Picture. This is the energy of RAW and REAL. Honest communication is still happening at this time up until around the end of June.

I’m seeing that collaboration at this time is HUGE. A meeting of the minds to come together in order to get out of this energy of the cycle of insanity. Fresh blood and new ideas are taking place. Old ways of doing things will be replaced by updated methods. The union that comes together has the potential to birth such a change that will produce massive results. You will finally be able to get off the never ending spinning wheel that you find yourself on.

If you would like to see the cards pulled, you may watch the Video down below. 🙂

EARTH: Currently, Dear Earth Signs, things could be better than they are right now in your life. You guys are more than likely feeling challenged and have much to overcome or deal with before you can get some peace of mind.  You are bound to be feeling tired and drained and under pressure but you must not give up or give in. Instead, you might have to make some changes in the way you are doing things if you wish to achieve your goals. I believe I spoke about this “Cycle of insanity” in your June Reading.

You may be showing on the surface that all is well, but inside you don’t feel complete. I’m seeing some of you repressing certain aspects of yourself, as well as your opinions in order to fit a specific mold or to get along with other people. There is this energy where you’re not fully expressing yourself. Utilizing some form of Filtering techniques… either verbally or physically. You’re not saying what you truly want to say, you’re holding yourself back. You may feel as though you cannot be free with who you are or what you want to express or show to others. You may feel as though you’ll be shot down in a instant or ganged up on. You’re trying to “keep the peace” in whatever situation you now find yourself in. I’m getting the feeling that some of you are on edge a bit, worried that something will go wrong or something bad may happen, it’s as though you’re waiting for it.

You’re showing yourself as a very dedicated individual with a specific goal in mind or devoted to a specific person or task. You are Someone who has immersed themselves into something or will for the long haul. You may see your closest relationships and connections as extensions of yourself. Either you can learn something from these individuals or they can help you in some way in the future… they themselves may have connections.

You are blocking your progress by Being stuck in your head, stubbornness and unyielding energy when it comes to any discussion involving making some sort of a change to a situation. Because you want something to be a specific way and that is ALL you’re focused on. It’s like you will not tolerate any other possible outcome or option.

What you need to do is to stop obsessing over a specific outcome or over whatever this is that you just can’t seem to let go of. I’m feeling the energy of a type of control issue. You may be dealing with a control freak in your environment or you yourself have the tendency to be this way at this time. Some of you may feel trapped to a situation or you’re dealing with addiction of some sort. You need to face your demons or understand that you can get out of this restrictive mold you hold yourself in. Could be co-dependency issues for some of you. You have to break yourself free in order to be independent as you’re meant to be.

You can still have a voice and have your own opinions of course, but it would be wise to not be so controlling or aggressive about them. You NEED to speak your own truth and communicate your own perceptions, your own side to the story. DO so with integrity. In other words, be honest with yourself and others, when it comes to what you want or need and what you don’t want/need, tell it like it is and do not embellish to make it seem more than it is. DO the correct thing.

What you can learn from the outside world is that when one tries to or even attempts to control the situation it has the tendency to completely BLOW up in your face. You will find yourself becoming unhinged, experiencing nervous, mental or emotional breakdowns… this has the energy where you can completely destroy your life or a certain aspect of it. A ruined relationship with someone, a ruined reputation most definitely. So, you will want to “dial it back”. Organize your thoughts first before speaking, or organize your plans before moving forward.

With the Secret pocket oracle I am seeing that what is happening now is the result of a lifetime of choices that you have made, this has a karmic feel to it. Some will experience material gain with this situation, but only if they change up what they are doing. You are also going through, or will be experiencing an awakening of some sort. And with the Crow, you may be moving from one place to another… look out for criminal activity. With this Oracle the meaning of crow speaks about Bad news, but within my own symbolism, the crow is a message from your own guides, which is validated with your Guardian Angel oracle card. They are trying to get your attention. Birds that you may see repeatedly for a few days, such as canaries, Robin’s, Bluejays… are spirits who have passed over, but the Crow is your Guide, especially when your yard is covered in Black birds… it’s a VERY important message in your life from your guides. I get this feeling as though you are “waiting on a miracle”.

You received the rune of Fehu, which is the rune of fulfillment: ambition satisfied, salary received, fulfilled love. This rune requires a deep exploration of the importance of profit in your life. Caution and vigilance are necessary, especially in happy times. Even if there is a reason for celebration,  don’t be distracted by reckless bliss. Because, the position that you have fought so hard for and eventually won will now bring its own set of problems and burdens. You have to remain on guard and not rest on your laurels.

Hope you have a Wonderful Full Moon!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Air Element (Aquarius, Gemini & Libra) Full Moon in Sagittarius Reading.

When the Moon goes into Sagittarius, get ready to hit your mark! Sagittarius is fire, fire brings in passion and Inspiration, as well as a creative vision. Our courage is boosted to go after what we want. Your main focus will revolve around what gives your life meaning. You will be honest and not afraid to speak the truth. You may fight against any type of restrictions that has been holding you back. Restrictions that haven’t allowed you to be completely who you want to be. You will break free from specific dogmatic situations and/or beliefs.

Within our lives we have been through of process of “doing something over and over”, that doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. You may have had big plans or specific endeavors that haven’t gone anywhere. Aiming for a specific target or having a goal where nothing seems to come of these plans or work that you have put into making them happen. For some, this could be because it was just talk, instead of action. If you look upon your life’s experiences as a lesson, this will help you to move onto the next stage. But, if you keep with this specific path of doing the same thing over and over again, then you will be met with having to prove yourself in such a way that you absolutely cannot. Either way, you need to change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This reminds me of the Tower in the Tarot. Abrupt and unexpected change in order to rid yourself of a false exterior or a foundation that isn’t truly built on solid ground. Masks coming off. Seeing the Big Picture. This is the energy of RAW and REAL. Honest communication is still happening at this time up until around the end of June.

I’m seeing that collaboration at this time is HUGE. A meeting of the minds to come together in order to get out of this energy of the cycle of insanity. Fresh blood and new ideas are taking place. Old ways of doing things will be replaced by updated methods. The union that comes together has the potential to birth such a change that will produce massive results. You will finally be able to get off the never ending spinning wheel that you find yourself on.

You may find the cards I have used in your reading in the Video Down below. Plus, there is a special channeled message not transcribed at the end.

onto Air Element…

AIR: I’m seeing you being able to release a lot of anxiety that you’ve been dealing with or holding onto. There is something or someone who has consumed your waking moments. You’re at the end of a phase as well as experiencing a massively cathartic lesson. You are coming through a transition in life where you are required to let things END. This could be an ending to a relationship or tie to another. Some of you will be releasing the actual death of a loved one. This is an ending to a tie to a specific place. This is a phase that may seem a bit sad to you. But even if it is sad, you know that this needs to happen because the situation or the relationship with the individual is over. There’s nothing more you can do.

I’m seeing you surrounded with the energy of empowerment. I’m seeing a lot of you letting go of the old ways. You’re eyes are on the prize. A lot of you are focused on gaining financially. You want to make sure that you feel completely secure when it comes to your monetary situation. You may have a plan in place that you are working towards. Main energy here is of stabilizing yourself, your position, your place. You’re very serious about this or soon will be! You aim to feel good, to be surrounded in abundance, and to feel well taken care of.

” old habits die hard” I’m hearing as I flip the Tower card. You may need to completely change in the way that you think, or you may have to change a HUGE aspect of your life. This is defintely a life changing experience that you Air signs are focused on. Breaking down the barriers, or the walls. Rebuilding your life. Some of you are making or planning major Moves literally. This can also be metaphorically. You could be breaking down your own personal barriers, barriers you’ve held up in order to protect yourself or others, barriers that have held you back from being who you truly are. You’re going to break through this obstacle. Some of you in a dramatic kind of way. You’re transforming yourself and your life.

I’m seeing that you may need to admit to certain things that you have kept secret. You will reach out to and have the support of your friends or those that you feel can help to guide you. You’re not left completely without resources. If you have no where to turn or no one to turn to, then do some research. I’m sure you will find a solution that you never knew existed. You may be short on cash, or not have enough funds. There’s help out there. You can help yourself by being able to move to a much better state of mind in order to understand and see this new clarity.

With the Oracle cards from the Secret pocket Oracle I am getting that you may feel pressured by deadlines, The deadline could be by the next full moon for some of you, and that you’ll be branching out on your own in some way. I’m seeing you moving away, yet again… physically, this will help you both emotionally and mentally. It could be just a vacation on or near the water for some of you. When you doubt yourself or you think that there’s no way, just look at all the people that have been in your shoes who have proven that they can achieve Happiness and Success. All will be OK. Better than OK, actually. You will feel SO much better!! I’m feeling this great energy of FREEDOM. Have a goal set for a specific timeline, possibly by the Next Full Moon. Then you need to take action and Seek your freedom.

I pulled the rune of Gebo for you guys, but because I don’t like repetition since I pulled this for Fire signs, I pulled a second one as well. You may have Fire as your Rising or Moon, and vice versa. Gebo speaks about sacrifices and cutting through barriers, as well as exchanging power with one another. You also got the rune of Inguz…

This rune allows us to spread our energy out far and wide. It is a protective rune mainly for the protection of our homes. To use Inguz effectively we must learn to build up our powers over time and then release the power all at once.

Have a Wonderful Full Moon!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Water Element (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) Full Moon in Sagittarius Reading.

When the Moon goes into Sagittarius, get ready to hit your mark! Sagittarius is fire, fire brings in passion and Inspiration, as well as a creative vision. Our courage is boosted to go after what we want. Your main focus will revolve around what gives your life meaning. You will be honest and not afraid to speak the truth. You may fight against any type of restrictions that has been holding you back. Restrictions that haven’t allowed you to be completely who you want to be. You will break free from specific dogmatic situations and/or beliefs.

Within our lives we have been through of process of “doing something over and over”, that doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. You may have had big plans or specific endeavors that haven’t gone anywhere. Aiming for a specific target or having a goal where nothing seems to come of these plans or work that you have put into making them happen. For some, this could be because it was just talk, instead of action. If you look upon your life’s experiences as a lesson, this will help you to move onto the next stage. But, if you keep with this specific path of doing the same thing over and over again, then you will be met with having to prove yourself in such a way that you absolutely cannot. Either way, you need to change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This reminds me of the Tower in the Tarot. Abrupt and unexpected change in order to rid yourself of a false exterior or a foundation that isn’t truly built on solid ground. Masks coming off. Seeing the Big Picture. This is the energy of RAW and REAL. Honest communication is still happening at this time up until around the end of June.

I’m seeing that collaboration at this time is HUGE. A meeting of the minds to come together in order to get out of this energy of the cycle of insanity. Fresh blood and new ideas are taking place. Old ways of doing things will be replaced by updated methods. The union that comes together has the potential to birth such a change that will produce massive results. You will finally be able to get off the never ending spinning wheel that you find yourself on.

If you would like to see the cards pulled, I have included the video down below where you can see them 🙂

Now onto the Water Element:

WATER: You’ve heard of the term “Winning”… well, water signs… your term is “Owning”. You are focused so badly on this great achievement of owning what you desire. You want to come out on top! You want to possess what or who this is. If, it’s a person, please remind yourself that they aren’t an object and can’t be owned. They actually own themselves. I have to put that out there. It’s a bit of a personal trigger for me. It may be a specific object or objects that you want or try to claim as your own that you don’t want to share. I’m getting a bit of a “bratty” feel when it comes to some of you. AS in, “I don’t want them using or touching that…. It belongs to me!”, “This is MINE, not yours!”. Water signs, can get this way when they feel as though they don’t have control over a situation. Normally, you guys are very caring and love to give. So what’s going on, guys??

I’m seeing here that there is something within your relationship, the environment of where you live or where you work that has turned upside down. The stability that once was there causing you to feel protected and safe, is gone. Some of you may be going through battles within a marriage or battles with an individual that you lived with for so long over something that was yours… could be a family member who has things you want to claim as yours and you’re pissed about a sibling or other family member taking it or wanting it. You guys are going to “go off”… hard core, about what this is!! I’m seeing you being projected as an explosive individual. Yelling at the top of your lungs, arguing out of the blue… this has been simmering for quite some time, by the time that you explode. 

As I turn yet another card I see Unhappiness and disruption within a family unit… validation yet again. I’m just going to put this out there since I am reading in general here, that the explosion may not come from YOU, it may come from a loved one in your family. So then they would be LIVID at you for something you are taking away from them. You could be trying to walk away from them. I’m seeing Bad habits, deceit, abusive behavior. Then Manipulation, brainwashing, having control over someone or something… even how the situation will play out. You need to prepare yourself.

What you need to do to smooth this over and to overcome this obstacle being presented to is it to come to a compromise… share… “If you get to have that, then I get to have this.” Or ” You can have it at these times and then I will have it at those times”. This can also be about sharing custody of children for some of you. If you’re a teenager, you may have to share a vehicle with another sibling or parent. Just giving examples. You need to strike a balance in order to come to a harmonious solution using love. You have to look at things from the other’s perspective or you may truly care about this individual and you’re allowing a material object to come in between the two of you. For some of you, what you are arguing over you both love with all of your heart. You need to take that into perspective.

I’m being shown that you should practice, “Speak no Evil, See no evil, Hear no evil” This means that you shouldn’t solve this matter by being verbally abusive to the other, by showing signs of violence by throwing objects or physical abuse (there just may be innocent eyes watching causing them to have traumatic memories). You surely do not need to damage any relationship in your life that is meant to last your entire lifetime. When you are able to come to an amicable solution for all involved, then you may be surprised at what you will get out of the deal. It’s not like you will be left with nothing. You will definitely get something in the process and it will surprise and please you just as well. For those dealing with an abusive partner, get away as quick as you can. Give Them the Boot!

You received the rune of Eihwaz. This rune speaks about Defense and defensive forces. You are asked to gather strength during hard times. Perseverance and caution is required of you. Avoid future difficulty by doing the right thing and acting in the correct manner.

I Wish You all Well!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Full Moon in Sagittarius Reading for the Fire Element (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)

When the Moon goes into Sagittarius, get ready to hit your mark! Sagittarius is fire, fire brings in passion and Inspiration, as well as a creative vision. Our courage is boosted to go after what we want. Your main focus will revolve around what gives your life meaning. You will be honest and not afraid to speak the truth. You may fight against any type of restrictions that has been holding you back. Restrictions that haven’t allowed you to be completely who you want to be. You will break free from specific dogmatic situations and/or beliefs.

