Cancer, Pisces & Scorpio- December 2019 Tarot/Oracle Reading. Gaining Momentum.

Welcome to December, Water Signs! Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. Here is your general reading. Be sure to catch your Rising and Moon Readings as well. You can head to to figure out your ASC and Moon signs if you do not know yours.

The Lenormand shows a decision and a risk for you coming up; Backed by A new Beginning. I feel as though some of you are really getting down to the core of a specific tradition/ way of living/ something very important to your family or those that you surround yourself with. It could even be a work enviornment, if you’re a workaholic or your main focus is on your career. For other’s your main concern is a health issue that has been ongoing. I’m seeing you analyzing, researching and scrutinizing whatever this is. Your solution will be revealed if not found within a two time period- 2 weeks to 2 months. I’m feeling as though your main number is 2… with the clover, the crossroads, card 39 of “Dice”, as well as the Garden card (Bottom Right). With this knowledge… you’re going back and forth on what you want to do, pros and cons, deciding upon two people, places, scenarios. Should I do this or should I do that? I get a feeling that you’re inching forward… making some progress in one direction and then you stop. You could go backwards a bit as well. You know that once this decision is made it will be permanent. Or at the least that is your main goal. This is extremely important to you and you want to feel secure and certain. I’m seeing a meeting taking place with another to finalize the deal.

The Tarot shows that You’re Coming into December as someone who may have an issue when it comes to trust. Feeling cut off in some way. Either from a person, a decision or a group of people. You may be distancing yourself emotionally. Becoming unsympathetic and having zero tolerance for anything “less than” what you want and desire. Some of you may not be getting your way and this is causing you to become bitter. You want a new beginning and it is not happening. It could be delayed for some of you. But for other’s it seems to be taking a long time; and so you think it will never happen for you. I feel this energy of you getting your hopes up repeatedly just for them to be dashed. This new beginning is physical…. Money, Opportunity, any kind of solid foundation that can be built upon and last into the future. Again, there is this ability to trust surrounding this issue. You want to be certain of it’s security and value before proceeding. Some of you are Sick and tired of how you’re life is currently, and this may not be brought on by other people, but instead your current circumstances. You want change, and you want things to change NOW.

Other’s see you as someone on the verge of beginning something… a new life, a new job, a new relationship. But it is as though you are putting it off for the moment. I get this feeling like someone wants to push you because they are becoming impatient and frustrated. They may see you as someone who is ungrounded in some way, or one who cannot be counted upon. For most of you, they are wrong, not seeing you clearly. They aren’t inside of your head, after all. They don’t realize all of your minds work that you’ve been doing. Most of you haven’t been sharing what you’re contemplating and trying to figure out. If you’re not putting this new opportunity off, then it’s either timing that isn’t right or you haven’t found the opportunity just yet…. You’re still trying to “feel your way” for the right one. Or for the timing to feel right.

What could be blocking or delaying this new beginning is your wishful thinking. I feel as though some of you are looking ahead way too far into the future. Spending an enormous amount of time … “I’m going to have this and I’m going to have that. I’m going to feel this way about that.” You are basically thinking about all of your dreams coming true. But you’re not taking much action towards making them happen. Some of you “want your cake and eat it too”. Wanting some things that you just cannot simply have. Especially, if others are involved.

I’m being told that one way that is required of you in order to get over this is to “Get real”. My guides are very blunt. You must stop all of the daydreaming, wishful thinking, cut it out and become focused on a goal that can become a reality… you also need to take action at this time and to communicate your desires. Some of you may need to do this very quickly, cutting things out that are not needed or that can’t possibly be relied upon. This could be a person or group of people for some of you. There may be a sense of feeling uncomfortable and this could be why you are holding back. There could be seething resentment that you are holding back or holding onto. You have to become as diplomatic as possible. Rushing forth to tackle problems. Make sure to have all of the information first before communicating. You don’t want to “put your foot in your mouth”.

