New Moon Solar Eclipse Capricorn 12/25/2019– All Signs Reading.

We have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as well as the Sun and the Moon (of course) when it comes to this New Moon. With the Moon and the Sun together in the same sign/house we have the Feminine and masculine energies working together towards a common goal. In essence, even though I try not to speak about this, this New moon is important for Twin Flames when it comes to moving forward. We have been going through a preparation phase all through 2019 to get ready for the Energy of 2020. Capricorn is a sign that Rules next year. Keep in mind that even though the Sign is Capricorn it means something very important to us all equally. Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck and expansion– but alongside Capricorn Jupiter is slowed. Think of Jupiter as an Excited kid ready to rip through presents, Capricorn is the parent, and tells Jupiter, ” ONE at a time so I can capture the memories.” Saturn resembles the Father Figure; along side Capricorn it can carry a heavy weight upon your shoulders. This carries the energy of what is expected of and from you by a power in control. What are your goals exactly? What is your dead line? Are you putting in the work and doing what needs to be done? Don’t stray from your goals and keep going. Pluto attempts to transform all that you know, how you live, and what you’re doing. With all 3 in the mix, you’ll be experiencing a total transformation in your life, specifically with the current house the Moon is located in. You will Mature, Revise, Organize and Stabilize. This energy will continue for up to 6 months.

Aries– This new Moon is very important for you, as you will strive to achieve more now within your career than you have ever before! Your main focus for this New moon is all about a chance to prove yourself to the world; with what you know, who you are, as well as to show off your skills. You will consider how well you have utilized your resources and time so far when it comes to gaining the recognition that you desire. You will be compelled to gain control and to take action. Some of you may even be compelled to completely change direction in regards to your career. Even going as far as to quit your current Job feeling inspired to go after a dream of yours. You’ll be able to influence other’s easily and magically transform the situation to your own ideals. Try not to only focus on independent work, as team effort will be beneficial for you at this time. If you normally just focus on doing tasks on your own, now is the time to either hire help, seek a PR, market yourself, or just enjoy getting things done together (if you’re in a job including other employees). No more dilly dallying as you will be working some long and productive hours. During this time you may be more open to hanging with friends, going to parties, becoming more social (Yes, Introverts, I’m speaking to you!). Romantic relationships will go very smoothly and become quite agreeable at this time.

Your Cartomancy: Ace Diamonds/4 Clubs/5 Hearts/Jack Spade/5 Clubs– I’m hearing, “Change of Heart” with the Two 5’s. The Ace always signifies a new beginning. For the Diamonds- This is mostly Monetary. The Jack is an extremely quick energy coming in to Change your life direction. I’m seeing increased energy and creativity. Taking the steps towards Good Health– as in making a doctor’s appointment that you’ve been putting off. Other’s will be given the message that something in their health or dealing with their health is “cleared”. It could also be that your insurance has made a decision on what they will pay for.  Some of you will receive the opportunity to travel out of state. Or you will be traveling out of state for whatever purpose (1 week- 1 month timeline). There will be a lot of written communication- this could be about praise and rewards for your work or a job well done. You’ve been merging from one state to another slowly through the past year or so. Letting go of things/people that have held you into place. This can even be working through a mental prison. This is all happening so that you clear out the heavy energies and move forward with your desires. All that you’ve been thinking about manifesting is getting ready to be delivered.

Taurus- During this Transit you will be gaining more self-confidence. This will help you tremendously to make the much needed changes in your life. Some of you will be learning something new, or learning as you go, in order to bring more opportunities and advancement, mostly within your careers. This could also be a type of advancement when it comes to the Public eye. You want more people to know you, to know what you do, to see your talents and abilities. It’s as though you’re learning in order to not only grow, but to be the one “in the know”. You want to be the one that someone thinks about when they need help or when someone asks for a recommendation. You want Your name or your business to be who that individual tells another to contact. Internally, your awareness is growing when it comes to what you want exactly and what you need to implement. You’re paying more attention to the world around you, as well as other’s responses. It is as though you are handing out a universal questionnaire about likes and dislikes… trying to get to know the audience that you’re presenting yourself to.  You will become more intimate with those around you aiming to understand them and their view points. You will either create a personal code of ethics to stand by or re-evaluate your current code of ethics and fix where they need some updating/change. Enthusiasm will be high at this time, as you question everything, learning, re-learning, fixing, changing, molding…. You’re securing your new foundation and level in the world.