Within our lives we have been through of process of “doing something over and over”, that doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. You may have had big plans or specific endeavors that haven’t gone anywhere. Aiming for a specific target or having a goal where nothing seems to come of these plans or work that you have put into making them happen. For some, this could be because it was just talk, instead of action. If you look upon your life’s experiences as a lesson, this will help you to move onto the next stage. But, if you keep with this specific path of doing the same thing over and over again, then you will be met with having to prove yourself in such a way that you absolutely cannot. Either way, you need to change what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This reminds me of the Tower in the Tarot. Abrupt and unexpected change in order to rid yourself of a false exterior or a foundation that isn’t truly built on solid ground. Masks coming off. Seeing the Big Picture. This is the energy of RAW and REAL. Honest communication is still happening at this time up until around the end of June.

I’m seeing that collaboration at this time is HUGE. A meeting of the minds to come together in order to get out of this energy of the cycle of insanity. Fresh blood and new ideas are taking place. Old ways of doing things will be replaced by updated methods. The union that comes together has the potential to birth such a change that will produce massive results. You will finally be able to get off the never ending spinning wheel that you find yourself on.

If you would like to see the cards I have used for this reading then please watch the Video. I have transcribed the reading for those who would rather read. I have included the Video at the Bottom. 😉

FIRE: You are currently weighing up your options. I’m seeing that some of you may not be communicating about your process at this time. You are keeping it to yourself. It is as though you have this connection to the divine energy, like an antenna, and that is what you are utilizing as you move through the energy of each choice that you are considering. Does it feel right? Where would this lead you? You try to envision the future with each specific option. You don’t fully know your ultimate goal or where you’re being led to. You just know that you’re being nudged into a certain direction. Some aren’t sure of the direction. Other’s have an inkling as to which direction. But all have no idea about where this will ultimately lead.

Using your intuition as your guide and trying out various ways of doing things or being is best at this time. Try not stress when it comes to the end goal. I’m hearing, “Should I put my focus here? Should I put my focus there? Should I do this or do that?” At times you can be seen as scattered by the outside world who has NO IDEA what you’re going through or doing. It’s not for them to know. Keep your focus on yourself and what you are manifesting. The energy of what you are manifesting. Stay focused, stay grounded.

It appears to be not easy since you have One Major Arcana that is The Moon, Speaking about Deep Emotions as well as fantasy. You may find yourself emotional at times through this process and becoming highly intuitive, if not psychic about what it going on. Even if you can’t put the puzzle pieces together, you just know that this is something extremely important that may be hard to communicate to another, This could be why I initially see that you aren’t communicating about it. You don’t fully know what is happening either. You may be obsessing over a specific option, goal or a person that you have in mind causing you to not being open enough when it comes to other options or ideas. Focusing solely on one thing that you truly want and feel that it may be the only way or the only one.

You need to fully open yourself up to as many options as you can. There is never one strict pathway to attain your goals and desires. This has held you in a type of loop. You need to take charge and initiate some type of change in your situation. You don’t want to be stuck in this loop of never reaching your desire. You may need to kick your own self in the ass to get out of this.

For some of you I’m hearing, “don’t compete, join together.” Which makes sense for this Full Moon in Sag. No one is better than the other. What you can do in order to achieve your desires, is to communicate — reach out to others, get going with the options you haven’t tried or the actions that you haven’t yet taken. Reminds me of the quote, “The road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path.” Go down that road that you usually turn away from, or be open and willing to try something new that you haven’t yet!

I’m seeing that what you can learn from the outside world is this- We’re all afraid at some point. We all get nervous and try to ignore something that we don’t want to face at times. It causes us to put off making those hard decisions. But at some point we must move forward in order to go even further. In order to challenge ourselves even more so. In order to grow and feel complete. You need to see things clearly for what they truly are. Once you do, you’ll be able to follow that great call of change that you’re being nudged towards to find the satisfaction and happiness that you desire.

You have the overall energy of coming out of a state of solitude, as well as a state of healing. You are now going forward in life from a strong position of unification. Know that within your life that the energy is constantly changing and you need to be willing to become flexible and remain centered. Prioritizing your core values and beliefs (which are what YOU truly believe and not what you were told to believe), will provide a strong foundation to realign your energy, so that it stops being scattered. Create a boundary between who you are and what they want. Or where you end and the outside world begins. “Don’t adapt to your Audience. Speak your truth.”

When you feel tension or anxiety, all you need to do is take deep breaths to regain your own sense of perspective. You received the rune of Gebo, which speaks about sacrifice, cutting through barriers and exchanging powers… This validates the unification of coming together in order to either find a solution or create something amazing!

Have an Amazing Full Moon!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Earth Element – June 2019

Welcome to June, Earth Signs! This is for Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo! I cannot believe we are already halfway through 2019! Where have I been?  Where have you been? What has transpired in your life so far?? It’s insane that half of the year has flown by so quickly!! This year is a time for creative activity, for progressive planning and for decisive action. What have you been creating, planning and what actions have you taken thus far? The influence of what you begin this year takes you through the next 8! I have conducted a collective read and then went individually into each sign.

Collectively, I am seeing you casting aside all that once was and has been. You are taking action in your life to release what no longer fits and matches your energy or helps to inspire you and your goals. There will be celebrations once this action has been taken. I’m seeing a lot of you finding a whole new group of friends or networks who can help to elevate you. You have the Oracle card of Fire… Speaking about renewal, passion and positive transformation.

And now onto the Signs.

C A P R I C O R N: Your number that dominates is 3. I’m seeing here that you will grow through separation and possible heartbreak. You have one Major Arcana that tells me that you will have to cut your losses on move on. This is a situation in which a sense of unfairness is involved.

I’m seeing you being let down in the past. There were mistakes made that can’t be taken back. Disappointment. Guilt and regret. This could be from your partner or a individual that has been in your life for a very long time, if not a family member… then a friend. They could be a water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) or an individual who has this very compassionate nature about them. You are being challenged to not focus on what has gone wrong, you need to try and move forward, past this, move on. It’s not easy as you continually question what has gone wrong, why it has gone wrong and if only you could go back in time to fix this mess. You are currently waiting on a answer. I’m feeling that a lot of you want to be appreciated for your work, or effort that has been put into something or someone.  Anxiety seems to build in momentum as you wait. I feel like some of you are waiting to see if someone accepts your apology or if you will receive one. There is a message coming to you, if it hasn’t yet, filled with emotion… so this is the apology… but also the answer you’re waiting on. After this message is received, a separation takes place. There is this huge energy of you trying to stabilize and build upon something in your life… I feel as though, for many of you… this situation involves a relationship. Some of you are looking to get married or move in with your partner, while others are looking to fix their partnership/friendship with another. There is also this energy of being “Stranded”. Either someone has made you feel this way or you will do this to another… but I feel as though for most of you that you are left to feel this way. You weren’t expecting this to happen. It’s as though it has happened so quickly and now you need time to adjust. It is as though the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. You may be in a state of shock and now you’re required to rebuild an aspect of your life and yourself after this takes place. You are being told to focus on the adjustments that need to now be made. Focus on yourself and how you can come back to a place of peace. Work towards something very important for you, as this will help tremendously to get out of a saddened state. All is not lost. Things will get better in time. You will find yourself so busy by the end of June… and making decisions about where or whom to put your time and energy into, that naturally, you’ll be healed again. Stay strong, Caps!!

T A U R U S: You’re number that Dominates in June is my favorite!! The Number 8! This surrounds you with the energy of pure power! You have three Major Arcana, telling the story of you taking charge of your situation, going after your dreams, and being able to let the past go as you follow a “calling”.

In the past I am seeing a very negative individual. This person could be an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra), Possibly a woman, someone who manipulated and played mind games. One of the leading factors as to why this woman was so nasty to you is most likely Jealousy. I get this feeling as though they kept trying to mess with your head, mess with your life or what you were trying to achieve .And Now, you’re about to take back your power and put your foot down. I also see you blocking them out of your life.  This energy for those that weren’t dealing with such an individual… was you acting out in such a way because you were pissed off. Either concerning an ending of something or things not working out in the way you wanted them to be. This caused you to cut people out or dismiss them.

I’m seeing that you have these big dreams and goals you’re working towards. As you mold the future you want, you are also kept right here in reality. You know that there are certain things that must be tended to while you plan and weave your way into what you’re destined for. Your main focus for June will be about formulation of a new plan. For some of you, this is a job offer or a new phase that must be learned. But for all of you, this is an opportunity to create even more financial stability in your life. This is definitely a message you’re receiving when it comes to a money making opportunity. I am seeing that you will have to rise to meet certain challenges being presented to you in June. And to defend your goals and or belief system with what you’re trying to accomplish. You may have others trying to combat with you because you’ve achieved something that they desire. But keep in mind that you’ve worked your ass off to get to this point and they can kiss your ass, for all you care! 😉 You’ll be in a very high position at this point. It’s as though you are a level or two above them… it has the energy of a “witch hunt”… as you look down at them you can just blow them away like feathers. By the end of June you will feel called to forget all that has been and just follow where you are being compelled to go… This is major change when it comes to your personal status, career status and life in general. You will feel completely renewed.

V I R G O: The Number 3 Dominates your reading. Growth and Expansion through communication. There is also growth to be had through collaboration or cooperation. You have two major Arcana that tell the story about Moving on from a state where you felt nurtured and comfortable. For some of you, you have to leave this issue behind.

I’m seeing that you currently hold an intense desire to communicate and express yourself, but it is as though you are rejected, ignored or unable to voice your thoughts and emotions to another. Even if the other person is shutting you out physically, you may feel as though there is this unseen force preventing you as well. Those that are sensitive can sense this. There is this energy as though you were once sitting in abundance and then it was swiped from you. You may have been once the center of attention and now it seems like no one cares. Others are trying to get a project going and they can’t seem to get the funding for it, or for it to be approved. You need to have a stable sense of direction or more information before proceeding. Some of you may be dealing with a love triangle at this time.

In June, I see you working on letting the past go. You’ll see things in a whole different light that you couldn’t see previously. It will become so much easier this way. You may notice that you held yourself back, when you should have released yourself or when it comes to how you dealt with a certain matter or individual in this situation. This will come in as an epiphany. Out of the blue. It will allow you to release stress and tension. You will question why or how this certain matter is so damn important to you. Whatever you no longer feel you need, you will easily let it go. You will become more so aware of what is the most important factor in your life. I’m seeing you having this renewed sense of faith and energy after all is said and done. What you need to do is to look at this from an innocent point of view. You also need time to just live and have fun… to let loose, go out with friends, or to be around others that you once were close with. I’m seeing that some of you will meet up with old loves, or people you used to be friends with back in the day. They will help you to see things from a different perspective. A healing phase comes in by the end of June… and this is your cherry on top to finalize the details of your situation and state of mind. 

Have An Amazing June!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Air Element – June 2019

Welcome to June, Air Signs! This is for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra! I cannot believe we are already halfway through 2019! Where have I been?  Where have you been? What has transpired in your life so far?? It’s insane that half of the year has flown by so quickly!! This year is a time for creative activity, for progressive planning and for decisive action. What have you been creating, planning and what actions have you taken thus far? The influence of what you begin this year takes you through the next 8! I have conducted a collective read and then went individually into each sign.

You have a WHOLE NEW BEGINNING in June! By the time I got to the sign of Libra, I thought to myself that the Air Element should just read the WHOLE thing for this month! SO shall it be! You guys will have quite the offer to experience life like you used to a long time ago. Where you felt more free to be as you want to be. The days when you would spend many hours with good friends, having a great time, no excess pressure, no worries, no stress. There is Good news coming for so many of you this month that will make you guys go Celebrate!!! It’s party time! Security within love and Finances is coming! You had the oracle card of Trinka Five show up— Manifesting money and income. AS well as the phrase, “You bring light to this world.” This phrase reminds me of a poet. Sonnets. Lyrics. You could be creating music for another or “making music” with another… as in love making. I glance over at the card of FIRE… This heralds new life, renewed passion, and POSITIVE transformation. It’s going to be an amazing June you. Guys!!

A Q U A R I U S: The Number 8 dominates your reading. You have 3 Major Arcana… one of them being Strength which is the leader of the 8’s in the Tarot. Damn right you’re going to be strong this month!! Damn right you’re about to ROAR! You guys are ready to just take off— go out into the world—EXPLORE… You don’t care about anything but your own adventure! That’s not to say that you don’t care about anyone or anything, you’ll just feel SO free… as though you are breaking free from the chains that have bounded you and held you down. It’s like you’ve been held back for so long, repressed…. You’re coming out of a cage like a Lion ready to take on anything that comes your way. A complete and total breath of fresh air. Breathe it in, Baby!!!! Newness is all around you!

I’m seeing you coming from a situation that has been going on for a long time. It was a lesson for you. You had to keep your wits about you, not disclose much, behave yourself… so to speak. This took a ton of energy out of you. You had to remain very strong. To practice total determination, Having courage to face your ordeal. You may have had to make a huge push to get something done… or to get another individual to agree to something that you wanted and fully believed in. Inner strength felt within your physical presence. This helped to keep giving you motivation to forge ahead, even when you felt you had low energy or a lack of interest. Now, the energy is TAKING OFF! Full steam ahead. There will be lots of communication and possibly many different errands to run or tasks to complete. I’m seeing you filled with excitement and becoming very passionate about what you’re about to embark upon. There is exciting news coming in for some of you that will give you the kick in the ass that you require.

In June you will be focused on COMPLETION. You are going after your dreams and aiming to fulfill your destiny.  You want to celebrate all that you’ve been through and what you are about to welcome as your new reality. You have a great ability to be able to manifest what you desire at this time just by your positive thoughts and actions. There may be a brief period of conflict for some of you before you’re able to turn your page to a new chapter. I’m seeing you needing to communicate straight forward honesty when it comes to the struggle that you’ve had to work through. I also view this as a cutting of the cord, the past  that bind you, the past that needs to be released. Be careful with what is done and said… there is an energy of creating enemies. That’s not to mean that you should become a type of punching bag, or welcome mat that gets trampled all over, you definitely need to state your peace and to stand your ground. I’m seeing you receiving insight into your issue, clarification. You’ll also be able to give your side of the story to others. Some will take it well, other’s are too far into their heads to listen. Don’t try to change their minds. That’s not your job. Nor, should you do what’s best for them in this situation. I’m seeing you having to just give up what you’ve been juggling. There’s this energy of trying to hold onto things or trying to appease several individuals…. This could be you and another… nothing is working out this way… so fuck it. You’ll just be like “Ok, no problem… I don’t need it anyway… next!” because your main focus, is turning this page… so anything that may appear to hold you back at this point will not be worth it to you. You have your eyes set on something new…. It’s time to grow! It’s time to reinvent yourself and your life. Welcome to the PURGE.

