Aquarius, Gemini & Libra- Air Elemental Reading for December 2019.

Welcome to December, Air Signs! This reading is for Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. This is a general Reading. Be sure to read your Rising and Moon Signs as well. You may venture to to find out your ASC and Moon.

With the Lenormand for the month of December, I am seeing Loyalty playing a huge part in your life. Close friendships or connections- Who is going to be there for you through thick and thin? Who has been there? Who can you possibly rely upon and trust? For other’s, this could be WHAT can you rely upon and trust in? But, I am definitely seeing a very loyal friend coming in this month. Someone who is dedicated and devoted to you. I’m seeing an important “lover” become more to you. This is someone who you’re either very attracted to at the moment or a person who you’re involved with…. I’m seeing things go to the next level. Other’s are stuck between two people. Stability or follow the lure of Attraction. I feel like some of you have this person at a distance. Or you have been blocked from them. You could have been “blocked” from making this connection Real. The Loyalty comes from the person that has been in your life for a long time. Then you have the new person that you feel curious to figure out. How would things end up with this person? They are an uncharted path, after all. I feel as though a decision will be made in two weeks time, or this may occur within two weeks. This is a Second chance to get things right, whatever that means for you personally.

When it comes to the Tarot, You’re coming into December transitioning through a phase where you’ve experienced betrayal, hardships and quite possibly rock bottom of a situation. Some of you have been through a depressive time period in your life. I get this feeling as though you’re looking back on everything (some of you will get to this point if you haven’t yet) and seeing it for all it truly was. You’re sifting through friendships, relationships and situations that you’ve gone through; quite literally picking it apart piece by piece. Coming to a sincerely Raw realization that you will transition from this and let it go.

“Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of ego, and then comes a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.”

-Eckhart Tolle

Other’s see you as someone willing to compromise and make sacrifices for the good of all. At times, it’s necessary to do this; but other times, it leaves you vulnerable to be taken advantage of. Put your foot down. I’m seeing you communicating about the future with someone. You’re attempting to lay down foundations and put plans into place. I feel as though there are 3 people involved. Two people may be discussing you before you become aware of what is headed towards you. They are communicating about what part you’ll play in their own plan. You are also discussing another individual with someone. So, in essence, you’re being discussed about while you’re discussing someone as well. You both could be talking about each other at the same time and not even know about it. Then again, How could you know unless you’re there. In this card, there is an individual who has their back turned away from the two people, focused on their work. They have no idea what is going on behind them. You’re being “Checked out”, monitored, watched, discussed. Your “hidden” potential is coming to the surface to be revealed and seen. You’re being noticed for what you can do or for who you truly are.

I’m feeling a lack of freedom blocking you. You could feel internally that you have to do something a specific way, be a specific way, and thus your progression seems to stop. This could be caused by procrastination or a fear of failure. Which in actuality, it is the fear of failing that causes the procrastination. I feel as though you just want to BE and DO, like a child feeling so much freedom to dream their biggest dream and truly feel as though they could be/accomplish anything on earth! Then you have the “negative ones” come in and say things like, “Are you nuts?? That can’t happen! You can’t do that! Get back to reality and grow up.” Growing up has nothing to do with this dream of yours. 😉 Communicate as openly as possible and allow yourself to be who you truly are. Be mindful as well as grounded. You can do a personal inventory periodically to help achieve and to keep things on a solid footing.

Be honest with yourself and with other’s at this time. I’m seeing you making the necessary changes in a sneaky manner. Circumstances are causing you to become slightly dishonest, secretive, or you may be “shortchanging” others. You are attempting to achieve something at all costs. Let me just state that most of you don’t want to be this way and usually you wouldn’t, but it’s the circumstances that surround you. Maybe, you have too much to complete within a certain time period, too many clients, too many errands, too much paperwork. I’m seeing a small portion of you accidentally leaving something behind somewhere of value, so be careful to check everything you came with prior to leaving. Try not to Zip through things to get it done quicker. Mistakes will be made and could be found out. Make sure to close out all tabs on your computer. Log out. Clear history. Watch out for theft around you.