Your Cartomancy: 9 hearts/3 Spade/3 Diamond/10 Clubs/Jack Clubs—  Abundance of wishes through inspired change. There is an initiation taking place in your life. Taking the Initiative to move in one direction. Creation to bring “more” towards you. There is or will be Business collaborations happening in your life. For other’s, there will be a collaboration when it comes to a romantic partnership. Some of you may go into business together or market each other. The 9 hearts is the Big Wish card in Cartomancy (as well as Tarot– I try to keep to the system of Cartomancy when reading playing cards– most of them are different from Tarot.) This card Enhances what you want to bring into reality, giving it a special boost of luck. You run into a bit of a problem with the 3 Spade. So there is an obstacle for some of you to get to where you desire to be. Isn’t there an obstacle most of the time though? 😉 Through obstacles you are tested by the universe to see just how BADLY you want something. Will you be a warrior and keep going? You should with this, Yes! This obstacle may be brought upon by another person. They may not want to collaborate right off the bat. It’s hard to get things going. This will leave you feeling worried or nervous — over analyzing the person or the situation. Don’t do that to yourself. Try to remain calm and patient. There could be a Fire Sign involved (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), or you have a Fire sign as your Rising/Moon. If you do, you will initiate this change and get things moving along from this halted state. I see you being very inspiring and possibly amusing to this other individual and they won’t be able to say No.

Gemini- Your sex drive may be stirred at this time, especially if it has been in limbo. You will meet someone at this time that seems to transform the way in which you view the world, or your own ideals. This is quite often an intense time period where you dive down deeply internally to the core of the matter. Searching for truths within yourself as well as with others. There may be a crisis that comes out of the blue to tackle. This is only so that you can purge any heavy energies that are lingering within yourself or within your life. The crisis can show up in the forms of negative emotions that cause you to explode…. Anger, Jealousy, possibly showing possessiveness. If not from yourself, it can show up from other’s aimed at you. During this time you could experience the death of a loved one, or the death “end” of a certain aspect in your life (career, friendship, relationship, living situation). This is meant to be cleared out in order to figure out what you really want and truly need. You may be dealing with secrets at this time, that you’re hiding from others, and vice versa. If someone else is hiding something, then you can feel it at a very deep level. You may finally come out and question them. Or finally reveal your feelings and secrets to this person. It’s as though it’s bubbling to the top and needs to come to light. I’m also feeling as though this will be a time where you will purge yourself of your possessions. You will rid your life of old energy and make room for the new. There is Raw Honesty happening here and an emotional purification.

Your Cartomancy: 3 Diamond/Jack Clubs/ 4 Hearts/ 9 Diamonds/ 9 Spade— The First thing that I am noticing are Issues when it comes to finances. It’s as though your working hard to get to a goal and then you’re sucked backwards. You’re feeling ‘All that work was for nothing!!’. I’m seeing a second chance coming. You will either go after something for the second time or if this deals with someone you love you will give them a second chance or be given one. Think back to what you were trying to achieve prior, or something you let go of– this is where the second chance is indicated. Some of you have a karmic debt to pay and this will be solved this time around. Returning to a situation or place with more wisdom– leading to an outcome that you will be very happy about. There is someone involved here that is trying to help you. This person could be a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). You will feel extremely motivated to make this change in your life. Leading to offers and proposals. 😀 You will be able to work through past/current disappointments. I’m seeing a trip coming up for you. It could be in relation to this second chance. Some of you will become awakened if you’ve been journeying inwards for a period of time. You will be able to see the situation clearly now. You’ve been working through a bit of a fog (confusion), that has been dominating your mind. It has been an emotional journey at times. You have felt hopeless and frustrated. Push and pull situation. Determined for a period of time heading towards a goal and having obstacles thrown your way. Well, guess what?? Nothing will hold you back any longer!