G E M I N I: The Numbers One and three dominate your reading. Growth through change. Growth through expansion of self. You are at the beginning phase here. I’m seeing that you have an energy of delay., there is something preventing you from moving forward. You have three Major Arcana telling the story of irrevocable change coming in, Destiny surrounding you, and a sense of being on the precipice of a new chapter.

In the past there is an Earth sign (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) that is giving you advice and support. For some of you they are helping you out financially. For other’s, this person is trying to help you to gain back a sense of balance and stability, They are protective of you. Even if this isn’t an earth sign in your life, they have this energy about them where they want to take care of you in some way. They see that you’ve gone through something traumatic or dramatic and now they aim to guide you. I’m also seeing this as You needing to make major changes to your lifestyle. This could be brought on by outside influences. When this type of change comes in it happens because the way in which you’ve been living hasn’t been very healthy or productive for you and so you need to change up the energy. If you don’t change it yourself… the universe will in any way it deems necessary. I’ve said this many times before and I will say it again… it most likely will not be in the way that you will feel comfortable with. It will actually, disturb you for a brief period of time. Not to scare you, but you will be glad once it is over that this has actually taken place. Your situation ends up on a much more level footing. Your life and yourself becomes more grounded. More stable. Peaceful. You’re able to move on. I also see that you have been taken care of financial matters as well and trying to get everything back on track. Taking care of your environment, the people in your home, those you care about and only giving to those that truly need your help. But for some of you I see that you have been taken advantage of. It is these people that you must cut the ties to. They aren’t giving back. You deserve so much more.

Once you do release this person or individuals from your life… tough love… I’m seeing a New opportunity coming in. As always, once we release old, stagnant energy, we open the doors for something new. It is our resistance for the unknown, that holds us back. Trust me when I say that you will want to break free of any shackles and welcome in what is coming. Your main focus for the month of June is to get out of your current situation. You need to focus on the road ahead of you and not what once was or any failures that may have taken place. To, me there is no such thing as a failure. There are lessons to learn. We grow from these!! Don’t prevent yourself from growing… release and allow it. Welcome it.

Your Oracle cards speak about Promises that never seem to come true, Empty words being said, and not Living in the present moment. Don’t live in the past, like I said. Move on. If someone or a situation is a repetition or a record that just keeps skipping and skipping over the same chord …. If you’re anything like me then you would take that record and throw it across the room like a Frisbee. Do this with the energy of your situation. Just don’t wait for it to come back. If it does… DUCK. You don’t want it. The Oracle card of Pure Nature speaks about Blooming and freshness… validation. And then you had the card of Jupiter show up… several others have had this card as well… this is Doors swinging open for you. Welcome the Doors!! Throw out the trash. 😉 Your reading ends with the Wheel of Fortune… Do I have to say anymore? It’s time to change your destiny.

L I B R A: You Libra’s don’t have a dominating number. This means that your situation is pretty much up in the air. It will become what you make of it. You have Two Major Arcana here tell the story about being unleashed. I see you getting yourself out of a state of limbo by cutting cords and leaving certain shit behind you.

I’m seeing in the past a Water sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio). This is someone coming in trying to romance you with visions of what they want to do with you. Well, you’re too damn busy and focused on work or putting in a ton of effort trying to make your dreams come true. It’s the energy of, “You again?? With THAT again??”… You don’t have time for their bullshit. Your dreams are a reality and their promises have yet to pan out. You don’t feel like playing games anymore.

If this isn’t another individual, it could be you who has been stuck in dreams and fantasy about what you would like to happen, instead of taking much action. I’m seeing that changing for you. Your state of limbo is coming to an end, if it hasn’t already. You know now that the time has come to become as devoted as possible to “the cause”… your dreams, your goals. A dream can’t become a reality unless you make it a priority and have some type of timeline. You may have spent way too much time projecting the future. It is as though you’ve had an epiphany that snaps you back to the present moment and now you know you must focus solely on working hard, promoting yourself and reorganizing just how you work through each task. Now you have a set plan in place.

Some of you have someone watching you. Especially, if you’re on social media showcasing your project, your piece of art, your business. They love what you’re doing and may become quite the fan of yours. You have no idea they are doing this though. They could be hiding behind an alias, or have you bookmarked to follow anonymously. I’m seeing that Communication will be your main focus in June. You’re aiming to be as authentic as possible. With everything you say, every thing you do. You’re over daydreaming. I’m hearing, “Cut the Shit!”. It’s as though there is someone trying to speak with you and they seem to be stuck in their emotions, they may even be venerable, but what they are saying is tiresome to you. This is going back to what I saw initially with the Knight of Cups. I feel as though you’ve heard this before. It may not even of been by this same person in your life, but you’ve heard this tale before and you sick of hearing and living within “Disney.” Grrrr, this F*cking fairytale again?!?!? It’s pure frustration!! You don’t care for it anymore, you want the truth, you want a straight forward answer at this point. You refuse to settle for less. This is it! The moment you’ve been waiting for. Answer ME NOW, dammit! Yes or No! This could be someone else to you though. But I believe you both feel the same way…. Wanting to know the truth at this point. Tired of the facade. You are advised to let go of the past as well as so many signs for June. This is your lesson at this time. This is the type of release where you can’t go back. I believe that all of the air signs should listen to the whole reading at this point.

I’m glancing at your Oracle cards and one is titled, “It’s always Teatime!”… Eternity, endless moments, REPETITION. Does it ever change? Does it ever get better?? Being stuck in a loop is where you’ve been, and where you could still be. It’s like Ground hogs day, Libra! You truly desire to shake things up… or this other person does. (if you’re dealing with someone else). I’m hearing “Toxic waste”. Looking at the oracle card of “Weaving Flowers”, the keywords standing out “Integration”, and the line that states, “She is calm and concentrated on her work” is reminiscent of the 8 of pentacles here, where you’re devoted to what you are trying to create in your life. You are currently in the midst of weaving a new type of dimension for yourself… this is metaphorically… but this is how MASSIVE the work that you are doing is at this point in time. Even if things seem like a never ending cycle. AS you continue to eave your own web in life you are actually creating a new pathway to follow. What doesn’t belong needs to go. Whether this is by natural forces or physical actions.

By the end of June, I see your growth. Only this time you will see IT coming. Them coming. You are facing them. They are ready to come in and fight. You are calm. You feel strong. You’re also understanding and you see them as you would someone that doesn’t know what they are doing. You may see them like you would a child or a teenager. They know not of what they do.  But you won’t fight them back. Not because you can’t or you’re afraid… but because you’ve come a long way and matured. They way you act, will soothe them. They will lower their sword. The issue will be resolved.

Have a Wonderful June!
Blessed Be to You and Yours!
RJ Worrell


Water Element – June 2019

Welcome to June, Water Signs! This is for Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio! I cannot believe we are already halfway through 2019! Where have I been?  Where have you been? What has transpired in your life so far?? It’s insane that half of the year has flown by so quickly!! This year is a time for creative activity, for progressive planning and for decisive action. What have you been creating, planning and what actions have you taken thus far? The influence of what you begin this year takes you through the next 8! I have conducted a collective read and then went individually into each sign.

I’m seeing the collective opening up in June. There is this energy of holding on tightly to something that you don’t want to let go of. But this quick and transformative change comes dashing in to rearrange the environment surrounding you. Some of you may have a visitor coming to you- A mother Figure. Other’s will begin to open up to the possibilities of creation. There is travel and movement to distant places. If you have been refusing to budge know that what transpires puts you right on target with where you need to be on this specific path. There is a major goal to have harmony within your home and when it comes to friendships.

C A N C E R: The number 6 dominates your reading telling me that you’re aiming to create a sense of peace and comfort within your life. You have Two Major Arcana speaking about taking matters into your own hands to get what you feel you deserve.

You will have a conversation about information that you have learned, either through speaking with another person or finding this out for yourself. I feel as though most of you had to wait to have this communication come through in order to feel more confident and secure about what message you wanted to relay and get across. You definitely are trying to gain a sense of stability at this time. Aiming to “get ahead of the game”. Most of you will be feeling good at the moment, but yet you desire more. You’re not quite there yet…. Where you want to fully be. Some of you may have to prove yourself in some way to be able to advance in prosperity. Try not to be too fixated when it comes to your views and be open to new ideas and situations. Stop resisting and let go of any fears that you may have.

There is financial gain and recognition surrounding you in June. You’re looking forward to coming out on top and being declared the winner or at the very least feeling like one. You must continue to work as hard as possible at this time to achieve what you desire. The only way out of your current situation is to continue forward and to devote more time and dedication than you would really like. It won’t be this way forever. This is just what I am seeing that you have to do for now. Don’t give up or else you may have to start from the beginning again. You don’t want to lose all of the effort that you have put in so far. Try not to feel entrapped by this situation. Instead, utilize this time to see this as an opportunity to gain more strength within yourself. You will end up inspiring others, who will admire your dedication. You will receive what you’ve put into this. So definitely don’t give up!!

P I S C E S: The Number 5 dominates your reading. This speaks about Changes. There are Challenges brought on by other people and you’re trying to gain freedom from oppressive situations. I am seeing one Major Arcana that tells the story of how it is your turn to create your set of rules and traditions to live and abide by.

I feel as though you want to connect to someone but you feel held back. You want to communicate and come together in agreement. This could be an individual that you already know who you haven’t spoken to in a while. For other’s this is about meeting someone new. But, I’m seeing a “falling out” occurring when it comes to a group of friends. I believe you had a message similar to this for the month of May. This energy is carrying over into June. You will want to reconcile your differences, or at the very least not end things in a negative manner. You don’t want to cause hurt feelings or to have any type of enemy. I’m seeing that you refused to even think about or consider this situation and/or individual… as though you put it off to the side and decided just to ignore it and focus on other things. I’m seeing this imagery as though any time your mind wanted to drift to this other person, you would fill any type of silence with excessively speaking about just anything and everything that came to mind. As though you were trying to dominate through use of words, instead of welcoming any type of intuitive download or thought about them to creep into your thoughts. It’s almost as though thinking about them was some type of torture. There was Guilt, there was regret, there was a feeling of betrayal… too many nights spent overthinking this situation.

I feel as though there is one specific individual out of the group who you didn’t realize was being sneaky and telling lies, and spreading rumors. But you sure as hell found out, or will if you haven’t yet. This is a pretty nasty person. Two faced. I feel as though they are envious of you… envious of what you have. Jealous of your power. I’m seeing mind games being played upon you by this individual. Them trying to amuse themselves by provoking you. There is tension and a sense of restriction. You won’t stand for this anymore. You’re about to do what you must do in order to take back control and regain something or someone you once lost due to this person. You’re going to focus completely on how to organize a specific plan. (for some of you I’m hearing “A plan of attack.”) I’m seeing sacrifices and compromises being made. A whole new Beginning and a fresh start waits for you in June, Pisces!

S C O R P I O: You guys have 3 numbers – 3, 5 and 7 dominating your reading. This is Growth through external and internal challenges being presented to you. It is the External challenges that will test your internal self. External challenges are brought to you by other people and outside situations where you feel as though you don’t have any control over the matter. You also have 4 Major Arcane telling the story that you must take lead in your situation, that you have the power to work through these obstacles, to heal, to compromise, to gain peace to this situation, through observation of the various scenarios that you need to impliment in order to create the success you desire.

I see that you’re coming from a place where you have been through a very long process of trying out different solutions and making compromises within your situation. Knowing when to be soft, when to be tough. When to speak and when to back off. Some of you were quite dedicated to continually trying to improve yourselves. This took a lot of control, though not forced control. There were readjustments that had to be made. I’m seeing that you gave up the “fight”, you’re giving up putting anymore effort into the situation. You feel as though it has been “all for nothing”. What you were working towards didn’t pan out. You’re focused on the fact that things didn’t go your way. It saddens some of you and you’re disappointed. You are required to learn from your mistakes at this time. You must aim to make sense out of what you are left with. I’m feeling a bit of resistance when it comes to moving on. Even, when it comes to reflection for some of you… you just don’t want to face what is happened or has happened. You have a desire to go back in time and change the course of events.

In June, you will be spending time in suspension. This is a time when there isn’t much action being taken, most likely on your end of this situation… you are stuck in a state where things are happening around you that you have no control over. Some of you may feel helpless. “Hands tied behind your back”. You feel as though there is nothing you can do. Others will willingly put themselves in this state so that they can analyze more fully to get the bigger picture in order to understand just what it is that needs to be done. This is a transitional period in your life. This is HUGE for a lot of you. I’m hearing, “Just let it go”… Deep breaths… just let it go. Let go and allow what needs to happen. I am seeing that you anticipate problems arising, and so you will make plans and gather information in order to try and prevent even more issues from popping up. You’re not only going to have a plan A, but also a Plan B and C. This is how prepared you want to be. I’m seeing dishonesty coming from this situation since some of you feel as though that is the only thing that may help you. Try to be as honest as possible in June. You may not get exactly what you want, but you won’t lose completely. Even if things don’t work out in your favor, you don’t want to be seen in a bad light when all is said and done.

Have a Wonderful Month of June!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Fire Element – June 2019

Collective for the Fire Element

Welcome to June, Fire Signs! This is for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius! I cannot believe we are already halfway through 2019! Where have I been?  Where have you been? What has transpired in your life so far?? It’s insane that half of the year has flown by so quickly!! This year is a time for creative activity, for progressive planning and for decisive action. What have you been creating, planning and what actions have you taken thus far? The influence of what you begin this year takes you through the next 8! I have conducted a collective read and then went individually into each sign.

The collective read for you guys was straight to the point! Now, I normally do not conduct love readings, even though they are the most fun and interesting to conduct. I don’t focus solely on that topic due to the fact that not everyone is involved with another, but most individuals do have a job, have a career, have friends, and deal with everyday life. However, the collective read automatically tells a Love story. It’s more like a swift one. I am seeing this coming together of two people who are meant to be…. spontaneously. Most of you will make love with this person, as we have the oracle card about cleansing and purifying the physical body, which straight out says – Orgasm. I minds well be blunt, right? Some of you will create a baby with this “Enchanted evening- The Perfect Night” oracle card, but thankfully not all of you will. That would be nuts. Lol

For other’s this speaks about creating something new with another. You both see eye to eye on whatever this endeavor is and through this project your “baby” will be born. This is like a new Business happening here. A very creative Business. Something the both of you will LOVE.

And now I will go into each sign for the month of June…

A R I E S: The number 3 is dominating this reading. As well as 3 Major Arcane…. Telling the story about releasing the restrictions and turning the page in your life. A new Chapter has fallen upon you. You are taking matters into your own hands. What you do with your creation is up to you. You have the ability to make your dreams happen, and for you to bring about this great sense of stability and abundance into your life. Great expansion is occurring with each step you take.