I’m seeing that patience is definitely a virtue here in your situation. You may feel as though you’ve been waiting for a reward, money, acknowledgment, even a message to come back to you for a long period of time. You may feel as though it will never come and it will leave you very frustrated and impatient. Don’t “drop the ball” before it arrives, because what you’re waiting on is coming. 3 weeks- 3 months, depending upon what it is. You’re tapping your foot, shaking your leg, shifting your body, you’re waiting so long. You’re actually growing through this phase. Utilize this time and plan for your future, instead of tapping your fingers and “watching the clock”. Figure out how you can expand what you’re doing instead. If it’s to deal with a business, for example, possibly expand this business internationally. Reach out to other’s in a different country.

What comes next IS the expansion of your goals and wishes. It’s whatever you’re waiting on. The Star tells you to Think Big, To dream your biggest dream, and to fill your thoughts with Positivity for what you desire. That is what will help this to move along. Remember to stay as grounded as possible once your wish is achieved.

*Side note…. I feel as though some of you will have issues with your foot, knee or ankle that should be looked at and taken care of.

Spirit animal Oracle:

Aquarius- Fish/ Stingray

Both are of the Water element. You could be dealing with a Water sign this month (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio), Become more intuitive, more in touch with your own emotions– gaining control of them. Some of you may have Water as your ASC or Moon as well. What I am seeing with the Moon in the card of the Fish, is that the moon is waning. It’s moving in the direction of blackness instead of becoming Full. This is an excellent time to conduct a Banishing Ritual. Whoever and whatever you want to rid your life from. Fish can see in the dark/ through murky waters… knowing this you will begin to regain clarity into a situation, as well as be quite stealthy as you do this. I feel as though you are going on a search to figure something out, as well as an internal journey of your own. During this time your Chakra’s will become aligned. You will stand tall and proud, being enlightened, confident and strong. You’ll be able to “turn the page” of an issue. The Fish comes with the keywords: Restlessness, Change of Focus and Being Lost in the Current. You may be going through a period of being a nomad. They move from place to place with no care in the world of where they will end up nor of the consequences. It does not have to be literal. You could be jumping from one person to the next, not taking any of them seriously. You could be going from hobby to hobby trying out everything that peaks your interest. You will become fixated on one thing instantly as though it comes out of the blue. This is where I see as though your Chakra’s become aligned. Jolting you into position for your own goal, for your own mission. The Stingray comes with the Keywords: Developing Confidence, Sense of Self, Developing a “Spine”. Here comes your Backbone! No more being a Doormat for anyone!

Gemini- Hummingbird/Snake

I feel as though a lot of you are going in circles, being drawn back to something repeatedly. Or you could be “going in circles” in your head about a specific person or scenario… what to do? Should I? No, I shouldn’t, Maybe I should… Isn’t that always the story for the Gemini’s?? haha It’s as though you want to shake yourself and tell yourself to STOP ALREADY!! The Hummingbird is gentle and flutters excitedly. You may appear to be out of character lately to those around you. Going about your day in a randomized manner instead of a structured one. No one knows if you’re coming or going. They can’t seem to pin you down this way. I feel as though you long to get out of a box that you’ve been living in. You want things to change. You want to expand and broaden your horizons. You want to break free from your current circumstances — break free from your own mold. Now, I am wondering is this began back in March at some point. It was a seed planted in your mind at that time. Now you’re taking actions or will be on breaking free and figuring things out. The Hummingbird comes with the keywords of: Positive, Enthusiastic, Spiritually Resourceful. With this card, you’re on an exploration of your own. The Snake has forever spoken to me about Transformative behavior or circumstances. It’s also about Ancient wisdom. The Snake comes with the keywords of: Guardian of Unawakened Magic & Creative Potential. You’re attempting to reach your highest potential here.