Cancer- This new moon shows up in your house of Partnerships. There has been intense pressure building up under the surface for you Crabs. Most of this pressure deals with your relationships and connections (At home, In a partnership and at the workplace). I’m feeling the energy that situations have become rigid and authoritative; someone is trying to “rule” you or win. You may even try to take control at times. Aim to be on top. Put your foot down. Test the other. Refuse to listen. You may have your own plans in mind. Power struggles. There is this really tight energy about to SNAP. The Sign that rules the 7th house is Libra. Libra seeks balance and harmony within connections. But here, you have it in Capricorn; who loves things a certain way and keeps to what makes one feel secure. I feel as though you need to have a serious conversation with those where things have been tense, and a battle. Hearing them out, make sure they’re paying attention as well, and say what you need to say. When you do have this conversation be sure to not start off by saying, “YOU made me feel… It’s because of YOU that this…” When you’re trying to solve an issue with another you have to go about this in a nonthreatening or Blaming matter. It is better you say, ” When this happens between us I feel….. I really wish that WE weren’t in this position.” It’s best to make it about the both of you. Your aiming to come to a solution so that the both of you can unify and work together. But, with Capricorn, it’s obvious that you both need to put a plan into place. A plan and a structure that helps the both of you to compromise and to feel good with the connection. You want to work through your current issues this month. It’s time to situate the energy of that connection.

Your Cartomancy: 3 Diamond/ 7 Diamond/ Jack Spade/ 2 Spade/ 10 Club— Quick action/ Quick communication and change coming in. This could be from/by an Air Sign (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). There is the energy of emotional intensity when it comes to this. Could be coming from the other individual, you or the situation itself causes this Intense energy. I fell like some of you have to make a decision quickly when it comes to what this is. You will be working with someone else through this, as indicated by the 3 Diamonds. This is normally about Collaborations taking place. So, you could be collaborating, or just discussing what needs to happen. For a lot of you, this will deal with a career change that will bring an abundance of Financial opportunity. Some of you may feel that it will bring you financial abundance and this is why you’re wanting to make this change or Invest your time, energy, effort, money into whatever this is. If this has nothing to do with career or Finances for you, it could be an individual that you want to invest in. I’m seeing a state of a truce. Where nothing is happening. You may not know what to do, You may not have all of the information. So, you’re either waiting on this information, not making a decision at this time (a refusal to admit something, or to see something), too afraid to make a move, Not wanting to give an answer… I’m seeing secrets being withheld. This is causing you to become anxious or tense. Emotional intensity!! Once, you’re able to make a decision and release this energy you’ll feel a lot better. You’ve been in limbo- stuck in a state of analysis. You’re not making up your mind. You’re being told to take action or “get off the pot.”

Leo- You guys are working very hard at this current time. You’re putting in long hours when in comes to your work and your goals. Becoming extremely productive. If you’ve never been a workaholic before— you’ve arrived! Good luck to anyone who tries to spend time with you. They’ll be lucky if they get a “hello”. It’s not personal of course, you’re just very driven right now to get shit done! It’s all you can think about. The ambition to succeed through the Sign of Capricorn has you reorganizing your workspace, as well as your personal life. This is the time when you situate certain chores and tasks to those that surround you in order to place more focus upon your goal. Around your home, you may divvy up certain chores to family members, get them on more of a schedule so that your daily day runs more smoothly. You could be doing this in the workspace as well. Planning out your day, even by the hour. What is it that will bring you harmony within what you’re trying to create for yourself? Recognition. But first you must be able to balance two main very important things in your life – Work/Home, Family/ Friends, Friends/Partner. There is a contradictory energy for you Lions this month. You may feel the desire you get close to someone, but get pulled back to your main focus. It’s as though you’re reaching out just to get sucked back into the abyss. Efficiency and effectiveness are two main keywords for you at this time.