The decision that you’ve been holding back on is no longer. You will rip off that band aid and move forward with NO FEAR. There is this essence of “pulling the trigger.” It’s as though all of your worries and cares don’t matter anymore, or that you’ll just become more than willing to take that chance that you’ve been putting off. I feel like this is a chance for discovery. A discovery of YOU, a discovery FOR you… A lot of you are attempting to see just what You’re made of! You refuse to hold yourself back in fear any longer. Your curiosity holds quite the opportunity for you. A lot of you have already taken the steps forward… venturing out of your comfort zone. And yet, there is something HUGE that is still missing. A Big piece to this personal puzzle. Something wasn’t quite right in the past and so many of you didn’t achieve what you wished you would have… this is So far from over yet, it’s not even funny. I am getting this energy of being trapped or stuck to a particular cycle. And I feel as though for most of you it is You yourself that has held you here in captivity of some sort. It’s True, that there may have been an individual or circumstances… obligations or promises that you have made to a situation, another person or other people, but it’s time to cut that cord. It’s time to focus on what will bring YOU what YOU desire.

For June, you are focusing on your ULTIMATE achievement. Your Main goal. You want this closure, this ending, this finale… whatever it may be for you, to happen. You want to feel this massive sense of Success. Like, “I finally did it!!!”, “I officially conquered what I set out to do!”, “It’s Mine!”. The world speaks about graduating from one phase and moving on into another. A higher level. I see some of you graduating from high school (not to be obvious since Yes, that happens in June normally), Some of you are ending a semester in college, others are finishing up internships, then we have some of you beginning to work towards your dreams and passions, getting the word out there, showing yourself, Not allowing another to take your power and beginning to Own Your own power, creating social media accounts, beginning businesses,  or even forming an allegiance to another.

Glancing at the Oracle cards I pulled for you, Aries… I am seeing “The Art of Seduction”, “Secrets”, “Desire”…. Then I glance at the Devil, which is also about seduction and desires…. I am also noticing that the woman in the World card, dances naked and free staring at the man in the devil card, who is glancing at her, but he is chained and bound. In the Art of Seduction, the man is being whispered to by a woman, and yet instead of looking at this woman, he is looking off in the distance as though he is thinking of another. He is taking in what he is being told, he is digesting the information. I’m also seeing with this that some of you are being told secrets about a situation involving another. This could be a secret told to you by someone you can physically see and interact with, as well as your own spirit guides. I feel as though this sense of longing that you have is coming to an end. What has held you back from going to this other person or beginning this dream that you have will be worked on then released. You will unchain yourself from this other person, or situation to be able to head in the direction of whom or what you Desire. Communication, as well as a bold action needs to be taken. So take your curiosity for discovery and mold it into what you desire. Know that your life is yours to Live and to Experience!

L E O : The Number one dominates your reading, indicating being at the start of something in your life. You have two Major Arcane, telling the story about how you have been in an deep introspective phase in your life. Working through the mysteries that have held you back for so long. You will now bring out into the open what you have learned. Through this you will then create your own type of master plan to bring complete abundance into your life. Trust within yourself to stabilize and secure your world. There is a massive energy of protection surrounding you in June.

“My Dear Friend, You can’t go back to Yesterday…. Stay in the present.” You are being told to steadily work forward. You’ve been on this particular journey for quite some time. You are building the foundation to achieve something much greater than ever. I am seeing that you may have dropped any plans that you were going to implement. They didn’t seem fair or right to others. Or they didn’t seem to hold quite as much value as you once thought they would. Some of you, may have decided to drop these ideas because you don’t need them as much since something else has come in to offer you just what you needed to begin with. I’m seeing a partnership being formed for some of you. They are the yin to your yang. You compliment each other. Where you may not know as much about a particular topic, they do, and vice versa. Whatever is it, you definitely compliment each other.

For other’s, I am seeing a loan being granted, if you are in need of financial help. You may have been trying to put off payments, or work out payment plans in the past and you never seemed to get ahead. But that is officially over. You spent time trying to gather information in the past before moving forward as well. You are trying to secure your position, But you want to do this in the right way… a fair way, not in any type of underhanded way. You don’t want to mess with anothers energy or life. You don’t want to bring about disruption to another. You want this to be equal and balanced. You may have been off kilter in the past, but you are also learning to become more grounded. This is very imperative to stay this way as you move forward with your plan.

Some of you are dealing with an Earth Sign (Capricorn, Taurus or Virgo), or you will be “greeted” by someone who has the ability to help — I’m hearing “fund your life” though I know this is not for all of you. This individual could be a very influential person (most likely a man), who has secured their own life in some way. They come into yours (they could already be involved in your life), but they come to you to offer any help they can. This is where the protection lies. You are shown as having the ability to create whatever you desire, but you also have this person here who adds an extra benefit to your situation. Expect doors of opportunity to swing open for you.

S A G I T T A R I U S: The Number One dominates your reading. Just like the Sign of Leo, you are at the beginning phase of something in your life. Three Major Arcane tell the story about how this change and transformation is inevitable. As I was looking at your cards, I smiled to myself… Pulling the Death, the page of pentacles, the Wheel of Fortune, then the last two of Temperance and Ace of wands, both in reverse. I heard the screeching of wheels come to a dead stop! Then I turned one of the three oracle cards over and saw “New Directions”. Bingo!! I didn’t want to go too much into the story of the three cards as I am now going to tell you the full story.

You are headed in a specific direction. You have certain goals in mind, projects that you want to work on, but they may not pan out in the way that you envision. In the past I am seeing that you had to put your emotions to the side and get “down and dirty” into the details of a situation. You had to just cut out the bullshit and get straight to the point. Communication about the why’s and the what’s had to happen. Some of you had this conversation with an Air sign (Aquarius, Gemini or Libra), this person was most likely a woman. I get this feeling as though you are being advised by this individual about what you must do in order to achieve this new path that you will be taking. Some of you will be learning something new… through a course of study, or a new job title. This is going to change your life— I’m hearing the “luck of the draw”, One of the next lottery winners will be a Sagittarius (not something I say often if at all!).

What you are about to embark upon will change your life… There is a delay, yes…. Caused by a sense of trepidation. Because I’m feeling that something is going to happen or come in that changes the course of what you are attempting and this was validated by the “New Directions” oracle card that I pulled for you. Your advice when this happens is to remain as calm as possible. Don’t let this change cause either an emotional chaos within you or don’t go all out with your plans… you still have to move forward in moderation. Watch yourself. Don’t become impatient. So, if you do win the lottery don’t go out and tell the world, don’t post it on facebook, don’t shove it in someone’s face, because it will backfire. That’s a huge example I am giving though since only one person (maybe a couple) will win. Keep yourself grounded as much as you can with whatever this change is. Keep yourself HUMBLE. For a better example, if you do get promoted or say given an award for something, don’t laugh in someone else’s face about it. You could definitely end up regretting that.

An old part of your life is definitely being abandoned to enter into this new chapter of yours. In some ways, it may be bittersweet about what or who is left behind, but this has to take place since the energy in your life has become so stagnant. Welcome it, and don’t be afraid to accept it when it comes.

Have a Wonderful month of June!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Momentous Change! Full Moon in Scorpio May 18th!

Welcome to your Full Moon in Scorpio arriving on May 18th. As I was tuning in I heard the song “More Than Words Can say” by Alias. Water signs being very in depth and in tune with their emotions, sometimes gut wrenching emotions…. Feeling this shift hard core. Not only is the Full moon in Scorpio, but Mars went into Cancer and Lilith went into Pisces. Both are hard transits. Lilith stays in Pisces until 2020. With the Moon being in Scorpio it creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You will desire meaningful emotional communication now more than ever, even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many aspects in your life or a particular sector. Shallow relationships will not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough. You will want an intensely deep connection now.

Cancer being at one degree Speaks about Momentous change occurring. Mars is all about action and change… the sign of Cancer is cautious and slow moving… we have a bit of a tug of war going on. Something that once stood as part of our life is changing during this transit, whether this change is something you desire or not. This will challenge your position and/or beliefs. Some of you are the initiators of this change, while others are taken for a ride. So, if your specific change deals with a relationship, you are either the one that wants the relationship to come to an end, or the one that can’t avoid this end by another. Not all of these endings are bad. For some of you, you will be at a new beginning in your life where a change comes in and elevates you to the next level. For instance, you are sought out/found and given a Promotion or a new Job title that puts you where you want to be. Some will be very happy with this new shift, while others will feel ignored. With this Scorpio action there is an energy of shock occurring that has been building up for quite some time. If you’ve been very observant about what is transpiring in your life then you won’t be as surprised as others when this shift occurs. We will all be required to make the necessary adjustments and commitments of some kind.. We need to clearly state where we stand and what we stand for.

You will notice during this time that you or other’s will become more so demanding of attention. They will cause such a ruckus that it will be hard to ignore them. It is like a child throwing a fit and screaming at the top of their lungs in order to get their way. Or smacking you with a toy on your head over and over again until you take it away. It will be annoying and exhausting for the one who has to endure this other individual. They are seeking validation when they really need to look inside themselves and find their own sense of worth that they are lacking. This also goes for obsessively constant attention seeking on social media. Get ready for a ton more selfies being posted, guys.

For some, you will be either be showing off your own achievements or work and feel like it was all for nothing. You may feel as though you don’t get the feedback that you should. You need to understand that at this time it’s not about what you get in return… what the true benefit is about is that you are helping in ways that you can’t see or ever imagine. For example, what you do might help others to change their lives or make them feel better about themselves. You could be a guiding light for others.

The ruling planets at this time are Saturn, Venus and Jupiter. Saturn is in Capricorn, and since it rules the sign of Capricorn the energy is very powerful with this placement. Both the Negative and postive qualities will be emphasized. This will cause you to feel dedicated and unmoving when it comes to your wants, but you may appear to be demanding to others. This placement can also seem to place obstacles in your path to work through. Which also plays a part in how you react. Who likes constant obstacles? No one… it makes us aggravated when we’re trying to achieve success of our desires. Saturn being in the 10th house is very beneficial to us all. Through this hard work over the apparent obstacles that are presented we can achieve a power boost when it comes to our careers and when it comes to being acknowledged.

With Venus being in Taurus, You will want to show your emotions by use of the physical body. You will notice that you will want to engage more sexually… some of you may come off as smothering to the one you are with or the one you desire. Your wanting desire to touch overpowers your thoughts. This position also brings luck when it comes to finances. This can come through an inheritance or a partnership forming.

Just like how Saturn Rules Capricorn, Jupiter Rules Sagittarius and this is where it is stationed. This brings Generosity and massive expansiveness to your life. This is an excellent time to turn your ideas into money making projects, because this placement also brings in good luck when it comes to your finances, only this will be through your own endeavors.

The energy at this time is Dynamic and forward moving, causing you to feel restless, full of energy and carrying excess emotional pressure. You will want to release this pressure before you explode. You will be trying to achieve the ultimate truth for whatever plaques you at this time. You want that closure more than ever. Try not to be overbearing when seeking this truth.

I have conducted very short reads into each sign that I have uploaded on youtube!

Hope you all have a Wonderful Full Moon!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

May 2019 / Air Elemental Reading

Welcome to May, Air Signs!! Be Sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You can create your own chart to figure your own personal signs at… I have conducted a Collective read and then went in Individually.

You guys are dealing with Soul Healing at this time. If you do not know where your Chiron is placed at your time of birth, then definitely go create a chart and it will show you what you are trying to heal at this time individually. I find this amazing timing (yes, it still amazes me after 15 years) that I was just telling my oldest son about his. He’s a Gemini. I digress… I personally have Chiron in Taurus. It is a very hard placement!!! For other’s that find out that they have the exact placement as me, let’s share our experiences! Some of you will find out that your issues derive from a sense of abandonment, others will come to find the reason behind many failed relationships,… there are 12 different options, as well as 12 different house placements. Both are extremely important, so make sure you know your birth time or else you won’t see how it can be healed and fixed.


A Q U A R I U S: As I was shuffling the 8 of Cups revealed itself to me telling me that many of you want to move or walk away from your current situation. This can be an environment as well. There is a delay for most of you at this time. This could be a home, a specific job, a title, a relationship. The main thing is that you feel very unsatisfied. You don’t want to be in this position anymore and want to go towards what you dream of. This is validated Since I pulled the Star for Your general theme of May. The Star is about your hopes, wishes and dreams finally being fulfilled. What you’re aiming for you shall receive! I am seeing that you’ve been working through a sense of loss and disappointment, possibly regrets, but your focus is changing to a sense of strength to see what is on the other side of the situation. You will no longer focus on the problems, the issues, you will no longer say to yourself, “If only, what if, maybe if we try it this way instead.” it’s about focusing on what NEWNESS can be brought into your life to make it better… not holding onto what once was. You’re letting that shit go. There is this over domineering presence in your past. For some of you, this could be you standing for your rights, but doing so in a way where you’re sick of another trying to change your mind. Sometimes, We have to get a bit bitchy when telling another how something is going to go or when we give our answers because if we respond in a nice manner others think they can persuade us. I’m not an Aquarius but I can’t stand when someone tries to persuade me. I think I mostly answer in a bitchy way regardless. Lol Too many thinking they can tell me what’s up. Back to your reading… you have had to remain quite strong during this time and not back down. You have had to keep pushing through and chugging along in order to get through this situation. It’s not fully over though… I see that you will once again have to put your foot down against others who have an opinion. You each have your own wounds to heal as I stated prior but I feel as though you will have to work on standing up for yourself and taking your power back. It’s possible that many of you feel as though you were in hopeless situations or felt as though someone else always controlled you in some way… this may have led you to feel as though you didn’t deserve certain things in life. Well, the time has officially come to say “You were wrong!! And I deserve whatever I want! MY turn!” … I see within your outcome you will be doing what you want anyway, and even doing things that may be shady. Just try not to hurt anyone in the process. You’re going after what has been missing in your life. You have taken care of so many people or have done for others constantly as you put yourself on the back burner, and now you’re about to truly indulge and take care of YOU! (whether others like it or not!)