What is required of you internally, is for you to overcome boundaries. I don’t know why I am being told that. Maybe you do. Some of you lack the courage to forge ahead. Other’s can’t help themselves, and become dominating at times when they fear as though they won’t get what they want. This is about persevering over the long term, gaining a Great Will during such a trying time in order to get what you desire. Patience… build more of it. For a lot of you, what you want isn’t easy to get. At times, you may give up and think about whether you should just drop it and walk away for good. Just a bit longer…. Just a bit longer… goes your thoughts. How much more can you possibly take? Plenty, actually. You’ve become stronger than you realize over a period of time. All through this frustration, anger, possible sadness, of not getting your way… You’ve been growing and changing inside. This leads you to becoming much more confident as an individual, not being so stuck in an Ego driven state.

The World has a message for you; the message tells you that you can overcome this. You’re watching time go on, days, weeks, months, possibly years pass by, and you’re in a comparison mode. What you need to realize and acknowledge is that all of the decisions that you have made up to this point are actually putting you on the path that you’re meant to take. No matter how confused or conflicted you may have been. Completion of your goals are just around the corner. You’re in a mode of preparation heading towards a final conclusion.

Your outcome shows you as being Victorious. Because of all the work you’ve put in yourself, this will be a very proud moment for you! Stand tall, even if other’s have negative things to say or gossip to spread, just focus on yourself and your accomplishments. There will always be haters… and the Haters actually need to hold up their own mirror. Let them drop away like withering flies as you celebrate your success! I do get this feeling that you’re being led into an “unknown” of some type. Mostly, by a guide of yours. Only a small few are being led by an actual person around you. If it’s a person, be mindful of what they say and do. I get a feeling that they have their own plans in the long run. ( Manipulative behavior)

Adds to 33; which is a master number involving teaching, 6 is the lovers- A major lesson involving choice- 6 harmonizing and Balancing, with the Page is a total of 7- A message foretelling that you will have the opportunity to solidify something, but it will take going through a bit of an obstacle course to get to your goal. The 7 relates to the Chariot, but is also a very spiritual number- Wisdom earned through experiences.

[̲̅Y][̲̅o][̲̅u][̲̅r] [̲̅S][̲̅p][̲̅i][̲̅r][̲̅i][̲̅t] [̲̅A][̲̅n][̲̅i][̲̅m][̲̅a][̲̅l]

Cancer- Camel/Octopus

The first thing I think about when it comes to a camel is how they fill up with food and water to last months. It’s about preparation. Most of you are “saving up/ stocking up” in some way for the future. Some of you may feel as though hard times are coming. Winter is definitely coming for those in the northern hemisphere, but there is something you are prepping for…. Getting ready for… A goal you’re working towards. The octopus appears to be grappling at something, attempting to take anything and everything it can. This kind of carries the same energy as the camel. With the Octopus comes the keywords: Reaching, Yearning, Lacking boundries and direction. You feel the need to “secure” something for the future. This could derive from an internal feeling of uncertainty, or externally, you’re watching something in your life changing over a period of time, and you feel the need to establish a permanent state of safety. I do feel as though you’re doing this is a calm manner, what’s going on underneath the surface could tell a different tale.

Pisces- Cosmic egg/ Wolf

This feels as though you are transforming into who you really are. Bringing out a side of yourself that you may have kept hidden within this cosmic egg. There is this Primal and protective side to you. Some of you are literally protecting this “Egg” or what is inside of it. Protecting your creation. When it comes to the Cosmic Egg, it brings with it a sense of harmony and completion. It relates to the World card in the Tarot to me. This speaks about a great unfolding within your life at this time. It is extremely transformative. It also causes you to transform as well along with it. At times, you may feel disconnected with those around you as you navigate your way. You may find yourself wanting to change certain habits of yours that relates to judgmental characteristics brought on upon by Generations. The Wolf is the Guardian of the Family & Tribe. How will you choose to rule?