Your Cartomancy: 6 Diamond/ Queen Club/ 2 Spade/ 4 Hearts/ 4 Spade– Just like the Sign of Cancer, you’re not making up your mind about a situation. I feel as though you don’t know who or what to invest your effort/ time into. I get this feeling that you’re going back and forth. This could be in your mind, with your feelings (as in one day you want to move forward and the next day you don’t), You may not know who or what to choose. You could be given news that you don’t like and you don’t know what to do about it. There is something being withheld from you that you don’t know about. You could be omitting admissions as well. For some of you, you and another individual aren’t speaking about “The elephant in the room”.  You need to have an open discussion about what is hidden. There is a “Second chance” indicated here. If you’ve been having issues with another, having this conversation will allow the both of you to begin again on a clean slate. I feel like someone is watching another… this could be you watching them, or them watching you, if you’re not the one doing it. Then again, the both of you could be checking up on each other. This has the energy of who will make the first move, or who will make the move. Neither one of you want to do it. Maybe fear of rejection. “Skirting the issue”… meaning if you’re in communication with another you will spend most of your conversation talking about everything BUT the main problem. You’re left wondering and assuming, but never knowing the real answer. Do yourself a favor and reach out to talk about this issue so that it can be put to rest.

Virgo- You’re focused on placing more of an emphasis upon what ignites your passion. For some of you, if you absolutely love what you do for work, then you’ll be hardcore productive when it comes to your career sector at this time. This is a period for you to dive more deeply into your hobbies and possibly generate money or recognition from them. You may take them a lot more seriously at this time. Selling your artwork/ crafts, entering into contests, submitting what you Pen to be published..ect. Other’s will become more sexually uninhibited. Just make sure you don’t regret your whims later. 😉 If letting loose has been very difficult for you to do in the past– you’ll become more free. Your emotional nature is normally reserved for those closest to you. Aiming to appear as pleasing as possible, you rarely let other’s know when they have “rocked you”. People better beware though, since you’re about to show them this side of yourself. Some good, some bad. A piece of your mind, most definitely will come forth. Within your relationships, you will experience a much greater emotional depth than normal. Some will love this side of you, while other’s will be repelled. This is a good time to see who to keep in your life and who to say goodbye to. If someone can’t accept all sides of yourself then why keep them around? It’s time to get creative in your life, to feel the excitement of a child, and to power through towards your end goal.

Your Cartomancy: 9 Spade/ 8 Spade/ 5 Hearts/ 7 Clubs/ 5 Spade— Heavy energy, Virgo’s. It seems that whatever is going on has taken a toll on your health. It could be that you feel trapped to a situation. The more you think about how you’re “trapped” the worse it gets for you. It’s bringing you down. You feel that you can’t do a damn thing about the issue you’re facing. There is intense stress, lack of sleep, restlessness and feeling on edge. I’m seeing this image as though you’re standing in front of a mountain and it seems to grow bigger and bigger, it becomes intimidatingly huge, you feel very small in comparison. It gets you to a point of hopelessness, where you want to give up. And yet, a part of you wants to keep fighting because you want your wish to become a reality no matter what. This could be about a relationship for a small portion of you. The main wish is about Career and/or Promotion for a lot of you. You’ve been working very hard… endlessly hard… towards your goal. The pressure is on 24/7. It’s weighing you down. But you keep plugging through. Worker Bees… Building your own “hive”. Break? What break? You can’t take a break. You need one so badly but you “Can’t” take a break. It’s almost as though you’re possessed. Not in complete control of yourself. You really do need to take a break from whatever this is because I’m seeing a bigger downfall when it comes to your health. This could be a nervous breakdown, messing up at work or within a connection that causes you to either get fired, demoted, thrown out, ending up in a hospital or worse case scenario- Jail. Take a break in order to think things through, rest, become grounded and then come back.