G E M I N I: As I was shuffling the 3 of wands revealed itself to me telling me that you are waiting on something at this time. This could include 2 other people for some of you. So, You may have sent something out in the universe and now you’re waiting on hearing an answer to the situation. It’s coming in May, no worries. I’m seeing you going through hard experiences from the past coming into the now. There is this individual in your past that is manipulative, malicious, does whatever he wants and doesn’t give a damn what chaos it causes. You’ve been in research mode trying to gather all of the details about this individual (who they truly are, what they have done). You feel as though you have given up your own willpower and strength to this other person or situation at this time and it is bothering you on a very deep level. I’m seeing some of you feeling disturbed at the core by this. It seriously is quite rattling. This may in turn cause you to neglect yourself or certain things within your own enviornment. If you’re a mother, you may go on a bit of a strike to get your children or spouse to help out… it’s like you’re being taken for granted and you’re sick of it! Even if you’re not a mother and you live with someone else, you may be putting in way more effort than them. You’re done! I’m seeing a lot of you not budging on this through the month of May. Some of you may get to the point where things feel so stagnant… your life as a whole or your emotions are collecting behind the surface. Try not to freak out. You need to become more grounded as an individual and to speak to someone. Get some help. Look for better ways to become more productive for your own self. It seems like a catch 22…. You do these things (lack of) to prove a point but it’s as though you mess with your own energy. Messing with your own positivity is not the way. You don’t want to end up bogged down stuck in a negative emotion. Look towards what intrigues you and sparks your interest. I’m seeing many of you learning something new after the consideration has been met. If you’re not sure of what you’d like to do just yet, don’t worry. I’m seeing a positive outcome for you that will fill you with hope! A new beginning rests at the end of your storm.


L I B R A: As I was cutting the deck the Empress revealed itself to me indicating that you guys are trying to take control of your environment. There may have been things put to the side for a while and now you know that you must focus on them in order for them to grow. You are also spiritually growing and transforming at this time. You are surrounded by profound change at this time.  It’s as though Luck itself has come to visit and you may not even realize it. It is sitting there watching you, as you go through this process of letting go. I am seeing you experience a type of death inside. Externally, you are changing things in your atmosphere. You could be changing the way in which you do a specific task, or on a wider perspective, you could be trying to move locations. However, There is a lack of communication and movement. There’s this energy of a fire festering getting ready to Burn. This month you will be focusing on what brings you great satisfaction, financial abundance, and what you can offer to the world. I’m seeing as though a little birdie is telling you a secret. This is something that can help you achieve more trust within yourself, more pride about who you are and what you’re doing… for some this can be something physical that you go and get done that helps to boost your confidence. Your advice for this month is to take some time away from the norm. Don’t look to other people. Don’t watch what they are doing. Try to think outside the box. It could be that your normal circle of friends or network has become toxic or flooded with difficulty. If so, there is a much better tribe waiting for you. Looking at your Mantra for the month validates this theory- ” New worlds are calling you forth where the old rules don’t apply”. You are to be like Alice in Wonderland at this time. What is down that hole? Who knows… but, you’re meant to go down it and then rediscover yourself… to find a whole new approach. Possibly even a whole new You. I’m seeing you being able to come to a place inside of yourself where you feel free, young, and fearless. Think back to how you felt as a child, when everything was new and you were open and curious. That’s where you will find yourself by the end of May. Completely open minded, Fearless and having a good time!

Hope you have a Wonderful Month of May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

May 2019 / Earth Elemental Readings

Welcome to May, Earth signs! Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs! I have conducted a collective read as well as per individual sign. Enjoy!

Your main focus for this month completely suits your element, as it is all about stability! I’d say we are right on point with this past New Moon in Taurus… hopefully, many of you set new intentions, conducted your rituals, created your vision boards, and have began to manifest your desires. Very powerful for you at this time. Yes, you can still do these things if you have not yet!! For a lot of you there seems to be a mystery surrounding you lives or current situations. You feel as though something is happening behind the scenes and you feel unstable or insecure about it. You want to get to the heart of the matter. Because feeling this way takes you completely out of your comfort zone! For some of you this began at the end of April/beginning of May. For others, this has been going on a while. This may lead you to become ungrounded and to take an action that you normally wouldn’t take. Maybe checking someone’s messages, stalking them online, watching what they do. You don’t have ill intentions towards this person… you want validation for what you think is happening. Better yet…. Most of you truly want to be proven wrong when it comes to this.


C A P R I C O R N: WOW, Caps!! In May I see that A lot of you are angry as hell about a situation that seems very unfair. I feel like some of you kind of knew this would happen, so it’s not a huge shock, but it’s still a surprise. I’m seeing a situation when it comes to family here. It seems like all was going well and then all of a sudden … BAM! Out of nowhere this unexpected incident occurs. There is this energy of a power struggle occurring. Arguments, fights. Someone trying to manipulate the situation or a person you care about. Someone is trying to justify why this has happened. Or you could be so pissed off about this situation because they basically messed up what you had going which was a VERY good thing… and you won’t stand for it. I’m seeing that this is not over! There is someone charging in quickly with a lot to say about this matter. For some of you, I am seeing that there is someone who is angry (I feel like they’ve been waiting to state their peace for a while… just waiting for something to happen to trigger them to feel like it’s time to finally come clean.) There is very powerful energy surrounding this. I am feeling very on fire and restless just reading this for you. Don’t turn your head, don’t turn your back..,, watch from all sides, because you yourself could be a target of this individual who can’t seem to calm down. I am being told that you must protect yourself and your environment. You need to stand up for your beliefs and stand up to others. The good news is that… your outcome is the SUN. Thank god! After what I was seeing…. Everything will work out. Everything will finally be out in the open, no more secrets to be revealed. Your Friends will be your most supportive people when it comes to this situation… so, if you need to call upon them, do so. Most of you won’t need to call upon them because they will be there in an INSTANT to help back you up. I know this sounds scary for some of you but this is required to clear the air. Stay strong!!


T A U R U S: As I cut the deck the 6 of swords revealed itself telling me that you’re moving away from disappointing circumstances. This card showed up again as your last months carry over. Something that you didn’t expect happened. It’s as though things were going well, you thought all was good, you may have been working towards a goal and then this knocked you off your horse. You were side swiped. Trying to move on from this type of ordeal isn’t very easy. So what are you doing… you’re currently trying to focus on the future. I get this energy from you that you won’t be as open as you have been. You will keep a lot close to your chest. For some of you, I am seeing that you have a goal to save as much money as possible for future use if needed. This is the energy of gathering resources and gaining a sense of security. You are told to say what you need to say, but try not to allow your emotions to get the best of you. I’m also getting that you’ll be setting up some type of trust, an investment… passing it down later to a family member. For others, this is a long term goal towards securing and stabilizing a family unit…. So that you no longer need to stress and worry about financial ups and downs. I am seeing you walking away from all the bullshit. You could have continued to play a part in either a competitive group of people or you just will chose to avoid further conflict. You want the tension to be released. A lot of you will be utilizing your intuition naturally when it comes to this situation. It’s time to reinvent yourself or the situation all together.


V I R G O:  As I was shuffling Justice revealed itself to me stating that you’re in a situation where a sense of balance is trying to be attained. Some of you may be going to court, or seeking out wise counsel and help from a mediator. You also may feel as though you are in an unfair situation. Your cards seem heavy to me. Aside from the fact of what I said concerning Justice, this is showing me that you’re so damn tired and don’t know how much longer you can hold on. You’ve been through so much recently. Your coming from a phase where you felt insecure and had to keep things close to your chest. You may have held onto finances or secrets, but what you have held onto seem very important for future use. You’ve been trying to figure out some information so that you don’t go into something blindly. Some of you have been looking up this information yourself on the internet… you may have been watching a person to see what they’re up to or watching several people. You’re trying to gather as much as you can to make things work out for you in the long run. I am seeing that you will be meeting a person who can help you and give you what you need. They will tell you what you need to do and how to go about implementing plans or the way forward. So, this relates back to what I saw in Justice for some of you that will need to seek out wise counsel. The advice for you is to take some time off, away from the noise. You need time to yourself after meeting up with this individual or finding out the information you need in order to clear your head and work through your emotions. You want to take future steps in a calm, mature, well informed manner, and by taking this time to yourself you will achieve this. You have been having intuitive reactions to what you don’t know. This is the case of “You know, but it hasn’t been proven yet.” This is what you’re trying to figure out. You’re on a personal quest for truth. Trust yourself this month and going forward.

Have a Wonderful Month of May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

May 2019 / Water Elemental Readings

Welcome to May, Water Signs! Be sure to read your Rising and Moon When Posted! I conducted a collective read, then went into each sign individually. Enjoy!

Your Physical self is very important in May. You will find the need to speak about your physical health, your appearance, about the desires of your body (could be of sexual nature), what you’d like or need to do in order to change a certain physical aspect that has been bothering you. In the past, you have tried to mask a flaw … kept it hidden as much as possible. You may have thought about it repeatedly to the point where something now must be done! You could decide to begin a workout regimen, a specific diet plan, go to a plastic surgeon, a dentist. I’m seeing some of you truly feeling the desire to come OUT in some way.

Communication about yourself, your goals, and what you would like to do in order to make this change is highlighted this month.


C A N C E R: As I was cutting the deck the 8 of cups revealed itself telling me that you desire this change, but for a lot of you this change is being delayed. You want to leave behind what doesn’t make you happy and feel fulfilled, but you haven’t really communicated about this or haven’t taken the steps needed. I’m seeing you as being run down, tired, drained, in the past, coming into May. I am hearing, “What Now??” for some of you. It is as though one thing happens after the other…. I wanted to initially say “bad thing”, but it’s not really bad, it’s just annoying… exhausting, as in nothing seems to be going right or running smoothly. Your plans aren’t coming about in the way that you’d like them to be. Currently, things are at a standstill. Not much movement, no communication… this is where the other delay is. It is as though some of you haven given up or wanted to. The process is taking too long for some of you. You’re sick of it. You feel like you’ve been through war at this point. How much longer are you supposed to hold on?? How much more must you take to get what you deserve?? How much more work should you put in?? You’ve done enough! Well, my crabbies… The tides are changing for you! 🙂 May brings in The Wheel of Fortune! I’m seeing you meeting with another that you will feel a good connection towards. Communication will flow freely and openly. A discussion about a new opportunity or way of being. It will be a risk for you that you may feel like backing out of, as though you don’t have enough confidence, faith, funds, whatever it may be…. This will cause yet another delay, but I do see you finally moving forward with trust. Success is coming. The energy of endings and beginnings surround you this month. You are meant to go on this new path. This may be a WHOLE ENTIRELY new path for some of you, as you received not only the Fool, but with the oracle a card titled ” Brilliant Virgin”. This could be a whole new relationship, a new career path or business start up, or when we think about your physical body you can entirely change as aspect of yourself… 😉


S C O R P I O: As I was cutting the deck the King of Wands revealed itself telling me that you need to take control of your situation with no fear involved. Some of you may have many ideas that you must get out there… show them to the world… tell them to an individual that can help you make them become a reality. IN the past I see you holding on tightly to these ideas and not revealing them. (this could actually be a person for some of you… you have thoughts about what they’ve been up to… you’ve been trying to get this out of them… it’s like a huge secret. You hold on tightly to them.) This woman holds a sacred scroll as though it is her precious baby. There are secrets in your past. Currently, I am seeing you giving up. You could be giving up in general or finally giving up what you have kept so close to your chest. You will be communicating honestly about what you want to bring forth. I’m seeing a definite answer being given. There will be no more delays or beating around the bush. The decision will be made to take the risk and make it happen. You must allow yourself to let go of all and any preconceived notions… you must allow yourself to change and drift from the past to the present into the future. Try not to focus too much on where this leads you. I am seeing that this ending will be hard for a lot of you. As you’re showing that you don’t want to leave this state of security even though it has held you back. You have some emotional ties to it. You’ve been planning for a long time. You need to leave this phase behind because something so much better is waiting for you out there. You can’t see that yet. Your mantra for the month of May validates and tells you to take that risk… to change… to allow the change… And as the card of Death that you received as your advice goes hand in hand with your extra insight of Transformation… You must let go and to allow the universe to step in. You’ll be glad that you did in the end. It will feel like a weight off of your shoulders and a whole new You.


P I S C E S: As I was cutting the deck the 9 of wands revealed itself telling me that you’ve been holding on for as long as you possibly could, even though it has been quite the fight. Some of you just want to say, “Fuck it.” drop it and walk away. You guys have some crazy cards! I see that in the past there were secrets and things hidden. You definitely felt this deep within and had all kinds of thoughts and visions about what possibly took place behind your back. I am seeing an emotional roller coaster for some of you. Currently, there is this Knight of Swords charging forth who has a lot on their mind and they can’t help themselves but to tell you what they think, how they feel, and what they expect to happen. This could be you acting like this Knight of swords. This individual astrologically is an Air Sign, but I go mostly with the energy of the personality. This individual seems PISSED (angry). Problem is they (or you) are jumping to a conclusion/decision way too quickly without knowing all of the details. You guys have 3 6’s in your reading! Harmony and balance is needed so much in this situation. You have an emotional imbalance, a Physical imbalance, and a Major decision to make. For some of you this decision is about keeping what you have or going a different route… a route that you feel more drawn towards. Others are about to make a huge decision within a relationship or friendship. I’m seeing you wanting to go back and reconcile because the situation has gotten out of hand… others are stuck on something that was done or denied to them in the past. It’s truly a hurdle to work through. You’re advised to be honest, fair and to give as well as receive equally. If you feel you owe something to someone or that they owe something to you, this should be discussed if it hasn’t yet. You may have been way too generous with your time and/or resources and now boundaries must be set and respected. Your mantra for the month speaks about discipline. Don’t try to receive what you want by the use of force. Instead, utilize intelligence with an open heart and a good attitude towards the other when this discussion takes place. Know that all is not as it seems to be. Try not to act impulsively, as I see that by you remaining mature and compassionate everything will turn out well for all involved.

Have a Wonderful month of May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

May 2019 / Fire Elemental Reading

Welcome to May, Fire Signs! 🙂 Be Sure to read your Rising and Moon signs when they are posted. Below I have read on your element collectively as well as individually!

Fire signs are transforming in May. Most likely around this Full Moon in Scorpio on the 18th. The energy will catapult you! A type of Debt is being paid off. For some of you that have been going through hard experiences, your reward is coming in. So, don’t push away any type of offering, meeting, suggestion (most of these will seem as though they are nothing or aren’t worth your time, but you’ll be surprised.) It could be the starting point of something much larger than you could ever imagine. You don’t have to instantly get excited, Jump at the chance or make a decision quickly. You just need to remain open and neutral… see where it goes.

Many of you will be challenged through an ending of some kind in order to move on to better circumstances. It’s all pretty much Karmic Debts. Say you’ve been in a relationship or a job (specific career) for a very long time and now you will be released from it in some way. It could be in a unpredictable way as well. Especially, with Lillith transiting Pisces for a year (began on May 3rd 2019). Be prepared to leave your comfort zone and definitely try not to “wing it”.  You’re either going to be the alchemist or the student of you situation. You may Sit back and observe or see how you can change your circumstances. If you remain the student… someone else will come in as the teacher. It’s best to take control and to figure out the best way to navigate through your ordeal to gain the best outcome.


