Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo- December 2019 Reading.

Welcome to December, Earth Signs! This reading is for Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo. This is a general Reading. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You may venture to to find out your ASC and Moon.

As I was shuffling the Lenormand cards for you I heard the song, “Dream a little Dream of me”. The main theme for you at this time is about Building bridges between yourself and another; For a lot of you, this “other” is a woman or Feminine sign (Water and Earth). If it isn’t about a person then this could be about yourself and a vision that you want to make a reality as well. I feel as though there is either a lot of stress or nervous/restless energy when it comes to this. It has most likely been eating away at you under the surface for some time now. We have confusion and doubt. I’m seeing a meeting taking place to stabilize the foundation. Either to secure what you are about to begin and build or between you and this other. You don’t want the situation up in the air anymore. I’m seeing a lo of communication when it comes to this. There could be many people you’re talking to about this. They are giving their own view points and opinions as to what they would do or how they would feel. There are texts, emails and calls about this situation going back and forth. I’m seeing a major change and an improvement. I feel like some of you are thinking about literally moving to a different location. A different country possibly. Back home. Especially, if you have moved away from your country of origin. Some of you are thinking about either moving in with this woman or near this woman. You know that you will be taking a chance when it comes to changing your life, as I see you completely cutting out something that has been stable. So, even if you haven’t been in communication with someone, that would be a stable situation that will be changed by going forth and speaking to them.


I’m seeing that you guys have been in a “no-win” situation. This could most likely be what you’re trying to stop or cut out of your life. You don’t want to be involved in this negative situation any longer. It’s like you’re asking yourself, ” What am I fighting for?? What am I holding onto?” I’m feeling as though there is a grudge for some of you that you want to let go of. It has become absolutely pointless, and you may have even viewed this as ridiculous. You don’t have time for that!! 🙂 Not today, Satan! I’m seeing you currently trying to make your way out (whatever that means for you) at this time, but there are obstacles and delays to this happening. I feel as though the conversation that you need to have will help to move this along. You may not want to have this conversation because you know that you will basically be touching base with something that could end up causing more issues. It’s because you’re very disappointed and now you have to relay this to the other. You don’t know how they will react. But what you do know is that you want to get out of this mental and emotional state of being that has been slowly dragging you down. You feel as though you won’t get cooperation from them, that things will blow up in your face, or it will become worse instead of better. So, you have kept your thoughts to yourself.

You’re showing yourself as someone that is grounded and dedicated. Who protects all that they have achieved and accumulated over time. You’re in a high position of authority. This could be in your career or in your family life. You’re the one that does all they can for those around you. You’re not being portrayed in a negative light at all. So, if you felt at times that other’s saw you that way, the answer is Not at all! They see who you really are and what you’re trying to do with the time you have. You are trustworthy and someone that they can rely on. For a small portion of you, other’s see you as a person who can help them out financially. You’re coming off as well organized, productive, and disciplined. Some people think you live a very wealthy lifestyle. Even if you don’t, this is what they think based upon what is shown to them or told to them. Looking at this woman’s face, I have a feeling of worry. This is what is happening underneath the surface. You may be showing all of the good in your life, but not really speaking about what is actually taking place. Think of a strong looking pillar…. You go to lean on this pillar and it breaks and crumbles with barely any pressure. Some of you are at your “breaking point”. How long can I do this for? How long can I keep this up?

For a small portion of you, I am seeing that your location blocking your desires and goals. This could be where you’re living or your place of business. Then I am feeling that you may be of two minds when it comes to what you want to bring out to the world, or go after. This gives a seesaw effect… I feel as though I am bouncing back and forth. I also feel as though you’re dealing with constant distractions and obstacles to your goals. Too much to deal with at one time. This would make it very hard to stay on point and on track. You’re trying to direct your life in a positive direction but something keeps pulling you back, down, away from your focus or/and your goal. Some of you are scattered. I feel as though there is another in the mix somehow, and they could be causing you to question what it is that you want. They may keep asking you why you would want that. Most likely they are against it. You know this and you may feel it, even if they don’t show it. So, then you second guess yourself. I’m hearing that some of you don’t have a car to get to where you want to be or need to go. And it is this lack of transportation that causes issues in your life. Other’s have a hard time staying motivated; it could be that what they want is taking too long. Just keep going if this is you. I was going to add, “Unless you’re aiming for the impossible.” but I feel as though that is what someone keeps telling you…. That what you’re trying to achieve is impossible and to give up. Don’t Listen! Keep on path!