Libra- Your focus deals with your Home Environment and your Roots. Detachment from parental figures in order to establish your own roots, your own traditions, your own energy in your living space. You’re breaking free of old karmic patterns. We take this placement back to childhood, and with what was going on then. Which parental figure was around the most often and which was gone most of the time?  What effects they had on you. What still seems to linger that nags at your subconscious. You may be working through experiences where you weren’t taken seriously as a child; with any issues that you had; you were ignored. Whereas, in a past lifetime you were put in a leadership position or placed upon a pedestal. Your soul remembers this, and so this dismissive behavior from those around you in this lifetime create an energy of a core triggering vexation. It may appear to limit your current potential. You feel it deep down that you’re meant for greatness, but can’t seem to get up out of this “choke-hold”. Now, is the time, Now is the hour… Time to take back your power. Organize and revitalize your home environment. Maybe redecorate where you spend the most time. Feel into what needs to be placed where. Do not rush this process. Which each new piece, and each placement, you will be creating a whole new energy to work with in 2020. This will set the tone for the next decade. Get rid of old energy, by discarding what you no longer need or want. Envision who you are as an individual, apart from others. Let go of what you’ve been told. It’s time to set the record straight and come into your own being.

Your Cartomancy: 8 Spade/ 5 Diamonds/ 8 Clubs/ 10 Spade/ 5 Clubs— Power surrounds you, Libra. The Power to get what you want and to stay strong. Staying strong will bring the recognition that you desire. Some of you feel as though you’re being ignored. There is a general lack of acknowledgement going on for work that you’ve done, or effort that you have put into something. You could have been the creator — other’s took from you and never gave you credit. Or you did most of the work, if not all, and other’s took credit for doing nothing. If this is the case for you, your credit is due and is coming; You will finally be recognized and credited. If you have been stolen from in any way, even financially… you will get it back. It belongs to YOU after all… whatever this is. It’s as though the power of the universe sees this imbalance and this state of unfairness and either gets the individual to finally acknowledge you or stops the thief in their tracks and hands it back to you. It could be that you’re waiting on money owed and someone is trying to get out of paying you. There is a surprise coming to you guys,  so try not to stress too much. Money, praise, acknowledgment, A Bonus, A Gift. Surrender& let go. There is an end to this situation coming through communication. I’m seeing contracts being made between you and another, this may not even be in the form of something you sign, it could be just a verbal contract. Especially, if you trust each other, then you wouldn’t be required to sign a document. A Promise is given and made.

Scorpio- Your main focus deals with communication when it comes to your siblings, friends, as well as the Public eye. The energy of nurturing, restructuring and a coming together (being on the same page) is emphasized at this time. Your Emotional nature will take over what you relay to other’s. Conversing about your feelings concerning pressing matters based upon your own perception. What you speak may not actually turn out to be factual, but to you, it appears to be so. You’re aiming to relate to the group or for them to relate to you. Sometimes, you’re hit with obstacles from the strong willed. Especially, by those that have a hard time seeing from various perspectives. You can’t please everyone, after all. You want to give your own sympathy and understanding, but will only do this if the energy begins to harmonize between you and another, or you and a group of people. I get this energy of where you’re standing your ground, possibly in preparation to battle. It’s as though you’re expecting this. You don’t wish to battle, of course, you actually want to create a Yin/Yang energy. All is one, and one is all. You know that is impossible; but you’re willing to try anyway. More power to you!! 🙂 I’m hearing, “Watch your words.” With Capricorn in your house, this will be very constructive. Know that this situation could get dramatic, especially with Pluto located here as well, but as long as you try and remain as objective as possible, things will go much more smoothly.