A R I E S:  When the deck was cut the 6 of cups was revealed. Definitely working on past issues, old happy memories coming about as well, past life karma. Currently, the Star as we come into the month of May. Carrying over the Justice from April. Last months general theme is the Knight of Pentacles. This month’s general theme is queen of cups. Some of you could be dealing with an over emotional, manipulative loved one. Could be a water sign. They can be smothering. Vindictive. Passive aggressive. There is this energy of unfairness happening that you’re bringing forth from last month… or the past. Keeping in mind that some of this could derive from childhood, past lives or younger years. This individual could be acting out like a bratty child. Someone deranged. Your advice is to take control, don’t allow someone else to dictate to you, put your foot down, direct the situation in a positive manner with respect, but don’t allow them to disrespect you in return. Set the course. Plan ahead. Delegate when needed. Outcome is the 2 of cups. This person is not going to like what you’re doing. There will be miscommunication, a disagreement, not being able to compromise. Now, I see why they will throw a bit of a tantrum and try to deliver guilt trips. You’re done hanging back, you’re done feeling sick, you’re done thinking through your situation and you’re done healing…. You’re ready to take what you’ve learned with great strength and move forward. Mantra for the month… You  may feel like you’re juggling a lot this month… even if it’s your emotions that are on a bit of a roller coaster. Try not to get overwhelmed. Take breaks so that you won’t get drained or become exhausted. Prioritize what you need to do first, then go from there. Allowing someone else to help where they can will be beneficial. You will be able to manage and handle all that is happening as long as you stay present and relax. Your extra insight for May comes from your own Soul. You have had this discussion before, of this lesson that would come about in your life, how it would all go down and what you would have to do and learn from this process. What does your gut say? You may have trouble controlling your own emotions when it comes to this other person. To get counsel or therapy will be helpful at this time to keep you calm and on your path.


S A G I T T A R I U S: When the deck was cut the Ace of Cups revealed itself telling me that you’re at a new beginning in your life, filled with hope. For some of you this may be delayed. I’m seeing you receiving a huge “A ha” moment. AS though looking back on your life and your various experiences has brought forth a new revelation to your current situation. I’m seeing that you’ve been stressing out or stuck in a bit of a mind trap that seemed NEVER ENDING. The energy I’m seeing is of Clouds being dispersed. Confusion being cleared. Clarity has arrived. Carrying over Strength … you’ve been through some very hard and trying times, have persevered and remained as strong as possible. Holding back a lot of what you wanted to say or actions you wanted to take. And if you did say them or take them they were straight forward and full of courage. Very mature. Trying to take the higher road. King of Wands is this month’s general theme… he is looking at the past like “Fuck that! I’m most important!” You are what I call “angry strong”… You refuse to go backwards. Enough is enough Change needs to take place. Your Mantra… “this isn’t over… you haven’t won.” You have been making sacrifices for far too long. It’s like you’re noticing that you’ve been stuck in a dysfunctional situation or relationship. Or you were stuck in one in the past and you’re now seeing that for all it is… seeing the bigger picture. May have felt or seemed cultish to you. For a lot of you this deals with a family situation. For others this is something else that you had to play a part in for a long time and follow the rules that were laid out for you. I’m seeing that for a lot of you by the end of May (Timing is different for everyone) you will still feel stuck in this. You want to get out SO BADLY… and honestly, you can get out, you may not see how yet, or feel that you can. You will be very tempted to go behind the backs of others or do what you want in the meantime without them knowing… I see you doing tricky tactics, but it’s not like you’re trying to hurt the person, you just can’t openly do what you want at this time.


L E O: When the deck was cut the Wheel of fortune revealed itself telling me that karmic destiny plays a massive role in your situation. I am noticing many changes within your cards. If you were a reader I would just rattle the card titles off to you and you would be like “holy shit.” I have you currently walking away from a situation. This is a situation that has held you in place for a very long time. You have felt as though there was nothing that you could possibly do to change it. You just had to hang there and observe it from every angle. You couldn’t make a move. You either decided to hold yourself there or the situation did. But now, you’re able to move on towards something much more gratifying. You hope that it will be anyway. Seeing this king of Wands here as your hovering energy, you want to take direct action about something in particular. You feel quite confident in your ability to get what you want. You have this burning desire to charge forth, but you hold yourself back because you know that the situation could become chaotic if you allowed yourself to do what you fantasize about. You will take the much slower approach, step by step, laying down the foundations towards your goal. Looking at the oracle card that I pulled of extra insight, it is titled Provoker… and I kind of laughed to myself… because I saw this with the King of Wands… Some of you want to provoke another for whatever reason. Maybe they have what you want. Maybe you feel they don’t deserve it. I feel as though just your presence could be intimidating in this situation. I’m not saying that YOU’RE intimidating on a daily basis (though some of you could be), I’m saying that within this situation, you could be intimidating to the one you have your eye on or the one that you’re thinking about confronting… there we go… that’s the other word I was looking for. You will be thinking about your happily ever after in May… this is your main goal and focus. You want everything you’ve ever asked for when it comes to a loving family. You want everything to go well and for all to get along. You want to make this happen so you’re about to journey and find it. Some of you may have to leave an individual or a current location behind. Others will have to leave behind a certain way that you’ve been living for a long time… especially, if you’ve been single. It will be time to share your life with another. You’re advised to take the time needed in order to repair your thoughts and emotions… some of you have to re[air your health. Taking this much needed time will help to gain the courage to move forward. Your outcome shows you needing to make a decision…. One that you may have ignored and put off… it’s scary for some of you. But it must be done. Overall, is Death…. Yes, that wonderful transformation I was speaking about in the collective above. Your life is about to change in a massive way! And it is for the better. Your Mantra for the month validates as you’re told to “go Fish!” It’s a gamble, sure…. But one worth taking.

Hope you have an Amazing month of May!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

New Moon in Taurus – May 4th, 2019

With this New Moon being in Taurus, the main topic that will be on your minds will be centered around STABILITY. Financial Stability, Physical Stability, Relationship Stability and Comforts… The Physical Body. How and What we surround ourselves with and put into our Soul’s Chariot (Physical Body). How we can create this sense of structure into our lives.

Taurus individuals are a stubborn bunch when it comes to change. They want things to be a specific way and don’t really care to veer off course. They are very cautious and require backed-up proof before making a decision. We each take a piece of this into our lives, in some form and during certain periods of time, especially around this New Moon. What you’ve been stubborn about changing or have been unsure of… it’s time to get serious about. It’s time to become devoted to this transformation. It will take effort, trust and dedication, but it will be so worth it in the end.

With this New moon directly landing on the 4th, know that the number 4 is “Stability”. Two confirmations, Double the solidity of what you are about to bring into existence beginning on or around this day. If you’ve been feeling off balance or losing hope, then this is a very good time to ground yourself. To come back into alignment with your goals and visions for your future. This is also about paying off long held debts and bringing your body back into balance. Imagine the four legs of a table or a chair in order to hold everything together. You will begin building these legs and gluing them into place. It’s time to set plans and to focus on the details. To Get relationships in order as well. When it comes to relationships, agreements need to be made and promises kept. Try not to change what is agreed upon at a later date.

Taurus is a Feminine sign, so these changes made won’t be erratically or done by brute force. Being a Physical sign, we will see the steps taken and the results with our own eyes. This will not be an emotional change. Very far from. We will be driven by what inspires us or gets us moving. When the Moon was in Libra we conducted a lot of analysis and thought, the New Moon in Aries caused us to feel the burning desire to change, now Taurus causes us to take action to lay down the foundations to which we are aiming to achieve. To get down and dirty… it’s time to get deep into the garden and plant our seeds, to put in more effort and do the work required of us. This can be quite tedious, just take it one step at a time. I’m seeing you observe each action or each plan you implement, before moving onto the next step. Some of you will become methodical about this process you’re beginning. We will have to be our own advocate, as Neptune is still in Pisces causing us to drift into a sea of fantasy when we need to stay in the reality of our situations. No more dreaming about what we want… no more fantasizing about a different life. It’s time to get serious and make it happen!

Have a Wonderful New Moon!

Blessed be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

Libra Full Moon April 19th

Full Moon Libra April 19, 2019

Let thy Justice Be Done!

What have you initiated and what is drawing to a close in your life? What kind of adjustments have you made in your life?  Since the last full Moon in Libra on March 20th, many of us have been through some major shifts and changes. With a bit of heavy, foggy energy, then a speeding up of energy, then back to the grind. It’s been pretty tumultuous for us!!! Endings had to be made, beginnings had to be initiated, and now where do we stand on this next phase in our life? If you have not began to initiate and act accordingly the energy may become tough for you in the coming months.

There was a need to seek balance. Some of you had to make adjustments when it came to your lifestyle. Either between your own needs and the needs of others, Between work and a social/family life, within your career and what you wanted to focus on and present, within your health, as well as your relationships.  I’m noticing that there may have been frustration when it comes to a workable combination, due to the fact that you may have been bouncing back and forth in between extremes. Not being able to make up your mind when it comes to sticking to one thing, or sticking to one decision. And, there has been some pretty heavy decisions to be made. This requires one to detach emotionally in order to weigh the pros and cons, Or else you will keep yourself in a cycle of confusion.

Libra Merging to Scorpio

There is tension escalating, as we are right on the verge of Libra going into Scorpio. Libra Balances and Scorpio Transforms. The energy has been as though we are climbing up a roller coaster and once we move into Scorpio the energy takes off like a bat out of hell. We will then have to tend to keeping on course! Not allowing obstacles to prevent us from moving forward or within this energy- Veering off the track! We Definitely do not need some type of “Final Destination” scenario occurring, but what isn’t truly meant for us will surely announce that it’s the wrong path. Hopefully, at this point you have gotten most of your ducks in a row and have your plans in hand. There will be Shocks and Surprises to come and you will want to be prepared! Do not give up if and when you encounter issues, become stimulated by them. Use the energy to conquer and get things done! Moderation and being patient with others when required will help to keep things from blowing out of proportion.

There could be conflicts with close family members at this time that need to be resolved. You may notice that your loved ones become much more emotionally demanding than usual. They may feel as though they have been “wronged” somehow or you may feel this way as well. There is a deep desire to DO something about it. This can cause a radically unexpected change with them and within the circumstances. For many, I am seeing something to do with contracts or papers. You are either handing them over or receiving them. Some of you are inquiring in a dominant way about said papers or contracts. Not backing down. This will have a profound impact on your personal life. What has been hidden and waiting is being revealed.

Many of you will have this strong sense of self-control. You will begin to feel (if you haven’t yet) very ambitious about your desires. Being on the verge of transformative Scorpio you seek deep change in your circumstances. Mostly, within your relationships, connections, and finally achieving the peaceful balance to move into your next level of success. Definitely, allow yourself to immerse into your emotions, but keep steady on the surface. Get ready for the Transformative Energy to come!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

April 2019 / Earth Elemental Reading

Painting by Dina Dargo

Welcome to April, Earth Signs!! This month I conducted a Collective Elemental Read, then conducted readings per sign. Be Sure to check out your Rising and Moon Signs. For those that are interested in my Personal Experiences and getting to know all about me, I posted my First blog titled “Spirituality… it’s seriously not a trend” Snoop around and Ye shall find! 😉 Fire and Water have been posted. The New Moon in Aries post is the energy for this week. Now on with the show!

I’m seeing you Physically moving away, and/or moving away from difficulties. If you’re not physically moving away, some of you have thoughts of moving from where you’re currently at. It’s not where you want to be. Disappointments have been many. You long to get back into positive energy and to go with the flow in a peaceful manner. You need to focus on what YOU can do and what you can offer. Focus on how you can get back the security that you’re aiming for. Believe in yourself and persevere through this energy. Internally, you may be overly emotional. Cut off and cold. It’s from the issues that you have been through. Externally, you’re showing stress. You’re not really hiding how you feel or the problems that you’re dealing with to your closest friends and family. You are communicating with them about what you’ve been going through. There are slow changes coming about in your life. These are emotional changes. You’re attempting to move forward, but this won’t come on rapidly. You will conquer your situation by releasing control on how timely what you want comes to you. You do need to go with the flow of events on a day to day basis. Try not to go from A to Z too quickly. It doesn’t work that way. I’m seeing you struggling when it comes to certain friends or a community of people. They may not understand where you’re coming from or agree with what you’re doing. This can add to the stress you’re experiencing. Don’t worry too much about others, just focus on your yourself. There is the energy of delay, but you will get to where you need to be.

C A P R I C O R N- As I was shuffling I heard, “When in doubt, Strike it out”.  You want to begin a course of action. For a lot of you this is about a relationship. Someone you met in the past you felt an instant connection to. Your souls know each other. You’ll full of hope. You have a crush. It’s a new beginning. The problem is that some of you already belong to someone else. You will feel like you have to turn down this offer and to try and move on from them, but you’ll be stuck thinking about them constantly if you do this. Others want to make a major change in their life. You have met with someone who can help you achieve this goal. But, there seems to be an issue as well as a delay when it comes to getting started. This could be financial for some of you. You may not have the funds to begin. You are told to search for the information, to find a solution to your problem. Keep your wits about you. Your emotions in check. Try not to obsess over the fact that you may be currently stuck. Focus more on how to get out of the blocked situation. The answer is there.

T A U R U S- As I was shuffling I heard, “you WISH you knew me!” You know that you are a rare individual. There’s many that don’t know the real you. But you also hold yourself up high and choose the ones who you invite into your private world. You may have experienced someone or quite a few people recently who have treated you, or spoken to you in a such a way that you didn’t deserve. If they only knew how amazing you are. I’m seeing some of them talking to you in such a way as if they think you don’t know much. They are being condescending. Now, you’re ready to show them exactly who you are. To take back what is yours. In the past you hid certain aspects of yourself. Even if others were showing off their talents and skills… their assets. You hid yours more closely to your chest. Only bringing them out when required. Just barely. You’re currently on a mission. Devotedly dedicated to this mission. This could be within your career for many of you. But this is a showing of physical things. You’re going to showcase your worth. In April, I see you doing something spontaneous. It’s as though you put on a blindfold and spin the wheel. Whatever comes up, you’re doing it! Some of you will be using your intuition to “spin this wheel”. My advice to you is that you’ve come a LONG way to get to this point. You most likely are exhausted. But there’s a bit more work to do and you know this. Stay strong and take breaks when needed. You may not know where this is leading to, but no matter how crazy things may seem, you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing. Don’t question it. See where this takes you.