Scorpio- Vulture/ Otter

The Vulture Sees the whole picture, as the Otter just sees what rests on the ground. The Otter is very grounded themselves. I feel as though the Vulture does the “dirty work”, as the Otter builds the foundations. You may be doing the “dirty work” currently to be able to begin putting down your own foundations. There is a goal you are working towards. I’m hearing, “Gathering nuts”. So, this is just the beginning phases that you’re in. If you’re working together with another then one of you is the Vulture, while the other is the otter. I definitely feel like you’re “building up to something”. You could be just “up to no good”… 😉 jk, or am I? I do truly feel as though that once you see the bigger picture things will become more clear in order to progress forward with your plan.

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Three Things Cannot Be Long Hidden:

The Sun, The Moon, And The Truth

 Lunar Eclipse/ Sagittarius- We just had the New moon in Sagittarius on the 28th of November, and since the Lunar Eclipse brings in Change — This is the message. It repeats itself below in the Oracle of Visions. I plan to focus more on Astrology next year, but will still pull tarot at times. I digress, This New Moon Energy brought in the Inspiration needed to make a much needed change.  It ignited a New direction in your life. Sagittarius belongs to the element of Fire and we’re currently in Sagittarius Season. Many of your fellow Sagittarians’ are celebrating their birthdays. So, the timeline for what you’re going through is NOW. During this time you are being lured to speak your truth on a matter. Don’t be surprised if what you say appears to shock others. They may not be used to such bluntness coming from you. Or they won’t be familiar with your thoughts and feelings on a particular subject. It will seem like it comes out of the blue to them. I feel as though you’ve been holding onto a secret for a while and now you can no longer hold this inside and must get it out regardless of the consequences. You may feel extremely restless until you take action. Even upon taking action you could feel restless about the time it takes to get things moving further along after the revelation. Give this a timeline of 6 weeks.

Oracle of Visions

Oracle of Visions: 18/5— Both of these say to me “New Beginning”… We have a Birth and Change/Movement. This could be literal for some of you. 🙂 It’s about damn time, right?! The first card represents a nurturing aspect. Either you are nurturing a new creation or you’re being nurtured by another. This is a desire to protect and to provide a sense of direction. There is an energy of personal growth surrounding this. Here we have Preparation, Being Informed, as well as seeking advice. This leads the Water signs to Change and movement. I love that this card is the Number 5- five is about Change and freedom, but it also comes with a challenge to this change. When it comes to the number 5, I have noticed that the challenge mostly deals with other people in your life. It could be that they are purposely throwing obstacles in your path due to being in disagreement with what you’re trying to accomplish. It could also be due to how a specific group lives via morals, traditions, as well as what they choose to sacrifice. This doesn’t sit well with you. It is not who you truly are. You want to set yourself apart from this and live by your own rules; make your own traditions. The Number 5 card speaks about taking the next step; of taking a leap of faith. So, here we have the gamble and the risk factor. I will leave you with this quote:

Twenty years from now you will be more

disappointed by the things you didn’t do

than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe

harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

-H. Jackson Brown

May you all have a Wonderful December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

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  1. Your reading definitely resonated with me. I am a Pisces. I especially found the part about spirit animals interesting. In native american culture the Wolf is the totem for Pisces. Also when I did my first animal guide meditation I saw a wolf. I feel like the wolf has always been with me. Everything you said in this section rings true. I am going through a lot of transition in my life right now and huge spiritual growth. I am just beginning to own my gifts and openly share them. Thank you for your wise insights! ❤ Light & Love

    1. About a year ago when I went to channel with a main guide of mine she motioned for me to sit in an outside theater. What came on the screen was a pre-recorded message for me from a friend of mine who is a Pisces. About two minutes in, their face began to transform into that of a wolf. They became frustrated that it happened repeatedly while they were attempting to tell me important information. They then said, in an irritated tone, as they were halfway transformed, “I can’t be two people at once!!” It wouldn’t stop happening. I became very annoyed as well and shut the channeling down. The Moon card in Tarot has wolves to pass before continuing on the road of the unknown. It’s the card of Pisces. These wolves guard the pillars of the high priestess who holds sacred information. Very Strong and Protective energy. I wish you well on your own journey. 🌹🖤

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