Your Cartomancy– 6 Diamonds/ King Spade/ 3 Spade/ King Diamond/ 3 Diamond— First thing that I am getting is a separation. Being separated from someone or being stuck in the middle of two individuals who are at cross purposes. You have two individuals here– Air Sign/ Earth Sign. They don’t have to be of these elements. One is Highly intelligent, can see situations from all angles, is able to make a decision based upon facts presented. This could be a Lawyer, Judge, police officer. The other individual is Grounded, Financially Stable, Possibly a business owner, or a Boss of yours. Or they could be two people you know already that is in connection with what is happening. They could be discussing you and what needs to be done. You may be at a standstill with another. I’m seeing the images of Letters and a Safe. This could be literal- that there is important information being held in a safe, or secrets needing to come out and be revealed. Something has been kept “under wraps”. And now it’s time for a revelation. There is something dealing with the number 6. Six days, weeks, months or years. So what ever is happening or “going down” has been going on for this long or will be revealed in 6 days-weeks. I won’t say Years or months, because that would be too long to wait for something to be revealed at this time of the reading…. If it’s years/months, then whatever this is was kept hidden for 6 years/months. At the time I am conducting this… 6 days will fall on Christmas. “Holiday Ruiner”. It may not ruin your holiday, so don’t worry. That’s just the phrase that came to me, but it’s certainly not for all of you. It could be a good secret for some of you that is being revealed. I then see a collaboration with another… trying to sort out the details of something to “be in good standing”. Major decision must be made. Action taken, after a long time. Moving on from the past and past judgments.

Sagittarius- You Sagi’s are focused on the basics in your life. It is the basics that provide you the foundation that helps you to feel secure. So, even though this doesn’t seem exciting, it is imperative on a daily basis. This is where you’re going to evaluate your current life stance. You will be driven to ambition from this point on. You will aim to give yourself more than you have been. When it comes to your financial situation, you will put forth the effort to create more of a solid monetary nest egg. You may look to invest at this time or to get serious when it comes to saving. You will also look for more ways in which to make money. You want more stability and security in the future. You will also be focusing on your own self-worth. Have you been shortchanging yourself? Charging less for your services, or accepting less when you have the talent, skill, ability, intelligence… in order to be paid more or to be promoted. Shouldn’t you be in the lead or on top? The Answer is Yes. 😉 It’s time for you to step up to the plate and to accept nothing less than what you deserve. If you do spend money, money is best invested on your own marketing and promotion of your services. This will help to bring in more clients, leads, awards, recognition… Look to your inner self and what is true. You don’t need to “fake it till you make it”, You already Got it!! It’s time to Own up to it, and truly value yourself. Your cartomancy reading below went a whole different route. Enjoy!

Your Cartomancy: 2 Hearts/ 5 Spade/ 3 Hearts/ 3 Clubs/ 9 Diamonds— A relationship trio possibly? Third party. For other’s, you’ll be invited to go out with a group of friends. It’s a time of celebration and togetherness. I’m hearing the song, “Time of the Season” by the Zombies. I’m also seeing argumentative communication. This could be brought on because someone wants to see you and you aren’t giving them an answer or making a move. This is causing them to become aggressive or to play tit for tat. This is actually a wish for some of you, that this individual will contact you. Be careful what you ask for. 😉 You may not be ready for what they have to say. I’m seeing two people (you and another) that are drawn to each other. But then there is an energy of negative dominance. I feel like (for some of you) that you will be at a gathering and then this individual is going to cause problems. It could be this 3rd person that you’re not even drawn to. Someone who is an “outsider” to this gathering. Someone who was not invited. And they are MAD. Yes, this person is either psychologically ill, having a severe mental disturbance that they are not included. Whatever is happening they are showing the worst side of themselves. Normally, they would try to keep this to themselves and not show it outwardly (definitely NOT to a crowd of people), but this time the whole crowd is seeing them for who they are or what they can possibly become when angered. This causes a bit of a KINK in the situation. It’s as though they’ve ruined a good time. Now, they didn’t ruin it completely because Mind over matter, but they basically put negative energy into the atmosphere, that was once joyous. They are a massive nuisance and a killjoy. The Plot twist is that THEY have no power and they will be the one that loses. They may present a problem, but you will have the solution and take control. Then you can get back to your good time and connecting.