What you need to do is to make a decision and stick with it. I laughed when I turned this card over because as I was channeling the previous card – Being of two minds – that is not something I would normally get with the card of the chariot. But this card is the Lovers and yes, that is of “Two minds”, as it relates to the sign of Gemini. I keep all of my cards facing down, until I turn one around to channel the position. They end up relating to each other anyway, and most of the time, what I have already channeled is the message of the next. I digress, This is a decision based upon what your heart wants verses what you’re mind is telling you that you should do. Sometimes, you have someone come along that can help you to figure this out, but it is really down to you. This card always tells me that the choice must be made when it comes to how you feel and not what you think. If you do what your mind tells you to do or what is “expected of you” or what is “Morally correct”, then you could end up regretting the choice that you made in the future. If you’re dealing with another person, you may deeply love them and that is why this is so hard. You may have to try to see their point of view and work together– cooperate– to get things back on track. Or if you have already tried and they acted like they couldn’t care less, you may have to make the decision to let them go with no grudges being held against them. There is again! It’s better to let someone go and to wish them well, then to constantly be thinking negatively about them, and you know this. That negative feeling will eat away at your soul on a daily basis and cause you to become an angry and bitter person. You truly don’t want to live that way. The answer here is to listen to what your heart wants. Even if it’s not another person, you really want something to go well for you!

In the next card for what you can learn, I am seeing someone coming out a state of denial or a state of apathy. You may have pushed opportunities away, people away, because you were stuck inside of yourself, stuck within your problems. You just could not get up out of them. It’s like you’re stuck in the mud and you’ve attempted to try on multiple occasions just to have the mud suck you back down again. This is like quick sand or being stuck in a whole and having rocks falling upon you. It’s the energy I’m getting. It’s suffocating and frustrating. This has also had you take breaks and possibly give up for a period of time. It’s like “what’s the point?!? It’s not going to go my way obviously!” I’m hearing that there is someone calling to you trying to get you out of this rut. For a lot of you, it is actually a guide or a loved one that has passed over. If you’re not sensitive to this, you most likely don’t even realize. I’m getting an energy of this person as though they have taken over command of you. They seem a bit dominating, but they love and care about you. It is not a person that wants to rule your life. They have watched you in your times of despair one too many times. They are trying to snap you back to the reality that you are in control of what is happening in your life and that you must take back the reigns.

You have the card of long term progress in this position. Earth Signs are used to this energy. It doesn’t mean you like this energy, but this is actually how you build your success— Over a period of time. Other Signs are more likely to give up too soon before the magic happens. You’re more of a patient Elemental. Security means everything to you. You’re the type that has a 2,5,10 year plan in place. Because of this fact, when things seemingly fall apart, you get very irritated when you must begin again. You’re very meticulous about how you go about gaining what you desire. You try to make your outcome look exactly like you have planned or imagined— to a T. So when a metaphorical wrench gets thrown in your plans that you haven’t even thought about, you buckle down immediately. You usually only allow yourself a brief period of time to complain about a situation, but this particular issue REALLY got to you for a long time. It got to the point of being shown all over your face. It even has effected your health. So, what to do now? You’re about to get up out of this rut and move forward, possibly with a whole new plan. This time, you’re going to imagine scenarios where these “wrenches” will be thrown in and what you will do about it when it happens, IF it happens.

Your outcome— THE EMPEROR. Need I say more?? I will for those that don’t know the cards. 😉 You, my Dears, are about to take control of your life. Your mental state will become focused. Your emotions will become stable. You will devise a plan, delegate certain tasks to other people (if other people are involved in your plan), You will get everything in order and begin to create exactly what you want. Your confidence level will become so strong and embedded in you and carry such a drive that motivates you long term (which is exactly what you need) to get things done. What comes to you will be the upmost respect, success and prosperity that you desire.

Spirit Animal:

Capricorn- Lamb/Gazelle– This lamb is so precious!! So soft and sweet to those around them. It also looks non threatening… at least until you make it angry. I feel like this lamb is sitting here patiently looking as sweet as possible to get what they want. It’s like the kid that looks really cute, or someone who utilizes their looks in order to achieve something from others. I’m not feeling negative manipulation with this though. Some of you may not even realize that you’re putting out this sweet energy, you could be lost in your own world and someone takes notice from afar and admires you…. Wanting to give to you. Wanting to help you. There is something they see in you. You’re like No other! The Gazelle carries the energy of patience as well, remaining on high alert. I’m seeing the Doppler radar… There is a “scanning” or a “monitoring” going on of the location around you. Either you are scanning the location for some reason, or someone else is scanning your location. If it is someone else, most of you have a feeling that they are doing this and you are watching and possibly waiting for them. The Lamb comes with the keywords: Peaceful, Prophetic, Patient. “The Lamb is the bearer of an important message. Its contents can only be heard when a deep level of quiet has been established.” You may hear strange noises or clicks on your phone. Someone could be listening in on your phone calls, if that’s the case. I’m not trying to freak you out. This has actually been done to me many years ago. Notice any signs or patterns going on around you— 5 Vans parked on the street in a row. People riding around on motorbikes all of a sudden on the same path each time. There is a big difference on what not to pay attention to and what to pay attention to. Just pay attention to when patterns change. If it seems out of the ordinary and doesn’t make sense, pay attention to that. This is defintely not for all of you Capricorns, this is just the message I am being given to tell. Continuing on… You will be given guidance , honest guidance, to follow. Either from an old friend, a small child (definitely if they say something that seems out of the ordinary for them… it’s a message to you), or even a stranger may walk up to you and relay a message. This is so crazy… I can see someone walking up to you and cupping their hand over their mouth whispering, “You’re being watched.” then walking away. With you being the Lamb, it’s like they think they have power over you…. And remember I said you look non threatening until you’re angry… they actually better watch themselves. Their about to see the Incredible hulk. Lol “Really? I’ll show you what’s up!!” Rolling up your sleeves, taking NO prisoners! For the rest of you, I feel like someone in your environment, at your job, wants to mess with you. They think they can. They are dead wrong. They keep trying to catch you mess up somehow so that you will either be reprimanded or fired. So that you will look bad. They could be jealous of your standing and title. This is getting long… The Gazelle comes with the Keywords: Heightened Awareness & Ability, Vunerable. Yeah, they think you’re vunerable when you’re actually extremely strong. The Gazelle moves with supreme grace and has this awe-inspiring beauty. This is speaking about you becoming hyper-aware of your surroundings and with what is going on. Being this way ” can inhibit you from enjoying the beauty you’ve spent so much effort cultivating. No more worrying about all those predators out there in the wild…” This card tells you to get back to the present moment, sit down, find your breath and acknowledge what surrounds you.

Taurus-Phoenix/Hyena- What I am getting with these two is that as you are rising in life, you’re making other’s Jelly. That stinks for them, doesn’t it?? Because they should be focused on themselves and their own achievements. Some of you could be “Rising” to prove something to other’s. The people who thought you couldn’t make it, or do what you’re doing now. You’re making them eat dirt at this point. Some of them don’t like that. Other’s gave up caring and moved onto their next victim. You’re shedding an old skin, old habit, old behavior pattern that locked you into place for far too long. You are branching out, reaching out and doing whatever needs to be done to achieve a goal of yours. You don’t want what you’ve had and you’re turning to something new. This may shock other’s so be prepared. I’m sure you guys are used to that, when you finally change up what you’re doing since Taurus normally doesn’t “Do” change too much. You’re normally pretty set in your ways. But you’re tired of even your own ways. It’s as though you want to become someone else. You’ll still keep yourself of course, but you want to become what you have envisioned either currently or at some point in life (when you didn’t have the guts to do it) you’re bringing this back and making it a reality. I’m hearing “Reality Show”…. So, some of you could be discussing going on one. It’s as though you no longer care how you’re seen by the public. This is HUGE for you. You’ve always cared about your appearance and how you come across to others, and now you will be like “THIS is actually who I am! Take it or leave it! I refuse to stay where I was (mentally, emotionally, physically)”… You want to get out of a deluded type of energy that you’ve been living under. You weren’t deluding yourself, you were hindering yourself. You may have been deluding other’s. The Phoenix comes with the keywords: Freedom from Suffering & Past Karma, Reincarnation. The Phoenix is a part of the Spirit and not of an Element. So, this is pure spiritual growth that you are going through. “The Phoenix represents the transformation of your past. it doesn’t mean running from it or denying it. The essence of the Phoenix is with you when you realize you have been suffering too long and something must change. You must take a stand and decide to live consciously instead of being driven by the unconscious mind and it’s long list of fears and aversions. When you make the decision to change the “stuck-ness” and “dead weight” falls into the Ashes as lightness and clarity emerge.” I really don’t feel the need to speak more about the Hyena, because those people do not matter anymore. 😉 All that matters is YOU and what YOU decide.