V I R G O- I feel like you guys are in a restrictive energy. You’re coming out of this. You may have been tempted to cheat in some way to try and get out of this energy. Something or someone was about to be taken away from you. For some of you this has actually happened. Try not to do something underhanded, but rather utilize your intelligence in a healthy manner for coming up with a tactic. I’m seeing in the past that you come from a place of stability and security. Though, at times, even if this was satisfying, you felt that something was a miss. You didn’t feel complete. I see you coming together with another and forming an agreement. They are on the same page as you. A trusted Advisor. In April, You will become more confident and making the changes needed. I’m seeing exciting travel for some of you. Others will be moving. Projects will begin. You are told to have a plan, set your course, and know where to go. You can’t return to what was. You have to focus ahead. Be Mature and Responsible. Organize what you need to in great detail. This reminds me of a portfolio… If you have an idea or a business plan you will need to showcase your ideas and explain them. With Financial situations, you need to show a list of purchases, why they were purchased, and the date. These are just examples that will help to get things moving along. Whatever it is, you are required to be precise. This will help for you to get back to a much more joyful and light energy.

Have an Amazing April!!
Blessed Be to You and Yours!
RJ Worrell

April 2019 / Water Elemental Reading

Welcome to April, Water Signs!! This month I conducted a Collective Elemental Read, then conducted readings per sign. Be Sure to check out your Rising and Moon Signs. For those that are interested in my Personal Experiences and getting to know all about me, I posted my First blog titled “Spirituality… it’s seriously not a trend” Snoop around and Ye shall find! 😉 On IG it’s in my Highlights. Now on with the show!

Collectively: You guys are Still in a state of disappointment and needing to move on. I believe you had the same message the last time I checked in. You’ve been focused on what went wrong or what you cannot have. Instead of focusing on where to go from here.  You are being told to come together, communicate, listen, and compromise… just be. Make an agreement. You will meet with someone you feel a camaraderie to and will easily relate to the other.You must nurture the connection. This is a time for growing and expanding instead of dwelling. Internally, you didn’t get what you hoped for or really wanted. Wishes rejected, ignored. Externally, you’re acting as though you’re fine and over it. Attempting to work through your thoughts. You’ll be striving to understand what needs to be done and trying not to allow your emotions to rule your actions at this time. You may struggle with getting things going or trying to get another on board with your vision. You may be losing hope, but not all is lost. Keep the faith!

Cancer – I FEEL

Cancer- I’m seeing you wanting to “get something off of the ground” and going. In the past you were communicating often and trying to gain as much information as possible. Looking at all of your options, trying to make an informed decision on the matter. You will be having a meeting with another to discuss your plans. You’re ready to become a Pioneer and take on the challenge. ** Tuned in message:  I see you Crabs standing on the edge of a cliff, with your hands rested on your hips, your chest out, your cape flying! Haha You’re trying to own your world! Putting your foot down. Taking a stand. Some of you may be about to tackle a risky challenge, But you’re ready to rumble! You’ll feel as though you have it all under control and on your side. You’ll feel like a winner or very Proud of yourself. You’re looking toward a desired result, and for most of you it will deal with your Finances. With Patience and gradual advancement, successful achievement will be on it’s way. ** However, in April, It as though you’re stalling. For some of you, the situation is at a standstill. As it is at a standstill, there are issues bubbling up behind you. This could be your own emotions that you’re allowing to backup. But there are definitely things going on behind the scenes as you “sit in silence”. You are surrounded by a strong protective energy where you have the powerful potential to benefit those around you with this decision. You’re having to push past boundaries and rules that may be in place. As long as you keep heading forward and your eyes on your goal, you will be successful.


Pisces- Not being listened to… You guys are being very strong. I’m seeing you speaking with someone in the past about your plans and they didn’t take it very well. You were discussing something you really wanted to invest effort and time into. They didn’t think it was a good idea. They may even of tried to dictate your own thoughts and emotions, trying to make you feel small and maybe even question yourself. Some of you were simply denied this meeting of the minds. Others were denied financial assistance. You felt stuck and blocked. But now, you’re going to take it all on yourself. You won’t let them stop you. Even though you will have a lot to take on, and tasks to complete, you will do so because you really want this change in your life. Keep your focus on what you’re trying to achieve, The positives within this situation, and this will help you to see clearly so that you will know how to maneuver around any obstacles. There will not be instant gratification. *** Extra Message when I was tuning in… It is as though you are floating in the air, outwardly in a manner of Zen, but yet you know you’re on the edge of something huge. Some of you may not even be able to “put your finger on it”. You’re in the middle of your own destiny shifting. Weighing the pros and cons. Individually, of course. There is a profoundly spiritual energy taking place. There is no loneliness in one’s own bubble. You’re going deeper. Distractions come and go as though they are all a blur. After introspection the planning stages will occur. Just don’t become impulsive, like a lion finally let out of a cage.

Scorpio- I Transform

Scorpio- The first feeling I got with your reading is “Giving up.”. Giving up the fight. Giving up the struggle. Not able to keep things going. You are unable to keep up the demands of someone/something, this could be two different things or two different people. For some of you, You may have been trying to get them to compromise or come together in harmony. This could be you and another as well, if you’ve had a disagreement or a falling out. No follow through. In the past you’re coming from a place of being very hopeful about getting your wishes granted. I’m seeing many bills coming in too fast. Your hard earned money disappearing before you even see it. Especially, if you have direct deposit. I am seeing you struggling and needing help. You will begin reaching out to a support system. Someone who can help you to put the pieces together when it comes to your situation and condition. You will be opening up to another about how you’re feeling and what you want. I’m seeing some of you needing to learn a new skill or take a course. You will put more effort into self care and placing more value on yourself. You can manifest your desires. You need to take control of your situation and do what needs to be done. The power is actually in your hands. I’m seeing long term stability occurring for you once you take a new chance.

Have an Amazing April!! Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

April 2019 / Fire Elemental Reading

Welcome to April, Fire Signs! This month I conducted a Collective Elemental Read, then conducted readings per sign. Be Sure to check out your Rising and Moon Signs. For those that are interested in my Personal Experiences and getting to know all about me, I posted my First blog titled “Spirituality… it’s seriously not a trend” Snoop around and Ye shall find! 😉 On IG it’s in my Highlights. Now on with the Show!

Collectively : I’m seeing that you had a decision to make, but wasn’t facing it out of fear. Some of you are still going through this. This is changing. Your Collective lesson for the month deals with Support. You may need to find it within yourself first, but you have more support than you realize out there. You need to be honest and fair with yourself, your goals and with others. Internally, you’re budding with inspiration and new ideas. You want to begin something that will bring excitement into your life. Renewal of passion. But externally, you’re holding yourself back. This could be due to insecurities or a fear of instability. You will struggle when it comes to others. Possibly someone trying to outshine you or start an argument. You may even know this as to why you hold yourself back. BE BOLD, be BRAVE and COURAGEOUS!! That’s how you are naturally!! There is no need to be perfect immediately… Do what you feel you should…. Stop paying attention to your thoughts so much. You may regret it if you don’t just make this change. It will change how you feel about yourself and the energy of your situation will drop past emotional baggage… It’s time to Show them what you got!

A R I E S :  Communication is a big theme for you from now through April. You may be rushing in too quickly. You have a strong desire to say what you need to say. There may have been certain things on your mind for a while now, and you no longer can hold yourself back. Be careful not to express yourself in a careless manner. You can get straight to the point in a more respectful way. There is a better chance for others to listen to you, and to entertain consideration of your opinions. It is as though you have had two opposing advisors — your thoughts & your emotions. You still have a huge decision to make that will change the course of your life. You were filled with all of these ideas and future projections of success, you were contemplating a different path from your current one… What if??? You’re right not to just jump into this decision quickly. You may need time first to step back and to investigate certain aspects to what you desire and trying to change. In April, You’ll be taking it one step at a time, day by day, one thing at a time, and with each task that you complete, you will be one step closer to a feeling of more trust, more security and a much better inner knowing that you’re on the right path. You will begin building the steps towards your future. You need to express your feelings openly, to test the waters, You need to harmonize what you want with what is possible or available. Even if it’s something small at the time, it will grow. Just like a seed being planted. Keep in mind that during this time you’re just figuring out what changes to make, how you would like to conduct these changes, trying different options or avenues and feeling into what you want. Communicate your emotions, your thoughts, and work through your own personal energy. You may not know exactly where you are going or where you will end up. But by doing this it will help to bring you much closer to others. *** Happy Birthday, Aries!!! Here’s a Special Message- Something that happened 12 years ago is returning. This could be a person, a situation, or reviving a dream. Possible second chances. For some of you who have begun planting your seeds 12 years ago, you will finally see the rewards. This time around the energy will flow smoothly and peacefully. I’m seeing you feeling quite calm. You will stand firm in your Element. Normally, Aries is a fighter or a Passionate Lover… But with this new Moon in your sign standing in between two Libra full moons, you are becoming balanced and strong at this time. The color Green could be very significant for you at this time. I’m seeing this with the Heart Chakra. Physical items. This is also literally your “Green light” to forge ahead. PROSPERITY, It surrounds you now. I’m seeing your manifestations coming to life. This period could trigger a desire to travel and a need for inner development.

L E O : Unsatisfied and wanting to move on… Leo, Yours begins in the way that the collective does. You’re not wanting to face something at this time. I’m seeing you receiving a message of opportunity, an invitation to do something exciting and possibly brand new, but it’s as though you don’t trust it. In the past, you spent a lot of time collecting information and investigating. I get this feeling that it’s irritating some of you. I’m seeing you minding your own business, just doing your thing, and it’s as though you have this pesky rodent just eating away at your cheese. Lol Sorry. For some of you, no matter how many times you try to shoo it away, it just comes back. Just pay attention to what you’re trying to accomplish in April. You Lion’s are truly about to set shit on FIRE! Let’s hope not literally! You may be beginning to clearly see who you truly are and/or what you’re made of. Your Confidence will be at an ultimate high around this time. You will know what you want and nothing will stop you from getting it! If you are competing for something others desire as well, you will be fearless, which will in turn secretly intimidate the competition. You will become so focused on yourself, your goals, your accomplishments, that you won’t even notice when others have walked away or gave up. Get ready to hit your mark! It’s time to throw off your robe and bare all!

S A G I T T A R I U S :  Three main things stick out at this time… Your Dreams, Figuring out What you want and/or who you are and Long term Friendships. Currently, you’re thinking about all of the possibilities for your future. There hasn’t seem to be much, if any, real movement on this. Stalling energy. You need to get over past issues and disappointments. There is a time out … during this time you will spend time thinking about what life YOU want to now live. Making a plan. Turning to long term friends…  They will play an imperative role for you around this time. The strong connections you’ve made through out the years that are so firmly rooted into your own existence will stand beside and behind you. There may be something that you’ve wanted to do for so long and they have supported you when you have felt less confident. You know who you can trust to support you again. For those of you that don’t have many friends, there is a group of people waiting to be formed by you. They will feel like “home”… a very comfortable resonance. The Best ones can be found in the oddest of places. I’m seeing your friend pulling favors and gathering resources to help you during this time. You’re not alone. Reach out to these people and you will be surprised at what you can accomplish!!

Have an Amazing April!! Blessed Be to You and Yours!!

RJ Worrell

March Energy Through the Elements. 3/2/2022

Welcome to March my Dear Friends! I hope you have all been well over the past several weeks. Below you will find the readings by element for the Month of March. Make sure to read to Your Sun, Ascendant, and Moon. Also, you may want to read all 3 Animal Spirit Cards within your personal Element. Even though I pull for one Sign directly, all 3 can carry a bigger message that comes through. The readings begin with the Element of Fire, Air, Water, then Earth.

Element of Fire. (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius)

When I began to shuffle the cards I heard the song “Return to Innocence” by Enigma. Your cards are 8 of Pentacles/ Justice/ World. Your overall energy is The Wheel of Fortune. Cutting the deck I saw the Queen of Cups. There is an injustice that has been done in your life. I’m seeing that for most of your this deals with your work environment, or with your work in general (if you work for yourself, own your own business, are an independent artist or Spiritual Coach.. Ect). For others this isn’t about work but more about whatever you’ve been working hard on for a while. This could be your education, saving/making money, or working on yourself. Pentacles are a physical suit, so if you’ve been working on yourself, then most likely it is about your appearance. You have either been taken advantage of, used, stolen from (your ideas/visions/creative commons), or you’re being overly critical of your own flaws. There is a sense of victimization going on here. I am seeing that you’re on the precipice of change in regards to this issue. There is a lot of anxiety, stress, and overthinking that has taken hold of your life. I am seeing that the Problems will be worked through and a solution will come. All of the efforts that you have put forth will not be all for nothing. For those of you focused on your physical appearance, you are seen as naked and celebrating as shown in the world card. You may think to yourself that there is no way in hell, but, all this means is that you will either accept yourself 100% and say, “this is me, take it or leave it” or you’ll finally have something fixed that has been bothering you. You’ll be able to release any negativity that has consumed your life. One chapter of this phase is ending on a good note 😉 It’s time to get ready for your new chapter. The cards add to 4 and 5. So this is the stabilization of what you’ve gone through when it has come to a disruptive change in your life.

Aries: Unicorn. The Unicorn derives from Spirit. Here we see a mystical creature that appears to be sad. You can’t miss the horn sticking out of their head, but that is what makes them so special and different. Rain falls down all around them, as a full moon full of color rests behind them. Our next full moon arrives on March 18th, 2022 in the sign of Virgo, but based on the coloring of the moon, we have a “Pink Moon” coming on April 16th, 2022 in the sign of Libra. I do feel the April Moon is better for the timing of this event based upon the Pink color and the fact that it’s in the sign of Libra which coincides with the Justice card. 8 of Pentacles is Virgo, so for some of you this event will occur around March 18th and the solution will arrive around April 16th. It may be that the event has taken place, you will then try to rectify the situation around March 18th, but it will not be complete until April 16th. The Unicorn wakes us up and allows us to explore the answers to our deepest questions. You will have the courage to speak out and to take action. Keywords: Reconnecting to Higher Wisdom or Divinity.

Leo: Swan. The Swan derives from the Water Element. You may have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio involved in your issue. Which is also the Queen of Cups I saw when cutting the deck. This Queen was in the Negative. The Queen of Cups in the negative causes them to become manipulative, sneaky, vindictive, and sometimes violent. There is a mirroring happening here. Naturally so, when a Swan swims on the water a projection of their image will be shown. For a small portion of you, this individual has become like “single white female”, it’s a movie for those that don’t know, about a roommate who basically tries to become like the main character taking over her life and everyone in it. This individual does not have to be a water sign, they can just act like the characteristics mentioned. You have a stalker on your hands. A jealous person wants what you have and will stop at nothing to take over. Sorry, I can’t put it lightly. That was my intuition kicking in, the Swan actually carries a beautiful message… It speaks about writing, creating, and reflecting. When the Swan comes your soul is calling for attention. You are asked to spend some time with yourself in order to hear the inner message for your next creative idea. Keywords: Effortless Creativity, Sensitive Mystic, Elegant Power.