Capricorn- This time it is all about You, My dears. How you present yourself to the world. Topics surrounding your Public status, Professional Status and your Reputation have taken over. Are you staying true to yourself? You may be more so focused on your appearance at this time, and seek to change your style of clothing, change your hair style, your skin care routine, having a consult with a plastic surgeon or a dentist. You’ll be focused on how you communicate to other’s. The presentation of your home, your office, your family. You’re looking to create this vision you have that you want other’s to see as well. You want to bring your vision into reality now. You’re being gifted the energy to proceed at this time, even through obstacles that may present themselves, in order to fulfill your destiny. You’ll be working harder than ever to achieve your goals and ambitions. You feel as though all aspects of your life has “A place” to help to boost the future that you desire. With both the Moon and the Sun in your first house you are able to turn the page of your current and Karmic past to move forward. You will no longer be stuck in the “what If’s”. It will all become your reality. Now, is the time to tweak the details of what is to become of you in the next decade.

Your Cartomancy: 9 Hearts/ 3 Spade/ 2 Clubs/ 5 Hearts/ 3 Diamonds— I’m seeing telephone or video calls with another where you’ll be able to work out your misunderstandings. You’ll be able to speak your view point and hear them out as well. However, this form of communication takes place, It’s not texting or email… because you can hear their voice. So it’s could even be through Voice texts. Sending audio clips. This conversation that you’re about to have is extremely important to you. A lot of you are attempting to heal a connection or bridge the gap between you and another. This is also a Big wish of yours. I feel as though you’ve been very disappointed in someone or with how the situation has gone down. You want to work through your emotions and get back on track. Either get back on track with this individual or get your thoughts and feelings to become balanced out. Could be both. I’m hearing, “I Miss You.” I see some of you being able to make plans for a future meeting or get together with this individual. There is an energy of “Going back”… someone from the past, an area where you once lived… you could be making plans to travel there, or you’ll already be traveling to that location and this individual lives there. The person you’re communicating with could be the one traveling to you and it’s a place where they lived prior. It could be a place that the two of you have gone to together, A restaurant maybe… But I see you being able to reconnect, share memories and get back on track. Or just be able to put your mind at ease. So really, your reading here is straight to the point.

Aquarius- You guys will be diving down deep into your own hidden depths, as well as into other’s. There are Karmic debts that need to be resolved. You may feel responsible for them, or feel as though you deserve them. This never ending internal battle of yours is about to meet it’s end. You’ll be focusing on your responsibility to others in comparison with the responsibility to yourself. You will question what you have contributed to certain situations to arrive at where you currently find yourself. You’re aiming to find the equilibrium. What are the emotions that you have kept hidden from others? Many will appear to be strong on the surface, but low and behold what is occurring on the inside is so much more than what you show. If you get to a place where you’re ultimately stressed or overwhelmed you then tend to find an outlet, sometimes an Unhealthy outlet, in order to deal with the barrage of emotions. It is the unhealthy outlet that you may even hide from others. You may even tell yourself repeatedly that what you’re doing isn’t a big deal, so in turn, you keep dodging a solution. Yes, your coping mechanisms need to be changed. Communicating about these to someone you can trust will help you to pinpoint, validate and create a new plan for you to follow for the next time. Even, reaching out before it happens again, you can catch yourself and either contact that person, get into a habit of doing a specific chore, or a hobby, exercise, Paint… The Possibilities are endless. This New Moon helps to take you out of the murky waters of secrets (Yours and Theirs) into the light of clarity.