Libra-Peacock/Spider –

The First thing that came to me was— Weaving a web of Desire and Attraction. Spiders transform their world’s with each piece of silk that they weave. Technically, they do this to catch prey. You have been doing this metaphorically in your own way over a period of time. You’re not catching “prey” so to speak, you’re catching whatever you desire. With each choice you make, each path you take, your own personal web forms. DNA. As I was writing the last sentence I heard the song, “I’ll be Watching you” by the Police. There is an indication of stalking here. Be careful. That’s not for all of you though. If it isn’t an individual, you could be watching something closely to see if and when it changes. Or you could be over analyzing something to the point of obsession. Let’s take this back to the beginning… I feel as though that you’ll be feeling pretty good about yourself and paying more attention to how you present yourself to other’s. A burst of energy has come back. People are noticing you more so or will be this month. It’s your energy — Such Positive and alluring energy that draw people to you. You’ll look good, feel amazing, and this will radiate outwards. It’s always at these times when not only positive energies are drawn to us, but Negative ones as well. This is when Haters come in, People will obsess over you, Drama begins… whatever you think of first, is what you’ll bring in. You have to protect your own energy field. The Peacock comes with the keywords: Inner Beauty, Compassion, Assimilator of Anything. This card speaks about inner beauty radiating outward. You’ll be able to digest any situation that you come across without it negatively effecting you. The Keywords for the Spider are: Creator of Prosperity through life’s work and Dharma. ” its greatest gift is weaving the thread of dharma into a vast intricate web that supports the spider both financially and spiritually.” Become process oriented rather than results oriented. Try not to become discouraged.

Saturn Return/ First House

Move Ahead With Confidence; You Are Rising.

The First house is the beginning. It represents WHO you are as an individual. Your Appearance, Your Personality, Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses. This is the Persona that you show to the world. It’s representative of your Ascendant Sign. You may have thought that your Sun Sign was the most important, but it is really your Ascendant that you should look to First, then your Sun. This is how people see you currently. When you are younger (Child to Young Adult) you mostly live by your Sun, But through trials and tribulations you merge to your Ascendant. That’s not to say that you’re nothing like your ascendant as you grow up, it is still there, underneath the surface; merging to the external from time to time. I feel as though you’re going back to something. You’re going back to the person you used to be a long time ago. The best parts of yourself; not the negative parts. The Saturn Return occurs every 29 years. Now, since I am not looking at your own personal chart, all I can say is that you may be reviewing the past two decades in your life. For some of you, You’re realizing that you want to make a specific goal or dream finally happen; You want to become more structured and responsible so that it has more of a chance to become real. Other’s are feeling as though their time in this life is nearing a close, and that they really need to just bite the bullet and go after what they want before they leave their physical bodies. It could be that you feel your Timing for something specific is almost up— For example, If you have never had a baby and you’re nearing 38-40-45, then you will feel pressured to get pregnant as soon as possible. I’m seeing an image of an hourglass.

You are now at a time when you understand things better than you did even a year ago. It is time to be brave and face this important passage. There are no quick fixes. Know what you can and cannot do. Take life in a measured way, much like this planet of time already does. Let go of your illusions for they do not serve you. You’re down to the brass tracks now— time to see what you’re made of.

-Susan Sheppard

37/52 Oracle of Visions

The First card always reminds me of us viewing all that we’ve been through. Flashes of those that have been in and out of our lives, experiences that we have gone through, Dreams that we have tried to achieve, Dreams we may have walked away from or felt as though it wasn’t time for. Now, when we pass on, our souls actually go through a viewing of our life. Our Souls judge ourselves. Did we achieve what we set out to achieve? Did we learn the lessons we wanted to learn? Did we make the best choices for us? Were we strong enough during the rough periods in our lives? This is kind of what you are doing. The first card comes with the keywords of: Relationships & Interaction with Others. For some of you, this is your main cause for concern and where you’re putting most of your focus on. For other’s this is just a small portion of what you are viewing and thinking about. The Second card speaks to me about taking charge in your life. It’s all on your own shoulders; only YOU are the ruler of your destiny. The card comes with the keywords of : Direction, Purpose, Objectives & Taking a First step. Which is what you are trying to do with the First House above. This card tells you to consider the reasons why, the options, the chosen direction and let your journey begin.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

-Henry David Thoreau

Have an Amazing December!!

Blessed Be to You and Yours!

RJ Worrell

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