Sagittarius: Shark. The Shark derives from the Water Element. Repeating the above, you may have a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio involved in your issue. And, because the Queen of Cups was in the negative when cutting the cards they are seen as vicious. I say Vicious for you because Sharks may be serene but can become quite vicious when feeding. I am seeing an individual in your life as though they stand by watching your every move. They are the ones that you see when you turn around staring at you or will keep eye contact when you are speaking to them, but they don’t say much in response.  Some of them may be very quiet individuals. They may have a desire to take things from you behind your back. At some point, they may surprise you when they become defensive and attack out of the blue. The message of the Shark states that there is something big that needs to be exposed. It’s lurking in the depths and creating tension. Elephant in the room, anyone?? Don’t be hesitant to be honest and to say what you want. Keywords are Directness, Exposure, Revealing true nature, and desire. With that last keyword, it could be that someone is being fake and is about to reveal who they truly are/or were all along.

Element of Air (Aquarius, Gemini & Libra)

As I was shuffling heard “Green”… then my mind went to Green Day and I heard the song “American Idiot”…. It’s in the lyrics. Green is Money (Prosperity), The Season of Spring, Nature, Health, Growth, beginning a new chapter. The Song basically speaks about not paying attention to what is said in the news and to stop allowing social media to dictate your life. Your cards are Queen of Wands/ 5 of Swords/ High Priestess. Your overall energy is Judgment. As I cut the deck I spotted the Page of Pentacles. The Page speaks of a new beginning when it comes to something that can become permanent over a period of time. This Page is a message concerning a new job, money, educational opportunity, or partnership. Because this is a pentacle suit, the partnership is more than likely a business or friendship more than romantic. That’s not to say that it can’t be romance for a small portion of you. The Queen of Wands (If an individual other than yourself) is a Fire Sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius). The characteristics of this individual are confident, passionate, artistic, and risky. Looking at the message in all 3 cards I am seeing as though there is an affair taking place that is being kept a secret. But that’s just an off-the-cuff message that isn’t for most of you. I am seeing three people involved here. One of them is you. There is someone (and it could be this fire sign) who is in the midst of causing chaos. They seem angry about something (or even you) that has taken place. There are secrets being held and kept. Sneakiness going on behind the scenes. Someone is having a hard time letting go of the past and things that are no longer relevant. The sneakiness could be them watching you. If you live with them, they could be looking through your things when you’re not at home. They appear to be trying to get someone to side with them. For most of you, you know the person who is caught in the middle. They want to gang up on you, but they don’t want to do it alone. They don’t have the confidence or the courage that you may have to do it alone. I’m seeing the other individual not wanting to become a part of what is going on. They are smart enough to know they would just be a pawn and they personally don’t have anything against you. I’m seeing you looking at this person who is trying to cause chaos as though they have no power over you, and they don’t… not ONE f’ing bit! It’s as though you’re giving them “3 strikes and they’re out”. If they mess with you one more time you will show them the door or just eliminate them from your life. Your cards add to 7/10. This speaks about a challenge brought to your life and how it will become the changing factor when it comes to this other person. I feel as though most of you will give this individual the boot. “Screw you and the horse you rode in on!” 😉

Aquarius: Peacock. The Peacock derives from the Air Element. So the Peacock is most likely you. The feathers on the top of its head are like antennas. Satellite frequency. You’re hearing things said that you’re not meant to be hearing. There is either someone speaking about you and they don’t know your close enough to hear them, or you’re being told about these things from someone else. I feel like a small portion of you are actually tapping this person. Especially, if you live with them. Recording them. You could be putting “feelers” out to this person to see how they react or how they will respond. If you’re doing that you are trying to decide what they have up their sleeve or figure out the next action you will take with them (the person speaking about you). The peacock comes when you’re attempting to digest messages you’re receiving. IT states to not harbor resentment, conflict, or past pain. But, if the individual who is speaking badly about you is toxic I wouldn’t blame you. Keywords: Compassion, Assimilator of Anything.

Gemini: Bat. The Bat derives from the Air Element. Bats only come out at night as a sense of protection. They appear to be tiny until they stretch out their wings. So, with this, I am getting that normally you don’t appear to be threatening to anyone until they do something to wrong you. You can go from Zero to 100. No one knows who they are messing with. The wings are seen here with the color red which indicates your power and bravery against all odds. I’m hearing, “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will If I have to.” You’re a very good person at heart and you don’t wish ill upon many, but you’re not going to just sit there and take whatever it is being thrown your way. Going back to protection, most of you will feel as though you have to protect yourself, but for some of you you’re being protective of someone else. The Moon behind the bat could indicate timing for the Full Moon coming on March 18th, 2022. So, this event could take place around that time. The message of the bat speaks about the end of a chapter in your life and the closing of the door. The bat encourages you to move on with no regrets. Keywords: Darkness, Letting GO, Death leading to rebirth.

Libra: Oyster. The Oyster derives from the Water Element. There could be a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio involved in your situation. If not, the water element is compassionate, loving, intuitive, as well as emotional. The Oyster hides in their shell. There are beams of light shooting out all around their shell. Hiding their essence. I feel as though they just want to break free and are about to at any given moment. They are working on it and are about ready to release themselves. I feel like some of you have been in the process of trying to physically move homes. For others, I’m seeing you revealing your true selves. The message of the oyster speaks about taking your inner gifts for granted and not revealing them. You could be shy or doubtful and want to protect your deepest desires. This card tells you that it’s time to show the world your secret. Keywords: Patient, secret-keeper, Hiding inner treasures.

Element of Water. (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

As I was shuffling I heard the phrase, ” Deem me most important and all will be fine.” I feel as though with this you want someone to show that you’re important to them or else. Almost as though it’s an ultimatum for some of you. I then heard the song “Breathe in” by Frou Frou.  As I cut the deck I spotted the Knight of Wands. Your cards are 7 Cups/ Ace Cups/ The Wheel of Fortune, with the overall energy of King of Cups. There has been a tremendous amount of confusion in your situation. When it has come to you and another I’m seeing miscommunication and lack of connection. Some of you haven’t spoken to this individual in a long time. Others have either not seen eye to eye with the other individual in question, or you have had a fallen out with each other and possibly broke up over whatever happened. The situation has caused a tremendous amount of stress and mental/emotional exhaustion. There has been a lot of “What ifs” and you just didn’t know what to do, Or if there was anything you COULD do for that matter. Maybe, you’ve tried so many things to get your relationship to work but nothing seemed to stick. For those with the individual not currently in your life, I am seeing an offer of renewal. For those involved, I am seeing hope coming to your stagnant situation. The issue at hand needs to be resolved with compassion and care, instead of brute force. Though I do see for some of you that you may need to utilize tough love when it comes to your partnership. There is a new beginning happening here, a new beginning in love. The wheel changes everything and gets the ball rolling. If you’re a single person and not involved in a relationship this tells me that someone new is entering into your life. With the phrase that came to me, you could be on a dating app, trying to find the one. It’s possible that someone has caught your eye, but you’re unsure if you’re the one they will choose overall…. This tells me that you will be the chosen one. The Knight of Wands is quick-moving energy that brings passion. Passion is not always a romantic passion, but a passion for change. Something you want and you want it right away. The King of Cups is stable and mature energy. Stability and Maturity are what you desire from a partner. Your cards add to 7/1. This speaks about the challenges you go through in order to bring this new chapter into your life.

Pisces: Camel. The Camel derives from the Earth Element. You could have a Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo involved in your situation. Earth signs strive for security on the Physical level. They are Solid, Stable, Hardworking, Serious, and generally care about their financial portfolio over all else. You could be placing importance on these characteristics yourself. This is what you desire from your partner. Or, if you’re single what you’re looking for in another. The camel appears to be intent on a goal. On the outside, it seems as though there is nothing wrong, but there is a bit of emotional turmoil hidden beneath the surface. You are uncertain and possibly disgusted by your issue. Rain falls down around the camel signaling the dilemma you face. The waxing crescent moon behind them signals a New Moon. We have a New Moon in your sign Tomorrow- March 2nd, 2022, and ends on March 10th, 2022.  The next waxing crescent will be around April 2, 2022. This is your possible time period. The message of the Camel speaks about being resilient no matter what the circumstances are. It also speaks about bringing opposites into balance. This could be you and another coming to an agreement. This could also be (for an EXTREMELY small portion of you) a Twin Reunion. I emphasize the term “Extremely” because The TF dynamic has gotten out of hand and many don’t realize that only 3% of the population on earth knows theirs in the physical. Everyone thinks they are with theirs or have met theirs. I’m sorry to be the bubble burster. But this is just not the case. I have plans to write on the dynamic as soon as the unseen tells me it’s time. Keywords: Resourceful, Independent, Know’s One Self.

Cancer: Phoenix. The Phoenix derives from Spirit. I see this as you being at a low point. You’re coming from a low point, that is. There’s a lot of heavy energy holding you down and it’s almost as though It is sucking the life right out of you. I’m seeing you struggling to break free at times. This tells me you’re on your way out of this energy and bursting forth into freedom. If you ever heard the phrase “The Phoenix rises from the ashes”, this is it. Each Wing can represent a person. Here, we have you facing another. There is tension between the two of you. But I am seeing as though you are working together and feeding off of the other to get out of “this mess”. Cooperation and collaboration are happening. The Phoenix comes with the message of transformation from your past. After long-term suffering, you’re taking a stand, not with rage, but with clarity. Keywords: Freedom from Suffering & Past Karma, Reincarnation.

Scorpio: Nightingale. The Nightingale derives from the Air Element. You could have an Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra involved in your situation. The characteristics of Air contain Analysis, Overthinking which could lead to mental exertion, Communication, “Two sides to every story”, Seeking a balance between opposites. Here we have a nightingale standing on top of a Full moon screaming (I heard a phrase from a song- Screaming infidelities by Dashboard confessional… it’s not for everyone). This bird wants to be heard. You want to know if you matter to another, “Don’t I matter???”. You’re wondering what you did wrong. Questions and conversations can shed some light. The message of the Nightingale speaks about communication in order to heal your wounds. You can even do this through song lyrics and poetry. If you feel that you cannot speak to the person that caused pain (If they have blocked you or told you to no longer contact them) you can write it down for yourself then burn it to release the pain. Keywords: Fearless Voice, Speech, Communication, or Song.

Element of Earth. ( Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo.)

As I was shuffling I heard the song, “Hold Me Now” by the Thompson Twins. As I cut the Deck I spotted the Knight of Cups. Your Cards are King of Wands/ Queen of Swords/ 9 of Pentacles. Your overall Energy is Queen of Wands. You have a lot of people and energies showing up in your reading!! The first thought is separation and/or divorce for some of you. But that definitely is not the message for all. The Knight of Cups can be a Water sign but carries the message of a slow emotional change, as well as the beginning of a romance. The King of Wands is a Fire sign and is the “partner” to the Queen of Wands. The Queen of Swords is an Air Sign. This Air sign “takes no shit!!” and the fact that they are in the negative just makes it worse. The King of Wands is also in the negative. Here, we have two people in complete and total disarray. They are fighting and while one of them is looking directly at the other, the other is totally ignoring what is being said. They are being defiant, while the other is being stubbornly forceful. This is a bad cycle to be in. Differences are much harder to work out this way. Normally, The Queen of Swords can give clarity and direct answers to the most puzzling questions, but she is shut down. The King of Wands is very creative with ideas that flow through them, but in the negative, they become rigid and stuck on their way being the only way. Hitting a Brick wall is how I see this scenario. For those that may be going through a separation or divorce, you’re attempting to divide your assets. Who gets what in other words. Neither one of you agree. It seems as though this King really wants something that the Queen refuses to agree on. If you have another person involved in this scenario they just may be the driving force behind the King’s actions. Know that this person only cares about themselves and basically gave the King an ultimatum on what to get in order to be with them. This is so horrible. The third person is the type of person that does not belong here on earth in my opinion. Priorities are completely messed up. That’s neither here nor there because most of you aren’t dealing with that in your situation. If you’re dealing with an issue on your own, This Queen is known to be someone such as a Lawyer/Judge or even a surgeon. So, you could be having issues when it comes to legality. Your reading ends on a good note with the 9 of Pentacles. This is someone who is very content with all that they have. They are surrounded by comfort and financial security. Contentment and satisfaction surround this 9. Your cards add to 9/7/10/1. The 7 speaks of the challenges one must go through on their own (9) Being on your own in this issue is the 9, which gives you time for introspection. 10 is the end of a cycle and there with the 1, you have your new beginning.

Capricorn: Golden Egg. The Golden Egg derives from Spirit. Here you will see something so very precious that it must be kept in a secure spot. This is not only like a special box with velvet lining but could also be a safe. Whether an object or a person you long to keep it protected. This is also a symbol of patience. How long it takes for the gestational process to occur. The message of the Golden Egg speaks about meditation and the practice of Yoga. About how helpful both of these things can be during times of Tribulation. It is connected to the fourth Chakra, called Anahata; which is the home of the self and the soul. Whatever question rests heavily on the heart, be open to what you receive during meditation.

Taurus: Firefly. The Firefly derives from Air. There could be an Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra involved in your situation. The Air Element is very communicative and mentally driven. So, you could also be stuck within your own thoughts and wanting or needing to speak about them. How such a tiny bug can emit so much light… the smallest thought that you may not have considered could be the solution. You may feel as though it’s impossible to stand out amongst the crowd, but know that you’re seen. You have so many ideas that need to be shared. The message of the Firefly indicates a moment of inspiration or awakening that quickly fades. Don’t wait too long to move forward. The time is now. Keywords: Inspired and Fantastic, Yet Fleeting.

Virgo: Wolf. The Wolf derives from Earth. Sometimes when you walk into a room people stop what they are doing or take a deep breath. They don’t know what they can expect from you. The ones that do know how you are wait to hear what you have to say next. Some of you cause people to feel like they walk on eggshells. You have this powerful energy without doing a thing. Just your eyes sometimes can communicate messages to others. The wolf sits there with no fear. The wolf is not someone to mess with. The Message within this card speaks about the wolf’s mission to uphold the well-being and longevity of the pack. Your energy is expressed through activism, mentorship, humanitarian efforts, or teaching. Where the wolf may fail is when you assume that another person should do things as you see fit. You are asked to practice tolerance to balance out any agitation that you may feel due to another. Keywords: Guardian of Family & Tribe, Activism, Ritual.

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

If you would like a personal reading you may go to my “Contact” page.

RJ Worrell