Virgo- Nightingale/Zebra- I feel as though this Nightingale for you sings a song of a pleading type of energy. There could be sadness for some of you, but not all. You really long for someone or for something to happen. It is like you are sending out signals to the universe or God, whoever you want to think of, to come and help you. I’m Hearing, “What about me?? Was I forgotten?? What about all I have done??” You haven’t been forgotten at all, you’re actually being watched or discussed (not in a creepy way) for a future plan that either someone has for you, or the Universe itself has a Big Surprise for you in store. The Nightingale appears to be so tiny to the whole plan, but will play a large part in what comes about. You’re the Nightingale and your role is extremely important. The Zebra appears to be Camouflaged, so that they cannot be easily picked out of a crowd. This is symbolic for the individual analyzing you and you having no idea that they are doing this. This is also symbolic for the fact that you will be the glue that holds whatever this is together in the future. Without YOU, This would have never come about or become successful. So your role is integral and you need to know this. If you ever feel like you’re taken for granted or not given the praise that you deserve know that you’re looked up to and admired by many (this could even be by your own children). A lot of times when we’re not praised by other’s its because they feel that we’ve heard it enough and don’t need to hear it anymore. People see you differently from how you see yourself. You may see your flaws, cracks and failures, but all they see is your devotion, your skills, your abilities, your amazing gifts that you have to offer. You’re like superman to them. The untouchable. The Nightingale comes with the keywords: Fearless voice, Speech, Communication, or song. This card speaks about opening the bridge between (are you ready for it??) the heart and the voice. Speak what you’re feeling. Say what you need to say. Even if you decide to write about it, you must get it out. The Zebra comes with the keywords: Eccentric, Creative, Visionary. You sure are a Visionary!! When you speak, you have the ability to open the minds of other’s. So why hold in all of your ideas, no matter how odd they may seem? Tell people about them. Get this project going!! Or write that book! Whatever it is that you are holding back, you need to now release it. Some of you may be required to pack your bags. Hopefully, it’s not because you’re seen as too strange to be around. Lol Do Virgo’s hide their “strange” side? Why? Let that shit OUT! The Strangest ideas have been shunned many times before being given a chance and then once that chance is given it becomes a huge success almost overnight.

Black Moon Oracle- Earth Element/ Grand Cross- You guys received a card of your own element which carries the word of Stability. Being within your own element, you will feel at home with who you are in order to make these much needed changes in your life. Being in your own element gives you the confidence and courage to grow towards a much more stable path. You have the Grand Cross energy behind you which motivates you for movement and change in your life. This change could be quite the dramatic one for some of you. There is an area of tension and restriction in your life that you are breaking out of. You’re life is at a turning point. You have two different pathways before you, and you are “standing” there trying to choose which path to take. Both may seem intriguing or on the other hand they both may seem daunting, but it’s up to you to choose. You can no longer stay where you’re at. You must move forward with one of the paths. This is the only way to a renewal in your life. Some of you may be dealing with a crisis and you are forced to choose. Please still take the time, to think it through, prior to deciding. Take note of how you are communicating with others. Make sure you’re giving all of the details and not purposely leaving them out. If involved in a relationship (meaning, your situation deals with one) then it is a fated relationship. You feel as though you cannot let go because of this. This indicates sacrifice and compromise within this relationship. You will be challenged by this other person. But if you don’t stick it out and try to make it work, you may regret it. Now, let me just add— if you are abused by this individual– GET OUT. There’s nothing to decide upon with that. No one deserves to be treated that way. And believe me when I say that you WILL find someone else who will love you like you deserve to be loved. Don’t ever think that you won’t find it or that real love won’t find you. If you’ve been told repeatedly that you won’t find “Someone like them” GOOD, you don’t want to find a duplicate abuser anyway. Just tell them, “Be Gone, Peasant!!” and go on your merry way. I know it’s not that easy if that’s what you’re dealing with. Try to find a Co-dependents meeting. That will be helpful. XOXO Know that you’ll all become more focused and determined with each step you take. You’re headed towards long lasting success.

Oracle of Visions- 21/11– First off, the number 11 tells me about being the on the correct path in life no matter what the circumstances are. So, you are meant to make this life changing decision. In the card of 21, she is gambling. You will find all of the superstitious symbolism within this card. She is taking a risk, taking a chance… even if that Black cat walks across her path and she immediately thinks “Bad Luck”, she’s going for it anyway. Black Cats are actually Good Luck by the way. Universal mindfucks left and right around you since birth. I don’t gamble, so to me the number 7 is about Spiritual challenges and growth. You will see three 7’s on the slot machine. This luck of the draw that you may feel nervous to move forward with is in actuality your prize waiting in disguise. I’m not telling ANY of you to go to the Casino’s, so don’t. What you want to gamble on, take a risk on, go after— do it. What appears to be scary is being so on purpose to trick you into staying put. You don’t want to stay put, you don’t appreciate being scared… so whatever this is needs to get out of your way. It could be your own mind messing with you.

With card 11, This reminds me of a peaceful existence. You have the yin and yang, the light and dark… together flowing easily. This is where you want to get your mind and your emotions in check. This is the only way you will be “at home” with making your choice. Spend time in meditation or listening to soothing music. I will Leave you with yet another song that came to me for you….

I hope you all have an Amazing December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

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