Your Cartomancy: 5 Hearts/ 5 Clubs/ 7 Diamonds/ 3 Spade/ Jack Clubs— There is a ton of Creative and Expansive vibes happening for you. There is a long period of processing something… this could be you mentally processing a situation, absorbing and digesting it. I see you also working towards a very important goal of yours.  The End Goal. This is a time consuming process. It feels like it takes a lot of energy out of you. It could be draining at times, but you continue to be determined and to trust within this process. I don’t know why I’m saying “Process” a lot, but maybe it means something more personal to you. There are changes coming about in your emotional life, as well as your career or what brings you the most passion. I feel the energy as though they are connected somehow. Some of you have an “End Goal” when it comes to a specific person. I feel as though you want to work with them in some way. Either run a new business, work on a project, any collaborations really are indicated here. There is a Fire Sign that could be possibly involved (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)– If not their Sun Sign, it could be their Rising or Moon. There appears to be a separation at some point from this individual. Or you have to work through a current connection in order to get to this other person. Ending the ties to the connection, or healing from the connection in order to move forward with this other individual. Even if you’re in each other’s lives currently, you cannot fully move forward. There is this energy of “blocking movement”. Situations and Patterns from the past need to be worked through thoroughly.

Pisces- What exactly is the weight of your influence on others, especially your friends? Are you the one that they turn to for answers? Do they hold you above the rest? You’re weighing in on this yourself. Maybe even testing the waters at times to see their reactions. You want to set things right. Where you see injustice, you want to correct this. Some of these injustices may even of come from you unto others. These characteristics of yourself you haven’t truly faced before. You may have thought about them for a few moments, here and there, but quickly disregarded changing of your ways. You want to show your compassionate side and will be very open towards cooperating with your closest circle. You also plan to expand who you know as well. Who you may include and socialize with in a more consistent manner. Who you choose to include will be based upon your main goal at this time. Those that you can work along side in order to accomplish your final destination. You will want their thoughts on a certain matter before you proceed. It’s not about them molding to your whims, but more so about them giving you a new perspective. If you currently feel as though you don’t belong to any specific group, you will take this time to find the one suited for you. As you evolve, you will transform and merge to those that are meant more for you. Just sticking to the same group of people (for decades… forever) does not allow you to fully abandon the traits that you need to leave behind. You’re growing out of one skin and developing a new one. Don’t stunt your growth.

Your Cartomancy: 2 Diamond/ 10 Diamond/ Ace Diamond/ 4 Spade/ 6 Hearts– I feel as though your reading is centered around finances, deals and beginning something very stable that you can trust. You have this New opportunity coming in with the Ace. You’re trying to figure out what to do with it or what to do about it. For a while, you may juggle with what you have currently and what you want to begin. Weighing pros and cons. I’m hearing, “A Matter of the Heart”. So, this is something that you really want to aim for attached to a sense of Longing for it. I’m seeing a distance… so you could be traveling for this or whatever it is isn’t currently in the state that you reside. For some of you, the destination is in a different country. Waiting on money in order to move forward. Waiting on money to move. There is a type of Bidding process that I am seeing. Purchasing of a home. With the 10 and Ace, it’s yours. Whatever you’re trying to “win” or go after, you’ll get. Putting your best face forward and beating the competition. With the 4 spade here, it seems to throw everything off balance. There is this Nagging sense that something is missing. It’s as though you will have all that you desire, but not be completely satisfied. Some of you are missing someone from the past– could be an old friend, a parental figure that passed away, an ex…. It’s as though you want to share this good news with them, but either feel that you can’t or if they have passed then you can’t at all. There is this scene I’m seeing where you’ve finally reached a goal and you’re very proud, “Look what I’ve done!!”, you turn around and no one is there. You want to share this amazing finale with someone and for them to either Pat you on the back, show that they are proud, congratulate you…. But there’s just crickets. If it is someone that has passed away trust me when I say that they CAN see what you have/will accomplish. If it is someone that is still alive, reach out to them. You never know what will happen unless you try.

Have an Amazing New Moon in Capricorn and Happy Holidays!

Time to Welcome in A NEW DECADE!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell